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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • butterbean
    Free Member

    They are certainly a cracking prospect…

    I’d have more faith in it, if it was made literally by anyone other than Evil. Yeah, they might use a decent factory now to make them, but the factory will only follow the process dictated by Evil when making them.

    Couple of guys in the SH Massif had them. Broke them. Said they were great, until they broke. Maybe they are good for the, erm, softer riders out there.

    My take was it was a decent bike, let down by the stupid slack seat angle. Being of taller stature it felt like I was pedalling a recumbent. 2 minutes on Google tells me those who arnt trying to justify purchases, or selling them seem to have a common complaint.

    Meh, plenty of other bikes out there just as good that won’t make you want to rip your own face off when trying to warranty something.

    Free Member

    The reality is people all have a very different perception of the word plush.

    I have ridden extensively the new 34, 36, Pike and more recently the Lyrik.

    Fox have never seemingly got the initial stroke suppleness right, it is an improvement with the new 34 over the 36 but then it uses a different design air cartridge. I believe a lot of the stiction on the initial stroke comes from the air side because of the symptoms I and a lot of people have experienced.

    What they lose in suppleness they do however gain in mid stroke support and bottom out control which is good on both.

    The 36 I was using had been fettled my Mojo as initially I felt it could have been the bushes were too tight but they said it was all ok and gave them a service. This particular fork I could never find the balance between too much stiction off the top or too little mid stroke support with the fork collapsing in g-out corners.

    The Pike is a nice fork for the most part I believe it seems to do everything well and only really gets out of its depth on really fast rough stuff but it is not a big cause for concern. It does not have the mid stroke support of the Fox, but for 90% of it use I believe it to be the better fork as it gives more grip on the front end. I dont know the reliability is there with the chassis though, when the fork came out there was seemingly a large number of people suffering with stanchion/crown unbonding issues.

    The Lyrik has been good so far. It has better mid stroke support than the Pike, almost as comparable as the 36 I believe. Where is does have a big win is the initial stroke again though, it is a marked improvement on the 36, which yields far better grip and comfort levels. Durability is unknown as yet but with extra meat around the crown and a larger stanchion overlap should address some of the earlier Pike issues. It also has the revised seal head in the Charger cartridge which should stop the cavitation issues some Pike users experienced.

    It is worth stating also, holding a 36 in one hand and the Lyrik in the other, the 36 looks to be considerably better made. The quality of finish is far higher and internally that theme continues I believe.

    It was mentioned above regarding the new Ohlins fork as well, which is currently only available in 29″ format, I do not know what wheel size you are looking at and there may be some compatability issues surrounding the crown race design but having ridden one for a while on my SJ it is a very, very good fork also.

    Free Member

    Pacific Coaches go from Squamish visitor centre so you can hop on that. They aren’t that cheap though.

    Might be worth joining the various Facebook pages for biking & jobs as there is always someone going between the two for gas money, usually with a pickup, so plenty of room.

    Good luck, envious! Unfortunately the wrong side of 30 to make the move ourselves, but still investigating buying a business out there as a means for making it work.

    Free Member

    Also experienced this, with a couple of sets of XTR trails. Both were warrantied, one came back fine, and are on my wife’s junk bike now, the other set got warrantied again, for the same issue, then sold.

    It’s a more common issue than I think people realise, Google Shimano Inconsistent lever feel, there are lots of other bike forums, with lots of other people complaining. I had a Madison Tech guy at a race try & ‘blame’ it on a non Shimano rotor a few years ago, which was bolleaux, so I went & put the spare wheelset on, with Shimano rotors & took it back.

    I replaced mine with some Race E4’s – which work, every time I pull the lever. Not nice when racing & wondering if your brakes will work when you pull the lever. Reminds me of my old Fomula’s :)

    Free Member

    They have a clicking/rattle in the first few mm of travel, and have been told that’s not normal, send back for refund or replacement..

    I suggest a bit of Google.

    It’s quite a well documented issue that there is no fix for.

    Free Member

    @hamishthecat – can you share some experiences of the Marz fork? My brother really fancies this model for his new bike.

    Free Member

    And I’d rather not, because the Insurgent looks amazing and, more importantly, people who I respect who have ridden say it stands head and shoulders above other bikes.

    They are talking bolleaux.

    It’s believable though, i’ve ridden a fair few bikes including a Nomad, and the Uprising is the better bike IMO.

    No it’s not. And the latter is subjective. I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who believe the Nomad is a far better bike.

