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  • Mental Mondays #14 – Let there be love
  • Bushwacked
    Free Member

    Damn right! totally behind this.

    Free Member

    Lets see how long it takes to get 100k signatures 🙂

    Free Member

    Signed and shared – Even if it is a bad idea, the more people who sigh the more awareness the subject gets and hopefully it will be debated properly leading to changes allowing access to be more widespread.

    Free Member

    mastiles_fanylion – Member

    simon-g – in your situation the fault lies at the feet of the managers and decision makers, not the sales staff. If they are continuing to allow that sort of practice to go on then they will, at some point, fall on their face.

    +1 we have some rules around pricing where we can decide on the best price, but anything over £50k and upward towards £1M a year has to be signed off by representatives from Product, Finance, IT, Compliance and Legal.

    If companies are allowing this sort of practice then the management deserves to be shot.

    We get rewarded for bringing profitable business in, some jobs are crap and have to be done but they should still be proftiable in the long run.

    From reading this thread I am totally gob smacked how some companies are run.

    Free Member

    Grass is always greener…

    I work in sales and have had the good times and the bad. In the recent recession my average pay went down by 30% and I almost was made redundant as a result of falling sales through no fault of my own – market disappeared overnight. Imagine the stress when you have a family and mortage and you can barely make ends me.

    The good times are where I work my ass off (like the past few months where I’ve been working 10-12 hours days most days) and some deals come off and some don’t. The sad thing is when you can’t get the support from people elsewhere in the business to deliver.

    We’re quite lucky in where we work as we woprk as a team with our colleagues in other areas and issues such as the above are less common. In fact recently someone in our product team created something which totally changed our offering to the market and I recommended her for an award. She was rewarded, in fact I was quite jealous as she got a holiday to the carribean!!! I’ve never had that.

    I’ve seen a few people who have moved from support roles into Sales and really enjoyed it but have found that it isnt as easy as they thought.

    Free Member

    Yeah, Racetrack looked like it was a mess when I went past in the car recently. May have to go for a walk sometime and check it out. Hopefully it’s only superficial.

    Free Member

    LOL! Yeah, its all Jedi’s fault!!!

    The paper is a good read – doesn’t tell you how to combat it in great detail but fully backs up what I was starting to believe. Plus the case study relates to a ldy who had thyroid issues as part of her condition.

    My view is that, to use a computer analogy, I caught a virus (My trigger was Swine Flu back in 2009) which corrupted some of the programming in my subconcious, and affects the bit which controls the chemicals in your body (HPA axis). (I looked into the effects of certain natural chemicals on the body when too many of them are released in to the blood over a period of time and it read like a list of my symptoms)

    Once my body has successfully fought the virus, the coding was still corrupt. So even though I have healed and my blood tests say I’m fine, I am left with corrupt code which reacts at a subconcious level to stimuli and creates the physilogical effects. Problem is the medical profession, bless them, can’t test for this so they say its all OK and it must be depression. But so little is known about the interaction of the mind and body but they must interact somehow for the body to function.

    I believe this is why every CFS case is slightly different but overall the same. Also why people sometimes get better when pacing, as you are gradually saying to the body that its OK to do a little extra, once you do a little more, you get used to it and then do a little more and gradually your body adapts over time and doesn’t see things as a stress. Where as going out and doing an hours ride from nothing, the body freaks out and says “what you doing!!??!!” and you relapse.

    The big problem is I know I can ride a bike for a long time but try telling that to the part of my body which controls how I react at a subconsicous level!

    Free Member

    CG – you sure it’s just your thyroid?

    I’m OK, just been out on my BMX today for the first time in 15 months which felt good. Still got loads of problems to sortout but I’ve booked myself on for some specialist treatment with the Optimum Health Clinic that I’m really excited about..

    Plus they’ve just released a paper about this condition which is receiving a good amount of positive feedback from the medical community. I’ve had a read and makes so much sense.


    Free Member

    Funky dunc – I totally disagree about the depression link to this. I’ve had it for 18months and I am far from depressed but still far from ill

    Free Member

    Dave – wondering what the difference is between the XT and SLX – like the feel of Shimano’s – been a Hope man until recently but the Big S is getting some good reviews.

