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  • buzz1024
    Free Member

    Maplins is the place to go – i got a system with 2 cameras, Hard disk recorder with 4 camera capability – it can also be set up to be accessible via phone or t’interweb. The cameras are colour and go to b/w at night with i/r. i think from memory it was around £150
    I just have it wired in to the tv so I can flick channels to see whats going on outside.

    Free Member

    popstar – Member
    I happen to like bigger and comfier cars. At a time BMW with V8 was perfect car, then Audi Quattro V8 just changed my opinion that jealousy is in fact, complete unnecessary.

    I don’t know why people prefer small cars and fiercely defend their choice as superior. In fact, I used to have Golf it was good fun etc but I wouldn’t rant at people who have superior cars.

    More unnecessary cars people own, better 2nd hand car values to be had. It sounds like those who rant have some real issues.

    I don’t buy into green BS agenda though. Motoring is all about comfort and convenience, screw those cheap little shait boxes. Get real man’s car, the one which can accommodate you with ladies and things.


    Couldn’t agree more – I really couldn’t care less what people drive/ride – it’s all down to personal choice. I like buying older quality cars as I do all my own maintenance and I know that generally they’ll last longer ( when I find a car I really like I tend to keep it for a long time) – It’s the same with bikes but the big kid in me always wants to adhere to the n+1 theory for ideal number of methods of transport.
    I’m lucky in that I can bike to work and only do around 3/4000 miles a year so can run what I like – not like the old days when I did a high mileage and had to concern myself with MPG etc

    Free Member

    You can touch me if you like…..for a price

    Only if that price is a feeling of shame

    is that the same price as an Audi A3 and an Orange 5?

    You mean like overreact when someone makes an off-the-cuff comment such as “some idiot in a completely unnecessary 4×4 ran over my bike” ?

    I don’t know…….ask yourself

    I only get to overreact one day a month – and todays the day 😉

    Free Member

    chambord – Member
    OP don’t feel guilty, haters gonna hate
    He doesn’t feel guilty he’s just trying to pull your strings inni

    well, it is Sunday evening 🙄

    Free Member

    I hope you carry copies of your vehicle excise duty discs whilst out on your bike, as you must own the road, paying for that pair of unnecessary vehicles

    yep – sure do – of course I own the road – I also drive in the middle of narrow country roads and find the 4WD completely necessary for bumping up on the kerb right outside the kids school :wink

    Seriously though – I have the RR because I like it – it has been off road and I like having 4WD in the winter – it runs LPG so doesn’t kill off all the children in the 3rd world and actually works out fairly cheap to run – the Merc is due to having 4 kids and not wanting some crappy fold up seats in the boot – it also converts to a van for carrying bikes and kipping in.
    I was attempting to make a point (had do so in a slightly sarcastic way due to bumping into the infamous GW last week :D) – the point being that on here anyones right to ride whatever bike the like is defended to the hilt (6″ travel for tow paths) but why do some posters come over like Daily Mail journalists and embellish posts/stories with irrelevant info.

    for the records – 4.6 V8 Range Rover, Ragley Piglet, Genesis Latitude and a beard 😆

    Free Member

    But they’re not expensive – I own and run both for less than it would cost to have a nearly new Audi or Skoda vRS.

    Free Member

    baps like spaniels ears and a fan.e like a welly top springs to mind 😀

    maybe the nurse stuck the thingy up the wrong orifice.

    Free Member

    No -its still t shirt and shorts weather

    Free Member

    I think a visit to is in order for inspiration

    Free Member

    doesn’t matter about the breathing bit – so long as their still warm.

    Free Member

    Galaxy Note 10.1 – can’t fauly it.

    Free Member

    As above it could be an old profile – if not 😕

    Old photos – been a “victim” of that – nice girl,fit etc – I didn’t recognise her when we met as she’d aged 15yrs and put on 6 stone in a week – didn’t have a 2nd date 😆

    Free Member

    difficult cutting it down to one – but this makes a pretty good manhood extension – even comes in bellend purple 🙄

    Free Member

    dangerousbeans – Member
    Jumping in because I am interested too.

    Never understood this NCD thing.

    The discount is for me not the vehicle so why can’t it be used on both policies?


    It’s something thats always confused me a bit as well – I suppose it’s just the money grabbing insurance companies ways of having their cake and eating it.

    Free Member

    just wear dark sunglasses – then you get the benefit of looking like a movie star ( Z list celebrity ) as well as not getting blinded 8)

    Free Member

    DezB – Member
    Lucky them! I sold something for £17 the other week.. postage was £12! bloody Parcelfarce.


    try using parcel-to-go – the cost is much less and whichever carrier you use will come to your house and pick the stuff up – no more waiting in the q at the post office with all the people that smell of either wee or pot.

    Free Member

    46 and still playing on either my Genesis Latitude or Piglet 2 🙂

    Free Member

    just been through this with a 2 storey 6m x 6m extension – total fees including structural engineer were just under £5k for a job that will be around £75k. I feel the money was well spent on an architect rather than a technician as the job was more involved than just drawing up plans which I could have done myself.
    make sure you get to see some other stuff that the Architect has done and you’ll get a better rate from someone who has just branched out on his own.

    Free Member

    The Freelander 2 is a lot more capable than a lot give it credit for – not too big and again, a lot more reliable than rumours suggest. It’s worth a look and a test drive.
    No – I don’t have one – I’ve got a Range Rover which with decent tyres and snow chains for the real bad stuff will go just about anywhere with comfort – but is probably a bit big/expensive for Druids mrs.

