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  • Val Di Sole World Cup DH results, report and highlights video
  • buckster
    Free Member

    Love the CRC advert at the top of this thread! Kimbers do you work for PX in marketing?

    Free Member

    UK sales dropped from 15.8mio to 14.5mio 2015 – 2016, Rest of world dropped from 4.1 to 3.7mio. I can see why they wish to cut costs. I assume the triathlete they have employed for product development is going to work bloody hard to design products to fill that drop in sales turnover. I would have thought quality products and 0% finance would work better than stack it high/sell it cheap in the cycling world.

    Free Member

    18.3 mio turnover and 100k profit, I wonder what the board salaries/bonuses were? That’s an awful lot of crooked seat posts and although I’ve never bought from them the phone bill can’t be that high from what I can deduce from others comments.

    Free Member

    Cheers chaps, here’s to it not raining tomorrow.

    From my trip down with tlr last month. I’d apologies for the editing, riding and choice of tune if i thought you cared

    The music made it for me, I shall be humming it all the way

    Free Member

    …and another thing. Is there anything you are doing elsewhere in your life such as at work that could injure your hands that only appears when riding?

    I hurt my shoulder playing rugby but discovered the injury was in fact caused/created by using a laptop all day, rugby just bought it out.

    Free Member

    Id have thought gloves but if its as bad as that, I would aim for a doctor too

    Free Member

    Tyre marks? Anywhere?

    Free Member

    Return the bike and ask for a replacement or money back

    I’d do that too. If you are uncomfortable, take the sale docs to your local Citizens Advice Bureau, while they won’t know a thing about bikes, they will know about your rights and help you to feel confident about next course of action. Good luck.

    Free Member

    Was this it?

    18 and or 39 seconds…

    …42 seconds?

    Edited as original still is wrong I think

    Free Member

    I reckon the injured lads insurers and lawyers would have worked out who to sue, the landowner or the instructor. My guess is the instructor is an easier target as he may have less resources to manage the case against him and was urging the injured lad to give it a go. The landowner might have far greater resources to defend this. Its one of those horrible things where the pawns are people and the outcome is an insurance payout behind closed doors.

    Anyone have any pics or video of the bomb hole pre-softening?

    Free Member

    Am I right that this has taken 4 years to get to this point i.e. to court?

    Free Member

    They look like dainty gardening wellies. Id sooner spend £50 on some shoes and 35 on top socks

    Free Member

    I’m a new convert too. Despite all the gossip, I had no issues swapping over. I carry a spare tube just in case. Otherwise, it’s easy peasy

    Free Member

    Nope, pressure is fine, bugger

    Free Member

    Is your reverb pumped up to the correct pressure. I had a similar problem but pumping up the reverb to the correct pressure resolved it.

    Ahhh, that could be a gem of info, thanks.

    If you’re doing that maybe try the old fashioned coke can shim?

    I was thinking of cutting the inbuilt mount off. I thought of using a can to see if it spread the load more evenly, thanks for your thought, it might help

    Free Member

    As I thought, load of bollocks. Must apologise to OP, hope you enjoy your new bike

    Free Member

    That aside, explain in detail this statement “MTBs esp hardtails vary in reach as suspension moves, road bikes don’t,”

    Free Member

    It’s a measurement of any bike and was popularised first by a road brand. MTBs esp hardtails vary in reach as suspension moves, road bikes don’t, so it’s a useful and fixed measurement for a rigid bike as well as a good guide for MTBs.

    Missed that one, Transition seem to have created it, never mind, which road brand? when? In fact, you are talking total bollocks

    Free Member

    stack is seated, reach is standing, sorry, use it if you wish but there are more concise methods for road bikes,841

    Free Member

    Sorry to be a pain but stack and reach are measurements of mountain bikes. The idea being that traditional measurement methods were becoming less relevant to MTB as we were riding more out of the saddle these days than back in the day. So a couple of US manuf. came up with stack and reach as a way to measure out of saddle size.

    For a road bike you need to be more aware of the various traditional lengths when sizing. Bernard Hinault was a pioneer of bike measurement (!) and this should be of great help;

    Free Member

    FFS just FFS, it makes me feel physically sick, sport makes MPs expenses etc. look like kids taking raisins from their Mums larder

    Free Member

    According to this, Diamox isnt a performance enhancer.

    Free Member

    So then you just rely on gut feeling because that’s how it’s always been and you don’t believe anything can change?

    Anyway, I don’t suppose anyone here is likely to change their opinion any time soon. I’m trying to believe in the capacity of people for change and decency because, to be honest, the alternative which seems to be a knee-jerk cynicism, feels corrosive and a little bit sad.

