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  • The Fox Team Head to Maribor
  • Bushwacked
    Free Member

    There was a really good article about cyclists running in a Cycling Plus supplement recently.

    It basically said that one things Cyclists have a problem with is that they are used to riding for hours but when running they think they can do the same time – but they can’t.

    Apparently the impact of running can really affect cyclists – it is culmulative so they say start off running short distances and very gradually build up over time. Start off doing 15-20 mins max – more regular runs of shorter distance are better than fewer runs over longer distance.

    I might be able to find the article and scan it in if you want – let me know.

    Free Member

    Yep – in sticky mud they become far to sketchy but in their defense don’t most non-mud specific tyres?

    Free Member

    I was there a year ago and there is some awesome mountains to ride in the North west of Tuscany – north of Lucca in the Garfagnana – There is a MTB guide company there which hires bikes out and can provide guides or advice – in fact you can stay there also.

    Free Member

    Love then – great tyre. Good in all conditions although the recent mud fest has made me think about moving onto my MudXs

    I’ve had different experiences to the above poster. Ridden them reasonably hard, through rocky terrain (inc Peaks) over drops and jumps and not had one pinch flat yet. In fact I’ve not had one puncture on them yet in 9 months and they are only running a standard tube.

    Try them out and see.

    Daj – Where you riding and in what conditions?

    Free Member

    JonTaylor – LOL – do you mean 3 sheets per poop?

    Free Member

    I’ll enjoy the ride and glad to know someone is getting through more rolls than we are!!! :lol:

    Hope your trustyrusty is better soon!

    Free Member

    Got to love Tim Warwood – that guy has too much enthusiasm.

    Free Member

    Not she’s not married but also someone I’d not want to marry (plus I’m already married to the lady I want to be married to)

    AndyP – Exactly – If you want to get scientific about it there are 200 sheets per roll (roughly) so thats 33.3333 reoccuring per crap on average

    Now I have one shit regular as clockwork a day and use about 10 each day.

    I imagine my wife gets through slightly more as there is significantly more lettuce wiping going on so lets say 20 sheets a day.

    My Daughter gets through about the same so between us thats 50 sheets a day.

    Leaving my lodger using 150 per day!!! Now thats a lot!!

    Either she grow lettuces or she installs an olympic standard crash mat for each visit to the karzi!

    Didn’t know about OES and think that the crash mat might be the reason behind it – although the amount she is in and out of the bathroom I can’t see why she is worried about us hearing her. Mainly as you can’t hear what people are doing in there anyway and when she has a shower she go back and forth about 5 times – haven’t a clue why she can’t go in and then come out once.

    This is one of the things that is good about having a lodger from a different country – you get to learn and appreciate the differences in culture.

    Free Member


    Suppose I’d only have myself to blame – if I wasn’t joking. :wink:

    Free Member

    You see… its not as easy as you’d think to talk to her about it as she’s here to learn English and in 4 months she doesn’t seem to have done much of it to be honest.

    Even having a simple conversation like "What sort of job do you have in Japan?" takes about an hour to explain the question to a point where she understands, then getting an answer… well you might as well forget that.

    Although I was patient the other night and found out her dad runs a Bike shop in japan and makes his own frames – but took about two hours to get that far.

    Normally we get a yes to everything we ask so we have learnt to ask questions that we want a yes to…

    For example – "As we’ve got some that are a week out of date, you’d like kippers for dinner wouldn’t you?"

    So I shouldn’t really complain about the toilet rolls as she uses up the food that’s gone off and thinks it is a traditional English meal. Everyone is happy.

    I just can’t fathom out why she gets through bog roll so much??!!

    Free Member

    I’d rather use a roll a day than your method Onzadog!

    Free Member


    Sometimes you get inspired from places you least expect.

    Oldogre = Legend! 8)

    I have to say I feel very humbled by this thread.

    Free Member

    I’ve just spent half an hour unblocking the bath – don’t know if its connected (literally) to the toilet!!!

    Free Member

    Yep – she’s japanese –

    My wife is not keen on her having a shower when she goes to bed as it keeps us awake – especially the hair dryer which sounds like no hair dryer I’ve ever heard before. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!


    Luckily I’ve not seen her doing her chest yet!

    Free Member

    I’m with Nickc on that one – that’s why I went back to HT.

    Free Member

    I don’t normally count but after a few weeks we realised we were changing the toilet roll / buying more much more often and started keeping tabs

    I can’t believe that one person more in the house has tripled our toilet roll consumption!!!

    Free Member

    Try some out if you can. I went HT – FS – HT and love my HT now. But good forks and tyres make a world of difference.

    I’d suggest trying out some nice HTs as well.

    Free Member

    Couldn’t do without my dose of Milkshake – got it on now

    [borat]She is Velly nice – Sexy time[/borat]

    Free Member

    Lister – LOL!!! PMSL!!!

    Not likely! Do you know how long its been since I had a weekend to myself!!!

    Free Member

    Piedi – Already done the …..

    DIY and tidy the house did cross my mind – got some washing to do as well – not that inspiring though.

    Have to go and buy some chainring bolts which could be the nighlight of the morning!!!

    Free Member

    Graham – MM would be good.

    Is the route similar to last or other years? Or are we looking at something new?

    Free Member

    Having spent 5 years working in the motor trade for AM parts manufacturer, during which I was required to cover an area with 500 garages ranging from 1man bands to multi franchise dealership – my thoughts are its down to the people who run them not the fact they are dealers or not. I’ve met some real nasty blokes who I’d not trust an inch and others who I’d happily let babysit for me in both types of garages.

