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  • Mintel predicts £1 billion new bike sales this year
  • bwaarp
    Free Member

    The new Mclaren looks much nicer – the Ferrari just doesn’t work and the Lambo is ridiculously ugly. I like how Lambo just decided to slap on the vertical fin as if people would decide “oh it must be fast cuz it looks like a leman car”.

    And still produces 1300lb of downforce at 125mph.

    Free Member

    As much as it may be exciting to fantasise about what macho things you’d do if faced with an intruder, as a result of recent knee-jerk legislation regarding reasonable force in home invasion, burglars will inevitably go armed if they fear a greater threat. Human instinct. And then begins the arms race. And eye for an eye leaves us all blind.

    Have you ever been in a position whereby you’ve felt that a family member is being threatened?

    I’m guessing no – if burglars start arming themselves with firearms then it’s the job of the police to crack down on the illegal arms trade. It is not fair that the fearful actions of people in their own home should be questioned (except in extreme clar cut cases, like shooting people in the back with an illegally held shotgun).

    Free Member

    That grass looks so incredibly fake….cleaning grass…..BAHAHAHAHAHAHARRRRRRRR.

    Your children need to roll around in mud….not only are our sterile indoor environments contributing to the development of allergies but it seems that our childrens gardens may be as well!

    Your garden is meant to be your little bit of nature, not **** plastic. The only excuse for this crime against humanity is if you have hay fever!

    Free Member

    They don’t really work any differently to an Orange though, bar slightly altered leverage ratio’s. At the end of the day you can tune for differing leverage ratios with an air shock by altering the air can volume/boost valve volume and the bottom out resistance.

    Multipivots put less stress on the shock (I think) and allow designers to tune the leverage ratio a bit more but other than that there’s no performance difference – the wheel arc is still exactly the same – they will still chatter over square edged bumps a bit more than a Specialized Four Bar setup with some rearward travel designed in. Theoretically anyway.

    Free Member

    Commencal – SP
    trek – SP
    Cannondale – SP
    Yeti – definately not a single pivot
    Kona – SP (unless it was a magic link?)

    I LOL’d my balls off.

    Free Member

    A one-sample t-test on the percentage difference give p<0.01, which for the non-stats-geeks (i.e. you normal folk) means that we can be 99% confident that the difference is real and not just a fluke. The average difference in speed is around 10% (varying from 5% to 18% for the 8 segments I’ve analysed so far).

    I like you! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    Fair play for doing a t-test mate, the magazines should be doing this in their tests! :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    During the riots the cops came to my shop with a rules of engagement leaflet. We didn’t have to wait to be attacked before defending ourselves merely to feel threatened.

    This made me lol – “rules of engagement” hahah…since when did the police like people taking the law into their own hands? Reminds me of a time my housemates chased some lads off the porche and up the street with a bat, the police turned up and I kid you not said “Looks like you did our job for us, do you mind if we get going?”.

    I thought they were going to be arrested tbh and I wouldn’t count on that happening again.

    Free Member

    For a cheapo conversion….Have you got a 2 to 1 audio cadaptor? Put the red and white cable into a 2-1 adaptor then plug it into the line in on a laptop and run your headphones out of the laptop.

    Free Member

    any suggestions for connecting headphones to an LG 40″ telly (cs46) that doesn’t have a head phone jack/port?

    Output the sound from the source to a headphone amp? I did this with mine for gaming on the xbox 360, I ran the HDMI to the monitor and then stripped the plastic off the component lead so that would fit in the 360 as well and then ran the sound output to an amp.

    Free Member

    Syntace do a 740mm bar with a 12 degree back sweep. Nice bar, I’m running one.

    Free Member

    Aye- shoving someone away- putting an arm out not attack.

    Foolish. That’s the best way to get yourself injured – you either don’t defend yourself or you make sure the person can’t harm you. That either means restraining them or if you are unable to, hitting them till they back off or are unable to get back up.

    You can kill someone and it can still be deemed reaosnable force depending on the situation.

    An old friend of mine got 18months when he did that to a Burglar. Mind you he did give him a kicking at the bottom of the stairs too.

