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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • brownsauce
    Free Member

    Thanks to @tractionman for the useful links and general positivity.
    And thanks to @munrobiker for uploading some great pics and for the offer of supplying some spare layout.
    Now I’ve drawn out my track plan and would gladly upload it so the more experienced chaps can check that can be actually be constructed but I’ve no idea how with this sites 3rd party picture hosting bollox.
    Happy to PM / email it to anyone willing to have a look ( its in both pdf or jpeg form )

    Now I’ve downloaded the free anyrail 6 software , which in theory should provide a complete track parts list of my chosen brand ( Kato Unitrack ) in order to build the rail layout once you’ve drawn in your plan.
    The problem is you need a fair bit of familiarity with the products to use it.
    For example if I want to build a section of curved track around the edge of the baseboard there’s at least a dozen different types of curved track sections of various lengths and gradients and its very difficult to know which is the most appropriate part to chose.
    Any pointers ?

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies so far.

    My preference at this stage is for N gauge as its smaller size will allow me to fit more into any given space compared to the regular Hornby / 00 scale.
    Would like to go DCC digital from the outset for the ability to run multiple locos indepentantly on the same track and flexibilty in programming additional features / effects
    Size wise I’m looking at 8′ x 4′ layed onto two 4′ x 4′ boards that can be split into 2 pieces ( so it can be moved out of the small upstairs bedroom where it would be set up )
    The general style / asthetic would be modern and up to date , not really interested in steam engines , cottage style stations and olde world heritage railways.
    Scenery and backdrop would be evenly split between open countryside and urban town setting
    Track features would include decent sized modern station with longish platform , level crossing ( an actual operational version woud be awesome ) and some kind of iron framed bridge.
    As I’m writing this it’s becoming rapidly apparent how costly this enterprise might become… :-)

    Free Member

    ^^^ you can change the time control so games have a max limit anywhere from years to 30 seconds.
    Yes the pros play games that are done in under a minute.
    You also have the choice of correspondence games – where each player only has to make 1 move a day at their convienience or real time games in the live arena where they are completed during a single session.

    Free Member

    Count me in :-) is wall to wall with cheats , adverts & trash talkers would be a more civilized site to host forum games imo.

    Free Member

    To contemplate offending family for a kind gift due to brand snobbery over a 5 year old kids bike is truely pathetic , have a word with yourself.

    Free Member

    unless all the browns and all the blues were connected together in just 2 terminals then reconnect same way.
    if not or you cant remember then bummer

    Free Member

    1 grey supply in
    1 grey to switch
    1 grey to any other light in the same room
    1 grey supply out to the next room
    would be my guess.
    you’ll need a continuity tester to sort it out , visually tracing each cable to its origin will be totally impractical.

    its a new build property isnt it ? :-D

    Free Member

    Quarantining your mail for several days on the basis of your postie possibly being a virus super spreader from opening gates on his round sounds like top drawer paranoia / lunacy to me.

    The other thread on masks for school kids is even more worrying , which such vocal support of making minors wear soggy grubby muzzles and the growth in fear of human / social interaction that will come with it I find very concerning but hardly surprising given the hand wringing nature of this forums regulars.

    As a self employed construction worker I never had the option of working from home , or benefit from furlough paid holidays , state handouts & employment protection that many on here seem to enjoy , so i’ve had to work through lockdown on the same dirty , poorly sanitised building sites that I have worked on for the last 20 years so my outlook on the risks and hazards posed from this pandemic , or anything else for that matter , are probably more grounded than those that have simply shut themselves away for the last 5 months.

    As such I feel absolutely no concern whatsoever in going to the pub on friday nights and booking a trip abroad next month.

    Hiding behind the curtains indefinitely in fear of a virus that has a survival rate of around 99.5% and that cant possibly be stopped or eradicated anyway just doesn’t fit in with my over-riding philosophy of life , you only get 1 chance to live so best not to waste a single day living in fear otherwise all your doing is waiting around to die.

    So I only pay the the most basic lip service to the official advice / restrictions and go about my day as normal because what I hear from the Gov’t & media these days is mostly bollocks.

    Those in shock from reading my comments may wish to consider a sit down with a cup of tea.

    Free Member

    So , a property converted to 2 flats , shared off a single incoming supply , sharing a communal electric cupboard , with seperate consumer units for both flats ?

    a conventional wiring set up i’ve seen a hundred times.

    why is it a problem that the cables for the upstairs flat are visible in the electric cupboard ?

    it may be positioned on the floor you live on but is not excusively your property and will have shared access rights

    There is no problem.

    Ask the spark for the inspection defect code  and regulation number breach he would give for this supposed “danger” , if he cant he’s full of shit.

    Free Member

    With the type of work the OP suggests , alot of it may not need Part P notification to building control anyway , as only under 3 instances is this required –  installing a new circuit , installation of a consumer unit , work within the zones of a bathroom.

    Smart lighting controls and lighting upgrades , cctv , audio /vis , data networks / telecoms can be done by anyone in a domestic setting without the need to join any competent person scheme.

    Theres no harm in doing the regulations course , but on its own it doesnt go far in proving competency , will prob help in getting public liability insurance though.and at least show your familiar with current requirements but thats it to be honest.

    Maybe thats all you need from it , but i wouldnt go the whole hog and become a registered installer as suggested by others , its a never ending expense and hassle , a shit load of competition , and unlikey to be a worthy return from the work you want to do until youve build up a customer base / order book to justify it.

    Free Member

    N/W profile on a jockey wheel is all levels of dumb.

    Its not as if the rear mech can throw the chain when its sandwiched between the cage plates.

