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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • bwaarp
    Free Member

    Unless they have a knife, then running is a good idea.

    Free Member

    Electronic cigarettes? They seem to really help friends.

    Free Member

    No not really… used to when I was younger in my home town, school…especially after rugby matches… and with my brother. We were competitive as hell… so we ended up scrapping a lot even till our late teens.

    I might add that bloke would have punched you guys even if you tried to be nice and meek to defuse the situation, there are times when you should just get nasty. Unless that is you’re happy to take a beating that may or may not be brisk in the hope they go away. That kind of man is the kind of man who’s going to chase you up the street to hit you, no use running…stand your ground…shout and scream as loudly as possible to attract by standers and batten up the hatches.

    Free Member

    But I might add I’d never and never have had an altercation with anyone who doesn’t physically threaten me first.

    The best thing to do is just to avoid giving people evil eyes and insults. Some people seem to spend their lives inviting violence.

    Free Member

    How many of you would seriously have given the oompahloompa a fair go back, in all honesty? He’s stocky, low centre of gravity, angry as a great ape and quite probably up to his gullet in Red Bull/Carling. There’s a reason for that swagger – he’s a thick-headed yob. You could throw commuter self-defence at his head all day and he’d still be coming at you. No?

    Meh if someone makes a move my mind goes blank and all I can think about is pummeling the guys head into the ground….it goes beyond conscious control once the first punch or push is thrown….

    Doesn’t mean to say I’d win but whenever these things happen either I win or I get carted off.

    Free Member


    That gives me hope for humanity.

    Free Member

    s it just possible that there are different officers with different levels of training and skills? and that possibly different approaches might be used by different forces in different countries, and situations etc?

    They don’t shoot to injure in the US, there are no differences between the UK and the USA in that regard.

    If stun grenades were thrown it was done to:

    A) Make capture possible
    B) Gain the upper hand in an assault or gaining a firing position.

    Even if they intended to try to capture him and they thought he was going for a weapon, they’d shoot to stop him. Could someone link me to these reports please? I can’t find them.

    Free Member

    I don’t mind guys just leave it, I don’t need defending – I’ve been pretty offensive towards people before. I’m pretty happy with my life as such words on the internet don’t effect me. I just enjoy getting a reaction out of Zokes.

    I do really strongly disagree with the criticism leveled at the officers though, I provided you guys with a link that discussed how they are trained to open fire in these situations. Basically they keep shooting until there is no response, they don’t fire one or two aimed shots and then check to see if the target is down as that can give the suspect a chance to loose off a round.

    IMO the Boston police did a commendable job and if a few of them had nerves and opened fire because they wanted to get back to their wives, considering the context….then I don’t feel they can be blamed. I should imagine all of these coppers wanted the suspect captured alive so questions could be asked that would help Boston come to terms with the bombings.

    At the end of the day they shot and chucked bombs at policemen…

    Free Member

    Yamyam is Brummie ?

    Slight difference I seem to remember, my old mans from Walsall.

    Free Member

    Plus one, its like watching a self important 30 something couple argue badly in Waitrose

    Nahhh Waitrose is beneath me, it’s way to middle class.

    Free Member

    You sense the 29er is faster and that is all it is…a sense.
    Basically as the wheels are bigger, this creates the feeling of rolling faster as the sense of the wheel being closer to your eyes creates ground to look further away, thus having a feeling of being higher too.

    A 26″ bike will always generate more speed, ie, pumping down over technical terrain rather than just hitting it all with the big side shows.

    Pussywillow is a troll and a bad one. :mrgreen: :P

    Free Member

    Manc? Sounded scouse with the speakers down low! I’ll listen again!

    EDIT: Headphones, I apologize. Brummie sounds almost like a yamyam to my untrained ears.

