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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • bullroar
    Free Member

    That is a long wait :-)

    Free Member

    Looks the same as mine, replaceable hanger, oval top tube and 44mm head tube. Built mine in February 2013. According to the Cotic site that frame design first saw light of day in June 2012 and was known as “BFe3”.

    Free Member

    Got my shock back from TFT last night following the upgrade. A couple of points to note.

    1) You need to run a higher air pressure to get the same sag compared to the original.

    2) The position and length of the air valve is different to the previous version. Anyone (like me) who has a shock pump with a chunky connector might find it will clash with the new air can before fully engaged. So that will be another £20 plus for a new pump.

    Free Member

    I have been in discussion with Cane Creek about problems with my out of warranty Inline. Long story short they are prepared to do me a rebuild if I send it back to them and cover the postage. I was wondering if anyone else had been down that route, if so how long did it take and how much did it cost to send it there and back. Trying to work out if there is a saving compared to using TFT.

    Free Member

    Might we worth keeping an eye on this, more for skiing that riding.

    Free Member

    Still problematic logging in, can only do so on the home page not the forums. I’m using Chrome Version 55.0.2883.87 m (64-bit). It is also very slow to render the page when not logged in.

    Free Member

    I have had DNR Vaults for 4 years, no maintenance and no problems. Great pedals.

    Free Member

    Credit to Martin for coming on here and giving his view.

    I have been going to BPW 3 or so times a year since it opened. I have never had a bad day out even in traditional Merthyr weather conditions. No where is perfect but BPW is much more good than bad not least because the trails are spot on for what I want and well maintained.

    Coaching – I tried this, not great, not poor, about middling.

    Cafe – not particularly bothered about this I go to ride not have a Michelin starred meal. Coffee in the morning, baked spud for late lunch then back on the bike.

    Uplift – I can see the frustration but I get between 10 and 13 runs a day and I’m butchered after that. A side benefit of the current system is that it limits the numbers on the trails, so rarely stuck behind anyone or holding anyone up.

    A couple of times I haven’t booked the uplift but gone on the ticket card, both were good days. One of those days was a busy Sunday in August. Not having the pass I ride differently, get an early bus up then ride the top sections to the mid road back up till and head down. Repeat in the afternoon. If there is a queue at the stop I carry on to the tunnel and ride the lower sections till a seat is available on the bus. I probably get as much riding as if I had a day pass.

    I find most of the staff are helpful, friendly and easy to deal with. Special mention to the drivers who are good company, plenty of banter and good local knowledge they are happy to share.

    Free Member

    Another vote for the Southpaw, lovely smooth action, easy to fit no small grub screws on the lever and plenty of adjustment to get the position correct. Cost might be the only downside but I was so impressed with it on the Thomson I bought another for the KS Lev on the hardtail.

    Free Member

    I have both, I like both but the ageing body can take a battering on the BFe over a full day. I usually decide which to ride depending on the mood as much as where I am riding. If you told me I really could have only one bike it would be the BFe (or other HT).

    Best ride this year, the Annat descent on the BFe. Worst hauling/wrestling the Banshee up to the top of Bealach na Lice (from Coulags) followed by Coire Grannda wishing I was on the rather more portable BFe.

    Free Member

    I was just wondering how dark the trails are at this time of year

    I was there last Friday and the lighting was interesting. In the morning the low sun required the transition lens; at least till one plunged into the gloom of the woods when they were of absolutely no use. So I switched to normal lenses and some less dark goggles.

    By mid afternoon, following a brief but entertaining off piste excursion into the undergrowth on Viscous Valley (straight on rather than left), the goggle policy was reviewed. For the final run down Hot Stepper at about 4.10pm the goggles were off for the woods section. All good fun but in a word it can get gloomy.

    Free Member

    I use a Polar M400 that allows you to set up intervals for distance or time for heart rate zones.

    Before that I just used a timer app on my phone that sounded an alarm at the end of each interval. Was a bit clunky but worked. Another cheap and cheerful way is something like one of these timers. I used one when I had to time some physio exercises and ended up using it for running also.

    Free Member

    Now reasonable at most things that are required to keep the fleet in working order but it took time to learn. My natural inclination does not involve methodical so I have had to retrain in that regard.

    The biggest problems I have are time, it always takes longer than I think and lighting; no matter what anyone says natural light is the best. Older eyes, varifocal glasses and artificial light are not a good combination.

    Free Member

    Up Langstrath (west side of beck) to Stake Pass then Angle Tarn up and over to Sty Head and down to Seathwaite. Probably ten or so miles with plenty of climbing and techy descent then refuel in Seatoller and back on The Bash.

    Free Member

    I have DBInline and Fox 36 on my Spitfire, seems a good combination to me. No real problems but a word of warning you may need to invest some time sorting out the best settings on both. Cane Creek do a good phone app to help with the tweaking, you can use the same approach for the fork. If you are not into twiddling the knobs you might be better off elsewhere.

