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  • Bespoked Manchester Early Bird Tickets On Sale Now!
  • Brycey
    Free Member

    I drive at 70, and I don’t seem to have any of these problems. I don’t need to look out for cameras or police cars, and if anyone in front brakes to say 60mph, well, that’s why I leave an adequate braking distance.

    Brilliant! One of the best I’ve seen.

    Free Member

    Aracer, have you ever thought about a career change; stand-up perhaps?

    What with classics like;

    Oh sorry. What I meant to write was:
    Go for it – I’m sure they’ll never notice. I understand how easy it is to get caught for speeding 4 times, especially when you’ve got a car which goes a bit fast.


    I’d take them for my wife if we were in the same situation. Its 3 month jail sentence is no biggie.

    I honestly think you’d go down a storm. You’re stage name could be
    “Aracer – The sarcastic online forum editor”, or something equally snappy.

    Free Member

    By the way, I know someone who did this and it went wrong. They wrote back to him and said unless your wife is 6’2″ with short hair and a beard, you may want to double check who was driving your vehicle that day (with a few threats abour perverting etc). They didn’t turn up with a Tactical Aid Unit and put him in solitary for ten years.

    Free Member

    I’ll tell you who I feel sorry for in this instance, Bushwacked. The answers above are as predicatble and sanctimonious as always.

    I’d love to be a fly on the wall in some of your lives:

    Missus (love of your life, mother of your children, etc):
    “I’ve been incredibly stupid and been done for speeding yet again. I think I’m going to lose my license, and with it my job, and therefore also the house.”

    STW Massive:
    “Oh dear oh dear, what a silly woman. I’m off out on my SS 29er round somethere that isn’t a trailcentre. Make sure you’ve packed your bags by the time I’m back.

    Free Member

    Inners is pretty unaffected by the weather. The courses can take a bit of moisture and most of it pretty sheltered by the forest.

    Free Member

    I’m always surprised how un-busy the trail actually seems when the car park is absolutely heaving. Granted there are usually groups gathered at the usual spots, but not so that’s it’s actually restrictive. My problem with it is I just find the second half a bit dull, although to be fair there are new bits appearing all the time. I think it’s good for a quick blast and then away.

    I must say I do find the fat people smoking fags and eating fry-ups fairly distasteful when I’m having my post ride brew. *climbs down off high horse and carries on working*

    Free Member

    I know what your saying about the shear. Its the one thing I’m always checking, that the tow hitch is clamped tight against the chain stay. Obviously any play or slackness there wouldn’t help.

    I’ve never had or heard of any problems though, although mine is on to a Maxle so is a bit beefier.

    Free Member

    ARacer, apparently the chainstay tow hitch is discontinued (it didnt work with disks anyway i dont think). The green-machine at Llandegla yesterday.

    Free Member

    2) Watch your speed on non-bermed corners as you dont want to roll the trailer over.

    Defo this. My mate has a Tout Terrian with a single rear wheelt hat avoids this, but is VERY expensive.

    Free Member

    The one for our Chariot didn’t fit the dropouts on my Genius, but I filed it down a bit round the edge so that it does

    Similar here, I drilled mine so a Maxle would fit through it. Not easy as it’s stainless, had to use a massive pillar drill at work.

    Free Member

    Nothing new to add other than they are great! Out every weekend with mine now, was at Llandegla yesterday. I do use it on the road, but only the very quiet rural ones round my folks.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Ah, I was away at the weekend. Surely not just a Good Year advert???

    Free Member

    :D @ Fubar

    There was a point on Friday when it got a bit blustery all of a sudden and it was rattling about all over the place. I’d imagine the driver/rider/pilot/captain/air-shipist filled his breeks.

    Free Member

    I really don’t know what to say to that other than that guy really is a total and utter See You Next Tuesday.

    Free Member

    I’ve just gone back to a company car after 6 years on an allowance and it’s a breath of fresh air tbh. The nett effect of the cost was a slight increase monthly, but a low emission diesel meant reasonable tax. More important was the lack of hassle and unexpected cost.

    Get a puncture; go to Kwik-Fit, give lease account number, move on. Broken windscreen? You get the idea…

    Free Member

    iDave’s original point about the TV presenter that isn’t speaking is a beauty and one I’ve always enjoyed. Christine Bleakley is the undisputed champion of it.

    Free Member

    “I’ll say it again. Its the BMW advertising that grates alot of people. Not the cars. We then assume anyone who drives one must have bought into the advertising bollocks that is frankly abit up its ass. (sadly).”

    Change the record. While I would agee that their marketing is generally poor (especially the new 1 Series ad with the brothers), it’s not worth losing sleep over. And if you make the assumption you suggest above about me, you’re an idiot.

    Free Member

    For all you folk with child trailers out there I’d say the blue was perfect. Long enough to stretch the legs, short enough that’s it’s not far back to the car if your little angel throws a wobbler. Track plenty wide and smooth enough.

    Free Member

    I’m very keen, as couldn’t do this one as missus was working.