    Free Member

    Oooh you’re highlighting personal issues I have previously acknowledged in another thread as a way to try to hurt me. Big man, how does that make you feel? That insult took a lot of originality. :mrgreen:

    I am specializing anyway.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Can’t remember the last time I read a text book. I tend to find they’ve generally been proven to be out of date by the time they’re published. They do look pretty good on my office shelves though…

    Only if you study something as low as chemistry or biology. In the one and only proper subject that is maths, books like Kendals Advanced Theories on Statistics tend to stick around for a little while longer without being revised. :wink:

    Also some of us like trying a few different subjects, you don’t read textbooks because nothing outside of your original undergraduate degree interests you. You don’t have the capacity or interest to go multidisciplinary :mrgreen:

    I have a textbook on Russian history and also one on how corruption effects economies, do you?

    Free Member

    You need textbooks when swapping over to a different field of study, I’ve got Oxford PHD chemists borrowing some of my old cell textbooks at the moment :wink:

    Funny man.

    Free Member

    did. I can’t see a whiney, self important, failure of a student in it though.

    On a serious note. With an attitude like yours you’ll really struggle to get anywhere in life. You really do need to get over your self impotence (sic.) issues for your own good.

    Hey, I’m not following people round on threads. Oh the irony of being accused of having impotence issues.

    Really, you’re entertaining me zokes. For an apparently highly educated individual I’m rather quite surprised by your inability to keep yourself from stooping to my level, I can see your PHD education really paid for itself..

    The sad thing about you is that I can accept when I’m wrong on a topic and then I’ll go quiet and leave or accept that I’m wrong…. you can’t handle it and resort to continually harassing people, who’s the one with issues Zokes?

    I just post on here for lolz because I can’t concentrate on one thing for more than 20 minutes, I have to take little 5 minute breaks between reading textbooks.

    Free Member

    You win 10 internetz points…. :P huzzah and all that

    Free Member

    Well to put it more subtly, they should so as to cause an immediate end to the threat. Which usually means incapacitating them so they are beyond the ability to use a gun or detonate explosives. Whether you end up living through that ordeal is secondary.

    This means shooting in the torso/cns and incapacitating someone to the point that they can’t use a weapon or detonate a bomb which usually means you have a very high chance of dying.

    So no, I’m not wrong. The police shoot you with the knowledge they are probably going to kill you, they are not trained to discharge a firearm with intent to wound/maim. As this could result in the needless use of force or unacceptable risks to the policemen involved.

    The only people who shoot to maim/wound… funnily enough… are soldiers. If you can work out why (squaddies not included) you get 10 internet points.

    Free Member

    The guy was riding like a bit of a twit but he didn’t deserve that.

    Aggressive little shits like that need putting in their place. I don’t think it’s very fair to label him a whining little prick, not everyone can handle themselves in a fight…I can to an extent and I don’t think I’d have any problem with that little scouser…but people shouldn’t be looked down upon because they can’t.

    Gentle folk are what makes the world go round, even if some meek little git annoys you on the road….I think it’s utterly shameful to just get out your van and start smacking them. You should only pick fights with other people who are looking for a good fight, not with people who clam up like that.

    Some shaved head 30 year old bloke stopped his car and had a go at my old man when we had to pull over because of a loose bike on the back. With things like “**** come over here so I can slap you mate”…my old man looked a bit shocked…so I get out and scream “ ****”….start walking towards him starng him down… and the little **** chickens out and get’s in his car and drives off.

    I’ve had three run ins with aggressive shaved head white guys who’ve seen a 50+ year old guy in the car and thought they could have a go. Can’t stand them, most people are bullying cowards and only fight if they think they can win.

    Free Member

    It would seem you should try looking in a mirror.

    Free Member

    Also Zokes, It makes me happy that you like to follow me into threads and comment on whatever I’ve said because it means my baiting has worked. It makes you a bigger idiot than I am…I recognize I’m an idiot… you don’t.

    Free Member

    Afraid it’s you who probably fail basic exams Zokes, I never have…I just win at them slightly less. Hence giant ego.

    Good way to make an idiot of yourself though. Awww diddums.

    Free Member

    They shoot to maim terrorists not to kill them,

    The police including the yanks never ever shoot to maim. Ever. They shoot to kill and if you somehow survive then it’s merely good fortune because the cops thought they had killed you to death.

