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  • New Affordable Shimano ESSA, Short Reach Levers, and Cross Compatibility
  • Burls72
    Free Member

    And they could set up public services that utilise their unique skillset – like helping people that have locked their keys in their car…


    Free Member

    No, he shouldn't be killed. The only arguement I could ever see for the death sentence was cost but I didn't know it actually costs more to kill someone than lock them up for life. There are far greater punishments than death, without causing physical harm to someone.

    Free Member

    tinribz & crewlie i'm no photo jurno but they are good pics. crewlie bit of ps?

    Free Member

    Looking at the picture I would guess you have something miss-aligned, all the wear is on the driveside. I know that is an obvious statement as thats where all the torque is but there is hardly a mark on the non-driveside. Should be a bit more even which is proven by the driveside broken axle. Miss aligned rim to axle or rear triangle? Or perhaps you did the lock ring up to tight but something doesn't look right? Anyways only £20ish for an axle, if you have only just done the bearings could have made a minor error when re-fitting? Not saying i'm purfect and know better but IMO the picture does point that way especially as the bearings have just been done.

    Free Member

    Short answer pay the £200 get the mot and sell it!

    Free Member

    I saw your picture in another thread earlier and thought look at her a smile from ear to ear, she had no fear and loving every minute.

    One of the few things I can remember from my childhood is riding without stabilizers for the first time the old i'm holding you, "really" and I can remember the utter fear. Shown up by a little girl 😉 Congrats fella, if she carries on like that she is going to show you up in a few years 😆

    Free Member

    Don't know anything about tendonitis but with the broken ribs take regular, deep, full breaths and hold them for as long as possible, it will hurt! I broke 3 when I was younger and now have bad lung capacity and remember reading somewhere that it could be the reason. Might be a load of rubbish but to me it makes sense as you take short breaths and the ribs close in because they are convex.

    Free Member

    I guess one mans xc is anothers dh but after 18 months of you riding it, it deserves a medal 😉

    Free Member

    Makes me want to get off my lazy ass and ride some more, the Q's are hard to beat you have great flowing descents, hard rideable climbs and green. The only things which suck are mud and you forget how energy sapping climbing wet grass is(greenway path) not forgetting climbs like sheppards coombe and bicknoller, rideable but bust your lungs(well my limp ones).

    Free Member

    From what you have said things haven't been done fairly or by the letter of the law but it appears a lot of this was verbal and as a member of the CAB said to me "it's not about what is right, it's about what you can prove".

    The CAB is a fantastic service, more so when you consider that it's free and staffed by volunteers but when I went through this I found that most of the time you can't get a straight answer to a straight question. This isn't their fault it's just the way the law is so that basically leaves you on your own and you have to be prepared for a fight.

    IMO you'll have to handle this tactically, you don't want to fight it but to get as much from it as you can you'll have to show you want to, remembering that the company will always be more scared of legal action than you as they have more to lose. A problem you do face though is if your after a good reference it relies on trust and it is something you could get promised and then get royally scr***d on.

    Free Member

    Had one fitted to the rear on a mavic rim for a bit. Found it easy to fit/inflate but as mentioned before thin sidewalls. Wouldn't want to risk it if your heavy and/or ride in rocky areas.

    Free Member

    That has to be right up there with one of the dumbest ideas ever.

    Free Member

    Do you have any recent pictures?

    Free Member

    Tiger6791 – I agree there are always two sides to a story but as an employer i'm sure you are fully aware that the lady can't sit down and have a full and frank discussion. I agree having that type of conversation would probably be the best way to deal with it as long as both parties are fair and reasonable which in this case is unlikely. The lady clearly didn't want to do anymore hours but was persistently pressured in to working extra days, why didn't he just employ another part time person? I suspect the answer to that is its hassle, she isn't doing what I want, shes deadwood, get rid and get someone else.

    Best outcome for both parties

    Best outcome for the emlpoyer not the employee. If you rely on that income to put a roof over your head, have no savings and do what you suggest you have that money to last until you find a job. If you can't find a job you won't get any benefits because you left the job voluntarily what do you do then? If you have no where to go you very quickly end up on the streets thats what. If the employee is in that situation who do you think has the most to lose. I've recently been in a similar situation myself and nearly ended up sleping rough, I can tell you its a big wake up call, very scary and a hard situation to get out of.

    Free Member

    How much do you want to bet its a dodgy scotch lock connection from the towbar fitting, bloody useless things.

    Free Member

    If your mum does end up with a bad reference just be creative with the cv and try to stay away from applying for jobs with large companies and agencies as they will probably do extensive back ground checks. If you stick with smaller companies they are less likely to ring for references and if it does come up you have a better chance to explain the situation, whos never made a mistake? Plus once you have the first job any further employer is unlikely to check past your last employment.

    From what you have said she has been unlucky in a number of ways and it does sound like her employer was watching her every move waiting for an excuse to sack her because she wouldn't up her hours. Good luck with it all.

