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  • bwaarp
    Free Member

    Actually the care of geriatric patients outside of hospital to free up the wards has been repeatedly discussed.

    Guess who objected though?

    Free Member

    Also watch this whole saga backfire when staff are made liable to more criminal accusations/witch hunts when a patient dies – there will be a big blurring of the lines between deaths/injuries associated with normal risks and gross misconduct.

    And then the government will use the whole saga to privatize the NHS and the public will get an even shitter standard of care.

    Free Member

    4 years ago my wife was left in a corridor with no food or nappies for newborn premature twins, for 8 hours. At the time an NHS Dr, on here. said: “While i empathise with your situation, what do you expect the doctors to do.”

    Yeah and me and everyone in my family have had good service from Nurses, including the time I spent a week in a neuro ward. I’ll take that as evidence that the entire system is **** fine….just like some of you are citing personal experience as evidence….instead of using real evidence such as epidemiological or public health surveys.

    Bwaarp, unfortunately this report does not support your definitive conclusion about where the failure lies. It cast the blame widely and is not exclusively targeting the hospital or it’s management. That is exactly why the report is important. Then report highlights very clearly weaknesses across the whole structure hence the call for fundamental changes in the culture of the NHS.

    Bollocks, the way I read it – it was primarily a breakdown in leadership as per the tone of the press release.

    Free Member

    It wasn’t that long ago the head of the RCN was advocating relatives should help with feeding patients and take them to the toilet, some of the other coverage of his comments at the time was rather more damning. A key part of nursing is being with patients when they eat to ensure they are getting correct nutrition and spot problems.

    Managers may be part of the problem but so are many of the frontline staff who it seems to be taboo to criticise. We’ve had some good experiences with individual NHS staff but it’s not been the norm. Our son had a minor op on the NHS over Christmas which they subbed out to a private hodpital. The level of care and general courtesy from the staff was in a different league. It’s not treating medicine as a business that’s the issue, it’s insisting it is somehow special that’s lead to a culture of victimhood amongst many staff, terrible cost control and bad service. What the NHS does is very important to society but it doesn’t mean that it’s wrong to expect value for money (infact given what they’re doing it should be a moral obligation to do as much as possible with the money allocated) or that those employeed can treat those they serve with disdain and contempt. I know these comments will outrage some of you but until we can openly talk about some of the major cultural problems at all levels and especially with front line staff it’ll never be resolved. And I don’t have a lot of time for all the whinging about constant change and erosion of perceived benefits, deal with it or get out, it’s they same for nearly all employees in all sorts of sectors. At least in a private sector company if the employees lose the plot it eventually rebounds and the business goes under.

    In the private sector they go under because of poor standards of care? Puhleese, you should read about the horror stories in the USA.

    Once again, despite the fact we have one of the best performing healthcare systems in the world with plenty of evidence to support that….we have people who’d rather list their own individual issues with the NHS and state they are indicative of poor health system – when multiple studies categorically disagree.

    Free Member

    believe one of the best things for patients would be to get their relatives to aid in looking after them, rather than relying on the nursing staff entirely,(we do seem to absolve responsibility of the problem once the patient is admitted to hospital) If the relatives were around to do the basic caring, the nurses would be able to their jobs more effectively too.

    Brilliant way to increase MRSA infections or any other resistant diseases for that matter.

    Lets be clear about this, Stafford was a failure in management….as a general rule Nursing standards are very good in the UK.

    Free Member

    Not read all the subsequent but that aside I’d say you have a pretty watertight unfair dismissal case there as well, you just can’t do that without due process which involves warnings, witnesses and procedures as I know only too well from trying to fire folk.


    seems like you could potentially end this guys career. Eye for an eye? Those that are telling the truth tend to go on the offense when faced with accusations….so as they say, why go on the defense when the best form of defense is to attack? Hit him where it hurts.

    Free Member

    My friend just waffled something about defamation in a still semi-drunk stupor. Had friends round last night and he ended up passing out on the floor.

    Free Member

    On face value, the PMs actions are now probably into harrassment territory


    Just chilling out with a mate of mine who is in his final year of Law at Oxford University….he agreed with this. There’s all sorts of potential legal issues issues this could throw up but he’s pretty hung over at the minute.

    Although the OP’s initial post is a little disordered and hard to follow in places.

    Good luck anyway.

    Free Member

    Also Rossi finished 6th in 2012 compared to 4th at the end of Stoners Ducati career….hardly evidence for vastly superior ability is it?

    Free Member

    At first I was going to give a sensible reply….then I read a few answers like this

    Not something ill ever relate to and gut instinct was to reply with a ‘MTFU’ but ….. it probably is scary but kids aren’t the end of your life, there are worse things that could happen and although its not the adventure you originally had planned with your wife, it’s a different adventure that you will probably enjoy just as much. I’ve only ever met 1 or 2 people that regretted having their children an they have some other very serious issues. Talk to your wife, she’s probably bricking it as much as you.

