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  • Hunt Proven Carbon Race Enduro Wheelset Review – UPDATED (Cracked!)
  • Bushwacked
    Free Member

    I’d say kick it back to 10mins perhaps twice a week with HR no higher than 140bpm.

    If you are finding you are sleepless I’d say pull back on what you are doing or take some sleeping aids, as sleep is where you recover and repair. If that ain’t happening then you are going to proper knacker yourself

    Free Member

    HOw much exercise are you doing?? Time and intensity?

    Free Member

    All I’d say is don’t overdo it and don’t focus on the symptoms.

    Free Member

    Might pop into Maplins later

    Cheers guys

    Free Member

    CaptJon – I like that 🙂

    Free Member

    CaptJon – Member

    But the placebo effect can be pretty powerful.


    I’ve recently read a number of scientists are starting to research the placebo effect for its healing powers.

    Free Member

    What lube you using – might need a thicker / thinner one or just more of it.

    Plus does the chain have any links which aren’t moving as freely (Chain could be stiff and sticking to the curvature of the ring leading it to not dropping off and causing chain suck)

    Free Member

    I’m running 11-34 in the back and find it climbs ok but a granny would be nice in places. Thought about a front mech or a Schmidt but thinking 1×10 may be the way forward.

    Lightening it up with new suspension, lighter wheel set and crankset. Should be around 30lbs

    Free Member

    Got a Scott voltage, haven’t really had enough time on it due to illness but it feels great. Currently lightening it up for more AM type use.

    Free Member

    i was so happy with his teaching abilities i took my step son for a bmx session at Corby. Atkins is equally legendry, the lad just turned 18 still beams when he remembers his day

    Awesome! The Atkins is a living legend! Can’t wait to get back to Corby.

    With regard to doing two days – Go for one session – I bet wihin 6 months you’ll either have been back or planning another trip to see Tony. But the 4-5 hours you spend with him will leave you loads to do in the weeks after and a second session could be info overload and you may not get more out of it. If you catch my drift.

    Free Member

    Yeah, I now have too much fun when I’m on bike. Like millhouse Ive always got that voice in my head shouting ‘footwork’!

    Looking forward to setting him anew challenge to stop me casing lips but I think it may be a tough one even for him! 😉

    Free Member

    Who cares? People get different things out of riding – as long as they enjoy it and I enjoy riding with them I don’t really care.

    At the end of the day if you enjoy it, you enjoy it.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Free Member

    Very interesting… 🙂

    Free Member

    Looks like I may be saving up for one then.

    MBnut – how much you selling your for? email me if you prefer – barnt at hotmail dot com

    Free Member

    I’ve been using Sally Whitman (blackberry nutrition) based out of cheltenham / Gloucester

    Free Member

    I reckon it’s worth looki g into a good nutritionist, helped me loads.

    All is well with me, had quite a normal week and weekend last week with no nasty after effects. Few days off later this week to do some riding 🙂

    Free Member

    Flow – nice one, keep up with the pacing and pma!

    Cg – you been to see a nutritionist?

    Free Member

    I know where you’re at, my mother in law is horrible. I trusted her when I first met her and she ruined that trust by turning what I had told her against me and also using it to upset my mum in ways I could never imagine someone could. I politely told her whatshe had done wrong and it made no difference at all. As a result I trust her with nothin and have closed up shop on our relationship as there is no changing her ways

    I went through a phase of not getting on with my mum after the birth of my first child, realised the error of my ways and arranged to visit her in spain explaining why and she accepted my apology. Two weeks before I went she died and it’s one of the saddest things as we both were really looking forward to making up.

    Some people you can make amends with others you can’t, but as long as you try you have nothing to regret

    Free Member

    God knows, but it seems to have worked for me

    Free Member

    That’s what I’m thinking too, really wanted an open fire at Xmas. 🙁

    Free Member

    Been taking magnesium for a while now since posting this and problem has almost disappeared. 🙂

    Free Member

    It’s an open fire rather than a wood burner. We’re getting one after Xmas which will have a liner.

    The house is 1850 built so quite old.

    Free Member

    Rog – you got AshtonMTB on that list? Not sure how often they are over that way.

    Free Member

    BigThunder – you’re a copper then?