    He clearly believes what the respected others are saying though. “head and shoulders” implies that it makes every other option redundant

    Exactly. It’s mostly horse manure.

    Free Member

    hhhh, no. SC may put a cosmetic layer on, but no one makes a carbon frame as ‘one piece’ with no joins anywhere!


    Giant are regarded as having probably the best carbon in the industry.

    Free Member

    Take a cross bike. Anything else, you will overbiked.

    Free Member

    I really don’t understand why everyone is getting so upset

    Me too, it’s like someone has has their first born slain by Crown Estates.

    I can’t even bring myself to call it the jump gully, it’s always been that crap. Swinley has always been a terrible place to ride, the loss of a piss poor effort to make middle aged wobblers think they are rad by casing a 3ft table is hardly worth the outcry it has seemingly generated.

    Now they can look forward to riding round on polished construction aggregate instead.

    Free Member

    So despite the same old claims of “yep, we’ve sorted it, no more issues with us” they continue to churn out sub standard bikes backed up with industry leading lack of customer service.

    You would literally need to have your head examined to consider buying a bike from them.

    Free Member

    The Following and the new Insurgent are being made by the same factory that makes all of the Santa Cruz carbon frames now (and I suspect a lot of others), so we expect the quality to be better.

    Brilliant, however, that doesn’t actually mean anything, as the factory will just do as the are told, if the QC doesn’t exist from the first stage, then it’s meaningless. Their previous frame builders also managed to make straight frames for other brands that didn’t crack, yet they couldn’t manage that with Evil. see a trend appearing here?

    minds about posting, as it’s my frame in question and one reason being cited by Silverfish for the warranty not being honoured is me posting the thread on MTBR. I’ll therefore keep it factual rather than expressing any opinion, because it is still being discussed.

    If that’s actual fact, and I’m assuming it is, being that it’s you who this involves, that’s is literally, bloody genius.

    Regardless of the outcome, you must be bloody mental to be considering another bike from them after that stunning little gem.

    I cannot believe people buy these things. I also cannot believe Evils ability to fail, at every single hurdle, every single time.

    People considering anything made by Evil need their heads checked. It’s like jumping in a shark pool and then being upset when you get your leg ripped off.

    How many more times?

    Free Member

    Serious question – why would you take kids to a wedding? They know not of the occasion and are generally disruptive


    We had none at ours, but were up front about it from the point of invitation, and have been to many others that have been child free.

    By comparison, the free for all weddings we have been to have generally been heavily disrupted by quite a few children.

    You can see everyone rolling their eyes each time.

    Sometimes, just sometimes, it’s ok to do something without the children in tow.

    Free Member

    On the flip side, my mate has just had his 2014 Capra frame replaced because the paint (and only the paint) had cracked around the ISCG mount. Three week turnaround from sending it back to them. They stated that the frame was fine, but they’d replace it anyway as it didn’t represent the quality that they wanted to deliver


    Yet that unofficial owners home on Pinkbike is literally littered with people going nuts about delays with cracked frames, no response from YT, no answering the phone etc.

    There are people on there who have been through 4 frames in a year. I can’t understand why anyone would buy one with the grief people seemingly have to go through when it breaks (which seems to be a given, just a case of when).

    Free Member

    Try your LBS? They might be cheapest, but you never know they might just have what you’re looking for and you’ll help keep them in business for the times you really need them.

    What, like one of those times right now?

    You want one for the weekend? Go to your LBS and pay for it. Suck it up buttercup.

    Free Member

    the series is selling well

    They have not sold any races out this year compared to the past and in the other races I have done there is a lot of people complaining about silly new rules regarding insurance and helmets. A group of 6 of us did all the rounds last year and none this year.

    There are better races for less money now.

    Free Member

    Has it cracked yet?

    Free Member

    Easy with the wheels off.

    I can squeeze 8/9 in my LWB Kombi with the front wheels off. The SWB isn’t much smaller, 4 less should be comfortable.

    Free Member

    Yeti do a couple of things really well. Turquoise and cracks.

    Free Member

    Have looked at the suggested Camelbak ideas – don’t think that’s going to work very well with carrying a FF/Normal lid.

    There doesn’t seem to be much about that isn’t the size of a expedition rucksack but can carry a FF or a half shell properly, Just one clip will have them swinging about all over the place.

    Free Member

    If you get to the start of stage 1 at 10:30am, do you have to wait until 10:40 or can you go straight away? How does everyone get organised into the right order if you have to start bang on your allocated stage time?


