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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • buck53
    Full Member does a lot of reviews of dash cams.

    Full Member


    If there are a collection of fast moving, hectic roads at rush hour with accidents/near misses – would you ride on those same roads at those times?

    If I needed to, yes. Maybe they need to be somewhere at a certain time that entails using that road, you know, like commuting.

    Again, sometimes just because you can shouldn’t mean you should.

    That’s a judgement call, yours is totally invalid when applied to someone else. They’re not doing anything wrong in using the road, your ‘might is right’ attitude is bizarre, frankly.

    Self preservation and listening to that little voice in your head should take precedent.

    In your case I’d suggest you stop listening to the voices in your head.

    Full Member


    How does any of this relate to the OP or thread discussion so far? Far as I can see it’s just more ‘cyclists shouldn’t use the roads round my way’ dressed up in “Careful out there” resigned world-weariness.

    Full Member

    I have most recently read:

    Ack-Ack macaque – A proper romp, really fun alternative history/sci-fi story. A monkey pilots a Spitfire. If that doesn’t make you want to read it, I don’t know what to say to you.

    Wool – Picked up after a recommendation on here, enjoyed it overall but felt it went off a bit towards the end, the pace change felt a little rushed to me. Not sure whether I’ll try the sequel at the moment.

    Full Member

    Haven’t used any of those but did use a Solarstorm x2 all last winter, which is obviously bright for use on road.

    I kept it on low and pointed downwards, didn’t get any flashes or grumbles from drivers and could see well enough even through the unlit section of my then commute.

    Out of interest, which light is it that you use currently? I’m thinking of ordering the SafeRide 40 but would be a bit worried if output/battery life is lacking.

    Full Member

    Just checking in so that I can say I’ve taken part in the 12th Annual STW Winter-Hi-Viz-Debate thread.

    If anyone needs me I’ll be waiting for the lights thread version to get that out the way as well.

    Full Member

    Surely it’s Malvinas in Argentina so MLV would have been the offensive letters, no?

    Not really, no. It’s broadly equivalent to wandering around Mumbai calling it ‘Bombay’.

    Full Member

    I’m completely jaded by the ‘Top Gear Bantz’ that has been the hallmark of the recent series and don’t doubt for a second that the three of them would have filled the segment with tired stereotypes and so on, but this,

    “Local councillor Juan Manuel Romano said the digits 269 on the number plate of the Ford Mustang Mustang Richard Hammond was driving were close to the 255 Britons killed during the 1982 war. He added that the numbers 646 on James May’s Lotus could be taken as a reference to the 649 Argentinian casualties.”

    Is definitely reaching.

    That being said, if Clarkson came round my gaff I’d find any excuse to ‘expel’ him as well.

    Full Member

    Because it would mean recognising that they have a duty of care to other road users when on the road? Never gonna happen, nothing to do with me, mate.

    Full Member

    Thanks both, will get on to the LBS.

    Full Member

    Hmm, I’d use Meths over auto brake cleaner which does contain some oil.

    Eh? I think you’ve got that the wrong way round. Meths often has Petroleum Oil added to it whereas brake cleaner is almost all solvents with a bit of propellant if it’s pressurised.

    Full Member

    For info, I’m told by the LBS that for a disc wheel a lateral difference of 4mm is acceptable according to an international standard or some such that is applied to complete wheels.

    I did my first pair in the end and got into a similar situation as you, took them in to be finished off and he gave me one back saying that it was good enough as it was.

    He also gave me a good tip that if your initial tension (before truing) is too high you can end up with a rim that has ‘ripples’ in both directions, that was what I’d done to the one he sorted for me.

    Full Member

    That big jump into the ocean at the end is easily the happiest thing I’ve seen today.

    Full Member

    For those convinced there’s a motor in the bike:

    Haven’t you ever had to fettle your gears or put a dropped chain back on, spun your cranks with the back wheel off the air and put the bike back on the level? Sure you have, what happens? The wheel carries on spinning and skids on the surface you’ve put it on to.

    Now take that ‘phenomenon’ add a large gear, super light bike balanced on a couple of mm square of plastic and a front tyre and see what happens. Of course the bike doesn’t dig in, you’re looking for something that isn’t there.

    Full Member

    Don’t waste time on expensive toilet roll, instead spend it on a day’s wipe coaching. Modern toilet paper is so good that there’s no way 90% of people are wiping at anything like the limit.

    Full Member

    The red cars that come from Italy !


    Full Member

    Out in the hills round my way and a stop in at the LBS in Littleborough tomorrow morning in order to avoid the Man Utd – Burnley score until my GF can get back from work so we can watch the match together (on opposing sides)

    Sunday afternoon is reserved for end of summer clean and fitting of guards on the road bike so I might sneak in something Sunday morning just to make the cleaning really worth it.

