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  • Issue 155 Editorial: Going The Extra Mile
  • burgatedicky
    Full Member

    Assuming you’re after the new “narrow” bore hose you’ll be looking for the BH90 kit.
    Some of this,
    or this,

    Any good??

    Full Member

    If its the book by Scott Fitzgerald on Amazon, I just had a chuckle at the very first line of chapter 1;

    “I was a Lance Armstrong fan before most Americans had ever heard of him.”
    I know its another Lance bashing, but it is strange to think how he was revered not so long ago.

    Full Member

    Good to see that despite everything both the news and the BBC reporters haven’t lost their sense of irony!
    It is a pretty sorry situation though.

    Full Member

    Of all the things…..
    But more worrying was that you said it

    Works for me.

    Full Member

    FINALLY, was getting concerned I was actually a plonker!

    Full Member

    If it the m785 model your referring to I can sympathise!
    Its probably due to leaking around the banjo bolt where the hose is crimped or a piston. Could also be caused by the O ring in the banjo bolt not sitting properly, but reckon that’s quite unlikely.
    I’ve got a set away at Maddison at the moment for a warranty repair/replacement as I had the same trouble as you. I fiddled, faffed, swore and finally gave up after multiple attempts to bleed/sort the brakes out.

    Full Member

    I’m away this weekend,but rode the Rivi Pootle a while back.
    Believe a chap called “junkyard” organised it, so might be worth dropping him a line?
    As for making it a regular thing, I’d be game but don’t know the area anything like well enough to begin to arrange it.

    Have a good ride though, where-ever you end up!

    Full Member

    I agree Buzz,
    Website seems to feature a large population of pictures of the same bloke wearing a variety of knitted hats with attached woolen “beards”.
    While this is also an interesting fashion statement, it was a let down compared to the enticing photo used in the link!

    Full Member

    Who’d have thunk it? He looks like such a normal, well-adjusted individual

    My thoughts exactly.
    Whatever next? (Desperately tries to think of humourous bell-ringing related comment…)

    Full Member

    I’m pretty sure that the repayments they’re taking from me barely cover the cost of the interest going on.
    Did a fairly costly 5 year course, graduating last year.
    To be frank as it comes off my payslip every month I just write it off in the same bracket as “tax” and get on with it.
    Had some hilarious dealings with them at Uni however, so I can sympathise with the ignorant f-wits remarks!

    I agreed to terms that said the interest rate would be linked to RPI or interest rates whichever was lower. When RPI went negative they wriggled out of it on a technicality.


    Full Member

    Yank ’em out!

    An eye watering experience to be sure!
    That and a load of sneezing to follow

    Full Member

    First and last time I bail early and follow him.


    Full Member

    Another thanks from me too.
    Was a really good ride out, even if I did make a bit of a pillock of myself “running” down that drop in the quarry trying to keep up with the bike!
    Will try to make the Macc ride next week.
    Top job guys, see you again!

    Full Member

    I too would appreciate some of this.
    Recently moved to flats after 5 years on Spuds and having a bit of a confidence crisis when it comes to leaving the ground.
    I know a big dose of kneepads and MTFU is in order, but any other hints??

    Full Member

    Apologies to the STW zealots for resurrecting this thread, but I am having the exact same trouble as the OP.
    Same story; Bought brakes, trimmed hoses, bled, new pads etc etc but still on fast descents I have the same soft lever feel.
    I get no bubbles when bleeding the brakes so I doubt its air in the lines, also I’ve bled the things umpteen times now with all the official shimano gubbins so unless I’m a completely hamfisted gorilla I don’t think I’m doing anything wrong. I’ve also stored the bike upside down in an attempt to see if there are bubbles in the caliper, but braking is just the same the next day.
    The brakes work FINE on slower stuff…I just dont geddit!!!

    Answers on a postcard please.
    Many thanks, and OP if you found a solution please let me know.

    Full Member

    Don’t worry, the “3 second rule” will meant it was fine to have eaten that!

    Full Member

    Heard good things about Fatbars too. Cheers for that!

    Full Member

    glupton1976 – Member


    Such sympathy for a man in need!

    Just another example of the law of Sod, but seriously, good luck. Really wouldn’t want to be in your shoes right now.

    Full Member

    It’s OK DezB, I’ve just a bit of a complex about women and shoes….after my parents beat me with a slipper as a naughty child…

    Full Member

    Cheers so far guys, bit miffed about the longevity issues reported.
    I never heard of any problems with Teva shoes from the shop guys (but then I guess they’re trying to sell them!)

    Anyone got some Links that have fallen apart?
    All the reveiews (inital and longterm) that I googled seemed to say they were pretty robust…

    Full Member

    Another shimano vote here, good example of fit-and-forget engineering, and mine required almost no fettling to set up.
    As for the forthcoming (I expect) SLX vs XT debate I’ve used both now, on two bikes, and can’t really see too much benefit between paying more the XT bling.

