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  • Bike Check: Louis Jeandel’s EWS Sunn Kern EN
  • brooess
    Free Member


    This is what I’m looking at. But how do I know they’re the right shoe for me, or is the whole thing about neutral/support shoes to suit your style less relevant for the racing shoes?

    Free Member

    um. that’s not a website, it’s a virtually blank webpage. It won’t give clients any confidence in the quality of your strategic thinking, creative thinking or web/social capability. If you can’t market yourselves, how’ll you sell their brand?
    Creative Directors IME do live in the real world – usually extraordinarily talented and insightful people if a little temperamental…
    I’m really missing your point here.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure what the point of all this is…
    Is it about highlighting prejudice against short men, or a practical joke trying to make ad agencies look arrogant?

    Onward Communications (who JP claims to be CEO of), has no website (at least that I can find which means SEO isn’t up to scratch) and apparently only him and a creative director on Linked In (no photo on either) and very few connections for senior agency people

    No ad agency would go without a website – it’s a prime opportunity to show the quality of their creative and strategic thinking and showcase their client list and their best work. Equally, new business and agency reputation depend massively on networking. a CEO with 88 connections on LinkedIn doesn’t fit with agency behaviour…

    Free Member

    don’t know, but if the roads are flooded I can’t imagine the trails will be very rideable…

    Free Member

    Improving my 10k running time. See how close I can get to 35mins

    Free Member

    That’s a shocking situation. Especially when the passenger recognised you were trying to protect your kids. No-one normal attacks someone for protecting their own kids.

    Any chance locality has cctv?

    Someone posting here recently said think of the most stupid person you know and ask yourself if they have a driving licence.
    I would add to that, think of the most angry, mentally troubled, agressive person you know… and the rest we know.

    Hope it doesn’t spoil your Xmas or your kids’ confidence.

    Edit: in no way blaming you but how ‘primary’ were you riding? I know it upsets drivers but where there’s a squeeze then taking full primary makes this kind of manoeuvre impossible

    Free Member

    ScienceOfficer, sorry to hear your tale and thanks for airing it.

    IMO helmet compulsion is a bad idea but I do think we should communicate the downsides of not doing so in such a way that very few people come to the conclusion that helmetless is a good idea.

    More stories like yours being published would help I think.

    Free Member

    Lula De Roast for utter wrongness

    The whole thread should be preserved and put in one of those time-capsules for future lifeforms to peek at. They’ll then understand how we managed to extinct ourselves. Instead of hunting and gathering and general survival, we used mankind’s most advanced invention to produce stuff like this!

    Free Member

    Road biking gives you a firmer behind. Scientific FACT
    Evidence: I’ve only been wolf-whistled once. I was on my road bike at the time

    Free Member

    She insisted that it was his fault as she had seen him but he should have slowed to let her out


    If she really did mean that (may have been trying to deal with the guilt of nearly killing someone) then she should have her licence taken off her until she’s been re-taught and re-tested. Simply for the safety of anyone else who’s anywhere near her when she’s driving – whether they’re in a car, on a bike or walking!

    Free Member

    Road is much more fashionable than MTB. FACT!

    Free Member

    Tragic news. One too many.

    Free Member

    Name: Gotcha!
    ComedyBirdRating: 8/10
    Likes: Dubya’s balls
    Dislikes: Clinton’s balls (unlike Monica Lewinsky)

    Free Member

    I was there 9 years ago. Ace riding, proper big day adventures and very tech. Mark was a great guide and the scran was made for people who’d been riding bikes for 8 hours 🙂

    Lots of punctures tho

    Free Member

    Can’t see Island Peak (been there, done that) but otherwise, smashing 🙂

    Free Member

    Something serious just came up again. What do you do when the barman stirs your vodka martini rather than shaking it?

    let the spare one out of the cupboard?

    Free Member

    Seasonal I reckon.
    It’s great being out on a sunny day, and come summer you’re usually as fit/flowy as you get and get a buzz from feeling strong. Put the two together and you’d struggle to be down about it.
    Winter: grey skies, mud and rain, legs not delivering like they did a few months ago.

    My tip – just push yourself to get out or just do more stuff that makes you feel happy…

    My advice, don’t just expect it to pass, get to grips with it so it doesn’t get any deeper.
    I’ve kind of assumed you mean demotivated about riding but if it’s more than that maybe a chat with your GP? Although given exercise is increasingly recommended to help with low mood, riding more may be as good a solution as anything else 🙂

    Free Member

    Your post has a strong undercurrent of self-criticism. You might want to think about whether that helps or hinders you…
    I ride because I enjoy it. Because I enjoy it I want to ride more. Because I ride more I get stronger and faster…
    So I would find a way to make riding something you want to do as often as possible…
    That might mean not pushing yourself to go fast but just go out and ride, it might mean ditching the computer so you just focus on enjoying the ride and not comparing yourself to others or your own previous experience…
    I would just keep in mind the virtuous circle that riding often will bring – better fitness, mitigate the impact of the depression… but without telling yourself it’s all about being faster cos that will come in time anyway

    Free Member

    In terms of location for doing a course: Scotland would probably be a more useful experience because you’re far more likely to end up in a whiteout than Wales or Lakes (partly further south, partly lower mountains.)
    Whiteouts are possibly the most intimidating environment you can be in + as Footflaps says, you’ll be out in one sooner rather than later if you take up winter walking, so better get prepared for it from the outset with a guide rather than finding yourself in one on your own.
    My first winter trip was to Ben MacDui and at one point I swore there was a massive drop in front of me and couldn’t take a step forward until my mate walked off and showed me it was a flat plateau. Useful experience in the headgames of the winter environment, that…