    Free Member

    Are they the older bulkier style x9's which have been re-badged as x7? If so had the same problem with two pairs just took them apart, greased and never happened again.

    Free Member

    You mention future employment so i'm assuming your mum needs to work so have you considered the financial situation? If your mum resigns she won't be able to claim any benefits so she'll be financially better off on the sick and then if she is dismissed and whats the likelyhood of a new job at present? But if done that way things will more than likely get messy with her employer and bang goes any sort of reference.

    Free Member

    This bears no relation to when a waterproof garment allows water to permeate the membrane.

    ??????? Don't you mean the hydrostatic head test bears no relation to breathability as this is due to atmospheric pressure as you correctly stated?

    Free Member

    Moderate and heavy exerise general rule is you should have a protein(whey or soya, whey slightly better) drink within 20 mins of the end of exercise and a proper meal within a couple of hours. Your meal times/frequency are a bit off, smaller and often is better. Breakfast,small snack mid morning, lunch, small snack mid afternoon, evening meal and if your hungry in the evening after your meal fruit or yoghut is best option. Meals made up of 60% carbs, 30% protein and 10% good fat. I know it seems strange eating more frequently but your body becomes more efficent at burning fuel as long as its smaller meals of good quality foods.

    Free Member

    MrSalmon – Minimum hydrostatic test results to be classed as waterproof in the uk is 1500mm which is a guide line as often different diameter tubes are used by different testing companies.

    All garments sold in the UK that state they are waterproof have had to meet the British Standard of 3 PSI, which is approx 1,500mm of pressure. Falling rain generates about 2 PSI (approx 1,000mm), however an 84kg person can generate about 8 PSI (4,000mm) when sitting and 16 PSI (approx 8,000mm) when kneeling, so your bargain waterproof may not be as waterproof as you think!

    Taken from the how waterproof is waterproof section half way down

    Even if you take their examples of the pressures needed as being slightly out you still don't need a lot of pressure to penetrate a waterproof membrane. I don't know it all by a long way but I do know more than most as i've had training off numerous outdoor clothing manufactures mainly on waterproof clothing due to a job. A lot of what people think when these types of threads start is completely wrong, which isn't ment to knock anybody, I didn't know any better until it was explained to me.

    Free Member

    Its nothing to do with fitness, caused by genetics or an injury to the leg.

    Free Member

    Had mine done on the nhs. I lived in one area and I was told they wouldn't be done as cosmetic, moved to another area and on the doc'c advice went for a consultaion, didn't expect anything and I was suprised to be offered the op. One leg was quite bad and they only wanted to do that but I told the consultant as they casused me no physical problems it was a cosmetic thing for me (especially being a cyclist in my early 30's)and if they only did the one I couldn't see the point. I think a lot of it as usual is to do with lack of funds and the 'postcode lottery', unless they hurt or they are really bad with most trusts you have to put up with it or go private.

    Free Member

    Both legs done with a valve behind the knee tied on one leg as well. Op ok they have you up and around asap with from memory two 1/2 hour walks a day. Would have been a simple relatively pain free thing if I hadn't got an infection in one leg which increased recovery time and the amount of pain, hurt a bit trying to walk when it was infected. Think I was back riding after 4 weeks and running not long after but I was a lot fitter then which would have helped.

    Didn't have any pre op pain was done for cosmetic reasons but I was told if you have VV's you'll get them somewhere else in time. Have noticed that my legs/feet get colder quicker and lower legs ache a lot more.

    Free Member

    Not really such a thing as waterproof gloves or jackets just a load of marketing hype. If your out in the rain and riding/running/walking your going to get wet either by water working its way through or by sweat not working its way out. Also if you put pressure on something 'waterproof' say gloves while gripping the bars and they are wet you will more than likely force water through the membrane as the water pressure will be greater than the waterproof pressure test for waterproofness. Most cases of claimed lack of waterproofness are due to sweat build up and a lack of customer understanding. The best solution for gloves on rainy days are liner gloves with wool being the better choice as they will keep your hands warmer when wet or taking multiple pairs and changing them. Your better off with 3 pairs of cheap gloves than one pair of expensive gloves and changing them sooner rather than later as skin cools 25 times quicker in the wind while wet. Once you are cold or worse cold and wet it is a lot harder to warm up.

    Free Member

    Always used to use shimano but switch to sram due to the 2:1 ratio. It is obviously a lot less sensitive to cable tension/movement and stopped 95% of my problems. I hardly re-adjust the rear mech now where as before I was like you always adjusting the damn thing. As you when I had a road bike which was shimano rear mech never had a problem, i'm guessing you mtb in a muddy area? The only downsides to sram are the change is more 'clunky' and its more expensive.

    Free Member

    If you make a housing benefit/jsa claim it will take 6 weeks minimum before you receive your full regular payment. Not sure if it's any different when you have children and the amount will vary slightly between different LA's but if your without children the maximum payment is £450 per month with the short fall being made up from your jsa. They also won't pay housing benefit until a jsa claim or like is confirmed.

