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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 13: Tailfin Bike Luggage Bundle
  • bwaarp
    Free Member

    Why the **** would I want to look like a Treky and why the **** would I want a smartphone interface in my vision 24/7?

    Spent my whole childhood being called four eyes, why would one want to go back to wearing glasses all day? Didn’t anyone tell good glasses are irritating.

    Free Member

    TBH Phillips humour reminds me of someone I used to hang out with at uni sometimes….Alex Partridge….the editor for uni lad

    Basically he’s a dick and if Phillip was younger and not of royal descent he’s read that magazine.

    Free Member

    The NHS has been looting the Philippines (and plenty of other developing countries) of nursing and medical staff for some years now.

    Long story short Filipinos are incredibly nice with a happy go lucky attitude towards life to the point that they tolerate a corrupt as **** government which discourages foreign investment.

    Consequently exporting skilled workers is one of their major industries and expat nurses end up sending a lot of their money back home.

    We get highly skilled foreign workers who we haven’t had to spend a dime on training and they get to boost their GDP. Win win. It does mean their health care system is pushed to the limit though.

    Free Member

    From experience, the women at Loughborough are mighty fine.

    This but the town itself is a shit hole. I’d go to Bath despite the Sport Science department at Loughborough being amazing. As long as the OP get’s a good 2:1 or a 1st his employment prospects will be the same from either – you want to have a good time when you go to university and Bath will deliver that in spades.

    Free Member

    My thoroughly non-researched guess is that cancer rates are seemingly going up compared to what you were used to when you were younger because:

    1) Diagnosis is getting better, people used to die and the only time medics found out they had cancer was post-mortem.

    2) Life style choices are actually increasing cancer rates (I think, don’t quote me on this).

    3) Social networking has made the world smaller so you are in contact with more people who get it.

    I’d suspect other environmental causes if your locality had cancer rates significantly above national averages – wonder if anyone has ever plotted incidences of cancer vs levels various environmental pollutants in your area on a map.

    Cancer is almost as inevitable as the tax man tbh. Can’t decide what I’d want more, Alzheimer or the former – it’s pretty much a choice between those two – a nice quick heart attack just before I lost it mentally at the age of 80 would be perfect.

    Free Member

    Well it could (this is incredibly unscientific) as if there were more people under 50 suffering cancer in your locality then it would raise my eyebrows in respect to an environmental cause.

    Although you’d need to do a proper epidemiological survey on the locality to make any conclusions.

    Free Member

    Radon gas?

    The probability of that happening depends on the age of your neighbours I guess. A huge chunk of us will eventually succumb to cancer, just not before we’re 50.

    Free Member

    Had my cockapoo house trained by 10 weeks (as in, her going to the door 95 percent of time when needing the loo) and able to go through a full night without needing a piss/shit by 14.

    The trick is to work out how often they need to go to the loo and get up in the night to take them out before they start crying. When they go to the loo…..reward them with a treat. You then increase this time until they get through the night – puppies have weak bladders and they need to learn to strengthen it – it can take longer depending on the individual puppy though. Mine being able to go through a night at 14 weeks is somewhat of a rarity.

    Oh and I leave water in with her and things have still been relatively smooth – you just have to get up in the night and estimate when they need the loo.

    Free Member

    Before you consider turning to the dark side and going all postmodernist… here was a nice commentary on the above journal article I read a while back.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    statistical consultancy

    meth lab

    Free Member

    I know it’s not a very popular thing to say…. but clinical trials are incredibly highly regulated. Most of the Constant Gardner stuff that people come up with is just tillfoil hattery

    I dunno…. there have been a few high profile cases of publication bias. As of now it can be a right pain in the arse to get hold of unpublished negative data, stuff ends up being listed on Cochrane etc and then you have to email the professors/companies etc and half the time they seem to be unwilling to send you anything.