    On the other hand my brothers defence for hospitalizing five rugby players (self defence) worked, despite the fact that the fight moved all the way across town.

    I don’t thimk it’s fair that you can be judged as to what is deemed acceptable in defending your own home, when you decide you need to fight you have to turn off a switch in your head and in the heat of fear mixed with aggression anything can happen. Burglars should expect that.

    Free Member

    I like the ability of the British to put up with odious little shits.
    We’re much better at it than the Canadians.
    Which is a shame, eh bwaarp?

    Quit player hating :twisted: :mrgreen: :lol: whilst your grandkids are squabbling over an increasingly smaller Britain – with a higher population, a South resembling Southern Italy and more CCTV cameras to keep control of the ever more riotous citizenry…..mine will be living it large in a Northern rim economic powerhouse…..


    But sure….the pubs are ammmmmazin….

    Free Member

    Yeah but there’s Whistler – it makes up for everything. **** Coed-Y-Brenin. If the planet wasn’t going to become much warmer I’d buy a mansion for next to nothing in the Philippines with my girlfriend but the way it’s going, all the Northern climates are going to be in a stronger and stronger position economically with each passing decade.

    Canada has much less overcrowding than the UK and the 1st language is English – unlike Sweden/Norway.

    Free Member

    The head found out about this and dragged my wife in for a bollocking as ‘it made her (the Head) look bad’ to other schools.

    Tell your son to tell the police she touched him in a bad place.

    Problem solved.

    I can’t think of any situation where grabbing a five-year-old in the way you describe could be good practice, or even vaguely acceptable.

    It’s actually assault if it was not for unavoidable restraining purposes.

    Free Member

    Who the overwhelming majority will just bump along quite pleasantly with.


    Actually the Bulgarians will be great, loads of idiots will vote UKIP and split the Tory vote destroying any chance of the right holding government for the next 10 years. Which is a good thing.

    In the mean time I’m going to move to Vancouver so I can laugh at you from across the Atlantic.

    Free Member

    Nope….we’re better than everyone else in Europe at knocking the innocence out of kids. But yeah, this place is pretty and shit……oooh look dry stone walls….

    Free Member
    Free Member

    SLX double has steel inserts and is barely any heavier than the XT

    Free Member

    That’s because WW2 fighter aircraft don’t do mach 3 and the topography of southern England isn’t exactly the alps and most significant air battles in WW2 occurred over flatish ground.

    It’s derived from a game for people who were actually interested in air combat and the tactics involved – eg combat maneuvering (lead, lag and pure pursuit etc etc), deflection shooting, energy states (keeping your aircraft’s energy higher than your opponents by having an advantage in height and speed). I used to play the original game at quite a high level in multiplayer matches when I was a teenager.

    etc etc yadda yadda

    You can see how this guy (who I used to tangle with lot) uses tactics (big sweep maneuvers with high deflection shots) to engage instead of turning with his opponents and losing energy. This massive 30mm cannons he’s using helps to shed the targets in split second shots.

    It depends whether you like arcadey games or whether you want to commit to learning something during your indoor leisure time instead of spending rainy evenings watching tv.

    Free Member

    the new Lock on Flaming Cliffs 2.0 or is it 3.0 now? Was pretty good. It’s a proper sim though but not quite as hard as Falcon 4 – better graphics than the non-modded Falcon 4 as well.

    It doesn’t have a decent stock campaign though – however the difficulty is pretty scalable.

    Warthunder is made by the same company that made a slightly arcadier update of the IL2 series with revamped graphics called Birds of Prey.

    Free Member

    you’ll be needing cocaine then…..

    ecstasy and cocaine

    Free Member

    they do, but all the clever clogs who make a bee-line for the frozen north soon find it’s not such a good idea when they realise they have zero skills required to survive in those conditions…

    Pffft… if you’ve got the scavenging and hunting skills to survive a zombie apocalypse then I don’t see how it would be impossible to survive in the tundra of Canada. A little common sense when it comes to clothing, shelter building and linking up with some local Canadians would go a long way. If you know how to fish/hunt and have the IQ to be able to build your own Kayak/Canoe then you could survive on the shorelines.

    Yes lots of idiots would die in the process but I’d rather battle the cold than battle walkers/zombies.