    Free Member

    Even having to drive a greatly reduced 50 miles to visit mum several times a week would be a chore long term..

    I would want her residing in the same town as yourself or your brother , would make things so much easier going forward , but a tough situation all round regardless , hope things get resolved for your family.

    Free Member

    For those whose eyes glaze over trying to read / understand the  linked article , theres a picture of a pretty girl on a bike 3/4’s way down to focus on instead.

    Thank me later.

    Free Member

    Im absolutely none the wiser after reading this slow drip by drip tale of veiled menace from official entities.

    Anyways just get a big dog if you feel threatened , no-ones put off by cameras these days.

    Free Member

    Embrace the dark side draw of the frankenbike

    Free Member

    Burn the heretic!

    Theres plenty more room on my bonfire for your rampant consumerism… :-D

    Free Member

    Better to re-purpose perfectly good parts than worry about how others may judge your component selection

    I wouldnt hesitate in reusing saint cranks on a xc bike if it saves buying more stuff , but i completely ignore trends and fashion when it comes to mtb’s anyway.

    Free Member

    The OP is just the internet equivolent of basic curtain twitchery from the neighbours.

    Im sure something new to complain about will come along tomorrow.

    Free Member

    A big bare patch like that will look crap if you try patch it up with brushed on touch up paint , it needs to be sprayed on , plus a coat of primer if its down to the metal

    Damaged letter graphics will make it even harder to get looking respectable

    Colour matching it wont be easy at halfords as its click and collect orders only , you cant walk in store to have a look at their paint colour charts.

    I’d just adjust price accordingly and sell as is , its a ton of work / hassle for a convincing repair

    Free Member

    Former goth here lol

    Still got my Bauhaus and Mission albums   :-D

    It was all good fun back in the 80’s.

    No idea there was a official day for it though., now wheres my black nail varnish……….

    Free Member

    You have to be a licensed operator for refrigeration gas removal due to it being a restricted / hazardous compound.

    And the kit required looks mighty expensive.

    Dont bother.

    Free Member

    I actually miss Woolworths on the high street.

    Spent countless hours looking at sony walkmans and rows of cassette albums during the 80’s.

    pick&mix sweets were easy to rob too.

    *sighs whistfully at days gone by*

    Free Member


    Chances of contracting virus from touching a gate in the countryside is so infinitesimally small i give it little cause for concern other than to push gate open / close using my foot.

    Not the least bit surprised by some the anxiety stricken extreme measures taken by the full time hand wringers.

    Free Member

    This being stw, I’m guessing you’re trolling. So a stw response might go something like
    ‘you sound like one of those dangerous types lacking any common sense, please stay indoors and save lives’

    It was a simple question requiring simple clarification.

    Clearly you werent upto the job without sounding like an obnoxious dick.

    Free Member

     …….while practicing the new hygiene rules.

    What would they be ?

    Free Member

    Should have just put a bloody sling around it and hooked it up to a Hi-ab crane arm to steady it during cut then lower it.

    They look amateurs pissing about with ropes.

    Free Member

    Digging out the 20 post holes will wreck you way before the carrying of the concrete posts breaks your back.

    Its serious manual graft

    Free Member

    Muc off C3 ceramic dry – very satisfied with the results & easy to apply / re-apply

    Free Member

    i have seen more people riding around on bikes today than i ever have before.

    so youre not alone on rediscovering the pleasures of a simple leisure ride :-)

    Free Member

    Bought the AMS XL kit and plastered my frame with it.

    Much thicker and harder than any vinyl based sheeting.

    Dont bother with patterned styles if you have a dark colour frame , the design print wont show through with a dark colour underneath.

    Application straightforward , just use heatgun to warm up when laying onto bends \ curves

    Best suited for downtube toptube and seatpost areas where the bike gets the worst scuffs.

    Still looks good after a year

    Free Member

    Factory lube is ace , just wipe off any of it on the outer plates with a rag and white spirits and away you go.

    I get close to 2 months riding out of the stuff when using a new chain before it starts to dry out..

    Free Member

    Sounds reasonable if youre intending to ride over a bed of nails :-)

    Free Member

    Still use inner tubes on my bike but never carry a spare tube with me.

    But always take multi tool , pump , tyre levers and puncture patches on every ride – all fitted to my bike , never carry anything about my person.

    Free Member

    Was hoping for some sexy souped up RS wagon conversions to look at but got retro junk in NHS hearing aid colours instead.

    So disappoint

    Free Member

    For me the virus crisis has shown how completely irrelevant todays celebrity culture actually is , which is a good thing in a society thats become fixated on getting famous quick.

    Free Member

    You dont need a sky engineer to move that dish , any tradesman with a set of ladders and an sds drill could relocate the 4 masonry bolts holding it up if you want it done sooner.

    But yeah neighbour is a petty spiteful knob for moving it

    Free Member

    Why not just ride with tubes then and deal with punctures if and when they happen ?

    better than not riding a new bike at all cos no-one can get a tubeless set-up to work

    Free Member

    Met website forecasts for my location are mostly accurate.

    Delete BBC app

    Free Member

    The first 2 series were the most gripping and original t.v. I ever watched.

    But  script writing “lost” its way quite soon after and the shows producers obviously couldnt find a way of wrapping up the show up in any meaningful sense so continually resorted to a load of flash back / flash forward bollox

    If it had had a finite lifespan of 3-4 series with an ending decided from the start it could have been one of the best shows ever.

    Still pretty good though , just dont bother watching any of it after series 3.

    Free Member

    Ahem , previous posted edited with not so stealthy sales pitch…..


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