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  • Peru vs Sheffield, Auzangate or Bikerdelic? Video Head To Head
  • Bushwacked
    Free Member

    I grew up next to RAF Waddington and they used to fly over every day – every time I got really excited – mental piece of kit!

    Strangely enough my nextdoor neighbour was involved in its development back in the 50's/60's.

    Free Member

    From bitter experience (twice) if you have high overheads – i.e. you are going to have to invest a lot – then limited might be best if you need to get out of it. But if as I think may be the case you won't need much overheads / credit then sole trader might be best.

    Had personal experience of sole trader going bust twice in my life and gets messy if you owe lots of money to people. Limited is slightly safer.

    Free Member

    Go for a bike which is Full Cro-mo I'd say. Mine was £200 second hand (decent frame with average parts) and I've gradually upgraded it as I've gotten more and more into it – perhaps spent about £250 more on it since I got it.

    I'd recommend speaking to Stodgy (Dave) at – tell him I recommended speaking to him and I'm sure he'll look after you even if it is just giving you some good advice on what to get.

    He's a top guy and always willing to sort people out with bikes that are right for them rather than just selling anything to anyone. Give him a call.

    Another good site to browse is – their site is better laid out that most with lots of glossy pictures and shiny things to tempt money out of your wallet.

    My list of bits to look out for are:

    Full Cro-mo frame and fork
    3pc cranks
    Micro gearing (10-28t or 9-25t) especially if she is going to ride park – makes it easier to get over the coping – this includes a cassette hub).
    Chrome rims (especially back)
    Brake (rear only is fine)
    Right size frame for someone her height)
    Nothing too heavy – mine is about 26lbs

    A bike around the £300 mark will have most of this on, if you spend more you'll get more but this is about the price point where bikes get good.

    There is a difference between a park and race bike (I won't mention Dirt and Flatland) and it really comes down to what she wants to use it for.

    Free Member

    I bet she fits like a glove!!!

    Free Member

    I've never put a fruit pastelle in my mouth without chewing!!

    Free Member

    John Climber – slight lack of funds which is increasing the frustration but thanks for pointing it out – shame I'm 6ft!!! :(

    DeeW – interesting news!!

    Free Member

    Just had to share – its been bugging me for weeks! ;)

    Free Member

    All the best – positive vibes from Cheltenham. Look forward to meeting you out on the trails!

    Free Member

    Do something you've always wanted to but have been too scared to attempt!

    Free Member

    Surely just use a bike that you enjoy riding and works!

    I ride DH on a hardtail as I get so much more from it.

    Free Member

    As much as I hate to say it, I think Sir Nichealot is winning!!!

    Free Member

    I always like the format of especially love the updates on custom bike builds – swap this for training sessions and you can pop up some riding photos along with some details on what people learnt etc…

    Free Member

    Do you mean – or a different site?

    Pictures change would be great. I'd have a menu on the left under the logo with things like…

    Home (gotta have that one)
    etc etc etc

    Just my opinion… but I'm no web builder

    Love the look and feel so far – Brown, Blue and Black!

    Free Member

    If its any comfort I have two young kids and find I get run down really easily (but not as much as you say)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    damp in your house? kids? odd job?

    Free Member

    No worries on the leading – although it came as somewhat of a surprise when I turned up to hear that I was, but all good in the end!

    I've heard italy is shaped on Cranham just slightly more manmade! ;)

    Free Member

    I just re-read your post and noticed you aren't exercising much – how much do you do when you exercise and how much recovery time do you take before you next exercise??

    Might be worth seeing a nutritionist too…

    Free Member

    Good ride yesterday – not been up Cranham for a good while and was riding really well.

    Good bit of banter and wot not.

    Enjoy Italy!!! (no sarcasm there…. honest!) ;)

    Free Member

    How often do you ride / do exercise?

    I used to ride more than my body liked and picked up loads of bugs etc – pulled back a bit and things seem a lot better.

