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  • Michael Bonney – In Memoriam
  • butcher
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    When they start producing one that looks as timeless as a 911 with decent performance to boot ill be interested.

    For the money, you could have yourself a used 911, and run it…

    It does seem like an excessive outlay. But I suppose we should be thankful people are willing to spend it. Otherwise development would cease. So it’s all for a good cause.

    Though I’m still not massively convinced by the electric car in general.

    Full Member

    epic music.. it’s like Star Wars, with a bike as Jedi and Bus as the Empire.

    It’s very captivating.

    Good vid. Positive.

    Full Member

    Large looks hideous.

    The small looks surprisingly good. It’s hard to believe it’s the same bike.

    Full Member

    Four’s good. Teh other half would kill me if I bought more than that :wink:

    Full Member

    …or some kind of street trial bike.

    Oof. There’s a thought. Does it have to be just four? In an ideal world I’d have seven or eight, at least…

    Full Member

    Cotic Soul would be the ‘regular’ bike
    Some kind of long travel full suss for occasional trail centre duties.
    Steel framed road tourer, as my ‘road’ and commuter bike option…chosen closely behind a drop bar mtb
    Surly fat bike, to give my collection some eccentricity

    Full Member

    I had a computer that done this for about 3 years….

    It’s still alive. Just retired..

    Full Member

    Once you get over a certain price point with skateboards it’s all preference really. And unless he’s a severely obese 9 year old he’s unlikely to break one.

    Go for a deck around 7.5 inches, Aside from the widths, there’s little difference between them these days.

    Wheels….pretty much the same. Most of them are made in the same factories. Get a fairly average size….52…54mm….

    Set of trucks (Venture, Independent, Royal, etc), risers and bolts, bearings (any), griptape and you’re good to go. But easier to buy complete.

    Generally British will cost you less, and just as cool with the kids….Blueprint, Fabric, Death, etc….

    Expect to pay £100+

    Full Member

    Not really familiar with SQL 2008, but generally you would just follow each script with a semi-colon; and each would be executed in sequence.

    Full Member

    Some interesting stuff in here about segregation of motorists, cyclists and pedestrians:
    It doesn’t always have the effect that people assume, and in some cases it can actually increase accident rates. This appears to be because motorists drive faster and take less care when segregation is in place.

    Again, that’s generally an argument used against the poorly designed non-segregated cycle lanes we have in this country. Because it gives motorists the impression of segregation, and so they can carry on as they will, so long as they don’t go over that white line they believe they’re driving with due care. Meanwhile some poor cyclist has their elbow hanging over that line…looking at the curb….looking at the line….nervously looking over their shoulder… That’s not segregation.

    much of the netherlands does not have a segregated system in towns and villages – it has a 20 mph limit and cyclists get priority.

    It’s interesting that legally they have priority. In that if you hit a cyclist, it’s your fault. If a cyclist hits you….well it’s still your fault. So it’s no surprise motorists avoid them like the plague.

    The biggest thing in the cycling nations though is the fact that everyone cycles. And even as an ‘experienced’ cyclist in this country, I rarely feel safe on the roads, and so encouraging cycling to people who need convinced of why they should be cycling is a difficult task. If I didn’t do it already….without a perceived safe infrastructure, weighing up the odds, I don’t think I’d take it up as a practical means of going from A to B.

    Full Member

    Or better yet, give us decent, separated infrastructure so we don’t have to worry about idiots and spottily enforced traffic laws

    I’d disagree – Bez puts it better than I could though

    What ‘Bez’ is talking about, and a truly segrgated infrastructure (like our cycling friends over the water have), are two completely different things.

    There’s a fundamental problem in mixing bikes with traffic, whether it be by the side of the road, or in the middle of it. The vehicles are just too different. Hence segregation.

    Full Member

    What film’s the quote from?

    Bad Taste

    Full Member

    Geocities is only available in Japan these days, unfortunately. Shame really, as it was quite entertaining in its madness.

    These days it’s all about Social media, innit….which is great, but I do wish there were more free platforms for people to get their creative hats on.

    Without setting up domains, hosting, etc, a blog’s probably the easiest one (Blogger will let you set something straight up). Or even a photo hosting site like Flickr. If you’re only going to have a couple of images(?) then I don’t see how one post on top of the other is going to cause a problem. And you could also use it as a news feed, in the lead up to events…

    Full Member

    “I’m a Derek…”

    “And Dereks don’t run!”