    Full Member

    Can only echo the above, get them fitted by a decent specialist shop. I got some HanWags from Pegglers in Arundel, Sussex (CANNOT recommend this shop enough!!) years ago and they’re still going strong after some pretty hefty abuse.
    Paying a few quid more than the big “camping-direct” chains is definitely worth it for a good fit.
    I know I walked in with ideas of getting a pair of Zamberlains, but the shop guy took one look at my feet and said they were too wide. Struck me a pretty good knowledge.

    Full Member

    Nice “brown trouser” moment for Felipe there!

    Full Member

    Sympathies my man, had mine done for charity 3 weeks ago today. Unfortunately you still have to endure the spotty phase, followed by the equally uncomfortable bristly phase. Wearing any kind of shirt was just damned itchy as all the little damn hairs poked back through.
    I haven’t had any ingrown hairs fortunately, but have been furiously rubbing my chest with a sponge in the shower every morning.
    I won’t be doing it regularly, safe to say!

    Full Member

    Dodgy as,
    ’nuff said really

    Full Member

    Not rowed competitively for a while now, but still train on a erg pretty regulary.
    I’d only recommend C2 ergs really, tried water rowers and didnt get on with them. (Although the one designed to mimic actuall rowing rather than sculling was pretty clever). YES, they’re a lot of cash, but last for ever with almost no maintainance IMO.

    Got to be honest too, I get quite a lot of satisfaction sitting down at a gym erg next to the proverbial “mirror monkey” who is absoltely beasting himself at 30odd strokes per minute for a split of over 2 minutes. A nice slow stroke rate and low split then seem hugely enjoyable, despite the pain.
    Rowing is all about efficiency, not about lugging on the handle like a crazed man!

    As for 2k’s, they are, and shall always remain, the spawn of satan’s personal training regime.

    Full Member

    Another P7 fan here (but having never ridden much else I am a bit biased).
    Size wise I went for a 19″ initially, based on my height/inside leg etc, but changed down to 17″ after about 12 months. This proved to be a good move as the 17″ seems to fit me much better.
    Mines got a set of Fox Van R’s on it, which along with SLX/XT components make it about as low maintainance as it can be.
    All of those mudguard fitting points add a bit of weight, but TBH I cant see it making any difference to the actual bike once its built up.
    Bomb proof bike and I love it…but I have heard a few people compliment about a certain Soul…

    Full Member

    scaredypants – Member
    nothing in the world smells nicer than GT85 – FACT

    (except contact adhesive or ether)

    Another vote for the delightful GT85 here as well!

    Full Member

    I agree with ant0463, Bikehike is the winner for me.

    Also now searching through Strava for popular descents in new areas that I’ve not visited before.
    Which leads me onto…if everyone is using Strava to log their rides nowadays certain previously “secret/cheeky” trails must surely be a thing of the past…Surrey hills is a fine example of this!

    Full Member

    Yep, Darkside is closed for logging.
    Its in the “open/closed” section on the right-hand side.

    Twas a PITA for me, as it’s my favourite run there too.

    Full Member

    Was there last sunday.
    Did the Wall and Whites Level (separately) and trail conditions were fine.
    Just be aware that they’ve shut off the end of Whites Level, everything from the end of the Energy section.
    They send you on a bleeding HUGE diversion on fire road over to pick up the final descent of Skyline.
    While there’s noubt wrong with that descent the trek to get there is a bit of a ballache.
    Overall a good day, but a leg burner…or maybe I’m just fat and unfit…

    Full Member

    Didn’t even need to open the curtains, could hear the rain hitting the glass feel a disturbingly large draft coming around the windowframes. Reckon its silicon sealant time again…

    fastindian – Member
    fettling 4 me, Ive breathed in a lot of TF2 spray, will I die?

    As long as don’t smoke or sit by the fire I reckon it’ll be fine, if do then spontaneous combustion springs to mind.

    Full Member

    matt_outandabout – Member
    I am about to stick a wider second hand bar on – to replace exactly that combo…I have 70mm Orange stem and 680mm bars, about to put a Sunline V1 bar on and see..

    Keep me posted!

    Full Member

    Another vote for Fox Launch Pro’s here.
    Sizing is good, but wouldn’t suit someone with HUGE legs!

    Full Member

    I’ve always found the Nikwax Tech Wash followed by TX Wash-in to be pretty good. Never used spray on stuff though.
    Also found that never washing a jacket in detergent really increases the longevity of the waterproofing agent too.
    I now only wash my water/splash proof stuff in Tech Wash. If you buy it in bulk its not too expensive either.

    Full Member

    Red?? Not blue???

    Full Member

    Ridden the Bowderdale loop a couple of times, once in the wet + once in the dry.
    Remember it being a bit grim in the wet, and it’s always windy on top of the Calf. The dale seems to hold onto water, so even in the dry there were patches of real gloop to ride through. The flow of the singletrack is excellent though.
    The Calf itself is a huge lump to climp up from Sedbergh, but once you’re over it the run down the dale beyond it great.
    Bit of roadwork at the head of the dale, then back onto singltrack to get back to Sedbergh again.
    Overall I’d recommend it, good beer in the Dalesman pub too (their seafood platter is pretty tasty too!)

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