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  • Bikestormz: Where mountain bikes meet urban streets
  • Bushwacked
    Free Member

    Sounds like we’ve got a work party coming together…

    Just need to work out which bits need the most attention. Any suggestions?

    I was up on Cleeve and parts where just a total clagfest… Bring on the sun!

    Free Member

    After my ride today I’ve decided to keep clear of Lecky and Cranham for a while – I think the frost then thaw has churned it up quite badly.

    Gonna do some training on the Road bike until the weather has sorted itself out and the trails are in a less fragile condition.

    I’m considering doing some trail maintenance down in Craham – get rid of some of those ruts – anyone fancy joining me sometime?

    Free Member

    Mo – I know you live up there so have a better view of the conditions – but you weren’t joking when you said Lecky was in a state!!!.

    I’ve not seen it that bad for a few years. Had to get off and walk far too many times – its like its been ploughed in places!!!

    Free Member

    Only taken 40mins to sort ut a Rear mech problem – now I’m off!

    Free Member

    I’m just off up Lecky now – will check out the conditions!

    Free Member

    Defo got to be the Peaty clip from Seasons! – love it!

    And he’s as british as Yorkshire Puddings!

    Free Member

    6ft here and Medium with Thomson Layback and 70mm stem. Great for going down and great for going up!

    Free Member

    Rob Atkin – Its the spirit of the thing – by selling it on STW you are selling it onto someone who will value it and enjoy using it.

    If I want to make a profit then I would sell it straight onto ebay.

    If I gave something away (FoC or cheaply) because I felt someone needed something or would benefit from it I would be upset if I found they’d taken advantage of my good nature to make a quick quid.

    If they used it, found they didn’t like it and then sold it a few months later then no problem.

    Free Member

    Dekerfer –

    Surely the STW classifieds market decides the price, just like any other?

    It should but this isn’t always the case – some buyers jump on sellers and reserve it for them so they can have first refusal – sellers fault for accepting to do this in good faith that the buyer in genuinely interested in a bike for them rather than making a profit.

    I believe (and I have no proof that this is the case) that this gives the buyer time to establish if they can make a profit off their purchase while other "real" buyers are frozen out.

    Moral of the story is don’t let people have first refusal.

    Free Member

    Druidh – Why Aviemore?

    Craig – anywhere you’d suggest in Menorca?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    To be honest not many companies use CallCredit so I wouldn’t bother!!!

    Free Member

    I should add you may not need to get a report but I’ll check that as well.

    Free Member

    Before you can talk to the CRAs you need to get your credit report – quickest way is – they can’t talk to you until you do this to do with identity fraud etc etc.

    either on the report or from taking to them they will guide you through it.

    If I remember rightly you will need to register a NoC (Notice of Correction) to highlight to the agencies you are not connected to this person anymore.

    This should disassociate you from them.

    I’d do some checking for you and see if you need to do this on all CRAs or just one.

    Free Member

    I know about this sort of thing – just got to have my tea!

    Free Member

    If people are making money on a REGULAR basis from trading on this forum then that isn’t good – ebay should be for that sort of thing. How many bikes / parts can someone buy / sell in one month??

    I’m not saying that people shouldn’t make money but people using the earlybird tactic to bag a bargain to be resold isn’t in the STW spirit in my opinion – takes deals away from STW’er who will USE the products.

    My lesson learnt is to wait and see who pokes their nose above the parapet before selling – not sure I’ll reserve it for any earlybirds as it isn’t fair on people who want to buy something for themselves.

    Free Member

    I’d double check – I had an Acros one fitted and adding a spacer worked a treat.

    Free Member

    I had this problem on my Soul and turned out to be a missing spacer – what BB is it?

    Free Member

    I’ve just ordered one… I suppose I’ll see how it works – if it doesn’t I’ll try the tape.

    Got a problem where when I land on it I keep injurying it, not necessarily rolling it over just heavy impacts. Mainly when I’m landing and put my foot down to steady me. Last time I did it I felt it go and it was just I landed slightly off balance.

    Physio confirmed a brace would assist while it is healing – so going to give it a go.

    Got two days of riding coming up Sunday and Tuesday and want to make sure I can ride both!!

    Thanks for the comments – very much welcome.

    Jedi – see you Sunday for some Interaction!!

    Free Member

    Yep – doing the flamingo thing!

    Free Member

    Not sure how to do it so gonna get a brace to make life easier – can you show me on Sunday so I know for the future?

    Free Member

    OK, is it worth getting two just to protect the good ankle?

    WCA – Not expecting to be near Southhampton soon – but if I am can I try the dirty one???!!!!

    Free Member

    GW? is that his name or an abbreviation?

    Free Member

    Ro – so please tell us mortals what type of trails you are riding?

    Free Member

    I’ve just been out on my V-braked commuter and learnt why I personally really don’t like V’s – especially going down a hill towards a T junction in the wet!!! V. Scary not having the ability to stop as quickly as discs!!!

    Dekerfer – keep with it – once set up you’ll be fine!

    Free Member

    Dekerfer – Spin the wheel in the frame – hold or secure against the frame a pencil or something similar perpendicular to the disc and about 1-2mm away.