    Full Member

    To be fair the bike shops have all been as helpful as they can, it does seem to be overcaution by the manufacturers. But to not have bike supply available at this time of year seems to indicate a bit of poor strategic thinking up the line somewhere.

    I don’t know anything about the bike industry. But this is a problem all over at the moment. Trade is beginning to pick up for a lot of people. Cash-flow however, is still shoddy. Even the big companies are post-dating cheques or ignoring payment for months on end. And so putting money out for stock and whatnot is difficult, with the best sellers getting priority.

    So I’m not sure it’s necesarilly manufacturers making odd moves – at least not by choice. More that they’re trying to keep afloat, perhaps?

    Full Member

    I can see why it’s not a big deal to some people. And in the grand scheme of things, it’s not….there’s always a lamp post, or something. But you can imagine the outcry if their little display was erected in the disabled parking bays.

    Crikey, Jeremy Clarkson and James May were given permission to use a store’s disabled parking bays for a feature whilst the store was closed and they made front page headlines.

    And that’s the thing. Because it’s ‘just’ cyclists, no one cares. We’re at the bottom of the pecking order, so ASDA for one have decided to take the p*$$. And if a massive corp like ASDA are going to take the p*$$ then we don’t really stand a chance in gaining any recognition as worthy members of the human species.

    If it were me, I’d be tempted to write to my local MP. And then the local papers. ASDA head office. Etc. I’d milk it.

    Full Member

    For the address bar search? It be in the settings somewhere. Seek and ye shall find.

    Full Member

    I use Love Film and have always found it good. Quick postal service. Limited selection of movies online so far, but you can stream on PC, PS3, TV, etc…

    Menus might not be the best on PS3, but if you’re happy to set it up on PC, then searching through them couldn’t be easier.

    Overall you’ll get way more choice than any Blockbuster video store (the selection for their postal service is massive), and Sky Movies (though I think they get exlusive rights to the latest movies) are past it.

    Full Member

    The default settings on the server will usually disable the ability to view the contents of folders for security reasons.

    As long as that’s enabled, just set the folder as the default directory of the website.

    Full Member

    I slipped a foot off a pedal the other day popping off a measly 6″ curb like drop. Full body weight on other pedal = opposing pedal at terminal velocity to shin.

    It’s enough to make a grown man want to cry.

    Full Member

    The Rockrider offers good value for money. Yes.

    Full Member

    See a fair few focus’s (?) in Glasgow.. Some completely stealth, some with police logos on it, and some with full battenburgs on..

    I know round here, blue has always been the standard colour for CID and the like. Usually Focuses, Astras, stuff like that, completely unmarked.

    They’re not private cars though…

    I’d say Fire Brigade.

    Full Member

    I’d say they were one of the better flights I’ve had. Pretty good in my experience.

    Full Member

    I think mountain bikes are one of those things that dimish with cost. The more you pay, the less it weighs, and subsequently the less time it has to live.

    On the other hand £300 will get you a bike that will withstand a nuclear war.

    It’s an interesting topic though. A car for example lasts an insanely long time in comparrison, with very little maintenance. I’ve had parts on my bike go before I even hit the 500 mile mark. That could be a couple of days commute in a car….you’d take it straight back to the dealer if anything happened to it within 20 thousands miles of that figure.

    Disclaimer: None of this is probably true.

    Full Member

    Have Ragley sorted their QC issues yet?

    Whilst not wanting to create a stir, the alleged QC ‘issues’ bandied across forums are something that genuinely put me off buying a Ragley…but I’m still looking for a frame…so I’d be interested in the answer to that question too.

    Full Member

    Got as far as the grenade (seen before) & as per Al found it too uncomfortable to want to continue.

    Me too. I can’t bring myself to be entertained by serious injury, and death – I’m pretty sure both are in there to some degree.

    Full Member

    I have to admit, I’m hugely tempted by a Soul. But the price tag is more than I paid for my entire bike brand new. And my bike has been nothing short of excellent. Ok you’re liable to loose an eyeball on a fast rocky descent, purely from the vibration, but aside from that it’s faultless.

    Is it really worth an extra £470 to soak up a bit of trail buzz? There must be some very good alternatives at least, with a more affordable price tag?

    Full Member

    Alu bikes break too, you know. I know of loads of cracked alu and even ti frames, never heard personally of anyone breaking a carbon frame.