    Maybe the fact that a lot of the big publications earn money from reprints of positive results… has a lot to do with the fact that they don’t like publishing negative results.

    In the end there has been more than one occasion when the validity of treatments derived through RCT’s has been called into question by a good meta-analysis….. publication bias helps to muddy the ability of a researcher to pool decent data and try to find an accurate picture of the outcome of various RCT’s.

    I’ll post some more coherent thought’s when I don’t have eye strain and it’s not 2:30am.

    Free Member

    Seriously….I can’t believe that someone just advocated killing children who murdered other children.

    Philosophically, morally and scientifically this is by FAR the most idiotic thing I have ever heard or even read on a forum. Your going to kill a child because killing children is immoral and the worse thing one can do…..yes…..brilliant. There’s some sound **** philosophy.

    Cue the first time I’ve had a thousand yard stare like this one from teh Internets. I think these two photo’s sum up my feelings on KonaBunny’s post.

    Get me off this planet


    wtf man

    Free Member

    I didnt say others wont murder ,and its cheaper than locking them up for 40 years

    No it isn’t – because you have to make utterly sure the person isn’t innocent through a lengthy appeals process – which costs an utter fortune that is way in excess of locking them up for 40 years.

    Then there’s also a body of evidence that suggests the death penalty increases a country’s murder rate.

    Free Member

    I was told you should stand up whilst talking on the phone as it makes you more assertive allegedly. Could be a load of old tosh though.

    Just stood her up mid interview and left the room again. There’s been a moderate improvement.

    Good call mate.

    E mail me about this and I can send some info

    Thanks Junky, will do.

    Free Member

    Prepare before she picks up the phone?

    She did waiii waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii more prep than I can ever be arsed to do for an interview.

    I’m the opposite end of the spectrum, I’m good at pretending I know something. She know’s her stuff but her confidence often makes it seem like she doesn’t.

    We tend to sit down and prepare things now, have a dummy run, so that she has what she wants to say clearly in her head. I think that helps from a confidence point of view, even if the conversation is no more fluid.

    Yeah, maybe she just needs lots of practice….but I get the feeling that if I apply pressure on her to simulate a tough interview she’ll clam up more.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Still dont understand why people think being criminally responsible at the age of 10 to the point of warranting handing out life/death sentences to a child is okay in a civilized society.

    If the uk public had got their way they would have been strung up on cranes iran style when they were kids.

    Free Member

    Hasn’t some of the coffin recently caved in on the plant?

    Wouldn’t be going if it’s the case.

    Free Member

    If these are made from stolen parts….the guy could go clean and go into modern art lol.


    Free Member

    +1 downstep

    Although I thought there were more reliable brands than Beamers – Japanese? But I guess they might not offer the same performance, chassis requirements, parts availability and end of service value. Etc

    Non issue really – I take it people would quite like a first responder to get to them more quickly/reliably.

    Free Member

    Yeah but does she like threesomes with other ladies?

    Free Member

    No, it shows I know about what I do in the real world and not at half eleven with a bunch of argumentative ##### who didn’t get non on Valentine night

    Hey, I have a missus with big boobs….a slim body and a good brain who happens to be working tonight!

    She also likes threesomes with other birds – so my life is awesome thanks.

    Winding you up is relieving my boredom until she get’s back.

    Free Member

    Because riffing off BMA/NHS guidelines show’s intellect……lol this is like something out of….

    Free Member

    Nahhh, I wouldn’t become a murse in the first place.

    Edit: I’ll get banned for the Bricktop clip.

    Free Member

    What would you say to high intensity non invasive ventilation (mean IPAP 29 cmH2O) leads to lower and sustained arterial carbon dioxide levels in COPD patients?

    I’m not a murse so I don’t care. But I would say possibly – nice that you had to bring in yet another statement that is totally unrelated to the OP though.

    If you’re a doctor – I fear for your patients.