    Just make a mental note of who leaves before you at the start. I seem to remember last year they called the numbers out at each stage anyway.

    I’m looking forward to it.

    Free Member

    Then make a trip of it, rather than making another expensive mistake.

    There are plenty of online bike bargains these days. But if a bike doesn’t fit, or you don’t like how it rides, it doesn’t matter how much of a bargain it is. Surely your last experience has taught you that?

    I’m sure there are plenty of people who don’t test ride a bike before they buy it, on the other hand, there are also lots of people who do test ride – and ride lots of different bikes before making a decision.

    Clearly you have some quirky requirements – perhaps looking for specific bikes just because they are cheap isn’t the right way to go about buying something new. The best bike for someone isn’t necessarily the best spec for the lowest price. It’s the one that suits you the best. So what if it has an SLX rear mech rather than an XTR one?

    Spend a weekend at a demo event. It might cost you £150, but I bet you that’s a whole chunk less than you lose when you buy another bike that doesn’t work and you have to try to offload it.

    Free Member

    As countless others have said, why don’t you go to an actual, proper bike shop and demo a few bikes?

    You’re obviously a little (lot) quirky in your setup if you want a sky high front end, obsessing over numbers on the internet is a sure fire way of getting it wrong, again.

    Most of your conclusions don’t even make sense, yet here you are, about to buy a bike you’ve never even seen in the flesh, let alone swung a leg over & you’re trying to self convince it will fit you.

    This has got disaster written all over it. Only this time you won’t have an easy, popular bike to sell.

    By all means, go for it, i’m sure the mob on here will be waiting with baited breath for the next installment of “my bike doesn’t fit/it feels weird/I don’t know what to do/delete as appropriate”

    You really don’t help yourself.

    Free Member

    Owners responsibility on the uplift IIRC as the drivers don’t touch them, they will tell you if the straps are too loose though to tighten them.

    You’d think its not that hard to put a bike on them properly, but every time I’ve been there is always a few people making a real pigs ear of it.

    Free Member

    Why? Unless you’re some kind of odd shaped freak?

    Free Member

    I’m 6ft1 and like smaller bikes but not crazy small..


    You’re riding a bike that’s tiny already. Somewhere between a small & medium of most normal brands, when by sheer numbers alone, you should be on the L/XL threshold.

    No wonder you come up with some of the gems you do on here.

    Try riding a bike that actually fits you. Ride a large, at least.

    By you’re own admission on here you’re no Steve Peat, so no need to trot out the line of liking a more chuckable bike. Unless by that you mean you can chuck it in the boot of the car more easily if its smaller.

    Free Member

    Supposedly the Syndicate ran most of their enve wheelsets for a full year- and you could tell some had a long life at least, they all looked ****ed Fresh stickers so they looked nice for photos. I don’t know how many alu rims they’d have expected to use up in that time though.

    It’s a great internet bullshyte story. There is a certain bike shop in the UK with an entire feature wall of wrecked Syndicate Enve rims. It didn’t even take a season to fill it.

    They wreck nearly as many Enve’s as they did the soft DT Swiss rims they ran for years.

    Free Member

    Do her fingers not work properly or something?

    Saying that such and such brake is either on or off is a complete load of tosh to be honest with you. One of the genius ways our body works is the ability to gently squeeze something or give it a good hard grab. Shimano brakes aren’t on or off – no brakes are – they just perhaps take less effort to get a really decent stop on, which doesn’t mean that you can’t lightly feather them, but does help you go faster and reduces arm pump etc.

    Well, apparently not, and she’s talking tosh. As are many end user and professional reviews, all of whom comment about about them being grabby, less modulation than others etc.

    But thanks for the irrelevant input anyway.

    Free Member

    Probably should have made it clearer. She doesn’t want a budget brake either, quite happy to spend some money on them.

    I expect I’ll get a load more suggestions for Shimano and Deore now, seeing as they are the two things she doesn’t want.

    I’ll suggest she needs to learn to like Shimano though & let you know that one pans out.

    I will have a look at the Magura options though, never considered those.


    Free Member

    The latest Shimano brakes do not feel like that at all. Recent ones did.

    I’d respectfully disagree, having 3 different bikes with Shimano’s on (820 Saints, XTR985 Trails & XTR9020 Trails) they are still very on-off.

    No point in offering or suggesting something she has no interest in. Having ridden all of my bikes it’s a battle I will never win. She doesn’t like them, simple!

