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  • Dream Job Alert! Tweed Valley MTB Roles
  • Bushwacked
    Free Member

    Sounds silly but I've found it really good to be skint over the last 4 years – coming out of it now and its great having some more but also know that money doesn't make you happy, enjoying life and the moment makes you happy.

    IHN – Beers and bikes soon? Just about back to how I was before I got ill.

    Free Member

    Get one! But start small and build up to jumping bigger stuff to avoid thinking you can jump it on your Dirtbike so you must be able to jump it on your new BMX.

    If you'd posted this a few days ago I could have pointed you in the direction of a sweet United custom which was being sold on Ebay by a mate – only went for £245 in the end – I expected it to go for a lot more.

    Age thing is a load of old nonsense. I'm with MamaDirt!

    Free Member

    Moving out of London to Cheltenham 6yrs ago has been the catalyst for so many good things and meeting so many good people :)

    Free Member

    Zaskar – that's some serious gloop!!

    Jedi – MTFU! ;)

    I'm feeling better from resting this weekend!! I think a ride Tuesday is in order :)

    Free Member

    boriselbrus – cheers for the post – perhaps this is the key. Crazy name!

    Free Member

    Where do you get it from?

    Free Member

    Might give that a go – has a rather unique taste if I remember correctly

    Free Member

    See the problem is I eat weel, don't drink too much, get good amounts of sleep and take suplements to boost if there are any deficencies.

    So I'm at a loss as to why my immune system isn't functioning as well as I'd expect (and I don't think I'm expecting too much)

    Free Member

    Johnners – I disagree that its just down to being older – I look at friends who are less or more fit than me and they don't seem to get ill or run down as much as I do.

    Free Member

    Been to see doctor and nothing wrong – did some tests. Doctors too busy though to do anything about or spend time chatting to understand how much exercise I do when compared to normal.

    I eat very well but my wife thinks I might have a food allergy or a deficiency in something.

    Free Member

    Seem to exercise and then get ill more easily than I used to. Fatigued a lot more from a lot less exercise tham 2-3years ago

    Free Member

    I would disagree with "not overcrowded", you compare this country with other countries and we are much more densely populated than most other European nations. People say the problems are down to infrastructure but building more infrastructure isn't the answer – we'll just end up tarmacing most of the country.

    BTW – I grew up in a country more densely populated than England and I've seen the issues this causes (not including Wales Scotland etc as I'm English and I believe this is more a problem in England than other aspects of the UK or Great Britain).

    Free Member

    MamaD – you're an inspiration!

    Free Member

    You always have to watch out for the underdog! They can surprise you when you least expect it

    Free Member

    MicArms – You really should have kept that one secret ;)

    Free Member

    Politics is full of people saying what they think should be heard to please the masses – shame they run the country.

    Now I wouldn't vote for the BNP but you sort of have to admire them having opinions even though so many disagree – very rare in politics.

    Conservatives are the new new labour, New labour were the erm…. New labour some time ago.

    Free Member

    I manned up on Thursday and left me feeling ragged ever since. Resting as I want to ride on Tuesday if better.

    Free Member

    Teetosugars – 80mile trip to the dog groomers???? WTF???

    Free Member

    Now I understand why you are called Thomthumb…. ;)

    Free Member

    Damn damn and damn on the edit function!

    Free Member

    England, UK, Great Britain…

    Free Member

    MicArms – that is harsh!

    Free Member

    I have big issues with the BNP and Nick Griffin but one thing he said about this country being overcrowded did ring true.

    Free Member

    Almost – will be in touch shortly to confirm. ;)

    Free Member

    Marty – Any injuries during your radness? where is that park?

    MamaD – Saw this a recently and looks nuts, but does also make me wonder why they don't just ride Vert

    Free Member

    Check the sole – if its hard and doesn't feel that grippy steer clear. The Vans waffle is awesome but some soles are hard and thick so don't give the right feel or grip needed.

    Free Member

    Loving the look and feel of the Site!

    Jedi – YGM

    Free Member

    I don't disagree that Climate change is happening and I think that there is a certain amount of pressure to make changes. I also agree it could have catastrophic impact on society as a whole…

    … but we as a race have done some many amazing things in the past, such as putting people on the moon, creating nuclear weapons, inventing the car and genetic advances that surely between us we are well prepared to adapt to the changes (not all good but still quite big advances). Only those who resist change will be ones saying we will act.

    Plus, we have people living in a variety of climates round the world (and in space), surely this is proof we can survive in various extreme climates.

    Free Member

    tracknicko – but I do get annoyed by the whole parenting 24/7 / you wouldnt beleive how hard it is / wait till you try it / hardest thing i've ever done / its a full time job etc. etc.

    Slightly highjack but why do you get annoyed?

    I used to be in a similar boat thinking kids would be easy and why do people complain – but having had two kids and finding out the sacrifices you have to make is quite an eye opener. Try it one day.

    Free Member

    This saturday we're off up there if you want to join us – not sure where we're going though

    Free Member

    Muddypuddle – YGM!

    Free Member

    Can't believe people are saying people with kids have it good and the childless ones miss out… you can tell by that comment that they haven't got kids!!

    For those of you without kids moaning that it isn't fair – try having kids and realising how much of a 24/7 job it actually is from which you don't get any holiday for 18 years or any chance of moving to something different if you don't like the terms and conditions.

    On the subject of P+C parking – you try getting a wriggling child into a car while stopping another running into the path of cars in a normal sized space – that extra width makes things so much less of a struggle and I don't care if they are near the door or not.

    On the subject of Paternity leave – my Brother in law was thinking he'd have two weeks to go fishing – we all sniggered when he said this. Turned out he was glad to go back to work for the holiday after just a week of a new baby.

    Grass is always greener isn't it ;)

    Free Member

    Mboy – good memory – although the Revs were on the bike while my Pace RC40s were being serviced.

    Really tempted to get a BFe, especially now they come in that blue and the price has come down – only problem I've got to overcome is affording it!! ;) May have to sell some stuff

    Free Member

    Mboy – nail on head.

    I suppose a small BFe with something like 160 mm of fork the wheelbase will probably be similar to medium soul and if I'm hanging off the back a lot then again don't expect it to be much different…

    Free Member

    Having ridden my mates DH bike I was shocked at how long it was and he's about the same size as me – what's going on there… ?

    Free Member

    JonE – I've been thinking of Small BFe but this thing about Cockpit size has got me thinking… Also, maybe I should mention I'm 6ft…

    Free Member

    If he spends time just being her friend (i.e. no intimate touching) then if the sparks develop he'll be able to provide some input into NZCol's study (plus hopefully some photos as evidence too)

    Free Member

    Tell him to "play it cool trigger, play it cool!"

    Fools rush in!

    Free Member

    Would come up but in London working at the moment, but will drop you a mail Muddypuddle

    Free Member

    SO if we go down there are we likely to have a wasted journey and / or get lost in the woods or will we have lots of fun?

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