    Free Member

    Also, others have mentioned you could be depressed. Seriously consider whether you are or not and bear in mind if you go to your GP about it – it will probably mean you’ll be unable to join the forces should you decide to do that, I mean, if you are depressed… it because of a brain chemical inbalance (have you had a history of this?) or is it situational (in which case getting some excitement in your life might be good for you). I don’t think your that type that would join up though so it probably wouldn’t matter.

    If you are depressed, there’s no shame at all in seeking a medical help. I should have thought about this earlier before giving you an earful.

    Free Member

    Working a crappy or well-paid-but-boring job doesn’t mean you have to hate it.

    If you read between the lines, that was the point I was trying to make. Hardly anyone has their perfect job but we make do and do the best we can in the moment – in the hope we can move on to something better.

    I saw an advert the other day for a Part 1 assistant, in central London, which was offering just under 12k per year. That’s obscene. You couldn’t even live on that. For some reason the industry has adopted this awful culture of unpaid/low paid interns from the creative sector. It ultimately just devalues the trade.

    You have a few options then, go back to university (it’s gonna cost ya)…..what grades did you get (may I suggest a graduate law diploma if you got a half decent 2:2 or above….in fact start applying to law firms for assistant positions….see if they need architect grads)…..or try to apply for different jobs and try to make the skills you learned during your CV applicable to them…..or learn a trade….or get a crappy bar job near home…..or join the military…..or go abroad and do something like a 6 month diving internship and spend 10 years of your life on tropical beaches teaching tourists to dive.

    But quit moaning man and get some imagination – you obviously have half a brain so don’t be afraid to use it – not many people have one – you don’t want to get stuck in a low end dead end job like many of our peers who are 18-25.

    Either aim high or aim for a lifestyle – so aim to be a lawyer etc or join the military/go and become a diving instructor in Thailand etc etc yaddayaddayadda.

    You say you have a business idea but does it actually have any merit or do you just not like working with others?

    Free Member

    Honestly I think this is something that the minority of people who hate their jobs tell themselves in order to get through the day. (in the same way that people who do lots of unpaid overtime tell themselves everyone does it)

    90 percent of the country work crappy or well paid but boring jobs. Who really really enjoys being a Tesco manager, an accountant or a chef 20 years down the line?

    10 percent of us, if that have half way interesting careers. The OP doesn’t know what he really wants to do, therefore he should just be applying to jobs that net him the greatest amount of money so he can cache as much away and use it to invest in whatever he wants to do in the future. That means taking that boring “architect assistant” job instead of being a part time in a retail store.

    Free Member

    It’s not going to be finished either, 1C and the Rise of Flight team merged and are working on a new title.

    I got one which was a proper simulator, took about an hour to get off the ground. And another which was insanely hard to play.

    Make that please.

    Blackshark is for you – but unless you’re an anal retentive ex helicopter pilot it will do your head in. It makes Falcon 4 seem easy.

    Free Member

    IL2 Sturmovik 1946 or Rise of Flight. Rise of flight is a WW1 sim and much more modern than the former game.

    There is a much more modern game by the makers of IL2 Sturmovik but you need a hefty hefty pc to run it, it’s called IL2: Cliffs of Dover.

    Free Member

    To be brutally honest you come across as a bit of a quitter…..

    Nobody who completes an architecture degree is a quitter, believe me. I chose not to continue to become a fully qualified architect because it wasn’t the right choice for me. I don’t see how getting out at a convenient point is quitting. I didn’t want to waste 4 years, and countless pounds, chasing a career which I knew I wouldn’t enjoy.

    90 percent of the world hate their jobs….those who like their jobs do laid back, academically interesting or awesome dream jobs like being a fighter pilot, astronaut or whatever. Everyone tires of what they do at some point.

    In fact, leave what you enjoy and your work separate….and earn enough so you can afford to do the things you like.

    Free Member

    +1 for cwmcarn

    Free Member

    Either stop whining and finish your architecture work or join the military. Better yet…. do a five year stint in the forces and come out with some more drive to finish your professional qualifications after you’ve spent a few years having a sergeant shouting in your ears.

