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  • Transition Sentinel 2025: First Ride Review+
  • buzz1024
    Free Member

    Shocking! Just imagine someone doing something completely legal on their own property – thats scandalous!
    Seriously though – its not up to you to dictate to your neighbours what they can & can’t do – so either suck it up cupcake or move.

    Free Member

    I hope Beaver Colony isn’t a euphamism for a harim

    Free Member

    crosshair – Member 
    Get an R or S Reg series one Disco with 100,000 on the clock and enjoy 100,000 more miles of joy with it 7 seats, great tow vehicle, fast enough on real roads, better off road, bargain priced parts, what more could you need Then sell it for most of what you paid for it 

    Mines R reg – 170, 000 miles, been to France, Spain, Bosnia and to the Sahara twice – it’s terribly unreliable and awful on long journeys 🙂

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Gave up on my old school friends, college friends, old work buddies and now completely avoid having friends as I prefer my own company and cant be arsed with other people. I had 3 weeks off in the summer and didnt speak to anyone other than the dog – magic!

    Free Member

    I used to work beside ‘stig of the dump’ as he was known – even 27 glade air fresheners on his desk didn’t work 🙁
    The worst bit was 6yrs worth of snotters wiped on the underside of his chair that resembled green stalactites!

    Free Member

    Hell comes to Frogtown
    Nazi Zombies 1 & 2

    Free Member

    Street Lighting in the UK has to comply with BS5489 – the engineer/technician who has designed the installation has some leeway in placing of columns but it needs to comply with the required level of light and both longitudinal and overall uniformity which varies depending on the class of road being lit.
    White lighting sources are generally less efficient and when measured actually put out less light than the old SOX (orange ) lights but appear to the human eye due to being a full spectrum light rather than monochromatic. If anyone want to know more about this then google for the Purkinje effect.

    Free Member

    wilburt – Member I was out recently and nobhead in one of those drove past us repeatedly blowing out great plooms of exhaust fumes/particles. Regardless of add ons they should be taken of the road.

    It apoears that im a nobhead then 🙂
    Its a shame your opinion doesnt matter to me – might be because youre obviously a complete ****.

    Free Member

    Anyway, back to the ranch!
    SUVs or crossovers or whatever you want to call them are more than likely more popular at the moment due to advertising & marketing – when was the last time you saw an estate car being advertised on tv or elsewhere? It’s all down to what the manufacturers want to sell the great unwashed – for a while they pushed MPVs, people carriers, breedwagons and to be honest the last time I remember being aware of estates being pushed was back in the Volvo 740/940 days then when Volvo used a T5 estate in the BTCC.
    Personally I’m not a great fan of SUVs – yes I have a 4×4 ( or 2 🙂 ) but I have my reasons for that – but I do understand why they are popular – the one i dont get is the Nissan Juke – it must be one of the ugliest cars I have ever seen and I cant get my head around someone walking into a dealers and saying wow, I must spend a huge amount of my hard earned cash on such a fabulous vehicle.
    Wouldn’t be much fun if we were all the same – I just have to accept the fact that there are a lot of peasants out there with no taste 🙂

    Free Member

    What he said

    Free Member

    I run my petrol 4×4 on LPG and use waste veg oil in the diesel one 🙂
    I know its have a go at 4×4 & SUV time but all the points made about size, consumption etc are equally applicable to those that choose to run around in T4s, T5s and other vans/campers so why are they not getting some of the stick?

    Free Member

    Better watch out – you’ll get flamed on here for wanting an SUV instead of a clockwork pedal car 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve not read such a load of tripe in a long time – too many self righteous tossers with their half arsed ill informed opinions!
    It’s not up to you lot to dictate what people can drive – no wonder a large part of the population think that cyclists are all yoghurt knitting hand wringing self important tossers. So what if you want to pootle around in a clockwork pedal car – if thats what you want to do then go for it but don’t go decrying those who choose to drive something different. Yes, I drive a big 4×4 with a bloody great V8 engine because I like it not because ive got a small package or have been brainwashed by advertising guff – and its not because I want to destroy the planet. It’s 18yrs old and will last a long time unlike a prius or similar which uses up a huge amount of natural resources and energy to build. It also runs on LPG which is cleaner and cheaper than petrol. It’s comfortable and does what I need it to.
    As for the space taken up on the road – I don’t read anyone giving the VW T4, T5 etc a hard time – they’re vans ffs, they take up more room than my 4×4 and you can’t see past them either. But, of course, T4s and T5s have status on STW alongside the beloved Audis and Skodas ( and the ugly as sin sMax)
    Personally I don’t like small modern cars – for me they are cramped and uncomfortable and generally made from plastic and tinfoil – why on earth would I chose that over air conditioned leather luxury?

