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  • Mondraker goes down country with the all-new Mondraker Raze
  • Bushwacked
    Free Member

    Maybe we're the reason we've had such a wet summer for the last few years!!!

    Free Member

    TheSwede – PMSL – Totally know where you are coming from. How come people can smell so much and why is it always something seriously savoury!!!

    Free Member

    I don't use deodorant but don't smell – it is like pure water!!

    Free Member

    I don't class myself as either!! :/

    Free Member

    I love KFC for the protein fix – but steer clear of Burger King and McDs – I always go for the wraps with no Mayo so you get a good big of breast meat and a corn on the cob.

    I prefer KFC because you can actually see its come from an animal rather than others where god knows how they get the flavour!!! :o

    Although a friend got me into the Veggie stuff from McDs and that along with pancakes is about the only thing I'd get from McDs

    Free Member

    Swift – Pigeonholing sucks – bikes whatever they may be are all good! especially if you get the grin going. ;)

    Free Member

    They were going slightly faster but I put that down to me being on a hardtail and them being on Full Suss's.

    Its all riding bikes and put a big smile on my face so not actually sure I really care if it is or not, but it always amuses me turning up and riding on a skinny bike next to all these big rigs.

    Free Member

    Best of luck to you and your loved ones. My thoughts and best wishes are with you.

    Wishing you all the strength necessary to fight this and prevail.

    Healing vibes!


    Free Member

    I think it is a leftover of the Bush administration and what it represented. However, I don't think that was so much an American thing as a dumb arrogance thing, but sadly Bush seemed to fit a sterotype which seems to be very american which I understand isn't actually the norm (thank God) and most americans are normal people – well the ones that decide there is a world outside of its own borders.

    Free Member

    LOL – Its like girls BMX!!!

    Free Member

    I was chatting to someone about this the other night and saying that the person who is doing this is probably doing it as he sees riders as a nuisance but he is becoming a nuisance himself, to everyone!!!

    Free Member

    Ah – enjoy!

    Free Member

    That is nuts – but would you rather be pedaling or not? I'd rather be in control.

    Free Member

    Mr S – What are they replacing?

    Free Member



    Free Member

    House was built in 1850. Airbricks are all unblocked – did it a few weeks ago.

    Think it hasn't dried out as we've not really had a hot summer for 2 years – they've all been very wet and not very warm :(

    Free Member

    Yeah, there is ventilation except in one of the bits in the centre of the house which doesn't have an external wall as I suppose you wouldn't expect it to get wet. Not keen on makign any more holes than I've already made.

    If I put sand down won't that just get wet? or will that get wet without the smell?

    I might put the cement down, wait for it to soak up the moisture then take it out – might speed up the drying time.

    Thought about putting a heater down there but not sure if this is a good idea.

    Free Member

    Damn, what happened and which part of town were they taken from?

    What colour frames and I'll keep an eye out round town.

    Free Member

    For me technical isn't just rock fests it's something which requires skill and balls. There are some natty DH courses out there which require both but a big bike helps a great deal (right tools for the job etc).

    Personally I'd say Herts Shore has been the most technical I've ridden, and seen, and its something which can be ridden on any bike (except for certain bits)

    Free Member

    Zoolander – just to remind me how much I'm not missing anything and to laugh my ass off

    Free Member

    Sorry – have to disagree that BMXers don't want or need that much grip – if anything they need more as the grip is key in controlling the bike. The difference is MTB have wet conditions to consider where as BMX don't but I don't see that that makes much difference as grip is still key.

    I personally run DMR v8s on my BMX and my MTB. The type of shoe makes a big difference too although I'd got for some cheap vans or similar rather than 5-10s unless I'm doing full on DH as if you can learn stuff with less grip you'll do better in the long run.

    BTW – The plastic pedals don't seem to last that long, I know a fair amount of people who have snapped them from landing hard, but depends how you roll with them really. Worth it if you are just messing around learning track stands, manuals etc.

    Good luck – well worth learning skills to help your overall riding. I still mince about but love being able to mince much better than before.

    Free Member

    Sharki – I almost got a Cape Wrath – but ended up going with a Spesh Hardrock – it was a tough choice!

    Free Member

    Yeah – I thought 21 was big enough!

    Free Member

    Those BMX’s loookshite – would steer clear and go for a proper BMX.

    As with Rusty Trowel – What do you mean by “messin around”?

    Free Member

    Read some of this but at work so can’t read it all.

    My tips would be

    1. Relax – they will sense your frustration and either play on it to get what they want or get stressed over eating which leads to all sorts of other problems.

    2. Have a structured meal times. We have Breakie at around 8am, snack about 10am (Strips of vegs or biscuit or pitta and houmous or banana), lunch at 12.30 then snack mid afternoon and dinner at 6pm. Routine is key as it will get their metabolism in order and they will know what to expect when.