    Free Member

    There’s a big difference between killing me and living in a house you can’t afford

    Morally, if you show the attitude that you have done towards the poor then why should they respect your rights?

    What would you also say to the idea that social Darwinism actually lead to the strengthening of ancestral societies through the natural selection of human individuals that could show compassion?

    Self-interest can destroy a gene line quite easily.

    As a biologist, I’m really having a **** laugh reading your attempt to use Darwinism in a socioeconomic context.

    Free Member

    Nahhh I’m enjoying being a smartarse Junkyard

    Well, that’s where that fact that we’re not ‘really’ one pack comes into play; no matter how much social policy exists those natural, self preservative instincts always come ot

    So if we are not a unified society, why should they follow the rules and not resort to murdering you in your sleep in the name of social Darwinism?

    Free Member

    Alpha wolf also lets the weak die for the greater good. Discuss.

    There’s a huge difference between being terminally ill and another pack mouth to feed. Discuss.

    You edited, alpha female doesn’t exist

    Oh **** this is funny.

    Free Member

    Why yes I believe I had already made that point


    So how do you propose weeding out the ‘deserving’ poor from the scum when you are making blanket proposals that use wealth as a sole factor in deciding who get’s social housing in London?

    Without getting too deep isn’t this just evolution? It’s moved from biggest club/animal to feed the tribe to house/money ability to survive, surely at some point folk will fall by the wayside however much we try to create equal opportunity. Discuss.

    Alpha female wolf provides for the rest of the pack and eats last. Discuss.

    Free Member

    I suspect Salmond will get there first, only the ginger hedge will be too keep the Scots in (or possibly the English out).


    Free Member

    Could send them to Scotland/Corby and build another wall I guess.

    Free Member

    Mainly via radio talk shows in Western Africa – the level of political and legal debate would put most westerners to shame. Makes Jeremy Vine looks like children’s hour.

    The Philippines is 2nd/third-worldish……shock **** horror they have teh internetz, rotary clubs and even their own NGO’s!

    Who’d have thought brown people could do all that hey?

    Free Member

    True, so it makes the problem go away for the authorities but destroys the lives of many, many normal people, I refer you back to people’s experiences on the other thread.

    DD, yes I also see a problem, maybe not the same one you do, our politicians don’t have the balls / vision to deal with the backside of our society. I don’t have an answer I’m fully comfortable with, but then I haven’t put myself up for election claiming to be able to sort out societies ills like the politicians do.

    Not going to argue anymore, I’ve got to go to bed as I have to go to work in the morning so I’m able to pay for my miserable northern (non London) property which apparently isn’t worthy of the state supported denziens of London.

    This, ladies and gentlemen is a proper full on selfish attitude to take. Have you not though that there are plenty of normal law abiding citizens mixed in with the lower end of the working classes as well?

    Also, if Cameron get’s his way – prepare to be saying hello to hundreds of new criminals in area near you.

    Free Member

    I have to say debating the issues of the less fortunate on an online forum is a 1st world problem

    Believe it or not there are affluent people who do the same in third world countries…

    Free Member

    I bet they do something really genius like sending them to Millwall, St Annes in Nottingham or the sink estates in Gunchester. Yeah because that will help bring the police budgets down.

    Free Member

    As if exporting a bunch of southern fairies up North to become proper hardened scum bags was a good idea. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    You obviously didn’t read the thread on social housing in new private developments then.

    The best way of dealing with crime and increasing social mobility is to remove the scum (don’t know how or where) and not inflict them on the other 99.9% of the population be they waged or unwaged.

    Except it isn’t 99.9 percent of the population is it? I’m not talking about proper hardened criminal offenders, I’m talking about your low level asbo teenagers etc.

    Breaking them up makes them a shit load more manageable for the police and the education system – ghettoizing them in black hole sink estates does not.

    Free Member

    That kinda knackers the prison system, then.

    Yup….to an extent, that’s a whole other story though.

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