    Free Member

    I like to masturbate

    Free Member

    A company called mechmate ithink it is do a grp moulded one so no water seepage issues

    Free Member

    J reg Volvo 940 estate bought for £240 with 150k on it – 17″ alloys and filthy inside & out butcame with the original steelies as well.
    Spents 3 weekends cleaning and polishing and only costs were MOT’S, oil, filters and 2 lightbulbs over 5yrs of ownership.
    Sold on steel wheels and with 205k on the clock for £700 and punted the set of alloys for £85 😀
    Then spent the £700 on a Cinquecento sporting from evilbay sight unseen (24k fsh) had that for 2yrs and spent on 2 MOT’s and a back box – sold for £700 with 35k on the clock.
    7yrs of motoring for pennies 😀

    Free Member

    Roverpig – I agree to a certain extent. I had a 29r tallboy and yes it rolled over everything and was very capable but I felt that I had to go faster to get the buzz so back to hardtail and although I’m slower I get a bigger rush without the higher speed and am riding within my capabilities – I just don’t want to be riding any slower but want to feel more protected.
    Having said that, I’m thinking about building a klunker so that will slow my down a bit more (or will it?)
    Maybe we should all go retro rigid when we get to a certain age 🙂

    Free Member

    Maybe it’s an age thing but I’ve been thinking about this a lot more recently – I’m not exactly a fast rider but the thoughts of injuries taking longer to heal/supporting 4 kids and a mrs do stop me taking risks like I used to. Sometimes if I’m out on my own I’ll wear my ff and to be honest it has actually saved my teeth a few times.
    I’ll definitely be doing the xc lid for up and ff for down a lot more this year as I don’t want to slow down, I just want to feel more protected.
    The next question is – whats the best pack to carry a ff securely?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’m not having a flounce – it just seems that there’s not the same amount of funny threads now, too many threads asking the same questions (ffs there is a search facility) too much whinging and hardly anything informative. There are a few decent threads but a lot less than there used to be.
    Maybe it’s only me that feels this but interested to know what others think.

    Free Member

    Ooooh – hark at all the smoking nazis. Reckon you should all f.o. and mind your own business. I find your self righteousness offensive in public so can you all emigrate to yoghurt knitter land where I don’t have to listen to your whining and imposing your views etc on others.

    Free Member

    I’ve had limo tints on many vehicles – no visibility problems at all – use your f*****g mirrors when reversing! – if you can’t reverse just by using your mirrors then you shouldn’t be driving.
    They’re great for stopping scrotes seeing into the car and in sumner they stop it getting too hot ( the aircon works more efficiently ) – and it doesn’t matter a toss to me if anyone can’t see through my car or not.

    Free Member

    Phone councils anti-social behaviour team – asb noise is dealt with under section 46 of the anti-social behaviour act. The council will have an out of hours team that will attend and shut them down but you need tocall them whenever noise starts up and the permitted noise levels are enforcable 24hrs of the day.
    Enforcement can take the form of £100 fixed penalties, removal of noise making equipment and then an ASBO as a final resort. The council wil contact their landlord if renters and can take action against them as well.
    Guess what I do as part of my job?

    Free Member

    The cyclist didn’t do anything fundamentally wrong – he was entitled to be in the asl and the idiot in the car should not have repositioned the car. From my point of view he was perfectly entitled to comment re the car moving in to the asl. From that point onwards though the cyclist was not justified in his response – the car did not strike him or put him in any danger by moving off when the lights changed even though he was close to it. He may have believed it to be too close but the subsequent chase and verbals was out of order and of course he didn’t deserve to be assaulted but personally I feel that his actions did contribute to the outcome.
    Personally I would not have done anything different other than not chasing or gobbing off to the driver – it’s just not worth it and I’m a big bloke that can take care of himself.

    Free Member

    Was it safer for the tool to be in the asl in this situation or would he actually have been safer to remain in the line of other cyclist waiting on the left hand side of the road.
    Duckman – I agree with you that the cyclist definitely contributed a lot to the situation he found himself in. I dont condone the assault but I also know where you are coming from re your earlier statement about growing up in an area where you got a smack if you said something out of line.