    The up shot for the OP is I doubt she will ever be able to get anywhere near to making up the short fall and best to evict asap and cut your loses. This woman might be taking the p**s but it's more than likely she has been forced in to this situation as who wants to live that way if your single let alone when you have a new born. Being on benefits for the vast majority of people is VERY difficult and the real culprit here is probably the government for not paying enough benefits to live on and happily letting landlords go the loser.

    Free Member

    Cheap cars can be hard to find at the moment due to the scrapage scheme seeing off so many. I found the best place to find them was visit all your local garages and ask if they have any cheap part exchanges and just hope you get lucky. The longer the mot the easier it will be to sell on but as someone else said a lot of it is down to luck.

    Did a similar thing around the trail centres in scotland a couple of summers ago. I had my own car and wild camped near the trail centres and showered at the centres or if they didn't have one stayed at a camp site for the odd night or stripped washed in the disabled toilets at supermarkets etc. Can be a laugh trying to do it on a budget.

    Free Member

    I think it depends, i've got away with a 200mm rotor and 203mm brake on the front but a 180mm rotor and 183mm brake on the rear didn't work. Try it, if it doesn't work buy a rotor, ebay seems to be about the cheapest around.

    Free Member

    Don't get hung up on mileage, it's the condition of the car that counts not the mileage. There is mileage and 'hard' mileage, but the price does sound high for age etc. If your after a small car and you can find a £300-£400 motor with a good mot and can do a bit of diy I think its always worth taking the risk as you can buy 5-6 cars for the money you are looking to pay.

    Free Member

    If you ride in a rocky area don't think you can beat it.

    Free Member

    I think it's a vastly under estimated core strength building exercise. Our modern life styles mean we think walking a few miles is a big deal. Got talking to a polish guy about it and he said they would think nothing of walking 10-15 miles and basically implied we are lazy. Didn't stop him taking a lift to work off me though!

    Free Member

    Why would you want to do that? It's a lot of hassle finding the right bolt length with the right shaft to thread ratio, coarse threads, coarse bolt shaft, bolt shaft dia's aren't accurate etc etc. You have a small price saving but if it goes wrong it could end up being much more expensive to fix or with you left in a heap somewhere. Plus at the end of the day you would have an ugly, industrial looking bolt on the back of your bike.

    Free Member

    Ski – Unfortunately I don't have any money behind me which makes things even harder, I also made the mistake of selling my house 10 years ago and renting. If I could go back I would give myself a good kicking for that one 😆

    jimmy – People must be catching on to that one as we didn't have any in the local area and 2 have just recently opened.

    Free Member

    Once ebay stopped letting sellers leave negative feedback they ruined it. Always posted recorded and block bidders from outside the uk. If you don't block them even if you clearly put in the auction that it's uk only they will still bid and often expect it to be posted for your uk rates. As previously mentioned ebay/paypal always side with the buyer and give them their money back regardless of fault.

    It's does say somewhere in ebay info that a seller should see selling on ebay like running your own business and take the attitude that some you win and some you lose. Find that really annoying as that never was/is the spirit of the site but if you go in with that attitude it's a good way of making money out of stuff you would normally bin.

    Free Member

    How many people who work could take 50 days plus training/recovery time off from work to do that and have a team of people back them up for the 50 event? Is eddie the only person physically capable of that feat? They were my points, i'm not taking anything away from his achievment, which is what I started by saying. Man, I think I should have picked a running forum to pipe up on this one.

    Free Member

    Ian Munro – It's not sour grapes, i've worked with ultra distance runners and seen what they have done. How hard they have worked to achieve what they have done while working full time and how much more they could have done with the back up he got. These weren't super athletes just normal people like eddie but they haven't had tv programs made about them have they? As I said at the beginning of my post what he did was impressive but no more than many many other people. Ultra distance running is common stuff you just don't hear about it thats all.

    Free Member

    jabbathehut – I am impressed by what he has done, whatever training/support he had he still had to run it. As you said it is a world apart from some things, like the recent london to john-O-groats celebrity so called epic human effort.

    I know a little about ultra distance running and can tell you he didn't do that without a lot of pre training over many months. Given the opportunity more people than you think would be able to do what eddie did. The money, back up and the training he had makes a massive difference with something like that and stops the likes of you and me being able to do it.

    Free Member

    I do agree with you it is a remarkable achievement but there are many people who do the same or more. They work full-time so can only train in their spare time and do not have a coach, physio, full back up team to carry all water/food, a nutrientist etc etc all of which supplied to eddie at no cost no doubt. Plus it would have been humanly impossible for him to do that without exstensive (by the best in the business no doubt) training/advice first.

    A chap in the lakes swam lake coniston(6miles), cycled the fred whiton(114 road miles over all the highest passes) then did the bob graham(74 miles over 42 fell peaks) all non stop but I bet you've never heard of it/him? It's funny that when a celebrity does something it's plastered all over the tv and they are hailed as supper human but others are not!

    Free Member

    Blond wig, a bit of lippy and you'd never tell the difference 😉

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