    So, nowt exciting but should still be a good time.

    Full Member

    Almost certainly. Unless Shimano have changed BCD/PCD recently (which I haven’t heard anything of) you should be fine.

    Full Member

    Dog out of control is a pain, but this…

    almost bitten on legs

    Is pure conjecture on your part from what you’ve included in the post.

    Full Member

    The short answer is that Shimano 10 speed mountain and road shifters are incompatible, the long answer can be found by Googling “Shimano 10 speed road mountain compatibility” and diving into the many and varied threads that brings up.

    Ultimately the easiest way for you to get a setup working with minimum investment is to pick up a mtb rear mech.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the emails fellas, think I’ve got a handle on it now.

    Full Member

    Cheers McNultycop, starting a week off in 10 minutes so will be having an explore.

    Full Member

    Aah, this is killing me. I’ve moved round here six months ago but still finding my way around the local trails.

    If anyone would like to give Strava segment names, OS map tips or anything similar, I’d be dead grateful. E-mail is in profile if discretion is required.

    Full Member

    Good section in Freakonomics about naming cycles, very interesting how names fall in and out of favour.

    Full Member

    There’s a company called Fabric Horse that make ‘utility belts’ for cyclists, specific loops, pouches etc. for bike bits, including a u lock.

    Only you will know if they are ‘lame’, if you can get one and resist putting a batman symbol buckle on it you’re a better man than me!

    Full Member

    Does your commuter have racks/panniers?

    Steel Croix de Fer, no rack fitted currently but I do take a rucksack with shirt, underwear break fast lunch etc, so I am weighed down.

    I guess the consensus is that the commute time should be enough to make improvements, think I’m just slightly surprised that six months of doing it hasn’t seen more improvements.

    Hopefully if I put a bit more structure into the time on teh bike I’ll see more progress.

    Full Member

    Any other thought? All contributions appreciated!

    Full Member

    Time to try a 4th cat road race.

    Oh no no no, you vastly overestimate me, sir!

    Full Member


    If necessary I have the option to cut down the bike commuting to as many days as necessary although I can’t do five days in the car, it drives me nuts! Commute is 11.5 miles each way straightlining it.

    Without blathering on the plan is basically in three phases; fitter (general baseline I guess you would call it), further (endurance) and faster (power/sprinting etc.) each phase being between 8 and 12 week, nowt fancy.

    I’ve had some success recently with nutrition and fitness by following plans to a greater extent than I would naturally, hence the interest in the training plan.

    Full Member

    Yeah, that’s what I’ve been doing (although often the other way round) but I feel like the benefits of that have levelled out. I’m at that point where I feel like I’m fit enough for a fast commute but that’s the limit of it.

    Full Member

    My point was whether or not the musicians are next?

    First they came for the tv presenters…

    The politicos will keep throwing others under the bus to keep pointing fingers away from the then top level politicians that were allegedly involved.

    Full Member

    If you have a chromecast, get Videostream (!! Makes it twice as good. Allows you to stream any video file from your laptop.

    Localcast does the same thing for Android phones as well.

    Also for android, I’ll say “Showbox” and leave it at that.

    Full Member

    with a so-so intro

    Oof! I’m going to have to step out of this thread if that kind of talk carries on! :wink:

    Full Member

    Agree, this and last issue have been a real step up imo, more of those slightly out of the ordinary articles I look for from Singletrack.

    Full Member

    What do you want them to do though? He didn’t leave the scene.

    He tried to, though. It’s not just a crime if you do it successfully.

    Full Member

    For me self build makes sense at the two ends of the spend-scale, either to buy second hand or in sales and maximise specs for the spend. I built my bike up like this but I’m happy riding stuff that isn’t brand new and possibly a bit tatty. At the other end of the scale you’ve got (most probably a custom rather than self) build where you know exactly what you want/have loyalty to a particular brand or model and can’t find a bike close to that spec. To my mind these are normally done by people with a lot of experience of riding different forks/drivetrains/brakes etc. and not willing to compromise

    Outside of this I think that you can get far better value from complete builds if you’re willing to be a bit flexible on the parts that come on the frame you want.

    Full Member

    That saddle!

    Full Member

    Aldi have got some in for a tenner today, I’ve been after a set for similar reasons and I’m going to pick one up after work today.

    Bring the noise![/url]

    Full Member

    Should be covered in this one, I think.

    Full Member

    Finally caught the name of this today, currently on third straight play through.

    Office skank, ACTIVATE!

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