    Free Member

    Brillant. 2 out of 6 posts so far recommending the one brand she doesn’t want because of the way the brakes feel.

    Which I understand completely, as they are very on/off. I can see why people don’t like that, nor would want to get used to it.

    Free Member

    That, and the fact that the SB75 was always a rush job – they took the SB66 frame, reduced the travel to 130mm (making it even heavier in the process) and upped the wheelsize to 650b.

    More like the SB95 frame. hence why if you at the back end you could fit a fat bike tyre in there & still have a decent amount of clearance.

    Free Member

    I don’t disagree, they have a place in the market, as do bike brands sold through a more traditional means.

    YT are still a very niche brand, with limited models and bikes so they are a bit of a poor relation to the likes of Canyon who don’t just cater for DJ’ers, DH’ers or wannabe Enduro Wizards, but what they do, they do very well (for the most part).

    I can’t imagine your average high end brand rider feels embarrassed/pride hurt/blah just because a company bring out a better spec bike for cheaper. From our own extensive market research they are very different markets, that have very little crossover.

    But hey, I work for one of those big, evil brands that apparently like to pull our customers pants down, so i’m just protecting my interests :)

    Free Member

    Fascinating. So we can all be inverted snobs now instead?

    Free Member

    So we’re adding risk aversion to the list too.

    Considering the brand, it would be the first thing for most people ;)

    Free Member

    It’s been covered already but yes, £2400 is expensive but comparable with other frame manufacturers for a carbon frame.

    Do other such manufacturers have such a colourful distant (and present) past regarding their ability to build bikes that fall apart with impressive regularity?

    It takes a brave person to drop that sort of money on an Evil frame, no matter how “cool” a brand they are.

    Free Member

    Why do I need Personal accident insurance to race the UKGE series?…
    Because I want to cover myself if the worst happens and I can’t work! also it’s now a mandatory entry requirement.

    Yep, that £900 for breaking my back* is certainly going to make all the difference. My employee sickness benefits & PMI are literally quaking in their boots…

    *minimum level of cover apparently.

    UKGE has no control over who enters their races and as such this mandatory rule will make people think twice about entering a national level event and hopefully think “Maybe i’ll go and ride regional Enduros first and see how I get on before committing my money and time to a series that is way above my current riding level (fitness and skill)” I know I would…


    Oh, you were being serious?

    I can go & race DH in nearly any series in the UK, most of which have tracks so far beyond that raced in a UKGE, at far higher speeds, with far bigger consequences for getting it wrong.

    I don’t need insurance for that.

    You make it sound like UKGE is some brutal, tough killer weekend enduro racing. Jesus Christ. We rode round Afan trail centre for two years on the trot :roll:

    Free Member

    I think that’s what you call a non-explanation explanation.

    Nah, it’s what you call a load of bollocks.

    It blows my mind some of the goons on Facebook still blowing smoke up their arses over the whole matter too.

    Free Member

    @p7rich, this won’t help in all cases but I’d assume sports insurance is covered by the normal 14 day cooloff period- so you could arrange your cover, try and book your race, then if it falls through cancel. Obviously only works the first time you book for the year, though, so if you’re trying to book race by race it won’t really help.

    Or if you were particulary cute, buy the policy pre entry, copy cert, cancel insurance & carry on as normal & present ‘fake’ certificate at point of signon.

    The sensible thing to do now would be to put the plan into the stupid ideas box.

    Particulary enjoying the default response of please contact our preferred supplier, and we can’t tell you why we insist this silly rule to be in place, but cough up anyway, otherwise you can’t race.

    At least with the FF discussion they could half justify it based on safety. What i do with own personal insurance and financial situation has nothing to do with whether I want to race or not.

    Still, they have done a great job of reducing potential entries next year. Of the 12 of my regular riding group who have done multiple UKGE races last year, none of us will now bother.

    Free Member

    No smoke without fire!

    Other half had the foxy xr 2014. Bolts had a nasty habitat of coming loose quickly at the most frustrating of times (middle of a race anyone?) and bearings needed changing after 6 months. Chainstay snapped as well but that could just be bad luck… silverfish relatively quick to sort out though.

    Sounds like the friend of one of the guys I ride with.

    Although he wished his bearings lasted 6 months. 6 weeks more like.

    Bent bolts, sheared one & cracked chainstay. A month for a new back end. Bike sold.

    He bought a Spec next, but I may be biased in that regard. For something less than 6 months old, his Mondraker was a heap of sh*t.

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