    Free Member

    Just watched the video again – the cyclist turned round and went back the way he had come – where had he intended to go? Was he going to turn right at the first junction? Signs are for ahead only.
    And no-one has yet mentioned that just prior to the car moving off after the assault another tool on a bike can be clearly seen jumping the red light – is this ok in the stw hive or do the militants choose to not see this?
    A lot of double standards here methinks

    Free Member

    I’m with you on this one duckman. Maybe the **** on the bike did have the right to go into the asl, why did he feel the need to actually do it without thinking “I don’t really need to be here other than to be in front of the nasty car” – to me it is typical of the sort of militant cyclists we see on the roads every day. Yeah, the guy in the car was a bit of a tool in the way he responded but it wasnt necessary for mr militant cyclist to be a smart ar5e and move to the side of the car to point this out. In fact, if he had the time to do this and in effect put himself into a less than safe situation then the moral high ground of plonking himself in the asl directly in front of the car is lost. The ensuing chase etc was entirely unnecessary especially as he went out of his way to do so. They were both tools, the assault was unnecessary, as was the banging and shouting at the car occupants.
    On another note – aracers list of the benefits of cycling included “being more chilled and nicer to people” – the tool on the bike in this clip doesn’t really back this up – in fact over 50% of users on this forum blow that fact out of the water.

    Free Member

    And you can bbq a hamster easily on a stick

    Free Member

    Reintroduce the dog license but make it £500 along with compulsory training, chipping, insurance etc
    Could also do this for kids – £10k child licence and compulsory parenting classes along with child insurance and micro-chipping 😆

    Free Member

    I have no problem with booting a dog that behaves this way when I’m out with our dogs and I’ll have a right go at the owners too – I encourage them to call the police but none ever have. It also amazes me the number that allow their dogs to behave like this around small children as well.

    Free Member

    Scotroutes, I realise your point re youtube uploads but having spent time in that there London I am still of the opinion that 90% of the inhabitants both male & female are knobs – the attitudes, the aggression, the militantness of all the different groups – to me, it’s a sh1thole.
    To give some balance though – having driven in many places on this planet, I reckon the drivers in Edinburgh are the worlds worst for jumping red lights.

    Free Member

    Is it me or are 90% of the cyclists ( and drivers, and pedestrians ) in London complete militant knobs – I’m so glad I don’t live amongst all that aggression.

    Free Member

    I posted a rather ripe dog turd in a jiffybag to someone that I had an intense dislike for.

    One of my favourites and one that I still do is to put stuff like condoms and lube into some middle aged womans trolley when left unattended in the supermarket. I’ve also put ladies undies into mens trolleys. I’ve never witnessed the confusion at the checkout but just the thought of it makes me giggle.

    Free Member

    I’m glad that I have my completely unnecessary 4×4 with decent tyres as well as being able to drive properly ( not assumed ability but the result of many hours of training and practice ) – it doesn’t mean im an an expert or that I’m never going to get stuck but reduces the chances of that happening.
    Winter tyres on the front – no problem, you’re not going to instantly die – just learn how the car behaves

    Free Member

    Totally agree with Coastkid on this – I’ve also personally witnessed the idiotic behaviour of these groups on many occasions. East lothian is very cycle friendly but I hear more & more complaints from local residents re the lack of any roadcraft and consideration from these groups. Clubrules are all very well but who actually enforces them? You can’t blame car drivers for everything.

    Free Member

    Kids upstairs being uncommunicative teenagers – me & mrs been having a Sopranos fest all day with G&T for her and a fairly large collection of beers for me – I may be excessively flatulent tomorrow 😳

    Free Member

    Beanie at work, sealskin one if its raining. Just got a new leather widebrim to replace an ancient stetson that finally died. I like hats – they keeps me head warm and I don’t care if folk think I look like a dick.

    Free Member

    Dropping the first big fart of the day on the heated leather seat in the car – highly recommended.

    Free Member

    thanks guys – there’s a few in there that I’d forgotten about.
    He’s a very mature 14yr old and loved Leon & Nikita (the real one – not the crappy american remake) – he also liked district 13. He enjoys a good mix of films – not just the standard action stuff.
    I keep remembering films and have been scribbling them down when I remember – Silent Running was one that sprung to mind in the last 5 mins.
    Please keep the suggestions coming and I’ll compile a nice long list in a couple of days – I’ll probably post it up so it can be added to.

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