    3. No snacks outside of their mealtimes – it’ll turn everything to crap if you do.

    4. Put dinner down and if they don’t eat it, don’t make a fuss (very important) just leave it with them for about 10mins (or until they throw it around) then if they don’t start / finish eating it then move it away – you can try to feed them if you like but don’t make a big issue of it. If they ask for what they prefer (sausages) then say “no, eat your dinner” and give them their dinner back. If they don’t want it and refuse dinner then get them down from the table – bit of tough love and they’ll soon work it out that they have to eat what is put infront of them. If you give into them then while you will be feeding them up for that one meal you’ll also be creating a rod for your own back without resolving the problem.

    Mainly I’d say relax, lay down a routine and take control.

    Oh, and buy Annabel Karmel’s book – she is awesome!

    Free Member

    Thule Proride – awesome – no comparison to others

    Free Member

    Come on, everyone knows he’s bought a house in the middle of nowhere in Wales and is retiring, this is just a stunt to put the paparazi off the scent so he can open a care centre from abused monkeys without being hounded when he tends to their every need.

    Free Member

    Jedi – you’re not going to have enough time to ride going on all the responses above!! ;)

    Free Member

    Just been out again and fillowed some advice which I thought I saw in this thread – looking back though I can’t see it!!!

    Anyway, was switching my vision from just in front of me to mid distance to long distance and kept repeating this, allowed me to really focus on what I was going over, coming up to and had to get myself ready for!!

    Now I just need to improve my cornering technique!!! ;)

    Free Member

    Wow – can’t believe its on a plate and you aren’t sure!!!

    Do it!!! if I didn’t have two kids, a mortagage and live in a part of the world I love. I’d be out there in a flash!!!

    You’ll love it.

    A mate of mine was in a sort of similar position.

    He was working in a rough school in London with a 3 hour commute (in total) each day. Rented house. Not great pay. Wife doing a job where she wasn’t paid a great deal. Living in a shite area of london. Hating it really and affecting his mental state.

    They moved to Auckland and it is total reversal – Bought a house, he’s now earning more teaching than he ever could imagine doing here, working in a private school as head of department, great lifestyle and he’s so happy!!!

    Do it, if it doesn’t work out, come back – the break will help you to see things clearer for when / if you do return.

    Good luck – really hope it works out even though I am really jealous!!!

    Free Member

    Good to see your watch is fixed :)

    Free Member

    If I wasn’t at a wedding I’d be there – Enjoy!!!

    Should see you Tues though – Wanna get over the big Spine!!


    Free Member

    Graham – Really – its still one of my favorite photos.

    GlenP – I suppose what I was on about was I found looking further ahead than normal I went loads faster. The stuff I’d normally worry about (Braking bumps, roots and drops / jumps) didn’t really cause much of an issue. I thought they would if I didn’t give them the death stare as I got near to / went over them.

    Free Member

    David_r – can I just spray mine red – will it be faster then?

    Free Member

    Guys – thanks for the advice.

    Having said that, if you’re used to looking only a couple of metres in front of the bike then a more general skills session would be a better place to start. I hear there’s a good outfit working out of Surrey Hills…

    I should say I can handle a bike, just haven’t done much DHing before as roots, off camber and steep scare me a little. But from the skills I’ve got already I feel I should be able to adapt easily…

    Free Member

    Cheers for the advice – had a good ride about an hour ago, whizzing down the techy runs round me!!! feel like I’ve improved overnight!!! ;)

    Free Member

    All good, I was thinking earlier while riding that I always look about 2-3 metres infront of the bike so I tried looking about 10-15m ahead and ignore the state of the trail directly infront and I just flowed over it. Felt great!

    Free Member

    Shocked by this – I hope it wasn’t cyclists who complained!!!

    Nothing better than seeing cycling’s profile raised in the media.

    TBH I let me 5yr old cycle round our local Co-op, but she does wear a helmet and reflectors.

    Free Member

    Ideally as little as possible… but obviously making sure I buy something which provides the appropriate level of protection.

    Free Member

    Sorry to disagree with everyone, but I saw it on the first night and expected it to be a crock of crap due to the hype and me being really cynical these days but actually found it really enjoyable. I thought it was a lot better than Star Trek.

    Had everything I was hoping for in the film and the machines were great. The fact that the director got everyone to read some classic Sci Fi beforehand to get into the mood I think really shows in the film. I think it is definately worth seeing especially at the cinema as the sound effects are awesome.

    To the guy who said he wanted to see the rise of John conner through the resistance – now that would be a shite film!!! Can you imagine it!!!

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