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  • Women Send Fear Packing at Red Bull Hardline Camp
  • Bushwacked
    Free Member


    Free Member

    Interesting on the Edge recomendation. Will investigate

    Got a myithlete for my Ipod touch.

    Free Member

    Good few options there. many thanks. Hopefully will get a bit of a bonus to start building it up again

    Think a pair of pikes may be scouted out.

    Free Member

    Good luck Rog!

    Free Member

    Echo article on the track

    Quite a positive piece really.

    Makes me laugh that they are worried about people using motorbikes and making noise when they make the point that it is already happening so how will improving how the land looks make it any worse and devalue their houses???!!

    Also, if they were so worried about it and had been since the 80s, why has the land been left to waste away rather than the community taking a bit of pride and doing something about this eyesore themselves!! Then they complain about people who want to do something positive!

    Free Member

    Lot of the locals obviously read the daily mail as there were the typical stereotypical comments (anti social behaviour, drugs, drink, vandalism, graffti, noise, motorcycles, loss of value on their houses, etc)

    generally not as bad as we expected, just surprising that they would prefer the shit hole to remain a shit hole. At the end of theday we want to improve the area but they cant see past theirown fears.

    On the whole it was good! 😉

    Free Member

    That is an understatement!

    I loved theway the contradicted themselves all over theplace, like “fence it off so they cant use it” but that later changed to ” dont fence it we wont be able to walk our dogs”

    Free Member

    No worries. Got kids so know whats what.

    Free Member

    Sounds like the springs..

    Free Member

    With weather like today are you really surprised. 😉

    The ban has come at a good time, 6 months later and I doubt it would havebeen the same.

    Free Member

    Sunday bump

    Free Member

    V666ern – you fancy joining us onour dig day on the 4th? 😉

    Free Member

    I received this from one of the guys who was at the treatment with me, I’m sure he wont mind sharingto help others:

    I have seen a massive turnaround since visiting the clinic and have started going to the gym for an hour a day 3-5 times a week and am now able to watch tv and read again. I don’t know if you have tried it or not yet but the nutrition side seems to have really helped me as it keeps my energy slow releasing and constant although the diet is horrendous I feel good every day I wake up apart from sometimes I feel like I have a bit of a cold. But instead of worrying about doing things I have just started doing them as I said I go to the gym I have been away to a health spa with my girlfriend and I go out for dinner about 3 times a week at the moment. I am also taking regular trips into London to meet friends for lunch and the next day I am tired and have to take it a bit easier but I find it is worth it and I am getting stronger all the time as I am keeping myself as busy as possible and it really takes my mind off of the illness.

    Sometimes I get a bit carried away and think I am better and then push a bit too hard but whenever I started feeling a bit unwell I try and laugh it off because otherwise I know il start snowballing into worry mode, I was shopping last week looking at watches and felt like I was about to faint but instead of panicking I laughed told my girlfriend and she sat me down inside Burger King (something that really annoyed me as I can’t eat anything like that now) and I did 15mins meditation and then after that was fine. Also on that point I do 30-60mins of meditation every day and I really helps to calm me down and relax me.

    Free Member

    Major hijack – woodsa – you posted a vid of a dog the other day, a hungarian vizsla, was it yours? If so drop me aline barnt at hotmail dot com. Would like to ask some questions.

    Free Member

    Evening bump…

    Free Member

    LOL! Its in a bad state, but should be more like this once completed…

    Free Member

    Easy IHN! How’s tricks?

    The track is just off Arle Road, next to the football pitch

    Free Member

    Slight hijack… 😉

    Locals may find this interesting and I hope some of you can come along

    Free Member

    Next dig is 4th March – drop me an email if you’re interested or visit Facebook (Cheltenham Trails).

    Here’s a vid of one of the lines taken last year…

    Free Member

    Perhaps a random question but do you worry you’ll never get better and that every ache and pain may be it getting worse or still being there?

    By the way, you’re not mad, just out of the realms of general practice.

    Free Member

    Rydster – you heard of Fibromyalgia? It sounds like you may be suffering from this (although I am not medically trained or have actually spoken to you.)

    If it is Fibromyalgia then its similar to ME/CFS and you can recover from it.

    CG – I’m all good, slowly improving and feeling better and better every day.

    Edit – CG – a baseline will be different from one person to another. I may have a totally different normal state to my neighbour but we’d still be seen as OK under the reference.

    Free Member

    Pmsl @ scott!

    Free Member

    Easy Goz, yeah been a while. Hows tricks?

    Free Member

    More tech than fireroad

    Free Member

    Nice, may pop up if I get the chance.

    Free Member

    Its not on cleeve, its on private ground we’ve got access to.

    Looks like Sun 4th is the next dig day if anyone wants to join us 🙂

    Free Member

    Tony – liking the blog, good to see someone who knows what their talking about talking about things.

    Free Member

    Its on the hills overlooking Cheltenham Racecourse

    Free Member

    Sounds like they were on our side 🙂

    Free Member

    Did the couple have anything to say about riders in the woods – where they for or against?

    Free Member

    How often are you exercising? Are you getting enough rest?

    Free Member

    Nice one Bunnyhop!! Pleased for you

    I’d comment on the other posts but won’t as I’ve been diagnosed as having mental health issues apparently and I’m sure nothing I say now will have any use or bearing in anything.

    Free Member

    +1 Grum…

    My mate has spent 50 days in ICU witha rare form of pneumonia and is really depressed about it, but did the depression cause the pneumonia? would anti-depresants cure it??

    Free Member

    Did I mention anything about Depression?

    Free Member


    well, apart from the cold I caught off my friends kids I’ve been fine.

    The treatment course is based around the maladaptive stress response and the way they explain it makes total sense – basically you are walking around in a constant stressed state – although you may not realise it due to feeling fine most of the time. Think of it like a frog put in boiling water will jump out, but if you put a frog in cold water and boil it up it won’t move – same with this – you gradually build up your levels so it feels normal but actually you are hyperstressed at a subconcious level.

    The key areas they say are that

    1. You are in a constant stressed state and this has become the norm – hence why you don’t recover after having a restful nights sleep.

    2. Thought processes don’t help as they keep you in that stressed state which produces all the chemicals / hormones which cause the physilogical symptoms

    3. The way to overcome it is calming the mind down and retraining the subconcious to react differently to bring that constant state of stress down over time to something normal.

    Think of it like riding your bike at Max HR all the time rather than an average of 130-140bpm. Over time you’d burn out if your were always at MaxHR, but at 130-140bpm (which most people would ride at) you would be able to last for longer. So you have to adapt a different way to ride / think

    Does that make any sense???

    The best bit of the time spent with them was meeting other suffereres with different symptoms but all having the same condition. The differences made you realise that it was down to this stress response as you could see everyone’s anxiety about doing the wrong things, eating the wrongs things, over doing it etc. That was the biggest eye opener.

    Free Member

    Relly good treatment course in London, it now makes totaal sense, now wheres my Megavalanche appliction form 😉

    Free Member

    Going really well so far, last day today 🙂

    Free Member

    Going for some specialist treatment in London tomorrow – very excited

    Free Member

    When you lose access to your local trails you’ll understand why raising the profile of such causes is an important issue.

    I personally don’t want to be restricted to bridleways, roads and trail centres.

    Free Member


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