    Spin the wheel and see if the distance between the pencil and disc remains constant all the way round – If it does and the disc is solidly mounted must be the caliper – probably the mounting – could be like MartynS (Hi Martyn – Hope alls good) says that it needs facing or maybe just the position needs adjusting.

    Once set up they should be OK – in 4 years of using Discs I’ve never had any trouble with any of the brands I’ve used and found for the sort of riding I do they are so much more reliable than V’s when you need it – also don’t collect the Cotswold mud like V’s either!!! :)

    Free Member

    A friend’s wife is an ex-pro from NZ and she used to talk about riding and competition when we lived near them. When we moved and they visited once we were up on a local hill and she was raving about how good the trails looked round our way.

    By coincidence I had signed up to do a sprint triathlon about that time and I bought a Spesh HT to do it on. After the event I tried it out on some of the local hills not really knowing what I was doing or how much I could do – tried to get up a steep hill, thinking I was fitter and the bike was more capable – ended up walking and almost passing out by the time I got to the top – but the descent was awesome and I was hooked.

    Free Member

    Is the difference also how you ride a trail?

    I always remember going down a trail in NZ wiht some guides and me pottling down it XC stylee. Stopping at the bottom looking back up I saw the canadian guide popping off this and hucking off that – totally different ride down a trail using a different line to me

    Free Member

    Now thats bizarre!

    Free Member

    Yeah – its a Polar

    Free Member

    Defo made up bullsh*t – we’re all riders, sometimes I ride more leisurly sometime more stupidly – some would call the former XC and the latter All Mountain (or in some cases Freeride if something gets broken)

    Freeride is just falling through trees on stupidly steep slopes if you ask me! but XC and Allmountain are very close.

    Free Member

    TJ – could start a interesting thread if I say it was a HRM.

    I am wondering if on the uphills I used more energy due to wheels slipping and I perhaps was slightly slower due to having to concentrate on grip more and downhill I was very much slower as it was seriously sliddy and I also didn’t have as much momentum because I was travelling slower to get up the uphill bits after the fast bits – meaning that overall – I perhaps used less energy on the uphill and more on the downhill on the slow route rather than the fast route. So the energy balances out.

    However, I still wonder if there is something in it being to do with the amount of mass moved a distance / height.

    Free Member

    Ho Hum… you just don’t get it do you and that I think is the whole point of this – you just haven’t listened / read the posts you have answered have you…

    The issue is you raise points of interest, get asked to perhaps give some keywords or links to text / documents so we can hunt this out and can read in our own time. Rather than giving us one or two links / keywords you go on about how important you are and how you don’t have time to do it and then spend ages giving people grief on their ideas without any back up or proof of this new world you speak so highly about…

    I am not asking for anything personally as I am happy with the knowledge I have or the methods I use to gain extra knowledge. I suppose I am bored and you are amusing me for a few minutes. :twisted:

    Free Member

    I think Ro is just Trolling and is actually a 16 yr old off school ill and bored. :wink:

    Free Member

    Ro – Silverside said

    ro, can you provide some links please? (I am about to google “noakes”).

    You’ve just said…

    it’s not a question of holding back on advice. general advice on training using a hrm is available all over the ‘net. why should i precis it for you? go learn for yourself, it sinks in better that way

    Surely Silverside was after being pointed in the right direction rather than you giving him direct and specific advice and being told he couldn’t afford you – but I have to ask how do you know that he can’t afford you? Have you priced yourself out of the market??? No wonder you say

    i’m not very rich though

    as I am guessing no one can afford you and you don’t get much business

    If you don’t want to be part of a productive community – i.e. this forum then why post on it??

    Free Member

    Grrr!!! I am very jealous!!!! Enjoy it!

    We’ll have to sort it out for when you get back then.

    Free Member

    So when we doing it?

    I’m hopefully going out for a gentle pace Road ride for about an hour sometime sunday if you want to join me.

    Free Member

    Sorry Ro – I’m with Samuri on this one (although he used his sword to cut me down on a different thread the other day Grrr! :wink: )

    From what I can see Silverside asked for some quick tips / links to help him out and you respond by saying “I’m too big for that as I’m a professional and can earn lots of money doing what you ask”!! In fact for all your supposed experience and knowledge from what I can see you’ve added nothing to this thread which is a great shame.

    How many of us on here are professionals in there relevant fields. I’ve provided advice a number of times on this forum on my specialist subject and never once considered charging for it or holding back because I could make money by doing so!!! If anything by showing your knowledge you may actually get more referrals – bet you hadn’t considered that!

    If you don’t want to provide an answer to a direct request be slightly more graceful about it in future it’ll win you more support from fellow STW’ers.

    On the plus side you gave me a fine example of being an ass which I will use to explain to my 4 yr old how not to behave unless she wants to have no friends.

    Have a nice day!! :wink:

    Free Member

    LOL!!! Lycra with pockets and a belt that doesn’t work!!!

    Free Member

    Speak to Thule – I did and they sent me two FOC (But don’tknow if they still send them FoC think they may charge now)

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