    Free Member

    Probably going to Llandegla tomorrow with my wee one. Can’t wait to get up, put my baggiest shorts on, my full face, Leatt and loads of pads. I’ll then stick my unnecessarily burly “trail bike” on the roof, head over to N Wales burning off a few poxy Hyundais on route, and then use my Beemer’s rwd to spray stones over everyone in the car park. Then it’ll be off round the red holding everyone up, before back for a much higher calorific intake than I’ve just burnt.

    Wave and say hi…

    Free Member

    I recently got a 5 Series company car after many years of believing the (negative) BMW hype.

    1) The emissions and therefore tax are about as low as you can go among a vast range of manufacturers.
    2) The lease cost is very competitive with all the run of the mill shite due to the residual value of the car.
    3) It’s without doubt the most comfortable best handling (at real world pace) car I’ve ever had.

    Reasons 1and 2 are why they are so popular if you ask me.

    Free Member

    It looks good that thing at Farmer John’s, however I’ve a feeling the sandy/clay/slimey tracks are going to struggle a bit if (when) it’s p1shing down.

    Free Member

    Stands of Sitka, ancient woodland

    Yes, it’s been gut-wrenching to see the hundreds of hectares of mature trees being removed from the hills of Argyll. Some of these fine specimens have been there since the early 90s!!!

    They do have some pretty amazing kit right enough. There’s a couple working behind my folks place 24 hours a day at the moment, which isn’t that surprising when you see how much they cost! 8O

    Free Member

    I did wonder that Don, I’ll give it a go though.

    Thanks all.

    Free Member

    It’s my mate’s Tout Terrain and it’s very smart (expensive). Leans with the bike, 8″ damped suspension travel. Twice as much as a Chariot though and they’re not exactly cheap.

    Free Member

    Went to Gisburn last weekend Binners. Ideal for the trailers and a lovely day to boot!

    Free Member

    I thought this was going to be about cheese

    :D Sounds nice that!

    She’ll be in a trailer so I’ll be the only one struggling up the hills.

    Free Member

    Good idea, cheers. I’ll leave the wee one in the car and do a quick lap first then. I don’t want any of the PC Brigade coming on here telling me a baby can’t survive for an hour and a half in a locked car…

    Facetious reply aside; what I meant was, is the blue just a shorter version of the red, or is it a more groomed, sanitised surface along the lines of Glentress?


    Free Member

    depressed lanky scot with a baby strapped to his chest

    That’s me that is. I didn’t even get as far as saying I would come.

    Free Member

    The chairlift does go to the top of the DH course, and the BDS was cancelled this year (and a couple of years a go for an SDA) because of the weather. Although maybe there were course changes as well. Is it maybe the Macavalanche or new red that the chairlift doesn’t go right up (dunno haven’t ridden those)?

    The course itself is pretty steep in the middle, but not impossiblly so, although a lot of rain and mud doesn’t help that section.

    As above the (necessarily) exposed location of the hill is always going to be an issue, but they have put a sh1t load of effort in to building up there over the last few years. Added to that they are a friendly bunch so I’m very keen for it to work.

    Free Member

    …the BDS had told them they weren’t going back because the track was too hard

    Surely that cannot be true (I don’t mean you paulrockcliffe)! The track is steep but I wouldn’t have thought as steep/hard as Langollen. I thought it was the absolutely horrendous weather that had been the issue.

    Free Member

    Who the hell is this Chipps guy?

    Edit: More to the point, great run, and well done Danny Hart!

    Free Member

    I was standing outside Loch Fyne Oysters one afternoon (the real one, not the McDonalds-esque chain you southeners have), and he came low over the restaurant, did a big impressive banked turn, landed and went in for lunch with his folks and kids; but not before stopping for a chat and to show us his helicopter.

    He was clearly a highly skilled pilot, amazing driver/racer and genuine guy who took a risk (it seems) at the worst possible time with the wrong passengers. I think it’s very sad it all ended the way it did.

    Free Member

    “But for 99.999% of cyclists, that performance is absolutely nothing to do with what they do.

    I can totally relate to (Sir) Chris Hoy though”

    You took the words out of my mouth.

    Free Member

    STW, even.

    Free Member

    I know it exists, I just struggle to see why anyone would buy one. I smell troll because it’s not a question you’d normally ask on STEW

    Free Member

    2 tonne 3 litte V6 4×4 “hybrid” = oxymoron

    I smell troll.

    Free Member

    “actually to be fair, they are the worst bag of cack I ever had the misfortune to deal with. If at all possible I would have quite cheerfully driven to their premises and dragged the rude obnoxious useless ……. outside and kicked his face off.”

    I’m a mild mannered fellow generally, but my other half had to stop me doing this (well the getting in the car and driving to Buxton bit.)

    Free Member

    They are the perfect bike shop…

    …if you are looking for a bike shop that will take absolutely weeks to send you anything, verbally abusing you every now and then in the process.

    Total and utter f@*king tossers.

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