    In every major limb there is an artery, which is pretty damn easy to hit with a 5.56 or 7.62 caliber weapon….who’s rupture is going to cause you to bleed out very very quickly.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Well last time I checked the yanks deal with greater levels of violence between gangs on a day to day basis in LA than we ever saw even at the height of the troubles….and they do that without sending in Green Berets and laying waste to neighborhoods.

    I’m pretty sure they even did a better job keeping the unneeded civvie deaths down during the 1992 LA riots as well.

    Free Member

    So why bring up that point? They weren’t policemen but that was besides the point, they were called in to police that protest.

    Free Member

    But to be fair the Yanks don’t tend to (technically… you could argue considering how much of the ATF and SWAT heavies are ex forces…that they do) use soldiers for policing their own country.

    What you are saying is effectively an even worse indictment of bloody sunday Ernie. How is it any better than Waco when a bunch of Para’s go berserk in NI? Please enlighten me, that protest should have never been controlled with squaddies in the first place.

    Remember the innocent guys in that car back in the 80’s..I think…that MET officers effectively tried to murder with their revolvers?

    Free Member

    Jon +1

    Bloody Sunday anyone?

    Free Member

    Lot’s of coppers with guns who have probably never dealt with a potential suicide bomber = lots of nervous blokes who probably want to get back to their wives and not die a fiery nail ridden death.

    They did a better job of this manhunt than the LAPD did. Those two waved the right to be treated with minimal force by the police as soon as they gunned one of them down – a coppers life was not worth either of theirs.

    Free Member

    Instead of splurging this summer on some nice bits, 650b has actually put me off buying anything of value this year – Because to have anything reasonably future proof I may have to buy a new frame, fork and wheels….and it’s not even guaranteed to replace 26 or be anything other than a passing fad.

    No, what I’m going to do is ride my current bike into the ground and wait till 2015 to see where the market is at.

    To the MTB industry….brilliant way to have people holding off from spending. You’ve introduced the biking equivalent of market instability in the stock markets.

    Free Member

    Yes, I’m seriously advocating child care lessons in school….we’re not about to stop young teenagers from having children are we….proper diet….proper childcare etc needs to be taught at a time when they are maleable enough to have it entier their heads.

    Not crowding our curriculum with ‘child care’, ‘key skills, pshe, citizenship, hairdressing, seal, construction and other pointless subjects that appeal to the less able and no one else. Certain skills are best learnt ‘on the job’ and not in a classroom with teachers whose expertise lies elsewhere.

    No, we used to have Home Economics lessons. If anything the curriculum doesn’t include enough basic life skills – your opposition to this sounds like the type you get from right wing christians.

    Free Member


    It’s not as complicated as that, it’s mostly down to things like seeing young mothers everyday stuffing cheesy wotsits down the mouths of their one year olds.

    Also DeadlyDarcy’s point about parenting skills not being passed on is spot on.

    TBH child care should be taught along with sex education at secondary school level, if it isn’t already.

    Free Member

    They’re mostly for people who’s IQ’s preclude them from being able to work out for themselves how to look after a child.

    The state doesn’t trust you to parent because a good portion of the population have an IQ below 80.

    Free Member

    Girlfriend and old friend who studied politics at Oxford guessed this would happen a few years ago.

    Free Member

    Yeah i thought I caught that they’re about to go SAS on a roof, surprised they aren’t using secure comms.

    Great way to give the game away and lose the initiative.

    Free Member

    Quote from ARRSE…I laughed.

    so they have national guard, state police, state police swat, boston police, boston police swat, watertown police, watertown police swat, fbi, fbi hrt, atf, cia, ntsb and the bsa – I’m waiting for the blue on blue.

    Free Member

    Grow up.

    Cheer up.

    Free Member

    her to join STW…then we can burn her!!

    Just saw this….. :mrgreen:

    I read that as “bum” as well…even though i’m on my laptop. Something to do with being a bloke?

    Free Member

    My reply would have just been “**** off you fat ****” but there we go, you have more class than me.

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