    You get paid when working in industry and finishing your qualifications do you not? If I went to post-grad med school I’d only be a junior doctor/surgeon and would see another decade of training before I was fully qualified.

    I don’t usually make MTFU posts but this ones for you…

    Free Member

    You guys got me.

    This isn’t a good troll, my best that I’ve done is trolling the Guardian relationship section.


    I was pretty **** proud of that one. Currently bored and thinking of ways I can step it up a notch higher than that one – next up CIF or a Daily Mail column.

    Someone I know personally is the editor of the magazine “Uni Lad” which often manages to get CIF columnists riled up – but the stories/trolls are a bit obvious (although this one certainly was) and low brow so I don’t know if I want to do anything for them.

    Free Member

    When you were a child you were told that you were “a wicked unrepentant sinner bound for hell”

    I actually was by one of my teachers and a mate of mine was called a heathen by the head teacher when he did under-16 work experience as a classroom assistant in a Catholic school.

    Free Member

    If the religious waited until people were adults and could make up their own mind that would be different.

    They wouldn’t do that though because religion would cease to exist.

    Free Member

    When it comes down to it, whenever I meet a monotheistic religious type (eg a Jehovah’s Witness comes to my door)….I just deep down automatically think “ARGGGGGGGGGGGH A FRACKING TOASTER”. BSG nailed them.


    Free Member

    I like ’em. A lot

    Damn you to hell! :evil:

    Free Member

    I feel superior to you because I have a glass case full of Air Guitars and a flying unicorn.
    You will end up in Mordor when you die because you don’t have enough Air Guitars
    While I will will be living the high life at Hogwarts

    Offended ??

    The thing is that’s hardly comparable to what religion does – it’s like comparing white racism to black racism – the first is worse in the west because it has/had power to back it up.

    Religion is the same, it has power to back it’s ‘morality’ up and plenty of psychotic followers that will listen to their puppet masters.

    Free Member

    How do you know a foetus cannot feel any pain? And a foetus is a collection of unique cells, whereas your sperm are single-celled organisms. So it’s an unfair comparison.

    Neuroscience….it’s getting pretty hardcore these days. We know exactly what you need to be able to feel and process pain – a foetus does not have the required cellular structure up until a certain age.

    Why is it a unfair comparison? At a scientific level a fetus at a certain stage is a collection of cells and just that – with no more human characteristics than a sperm cell besides having a few extra chromosomes and multiple cells. The cells don’t talk to each other in the way that a born child does, there is no mature nervous system – save for genetics it’s barely any different than a chicken embryo.

    If a purely scientific rationale is to be followed, then surely the removal of those with defective genes from the potential gene pool is preferable, no? In a world with diminishing resources, and the need to think more carefully about potential future inhabitants of this planet, then wouldn’t such views be more in line with pure scientific thinking?

    Yes but you don’t have to go about that by euthanizing or sterilizing people do you? Would family genetic planning really be morally unethical if we took it to the next level where we started knocking out bad genes in sperm that are likely to cause significant developmental disorders? At the end of the day, you are not harming anyone.

    Scientific research is relevant ethics to help eliminate inconsistent value sets (like the Vatican’s ethical/previous ethical stance on contraception) and to help guide us to find new ethical ideals.

    Interesting paper that I read the other day when browsing journals (although no totally relevant)

    Free Member

    As only about half of autistic patients suffer from an intellectual disability (if we want to be really up to date :P ) (IQ below 70)

    Was reading the chapter involved as I need to learn more about cognition in general for my thesis and studying disease/disability mechanisms is a good way of studying function.

    Free Member

    Disabled will end up just like “Special Needs”. PC for a few years until people start calling each other “special”.

    Also the neuroscience textbook that I’m using for my med stats thesis considers ASD a specific learning disability – as it’s a difficult in learning about other peoples minds. The book by Kandel et al (2012) is the authoritative Principles of Neural Science – 5th ed.

    Free Member

    First piece of advice: don’t refer to him as being handicapped.

    Yes, the OP should have used the more technical term that is “Mental Retardation”. :twisted:


    Learning Disability

    Now you’re insulting me by lumping a mentally handicapped (deemed IQ below 70) person in with someone with dyslexia.


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