    Went and saw my nutritionist today and she said it was mostly and normally down to a magnesium deficiency. Which does make sense as since I;ve dropped the amount I used to take as a supplement it has made it worse. Gonna try taking more and see what happens.

    Free Member

    LOL! in the same way as the governments management of the country…

    I’m so glad I’m not in the public sector.

    Free Member

    Elfinsaftey – This is proper OT so if you really want to know I’ll email you if you provide your email address.

    Free Member

    This isn’t about me so I’m not going to answer the question on why her business failed apart from to say a key customer pulled out of an agreement citing “difficult economic factors”.

    Free Member

    These things happen you just have to accept it.

    I have and moved on.

    We’ve all had to make sacrifices after the financial problems, this is just another facet of that. My wifes business failed due to the credit crunch and left us with a massive debt – did I go on strike cause it wasn’t fair – no I’ve worked bloody hard to dig myself out of that hole.

    I just find it funny that in the private sector things work so much differently than in the public sector where people expect so much more. I’m sure my company pension (which has changed three times in the last 8 years) is bugger all when compared to public sector but do I moan? no, I just get on with it and make my own plans.

    ZuluEleven – PMSL!!!

    Free Member

    LOL! Changes happen but so many people seem reluctant to accept change. If you don’t like it bugger off but don’t hold the country to ransom.

    The unions did that the British Leyland and look where that got them!!!

    I’m losing a day’s pay because of this so I can look after my kids cause the teachers are on strike.

    Free Member

    I’m always surprised people think there is still such a thing as a job for life, and expect to stay in the same place. The thought of still working in my industry / role in 25 years time scares the hell out of me, I’ve already got a plan on where I want to be in 5-10 years.

    On the pension side, I’m making arrangements so my income stream won’t be based from a pension pot where the age I qualify or how it is invested is controlled by someone else. I want to have a degree of financial freedom (not that it will be a big pot of money) to decide when and how I use my money. A pension is great but other assets and financial vehicles are much better.

    On the strike side – if changes need to be made then you have to accept them, look at those who have been made redundant, had a wage cut or seen their job roles change in the private sector.

    You cheese is moving – find a new one!!!

    Free Member

    Flow – not meaning to sound negative, but don’t be surprised when the doc says everything is fine. If it is PVF then the bloods will be OK.

    I was having a problems with my thyroid swelling up each afternoon and the bloods came back within tolerance levels.

    Personally, I’m really good at the moment, sticking with the Gupta programme and its really working. Had an amazing 4 days on the road with work including two gruelling days in London and I’m feeling great at the moment.

    Free Member

    Rog – I’m up for work parties where I can.

    Tang – yeah, sorry forgot to reply, but chilled rides are always good. Putting a few training road rides in at the moment so might be after Xmas I’ll be available.

    Free Member

    Super, smashing, great!


    Free Member

    I’ve just been quoted £2k for a Charnwood C-four, fitting and putting a liner in etc. All in job the guy said.

    Free Member

    remove all stresses

    Just picking up on this point. I’ve tried to remove all stresses, whether it be at work, home or even in my own mind (ie hangover leaves me thinking I’m relapsing so I now sadly avoid beer) but I think you need to go further than this as you can’t get rid of all stress.

    I believe rather than trying to remove all stresses or avoiding them, I need to focus more on how I consciously and more importantly subsconciously react to stressors.

    For about a year before I hit the tipping point I was constantly monitoring how I felt, whether I was ill or not (I seemed to come down with something after every ride) – now I’m thinking that I’ve trained myself to get anxious subconsciously when I don’t feel right. Something I am working to overcome but is damn hard.

    The mind controls the chemicals which make the body function, whether this be the stress chemicals (cortisol / adrenaline) or hormones etc. I looked at the effects of too much adrenaline on the body and realised it read like a list of my earlier symptoms.

    Free Member

    Sort of hijack – anyone use Android on a Tablet?

    What changes is Android 4.0 rumours to bring?

    Free Member

    shaxi – Member

    +1 for – If I’d had that when I first learnt I’d probably never have stopped.

    i will be there , i hope that it is as good as you have said !

    Its free so worth a try – I’ve bought his book which is good too.

    Free Member

    +1 for – If I’d had that when I first learnt I’d probably never have stopped.

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