    Free Member

    peterfile – Member
    Funny you should ask that. At Glentress a couple of weeks ago it was very very wet, the car park was full but the trails were empty. Turns out the cafe is very popular when it’s wet (although I’m still of the opinion that if that blonde girl didn’t work there we’d probably all be more inclined to spend more time on the trails)


    she’s very tasty if I recall correctly 😉

    Free Member

    I often wear mrs buzz’s pants to work – bit like a balaclave but they smell better.

    Free Member

    got bored of engineering after 20yrs – tried a few things and ended up where i am now (dealing with scrotes and whinging people) – have worked outside most of my career and love it, I tried an office job once, I lasted 3 weeks.
    I’m now at a crossroads in my mid 40’s, off work with stress (not the job, the f*-&*” management) and now working on my exit strategy – I am desperate to work for myself and do something that I enjoy so have a few plans that are gradually coming together. The most desirable one will be a gamble despite all the reasearch but I’m 100% sure that It’ll work out – won’t know till I try.

    Free Member

    Something on RedTube, mebbe?

    I’d watch that 😉

    where do these folk get the money? when the majority of the population can’t even get a mortgage on a starter house.

    Free Member

    roller it with rustoleum paint – flat it back then polish – comes out a lot better than you think it will.

    Free Member

    oooo! – I love parking rants 😀
    parking on the pavement without leaving enough room for a buggy or wheelchair to pass should carry the death penalty.
    My neighbours crack me up – everyone has a driveway and a garage – why do they all clog up the visitor spaces and leave their driveways empty?
    and then get all humpty when one of my visitors parks in “their” space which is actually a visitor space.
    I used to live at the end of a narrow dead end street near a cinema and would often find myself blocked in by idiots parking on both sides of the street. It didn’t bother me one bit that when squeezing my way out that the bull bar on my large eco unfriendly 4×4 managed to remove most of their wing mirrors 😆 (awaits flaming for owning a gas guzzling 4×4 and living in a city)
    my attitude is that if anyone parks like an inconsiderate twunt then they’re car is fair game – too many selfish idiots on this island.

    Free Member

    Forget Fife, Perth etc – East Lothian is the place to be if you want to keep your wife happy – 10/15 mins to Edinburgh on the train, nice area to live, not bad local riding – house prices not too bad.

    Free Member

    Whatever happened to personal choice – the smoking nazis get on my moobs – it seems to be more socially acceptable to take illegal drugs (and campaign for them to be made legal) than it is to drink or smoke.
    My choice to drink or smoke or ride with no helmet. I dont give a sh1t if you dont like it but it’s my choice.
    Maybe I should campaign to make wood burners illegal, or 29rs, or lycra.

    Free Member

    I’ve just downloaded and am playing around with Viewranger – so far it looks pretty good. Uses O/S maps and allows sharing of gpx files. The app is free with some basic maps – it costs to download the O/S stuff.
    Just search for viewranger a dsee what you think.

    Free Member

    my daughter came out with diaper – it’s a f***** nappy – and I’m going to have the b****y disney channel disconnected in our house as that is where she is getting all the p**s boiling americanisms.
    rant over.

    Free Member

    Used to work in the mortuary and do black van pickups – seen too many – and some very messy ones
    Its only the shell thats left so not bothered by it.
    We live, we die – it happens to us all.
    Ive lost close family too young and it hurts but we cant all live to a ripe old age.
    Its all part of life

    Free Member

    Pablo Picasso disturbed a burglar at his house and was able to give the Police a description.
    They are now looking for 2 squares and a triangle.

    Free Member

    tomorrow when you wake up you will suddenly suffer from Age Related Tourettes Syndrome – the complete inability to bite ones tongue now that you’ll be in your 40’s – Personally I love having it and just telling everyone to f*** O**

    Free Member

    If you don’t want to go to the police you can go to your Local Councils Anti-social behaviour officer – they will work with you, the landowner and the police to stop this – at the extreme end would be an ASBO which would stop him being in the vicinity (an ASBO may be civil law but breaking it is criminal) Is he letting the dogs dump in the woods? if he doesn’t have permission then he can be done under the Dog fouling act. If he’s a pro dog walker then chances are he is registered with the local council so they can have dealings on that side. Does he have permission to be carrying out his business (dog walking) on private land?
    There are many ways to get a pillock like this without resorting to his behaviour and I hope you do get him. I hate **** like this.

    Free Member

    I enjoy putting stuff into other peoples trolleys when they leave them at the end of the aisle in the supermarket – usually something from the family planning/joy of sex aisle 🙂
    My ex thought I was just a foolish child……….

    Free Member

    It is understood that the duchess is

    bumping Prince Harry

    Free Member

    if it’s got the family ears then she’ll need a c-section.

    Free Member

    Red headed baby incoming…


    Free Member

    Stay classy, Buzz.

    had to be asked – it is STW after all

    Free Member

    a ban on smoking in all outdoor public places (although I would be in favour of that, I mean why not, what is the downside?)

    The downside is that you would be imposing your view on someone else – whether you agree with smoking or not it’s not really up to you to decide that someone cant do something outside (where there is no risk of passive smoking unlike indoors) just because you don’t agree with it. thats unreasonable.

    live and let live

    Free Member

    Greasy pies are unhealthy too – will we soon be stopping our kids watch someone eat “unhealthy” food just in case they want to eat a pie when their older.
    is it acceptable to eat a kebab in a kids playground?

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