    Quick, join the Foreign Legion whilst your still young enough.

    Free Member

    So all Stoner had to do was follow the GOAT round the twisty bits while he rode the sweetest handling motorcycle and then Stoner just needed to unleash the beast of a motor down the straight? It is an advantage the Ducati had that no one else managed to harness.

    Remember the season when Ducati lost the power advantage and Stoner had to start mixing it with Rossi, those races where he came off trying to battle him and then whinged that Rossi was to aggressive?

    Perhaps the difference in handling in the early 800cc seasons weren’t that great either as going to 800cc affected the weight distribution, coming something like 4th every season post 2004?

    However it is certain that once the Yamaha’s caught up Stoner could barely hang with them.

    Free Member

    Casey was the faster rider. The better one too. Comparative Ducati performances prove that.

    The only reason that Stoner won on the Ducati was because initially Ducati had an advantage when GP converted to 800cc. The Ducati engine made the jump very easily.

    The fact that he trailed off considerably before he jumped ships to Honda spoke volumes about the bike.

    Free Member

    Brain Cox’s smile creeps me out and makes me want to lamp him.

    Secondly, his softly spoken voice winds me up.

    Thirdly, I have to switch channel when he starts talking about Biology because his smiling coupled with the fact that he’s talking about my subject instead of physics makes me rage out.

    Fourthly, I think this is all down to the fact that he reminds me of my old best school mate….who turned out to be a wet fart with no sense of loyalty – who’s such a boy that he married a woman of 33 at the age of 23 because he likes being told what to do.

    But hey….

    Free Member

    yeah I ended up enjoying the Solaris remake.

    Free Member

    Just watched the remake of Total Recall – was expecting it to be rubbish, but I was pleasantly surprised. You wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of Kate Beckinsale

    That anorexic bird who can’t act would die if you so much as sneezed in her direction.

    I’ve never laughed so hard before at a ‘bad guy/girl’ in a film.

    Katee Sackhoffs ‘Starbuck’ is the best ‘tough girl’ act I’ve seen and she’s also the only actress I’ve properly fancied.

    Free Member

    I punched a midget once…. in self defence.

    Free Member

    Project’s hit the nail on the head, surprising how many firms go under due to poor and egotistical management yet the directors are there the following day with a new company set up just before the previous one went bust.


    Free Member

    1) If you want to build a stealth fighter, a canard design is just about the most idiotic way of going about it.

    2) It looks fake

    3) The weapons and avionics systems will be dogshit and engaging it will probably be like a turkey shoot for Israeli gen 4.5 vipers.

    4) The wing loading looks hilariously bad.

    5) Lastly it’s no good having stealth fighters if your airspace intelligence, communications, training and command structure are shite. If it ever kicked off these would be destroyed on the ground before they got 5 meters from their hardened hangers.

    Free Member

    What a witty riposte.
    Theres only one bellend here, and that’s you mate.

    You see, the problem with a lot of pongos is that whenever they disagree with someone….they resort to calling them bellends and/or brawling.

    Living up to the stereotype there wrecker.

    Free Member

    2nd hand Elise?

    Free Member

    It’s funny, because when you mentioned clearing land mines it seemed pretty important.

    But when it gets thrown back at you it’s “not the point”

    Your not doing very well are you ?

    Holy shit, did I say I was clearing landmines? The point was, why should he become venerated to some kind of saint/get a noble peace prize….when there are people in this world that do far better work – eg clear landmines.

    I mean aside from people pointing out the truth that you’re a self important clown with limited worth to the world, and hence should’t be casting aspersions about someone who is quite clearly giving quite a lot, by anyone’s metric.

    Biomedical you may be. Scientist clearly you are not, else you would come up with slightly more substantial arguments. Enjoy your career as burger-flipper (DNA extractor) in chief.

    A device is yet to be invented that will measure my indifference to your post zokes.

    Free Member

    check this sexy babe out

    Free Member

    Perhaps some of us find his obscene amount of wealth morally offensive?

    Free Member

    Still not seeing seeing pictures of billy big bollocks clearing mines.

    Just saying like.

    That’s not the point though is it, the point is why should I or others here who have been attacked give a **** about Beckham donating to charity when there are far more people in this world who do much better work for nothing.

    As I said….bunch of deferential clowns…..Beckham gave 1.5 million of the taxpayers money and 1.5 million of his own to charity…..omgz that’s soooooo amazing111111…..this is like totally for altruistic reasons….wot a heroz….

    Free Member

    How does Mother Theresa fit into this measure of charitable work, the self-promoting publicity whore that she was?

    The stupidity of this post had this song start playing in my head….

    Free Member

    In the meantime, like I said earlier, you could offer some menial skills while a Biomedical Scientist position comes up. It would show the works the type of standup guy you can be.