    Doesn't help that I have two hectic kids and quite a busy life which all adds in – hoping that as they get less demanding I'll be able to push it more.

    Free Member

    True, you showed me how to do it and how to overcome my fears!

    Free Member

    No worries, its not like you've never pushed me into doing something!!!

    Dropping into a 9ft bowl springs to mind, along with doing a 6ft spine and riding across narrow shore 6ft up ;) What goes around comes around as they say!

    Can't wait to hear all about it!

    Free Member

    I'm totally BUZZING for you mate – know how much this means and I'm so pleased to see the positivity from yourself and others about this – and totally agree with them on it – you'll rock doing this!!

    Ton – you wanna choose a suitable bike for me………..

    this could be an interesting angle to include!!! especially if you are visiting locals trails – which by the way sounds like a great idea.

    This sounds like its gonna be the Mutts nuts!



    Free Member

    Cheers for the recommendo's will pass them onto my friend.

    Free Member

    Sweet, WELL deserved! – can't wait to see the footage!

    Free Member

    Bike park… where?

    Free Member

    Yeah, you can crawl from room to room and there are bricks out in the interior walls also. You go down one hole in the centre of the house and can get to all parts of the house.

    Free Member

    Sharki – posted 4 pics here as easier to explain with a photo than in words

    Tide mark is more a damp mark than anything else, as you can see from the photos the ground has dried out (Light grey colour) but where it is getting damp it is getting darker again.

    Why sovereign and they're not the hard sell kinda people are they? Do I get in touch with their contractors or sovereign direct???

    Free Member

    I should mention you can see a tide mark on the bottom third of the floor on these walls where it is damp below this line.

    Happy to chuck up some photos if it helps anyone.

    Free Member

    Sharki – interesting. French drain – is that like a french letter only on a more industrial scale???

    Can I put one inside the house on the inside of the wall or just the outside? The outside of the wall has paving up to it so acces isn't easy.

    Ventilation I think might be an issue here as the rooms are carpetted and also have laminate flooring down. Thinking the floor might not be breathing as much as it needs. Thinking about putting a vent in the floor in the rooms to help air flow especially in the laminate floored areas but not sure if this is a good idea.

    I've heard of products you can paint on the walls which stops rising damp (Like this… ) but not sure if it is suitable, will do more harm than good and will actually work…

    Cheers for the responses so far all been very useful.

    Free Member

    Its been damp since it flooded a few years back and the smell got to a point where we had to do something about it.

    The house is an 1850's terrace house with brick construction. Damp proof course in place. Ground levels are still below the damp proof course, although the crawl space is below the damp course. We're trying to get the smell away from the house as it is really unplesant and when it is dry there is no smell.

    Next door's crawl space is tanked so they don't have the same problem.

    Checked drains – there was a crack in one but fixed that – run off is in the right direction- away from the house.

    The air bricks in the house are spaced nicely (about 1200mm apart but on the other side the joist from the floor means there is only about 1inch between the air brick and the joist for air flow – is this normal?? You can still see the wind blowing the cobwebs around.

    Free Member

    How about a video camera – so she can send you the occasional video diary about how much she is missing you…

    Free Member

    changing my bike…. now that will be torture!!!

    Free Member

    Ayatollah – Sounds like an idea – but if I don't like it will you sentence me to 20yrs hard niche???

    Free Member

    Don't know what it is as CO2 may be good but I'm not a fan of the concept.

    Free Member

    Think I'm liking the look (and reviews / recommendations) for this baby

    Lezyne Micro HPG

    Free Member

    Yeah, but at least you know it is probably a big muscle group rather than something removed with a chain or sucker!!!

    Free Member

    Yeah – the Shrine is the barrow in the woods (and not of the wheel variety!)

    Free Member

    I only say that as I love the Qs as well just a shame they're not on my doorstep!

    Free Member

    Don't you ever get bored of the Quantocks??? ;)

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