    I do agree that there are people out there ripping people off – unfortunately there is a perception which becomes a vicious circle of "well they think we do it, so lets do it".

    I’m very lucky I’ve worked with a wide range of motor traders and can quite easily get a feel for a good one and I’m lucky I’ve got an OK one down the end of my road – however they could be better but I trust them.

    I’d never use Fast fit centres and the cost of main dealers and their shiny showrooms makes it a no go for me unless it has to go there.

    Free Member

    Yeah, I think that sounds like a great idea.

    Free Member

    Yeah – we wouldn’t even have those trails without their efforts over the years so big thanks to Graham and his crew as you say.

    Sounds good – always keen to find new places and I bet you know a few I don’t round here..

    Free Member

    My Audi dealer told me that I should buy my tyres from a place down the road as they only order them in – slap £20 on each and resell them!!

    Been using the same place for years now and now get "regular" customer discount!!!

    Free Member

    Policy has to be to keep the trails good by not riding.

    Guy called Graham who is a local and a member of one of the clubs – apparently he and other built the trails over the years.

    To quote part of his email:

    "The Cranham trails have been put in a very basic fashion so to avoid anyone noticing we are even there, (please note: we have never consulted anyone and don’t really want to as to not attract attention) we tend to do work in small groups, some times pairs or in my case on my own. As mentioned the last thing we want is groups of trail builders being spotted around the woods. we really do go in stealth mode and just clear narrow trails with a rake, it’s kept natural as poss. No more than a trail laid down by the animals really.

    As mentioned the trails are taking a bashing but as in all the years I have been riding there, they soon sort themselves out once the dry weather arrives… and it will some day soon.

    To be honest it’s all best left alone. Hope this helps us all keep Cranham as it is. Last thing we want is to be kicked out. The local ranger is aware of basic trails and rides them himself. Although major work may cause him concern."

    I agree about managing it – The potential issue in the future could be one of widening of trails due to bad conditions – trails becoming more heavily used as they become more visible to people who haven’t got local knowledge – more riders being seen – locals complain – then trails closed down.

    I think if this does happen then when is a good time to step in and show that while we are enjoying the woods we are also caring for them and making the use sustainable.

    Similar work / discussions on Lecky has made biking more accepted by other users of Lecky – if there is a concern about use in Cranham then surely it needs to be addressed before it gets out of hand. (Perhaps)

    I’m not close enough to it to really know but this is my perception and thoughts on it and not really sure if this would work in Cranham due to the nature of ownership over there.

    Free Member

    Someone is having a laugh – My Audi has its tyres changed when they are illegal ;)

    Normally fronts every 15 months and rears every 24 months

    Free Member

    I kept my eyes open for some bars and racks – got the bars off a guy who drove a Honda Accord – remember him being really confused when he turned up to drop his bars off – he said "I was looking for an Accord" – little did he know that by advertising the bars as Honda accord bars (made by Thule) he’d kept his bids to a minimum meaning I coulod enjoy a cheap set of bars and get the footpack from somewhere else saving me a forture!!

    Just felt I’d share!

    Free Member

    Check for Thule stuff on the classifieds and Ebay – Got two proride 591s and bars etc for my A4 for £95 a little while back

    Free Member

    Does the 3rd party insurance via CTC cover for such incidents? I thought that was the reason why we took it out incase we had an accident involving a third party and had to pay.

    Free Member

    I’ve posted a coment on GMTV and not posted up just yet either!!

    Either they are swamped by responses or they are selectively editing them!

    Free Member

    Daily mail and GMTV – recipe for a country’s downfall.

    Look on the brightside we’re the ones that have the intelligence to see beyond their mumblings which means we’re the saviours of the country!!! :lol:

    Free Member

    Lookmanohands / Tang – The trail guardian has dropped me a line and has requested we call off our good intentions. Can you respond just to let me know you’re not going up.

    Shame but they are keen to not draw any attention to work being carried out.

    At least we can feel good about the fact we were trying to do something positive rather than just talking about doing it or moaning about the state of the trails.

    Nice one guys – until next time! :wink:

    Free Member

    I cracked my rib quite badly – couldn’t sleep on it for about 4 weeks but was riding OK after about 2 weeks

    Not much you can do about it so just get on the pain killers – Co-codamol is a great help – spoke to doctor and she prescribed me some over the phone

    Free Member

    Find him something he enjoys – I love riding and can’t get enough of it!

    But I appreciate not everyone is into the same things!

    Free Member

    There has been a comment that any big groups of people might get unwanted attention by local non bikers so we’ll have to make sure we do this reasonably sensibly to ensure we don’t cause too much disruption.

    Free Member

    Mmm… sounds good.

    Free Member

    By the way – in case you need to get in touch my email is barnt at hotmail dot com – send me a mail and I’ll send over my mobile number

    Free Member

    11am at the Shrine sounds good – although 10.30 would be better. :D

    I’ll bring a spade and bucket (like being at the seaside!!) – we can always move on down to other sections if we decide to do more. Not intending to do much building – I’m definately thinking of just stablilzing stuff to make it last before it gets too bad.

    So, other than Lookmanohands, who’s in for this Saturday then?

    Free Member

    Perhaps the odd "improvement" maybe…

    So looks like

    BigboyXC team of 6
    Tang (inc Curry)

    Anyone else?

    I would be happy to do a couple of hours Saturday morning if anyone fancies it?

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