    I already do but not with msf, again thanks for your continued concern.

    Free Member

    Don’t worry I’ll be going somewhere hilariously tragic with MSF once I get the chance.

    Thanks for your concern though deadlydarcy.

    If he does manage to avoid tax, what it will effectively mean is that the French taxpayer will be footing 55 percent of that donation to charity so that Beckham can earn a nice wage off his sponsorship deals. Whilst you guys that are throwing insults around will be made to look like idiotic deferential aspirational voting fools.

    Free Member

    Argo just needed sympathy for the devil or gimme shelter to start belting out like in Flight….to be truly epic.

    But then again, I’m a Stones fanboi.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    My understanding, from being an expat (though in a different country) is that by his family living and being educated in the UK and taking no salary from PSG he will probably be domiciled from a tax perspective in the UK so won’t be bothered by the French tax rates. I guess he still owns IP on his personal brand which he will argue are not related to French employment and the money he gets from sponsorships etc, which won’t be taxed in France.
    From where I’m sitting it’s a great thing to do for all parties (owner, charity, Beckham, image of the sport) apart from the French taxman.

    Anyone care to comment?

    Free Member

    Beckham will earn a lot of money from merchandising at PSG, this would be taxed at 30 percent under French law.

    Do you not think that by giving the income that would have been taxed at 55 percent to charity, he will sell a lot more merchandise through publicity and wind up making more money than if he’d kept the money from PSG.

    Free Member

    WHY on gods earth would you come to Rutland…..Oakhams my hometown where I grew up!

    There’s nothing going on, the denizens of Rutland are like hobbits but more boring.

    The only things to do are a bit of windsurfing, **** sheep and shooting stuff with guns out in the fields. The only women there are either underage or worn out 30 something chavslags and the only place of any remote historical interest is Burghley and Stamford.

    It also has (I believe) the highest fertility rate in the UK, as there’s bugger all else to do but procreate.

    Free Member

    Of course money isn’t the answer to everything in charity. Maybe he doesn’t have the skillz for land mine clearing or bullet dodging. He’s a ball kicker. How do you reckon charities would get on if nobody made boutique donations and just turned up and did stuff instead. Perhaps you should ask the charity in question’s trustees whether they’d rather he gave them three million of came and did a bit of weekend feeding.

    Anyone can clear land mines if they have the bollocks for it. That’s besides the point.

    As I said in my last post, I don’t mind that he gave the money….I just don’t see what all the deference and veneration over it is about.

    Free Member

    So, because they’re not given enough exposure for doing good work (and I think we can probably agree that they’re not), he shouldn’t be given any?

    There really are some bitter, cynical buggers about.

    Maybe all those having a dig at Beckham might like to demonstrate the charitable work that they do, or charitable contributions that they make. And, by their own standards, explain why they don’t do more than they do, because they can probably afford the money and/or time.

    It’s a PR move – as others have said – why is he boasting about it to the national papers?

    Secondly most normal people that do charity work have to give up a lot more of their disposable income than Beckham.

    Thirdly I don’t really have to bother telling you this as it’s private but I signed up to get on a waiting list with MSF to work as a Biomedical Scientist in the field. Loads and loads and loads of people do charity work, I know some people who do a lot that are barely above the poverty line themselves.

    I’m not criticizing him for giving 3 million, I’m just saying I don’t give a **** about it/I’m not very moved by it. But hey, let’s all be deferential to the wonderfully altruistic celebrity.

    Free Member

    Very few of them have three mill to pass on.

    Money talks bro.

    Lots of them give more than 3 million in terms of effort, risk to their lives and on top of that also a higher % of their salary.

    Money isn’t everything when it comes to charity. Basically, I’ll read an article about Beckhams charitable work the day he starts clearing landmines in Kosovo or dodging bullets in a civil war ridden hell hole.

    For now, I won’t lift him to the high esteem I hold for many others that go unnoticed and don’t mind going unnoticed – who get on with their jobs quietly and do all the freaking hard work.

    Free Member

    Lots of people spend their entire career or even give their lives working for The Red Cross, Medicines Sans Frontiers, UNICEF, the United Nations etc.

    Most of these people will never be venerated for it, so I don’t see why Beckham should be.

    Free Member

    Hes probably analysing his hairline in the mirror whilst worrying that he isn’t great in bed and maybe pulling someone will make him feel virile again.

    Or he’ll start killing people to feel virile again, like you Hora. :mrgreen:

    20yrs ago I ended someone.


    It seems others here have always suspected it. 😛

    Free Member

    Nobel Peace Prize

    The day Beckham get’s a Nobel Peace Prize is the day I get incurable depression.

    Free Member

    Does your wife like threesomes?

    Free Member

    Some kids like this are open to being friendly. We used to have friendly rough shouty fighty chavs round my way – but others were…just psychopaths.

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