    Free Member

    I am not quite sure what exactly your are trying to do. I used to to connect the H7 to the Polar Beat app on my Android phone while running so I could check which zone I was in and my pace etc. That should work on rollers also. Obviously the speed part wouldn’t work because it works on the phone GPS and you are not going anywhere on the rollers.

    I think the H7 is compatible with other apps such as Strave and Runkeeper but I’ve never used those.

    Free Member

    A set if gunmetal Hope jockey wheels to match all the other Hope bits on my BFe. Most of the time they are so covered in crap the colour is hidden. Utterly pointless but oddly satisfying to know they match.

    Free Member

    km79, thanks. I can foresee an evening with OS mpas coming on.

    Free Member

    Be interested to know the route from Bonar Bridge to Fisherfield. It looks an epic adventure.

    Free Member

    From my trip up there in early June the highlights were the descent from Drochaid Coire Lair to Achnashellach and the Annat descent from Loch Coire An Ruadh Staic as an out and back.

    If you want a big day out link them up with the classic lollipop loop from Annat.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    At least the 3rd time it has happened this season.

    Free Member

    Red Bull TV has become increasingly rubbish. Not working on any of 4 different devices here.

    Free Member

    Bracken is also pretty fierce in places.

    Free Member

    That mech has the barrel adjuster where the cable enters the shifter rather than at the mech end.

    Check the outer cable isn’t kinked/bent.

    Free Member

    Causes that are not always obvious:

    1) A loose spoke.
    2) The rear axle or QR skewer needs a clean and some lube.
    3) The crank bolts need tightening.

    Free Member

    Take the roadie, Stow is a good base for 2 to 3 hour rides. Get an OS map and you should be able to sort out routes that stays mainly on the yellow roads.

    Free Member

    From the Facebook page about half an hour ago:

    Sorry! We’re having some issues but we’re working on it!

    So, while we wait Tennis or TDF?

    Free Member

    Not connecting on my TV or computer. Everything else is working fine so looks like a RBTV problem, again.

    Free Member

    Bullying, lies and elitism is not the preserve of the liberal left. Take a look at last nights Newsnight and watch the Dan Hannan lie about immigration and Suzanne Evans lie about the NHS funding. Then fast forward to the last segment and watch the double whammy of David Starkey demonstrating sneering elitism and bullying all in one go.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    My tips as someone who rides there far too much:

    Go ride it and make up your own mind.

    Weekdays/evenings or late afternoon weekends it is a much quieter.

    Tyre pressure, experiment. If it is dry and dusty drop losing some psi will improve grip no end.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t go so far as saying I’d ditch disc brakes or suspension for a dropper but they are very good.

    I have two cable operated posts (Thomson and Lev) had both for about 2 years and not had any problems. Certainly they have never stopped working through being gummed up with mud. Getting cable tension spot on can be a bit of a faff but that is a once off thing with a new cable.

    Free Member

    I prefer Vaults. Hope are not as big a platform and you need to play around with pins to get the best grip. I’ve removed a few. Ride with 5.10 shoes.

    Free Member

    My most recent one was done running and wasn’t really trial and error. I used a method given me by a physiologist. Basically run a pretty swift (for me) 5K increasing speed over the last 1k to be going flat out approaching the finish. It frigging hurt. Finishing HR is probably within a few beats of actual HRmax, round up to the nearest 5 and take that as HRmax to put in software. Done it a few times and it is always much the same. It is accurate enough for my needs.

    Free Member

    I am oldish, had a few too many “pie and pints” and am trying to get fitter by the devils spawn that is running. I use a Polar sensor that I link to a Polar watch/phone or bike speedo depending what I am doing. The bluetooth one (H7 I think) links direct to an app on the phone. Not cheap but good and reliable and the app is clear and straightforward.

    As noted the biggest issue (applies to all monitors) is knowing the max rate to calculate the zones. The stock calculation maybe quite a bit out. I have worked out my own by upping the max based on several runs where I was well over the calculated max.

    I find it helpful to stay within a given zone(s) when running or riding, particularly on a longer hauls where it is easy and tempting to over do it a bit. Also good for recovery intervals before upping the ante again. After a while you get to know where you are by how it feels/pace/speed or cadence.

    Free Member

    Cheers, that was considerate of you :-)

    Free Member

    Anybody ridden Grizedale recently (post Desmond), any problems with fallen trees? Hoping to ride there next week. Not bothered about TNF trail.

    Free Member

    I had ridden VV previously prior to the qualifier. Everything else is rollable on VV, I thought the qualifier pretty harsh even allowing for my stupidity. Back there this weekend and will give it a go.

    On a related note, is the qualifier for Dai Hard representative of the rest of that line or is it another harsh stopper?

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