    You’ll be new to cycling then

    Free Member

    The analogy of a cheating girlfriend is apt. But, it falls down because the ‘girlfriend’ has been cheating for well over 50 years on an almost annual basis. Its true he did not in the eyes of the law break the laws but, what he has done is fundamentally wrong and, is cheating in my mind. Regards proof of this drug enhancing performance, surely his statement that ‘he was leveling the playing field’ goes way beyond implying that it enhanced his performance

    Free Member

    Its typically a 3 year commitment, year 1 getting used to the effort required, year 2 learning to compete, year 3 competing. Re bike, look at fit and geometry not weight and colour

    Free Member

    I think that most Brits dont want to believe Sky might ‘cheat’. I got drunk with a guy from Trek in 2002 (I recall) in Pau, we argued the night away about Lance, he was infuriated I couldn’t believe he was clean. We both ended up with egg on our faces as I was a huge Ullrich/Miller fan.

    Edit. My point is that US cycling fans saw Lance as a legend in the making, infallible and brilliant. In fact he was the opposite. Most Brits hold Sky in the same manner.

    I simply cannot see how the entire Sky team can sit on the front and pretty much neutralise a 23 stage race. We now know that Wiggins was not up to the task unless the playing field was balanced – his exact words, through medicine, this is fundamentally wrong.

    If he is not up to it, he should not be ‘re-created’ to be up to it.

    Free Member

    Nice bike.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Mate if you have ANY concerns about a helmet, replace it. Even if the old one is safe you will feel as though you have a gun at your head.

    Free Member

    I’d love to hear what Lizzie Armistead has to say about it all, given that Wiggo was all ‘holier than thee’ at the Olympics…..

    He probably doesnt recall what it was he said as someone else told him what to say and anyway he was banged out of his head on anti-asthma juice 😆

    Free Member

    Atlaz, arggghhh
    xyeti, reckon you have about the sum of it

    No smoking gun? Yes absolutely, Armstrongs doping stems from the Atlanta Olympics, through Seven Up and well into USPS.

    Sky is far to dominant IMHO. As is the GB track team. But, Im not saying they are doping, I am just saying that the trail of ‘activity’ is very similar.

    It is laughable to believe Wiggins is so poorly he needs this kicker pre every grand tour, please dont tell me he was at a disadvantage without it otherwise he would have been in the same boat for the Olympics. Or did he have this injection for the Olympics too to ensure he was not at a disadvantage?

    Wiggins “Drugs put me on a level playing field”

    Id be down for some of that, could have won loads of races had I known. 🙄

    Free Member

    AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRgggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Buying pads is a nightmare

    Free Member

    You are right they are not even close in direct comparison. I do think it shows the breadth of the problem though.

    On another note, wait until the French sports press get stuck into this, I imagine they will cry foul very loudly

    Free Member

    Since the year dot, pro cyclists have always had asthma, the treatment tends to improve breathing. The fact is TUE or not, Wiggins (and other team riders perhaps?)took an injection to treat asthma, not used a puffer, obviously. The fact is its a PE medicine when used in this manner and he took it pre- major Tours. And still people are trying to find a way to show his innocence. Get used to the fact that cycling teams twist bend and break rules as in fact do all other sportsmen and women. Eddie Merckx, Hinault, not forgetting of course the only clean US rider Greg Lemond (who used to take Iron injections) right through to date have all cheated, bent or broken rules to win.

    Free Member

    Is anyone genuinely surprised? A team can ride on the front tour after tour, preventing any other team attacking and they are all on Weetabix and water.

    Free Member

    Its the same when I see people with hairy legs riding road bikes, its just not right somehow, but its up to them, its their time/life/way of having fun/exercising etc.

    Free Member

    You’re obviously not going fast enough when you crash. I’ve written off two Giro Air Attacks this year in racing crashes over the bars, First was at 30 mph, second was at 20. Never had time to react and really have no recollection of the impact. I also put one into the side of a car at 20 mph last year. All three worked as they should (crushed not shattered). I’m a huge fan, personally. Will read the article anyway.

    And while we are on anecdotes. a clubmate died two weeks ago of complications from a head injury whilst on a (helmetless) pootle back from the pub on her Pashley. She fell into the road at almost no miles per hour and fractured her skull. It’s not all high speed stuff, sadly

    I’m always skeptical of meta-analyses. Need to find BIG effects for validity (see Rory Collins’s recent statin review, for example)

    Yup, Im an expert at Judo, Karate and high speed running, but, I have never banged my head, because Im an expert. On a bike, I try too hard sometimes and have also totally knackered a couple of helmets. On one occasion, I am absolutely certain Id have been lucky to survive.

    Its a choice but one I whole heartedly support. Also, folk who dont ride with helmets arent welcome with me as it would be me who has his sunday spoiled getting the senseless bod to the hospital. 😆

    Why do Bike parks make helmets mandatory? Why is all cycle sport like that?

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