    Oh, I know. But…either carbon brakes more, carbon is more popular at the moment, or people just prefer to post more pics of broken carbon parts (perhaps because it’s more expensive/more interesting/more whatever).

    But I’m not 100% on Alu either. It’s just I’ve been riding it for years so I’ve had time to accept it. In 10 years time I might’ve accepted carbon fibre too :-)

    Full Member

    Carbon still scares me. An irrational fear no doubt, but I can’t help being put off by the pictures of broken bikes and subsequent injuries that keep appearing on teh internet. I’ve seen two on this very forum in the past couple of weeks.

    Mostly though, just the things that are forced onto the consumer in a sense. Like 10-speed. Which isn’t necesarilly a bad thing… just costs us a bit more for a chain. But it would be nice to have the choice. I wonder if it’s all getting a bit roadie like. In the sense that we’ll all have to have two bikes: one ‘perfect’ trail machine, and one that is actually more practical for 90% of your riding.

    Full Member

    We’re living in odd times. For as long as I’ve known, there have been two parties. You voted one or the other…..or the lib dems, which was always a no vote.

    Now the lib dems are a semi serious candidate (I know, you scoff, but they have ‘experience’ now…) there seems to be less choice than ever.

    Full Member

    I believe the Highway Code recommends the use of cycle lanes where applicable. But their use is not compulsory. You are well within your rights to ride on the road.

    Full Member

    I agree. It’s got a great selection of stuff there now. Well worth a visit.

    Full Member

    I think the guys are right actually. Google does actually do it. So forget my long winded answer…..apparently we’ve moved on :-)

    Full Member

    Weren’t Microsoft working on something like this that completely flopped?

    There was something though. Not by Microsoft. Where you could upload exif data (which is additional info attached to digital images), and it would search the web for that image. It would only find identical copies I’m guessing, but if you can find the thumbnail, surely you can find the original… Unless you have re-saved it yourself, changing the exif data.

    I can’t for the life of me remember what it was called though.

    It’s popular amongst photographers for catching people out using their images without permission.

    Full Member

    That’s funny. I’d be very tempted to lock my bike up strewn across the decking, right in the middle of their little art installation there.

    I mean it’s obviously a facility for parking bikes in. There’s a huge picture of a bike on the side of it! The words ‘arse’ and ‘elbow’ come to mind.

    Definitely point it out to the store manager. Because in all seriousness, aside from not being very convenient, it’s a blatant disregard to cyclists. And it doesn’t set a very good example, does it.

    Full Member

    Loads of photos here:

    I’m not saying what my time was :oops:

    Full Member

    £900 for a commuting bike? Are you sure you’re doing this to save money, or is this what you’re telling the missus?

    Full Member

    Perhaps a better car analogy is someone who buys a performance car, never takes it past 3000 RPM and just uses it to go to the shops and back. Its pointless and basically they just look like poseurs, its rude not to take the piss.

    Just playing devil’s advocate, but I’m pretty sure there are people out there who do that, because they appreciate the art of the car. The engineering, the craftmanship…

    It’s like people with their summer and winter bikes. Their winter bikes are often ridden harder than their supposedly superior summer equivalents – because the reasons behind owning those bikes are not purely based on performance, but rather aesthetics and image.

    In the same sense, there’s not a whole lot of people who can bring themselves to pay 100+k for a car, then rag it around a track within an inch of its life. You’ll will find a hell of a lot more people sitting with it at home, polishing, admiring….just because they can.

    And if you have the money, why not?

    Full Member

    mountainbiking has become the new trend sport. it is easy to buy into the image of a cool mountainbiker.

    Are you kidding? When I go for a ride I genuinely try to sneak out without anyone seeing me. Mountain bikers look like t*@ts. That’s fact. No-one can possibly think they look good in their hideous jerseys, a pair of leggings for crying out loud, and some odd multi-coloured sculpture perched on the top of their head.

    There’s nothing ‘cool’ about mountain biking.

    Full Member

    For a lot of people, bikes are like fast cars. You don’t need to drive them particularly well, as long as they make all the right sounds, and make you smile.

    For others a bike is a tool, for getting to the bottom in the fastest possible time. Or the top. Or just forgetting about times and life in general…

    Lots of reasons for riding bikes for doing jumps, and not doing jumps. As long as everyone is doing their own thing, it’s all good.

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