    Free Member

    Group riding without mudguards is dangerous for the rider behind as well as discourteous. Face full of gritty water is distracting at the very least and can temporarily blind people when it’s really bad.
    As said above, some clubs send you home without. I’m surprised not all do…

    Free Member

    I’d have cried if my summer bike had got as muddy as my winter bike did yesterday. Not least because the cost of replacing the drivechain is a lot higher.

    n+1 remains one of life’s truisms 🙂

    Free Member

    maybe the country does actually like cyclists then! doesn’t always feel like that!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Whether you like Coe or not, you have to give it to him. The organisation of 2012 was close to perfect. Especially when you compare it to previous cities like Athens…

    Free Member

    Coach of the Year, spot on. Genuinely been behind so much success: Olympics track + TT and TdF

    Free Member

    he’s not to fussed personally, just wants it to help increase the awareness of cycling to the nation.

    If Wiggo does win I hope he exploits it for maximum publicity for safety and less bullying for cyclists – especially after his recent exploits

    Free Member

    Neil Young on random

    Free Member

    To the OP. Best practice is not to buy crampons until you’ve had training on use of crampons, axe, avalanche awareness and general winter walking skills. You can get day courses relatively cheaply at Plas-y-Brenin, Glenmore Lodge or the Lakes.

    All kinds of things can go wrong wearing crampons whilst looking at a stunning view over the edge of a mountain, not spotting a big slab sitting above you waiting to drop, or trying to self arrest without getting your crampon-ed feet out of the way…

    A very good friend of mine who is a fully trained winter guide likes to point out that plenty of people die in the hills in winter just falling over their own crampons…

    Oh and I wouldn’t buy cheap stuff, your life may depend on it one day. And given the nature of what we’re talking about, it’ll happen when you’re in a very cold place and miles from home…

    That said, winter walking is so much more fun than summer…

    Free Member

    My boss insisting I do some work instead of living on STW.
    The cheek!

    Free Member

    People tend to be most motivated to do things they have a passion for – like a lot of people here are about bikes.
    Do you think he’s talented and hard-working enough to make music a way to earn a living? Or is there something else he loves to do and has a talent for… that you can support him to do?
    Is there any liklihood he’s depressed, which the GP can provide support with?
    I suspect when he finds his direction he’ll be fine

    Free Member

    I’m only part way through but it strikes a chord with me. Very insightful
    Thanks Tom

    Free Member

    The lack of evidence to support EPO boosting performance in elite athletes may serve as a better prevention measure than current anti-doping methods, Cohen said.

    “If you assume that Mr. X. was actually a mediocre cyclist and became very good just by injecting stuff, that seems premature,” Cohen said. “Once you start explaining that to people, and they believe you on the basis of data, they are probably less willing to do these sorts of things. So in the prevention, it is better than trying to chase these people to their homes, extract urine at unexpected moments and hope that you find something. It costs an enormous amount of money.”

    The timing of this story is interesting and the quote above would explain it to me…

    The main conclusion people will come to is that all those who took it were gullible victims of con artist doctors. All that risk for no known benefit. 😯

    A bunch of blithering idiots my Dad would say…

    Free Member

    The view from Primrose Hill is stunning.
    As is the one from Waterloo Bridge
    And the one from the restaurant in Centrepoint
    And the one from my bike when I commute across Westminster Bridge, past Parliament, Buck House and up through Hyde Park… historic, meaningful and just interesting…

    Free Member

    Ex-Londoner, now trying to move back, turns out I miss it.

    I left a couple of years ago because I thought I was tired of London. Turns out I was wrong and am very happy I came back…

    best thing about London for me is the positive, dig-in-and-get-on-with-it attitude. We didn’t change our lives after 9/11, neither did we after 7/7. Right now you wouldn’t know there’s an economic crisis. And I don’t think that’s some kind of god-given thing. London’s full of people who chose to be here, so tend to make the best of it.
    And the whole ‘too many people’ thing means I love being in the countryside at the weekend – the contrast is massive and very theraputic, more so than if I lived in the sticks in the first place

    Free Member

    Give up.
    When they couldn’t give me the service I was paying for I emailed the Chief Exec with a formal complaint. His executive complaint team got onto it but still failed to give me working t’internet. So I walked away…

    Free Member

    Tame by the standards of this thread but when I worked in ad agencies in London, the first place I worked, turned out all the cokeheads who worked there were getting it from the Commercial Director.
    Funnily enough the place collapsed in 2001, having won tons of awards in 1999/2000…

    Free Member

    She forgot to mention these two tragic incidents – 2 pedestrians killed by car drivers within a week:

    Dead pedestrian hit by car #1

    Dead pedestrian hit by car #2

    Free Member

    Class prejudice using cycling as an excuse!
    She forgets Brad Wiggins grew up in a local authority flat in North London…

    Free Member

    Sounds like you did the right thing: looked after them.
    Be calm and reassuring, take control in a calm way and get them home safe. Not a lot more you can do…

    Free Member

    I’m ok but one of our road group went down today. A few yards away was an ambulance attending a lady rider with a sling and oxygen mask so I guess she’d done the same.
    Definitely the season for careful riding…

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