    Free Member

    might try 185 out back initially, if that don’t work it@ll be selling them for something better. Like the look of the new Shims

    Free Member

    Yeah, good point – most of the braking is done on the front anyway.

    Free Member

    Xiphon – what brakes?

    Free Member

    I wish it was that easy – the brakes just have that switch like tendancy. It really is nothing… nothing… nothing… Anchors away!!! There is no in between.

    Edit now that you’ve edited – I’m thinking maybe a 160 on the back

    Free Member

    Cheers 🙂

    Free Member

    LOL! Yeah, in my excitement to ride with ma bro’s in da hood I forgot to deposit da fundz

    Free Member

    Fair enough Rog – I suppose you got to expect it on STW to a degree, especially as this has distrupted some of the best riding in the area.

    Personally I don’t mean them (Tysons or NE) any harm, we just want to continue riding where there has been riding for many years.

    You know we’re behind it as no one’s riding up there but even I’m itching to get back up there.

    I’m sure we all look forward to a swift and positive response from NE.

    Free Member

    Maybe only a quid, but last time I parked there it cost me £30!! 😉

    Free Member

    I love seeing the old’uns going for it.

    Free Member

    Remember its a pay and display car park!! You don’t want no trouble with the fedz

    Free Member

    Liking that Rob Ridge Vid. How old is that? looks quite recent?

    Free Member

    Yeah, we’ve got a dig booked on the 15th at 10am. All welcome to come and help. Bring a spade. I’ll add you to the email list, but haven’t been using it for a while.

    Edit – Looks like Dave beat me to the reply… Bigvern – YGM

    Free Member

    Sweet edit, loving that flip to manual!

    Free Member

    Wonder if they’ll try to divert Buckholt road in due course 😉

    Free Member

    Its Cheltenham. Got access to about 100acres of woodland on one of the hills. Vertical drop is about 90m.

    Problem we have with no dig / no ride is this time of year the ground is too wet to get any decent riding in, plus there aren’t a great number of trails to ride so its a bit chicken and egg. Once we have the people digging the more trails there will be but when it gets to spring the ground gets damn hard and you can’t dig.

    We have about 100 people signed up on the facebook page and about 100 MTBers in the club but seeems no one is that interested to dig, but once the trails are there I bet people will ride them.

    Free Member

    Dude – you should listen to your body – my mate is currently 3 weeks into a stay in Intensive care in an induced coma due to carrying on regardless while having pneumonia!!

    Free Member

    Idave – have you made a resolution to be an arse?? 😉

    it was posted more following on from the comments that there isnt an easy way to get fit as this method intrigues me. as other posters have said he should seek medical advice nit sure what it would add ti say it again but if the doc says go ahead this could be an option

    Free Member

    Idave – have you even read it before commenting?

    Free Member

    This has intrigued me for a while

    body by science[/url]

    It was recommended by a doctor for those who arent that able to get fit using norml methods (CFS in my case)

    Free Member

    Just checked the local council planning website (stroud) and they are building a fancy house and a lake in the grounds next to the sawmill.

    Case of NIMBYism?

    Free Member

    I went for a walk today with my kids and it was strange to not see any tyre marks. Although there were a lot of horse prints off the bridleways and I did see a crosser tyre mark near the stream.

    Theyve cut loads of the foliage down all over the place and the racetrack foliage looks thinner than a fasting anorexic!!

    do you know what they are building at the sawmill?

    Free Member

    Had mine since boxing day – feeling rubbish but feels like its coming to its natural end.


    Free Member

    Shit news, I’ll post this up on a local site.

    Slight hijacjk but relevant, I was in cheltenham’s Range store recently and was quite shocked to see them selling Boltcutters for £8 a piece and had about 15 in stock. Are they really thatpopular to deserve to have 15 in stock or are they expecting a seasonal rush?

    Free Member

    That was last year! I’m sure he’s over it by now

    Free Member

    Sounds like she has all the control at the moment, do you want her to stay?

    Free Member

    I’ve had a cold for the past week, been nice to have a distraction.

    Happy new year to everyone. I’m determined to beat this in 2012. going to be a good year 😉

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Cheers, its a Sony tablet S

    Free Member

    Nice one for the update Rog.


    Free Member

    Double ditto

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