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  • Georgia Astle: Finding Fun In The Process At Red Bull Rampage
  • burnie
    Free Member

    Guessed 90% richer 10% poorer apparently 99% are richer and 1% are poorer based on my current (crap) income!

    Free Member

    I crashed next to Manon Carpenter at BPW if that counts?

    Free Member

    As everyone has ignored the post Vietnam bit can I ignore the film bit and say Generation Kill

    Free Member

    Just saw that the 4amps being supplied to the my cards is just the VRMs so maybe 110amps isn’t impossible

    Free Member

    It sounds like thermal throttling but R9 cards run hot and a 280x shouldn’t throttle till it hits 95c. 750 watts should easily be more than enough to run a single 280x regardless of the other components and a Corsair PSU’s are high end (but could be on it’s way out I guess) so shouldn’t cause problems. So I guess I’m stumped unless the card manufacturer has changed the thermal limit? 110A can’t be correct though, sure it’s not watts?

    Edit:Do you have another spare power supply to test with?

    Free Member

    Aside from the new start menu and the addition of apps windows interface changes have been mostly cosmetic since XP (possibly longer but I can’t remember that far back). So download a program like start8 and it should work pretty much the same.

    Edit: you might have to change some default programs too so it doesn’t use apps

    Free Member

    my cock

    Beat me to it. 🙁 Guess now we will have to compare sizes. 😆

    Free Member

    Free Member

    My back one was bled last year. At least I’m assuming it was bled when I sent it back, the hole in the caliper probably let quite a bit of air in! Can’t remember the last time I did the front though.

    Free Member

    Bumped into Manon Carpenter not too long ago when they were making the latest BPW video. I showed her my mad skillz (I crashed pretty hard). I will admit that when I first saw her in the cafe I did briefly wonder who the poser in full team kit was, then I saw her face 😳

    Free Member

    As others have said 4GB isn’t a lot of RAM these days, I would definitely recommend 8GB especially if your planning on keeping it for a while. As for processor speed 1.4ghz is usable for the tasks you mentioned but the 2.6/8ghz will be noticeably faster. For storage check how much your using at the moment work it out from there.

    Free Member

    I use 44mm valves cut from a couple of old tubes as I object to paying £15 for two valves when I could have half a dozen tubes (with valves) for the same price. But maybe that’s just me being tight. And I payed around £25 duty most of which was to bloody parcelforce!

    Free Member

    A journalist who doesn’t even know to start a sentence with a capital letter. The grammar police will be onto him for sure!

    Edit. Or finish a question with question mark. Maybe Muslims are stupid as well as terrorist? 🙄

    Free Member

    As a BPW local I’ve ridden every track on my hardtail. I had to swap to a dual ply rear tyre as single plys weren’t surviving, you might have similar issues on a short travel full suss. Aside from that you may be a little more tired, at the end of the day, than if you had a big bike.

    Free Member

    Me too. Never really understood why, most of the time I ride OK, but some days I just can’t get into the right mindset. I know that all I need is to relax but that just seems to make me more tense. Then I crash, give up and go home!

    Free Member

    I love mine (Of 2003 vintage I believe). Even though it is a little small I could never bring myself to sell it. Part of me wishes it would break so that I can replace it with a larger frame (probably just a larger Cham). But as vincienup said it just refuses to die!

    Free Member

    Mine are supposed to arrive tomorrow! Getting exited now! I’m hoping to get them built up by the weekend, so hopefully I will be back to say good things about them then.

    Free Member

    I found a scratch in my goggles right where my eye would have been, had I not been wearing them, after going through a rock garden head first. Very glad I was wearing them. I’m going to start wearing glasses with my open face lid now I think.

    Free Member

    Never used one. But I do still see them occasionally.

    Free Member

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    Free Member

    You will be happy on either, as I_Ache said, it’s doable (but a lot of work) on a hardtail. If I was in your position I would take the big bike as you will be glad of the extra travel by the end of the day.

    Free Member

    Assuming that you’re using the uplift you’ll be glad of the extra travel by the end of a long day! Most probably ride trail bikes as that is all they have (or they’re riding to the top).

    Free Member

    So if I can swim, but not very well. How many am I allowed?

    Free Member

    You will need to use brackets. The calculator will do the indices before applying any functions due to BIDMAS and so without any brackets will calculate -(3^2).

    Free Member

    I was in the same boat a couple of weeks ago. After trying on a number of brands I was down to the Giro Cipher and the Fox Rampage. In the end I swallowed the slightly larger price tag and (imo) not quite so nice styling and opted for the better fit of the cipher. So far it has been excellent. The ventilation is good and I found it comfortable for long periods of time I have not yet used it for a whole day as, on its first outing at BPW, I crash hard in one of the black rock gardens. The helmet held up well to the impact and the peak just bent out the way of the impact rather than snapping. Lucky as you don’t seem to be able to get spares yet. The GoPro mount seems sturdy although I don’t have one to test it with. All in all other than the availability of spare peaks it seems perfect and I am very glad I chose the Giro.

    Free Member

    Buy pasta! Student loan didn’t even come close to paying for this term!

    Free Member

    Personally I use LaTex as it is excellent for formatting formulae (kind of useful when your doing a maths degree) and will produce an great looking document, but will take a while to learn and can be incredibly frustrating. So maybe not easier than word but if your report contains any formulae (IMO) it would be hard to recommend anything else.

    Edit: LaTeX also lacks a spell check. Not sure if that will bother you but thought I might as well mention it.

    Free Member

    I regularly ride bpw on a hardtail although mine is 130mm. It’s definitely rougher than videos make it look especially after this wheather. It is easily doable but some of the trails are very rough so it can be hard going especially if your trying to keep up with guys on FS!

    Free Member

    Bars should obviously be as wide as possible (superstar yardstick afaik! What was wrong with you 1×10? I thought that’s what everyone was supposed to run!

    Free Member

    Pretty sure he is talking about mtb. And I use my index finger.

    Edit. too slow

    Free Member

    I keep a couple in my Uni room, I just find spots where they won’t get in the way. With the front wheel out and the bars rotated they don’t take up much space. Getting them in and out is a little more effort than when they were at home in the shed but it is not too difficult. I don’t share the bathroom with anyone so I wash them in the shower!

    Free Member

    It is not unheard of for a people to shoot themselves in the leg whilst holstering/upholstering a loaded weapon quickly ie.

    Free Member

    I ride Zee with the original 36t ring on the front. I tried a 32t up front but span out too often for my liking and found that I can ride most* climbs with the 36-36. You might as well try it with the original ring first and see how well you cope, you can always buy a smaller one at a later date.

    *all the climbs I could do with 3×9

    Free Member

    I’ve been a Zee mech with an 11-36 cassette for a while now and its not exploded yet. Just make sure you get the FR version rather than the DH.

    Free Member

    It doesn’t really matter how long he goes in for, with an offence like that, I will be surprised if he makes it out alive!

    Free Member

    As someone who is currently lived in university halls I can safely say that it is not really like that! I think the worst thing we have had spread up the stairs was most of a McDonald’s from some poor soul who was too drunk to carry it all up. Or maybe the stans sealant from my tyre the other day 😳

    Free Member

    I had a similar problem when I fitted multi release cleats by mistake. They are designed to release upwards as well as sideways.

    Free Member

    Find my peace? If your standing you should be able to shout louder than someone who’s sitting. I let them (and probably the rest of the town) know exactly how I feel!

    Free Member

    Don’t forget the freehub body

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