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  • Best UK Trail Stewardship Initiative – The Finalists
  • brooess
    Free Member

    I took my Cannondale to Evans once to look at the dropout wearing away and asked for it to be looked at as a warranty claim.
    I went back in 2 days later to say could I get the pedals off it as I needed them for my spare bike.
    They said bike had been sent to Cannondale Europe (Netherlands I think) so I bought replacement pedals for the spare bike.
    When it ‘came back’ from Cannondale I was shown a copy of the faxed note with Cannondale’s assessment of the problem.
    I was confused why they’d faxed the note if the bike was with them. Turned out the bike had been in Evans all along…

    Probably numptiness rather than deliberate lies but Head Office apologised profusely and gave me vouchers to the value of the pedals I’d bought, and I’ve barely been back there since…

    So your mate’s bike may or may not be in Canada…

    Free Member

    Samuri, I like your Dad – we need more people like that 🙂

    For all the reputation the Tube has, it’s a far less bullying place than London’s roads… mainly IMO because you’re face to face with people who can talk back to you/thump you if you’re a bully.

    Free Member

    I dread to think how the social media will go if she gets off or just has her wrist slapped.
    FWIW I think she deserved the public humiliation and the law needs to give her a proper punishment – how on earth can you drive away after knocking a cyclist off and then boast about it? It’s heartless.

    We do need to stamp out all the anti-cyclist nonsense that goes on – people are getting harmed. This is a great opportunity to publicise the seriousness of driving like an idiot and to pass out proper punishment.

    Even highly intelligent friends of mine who I otherwise know as nice, caring people come out with it… 😯

    Free Member

    Wrong Forum Fail 😳

    <Fixed the link tho> 🙂

    Free Member

    I want to be one of those 70+ old biffers who still goes out on a Sunday and does 50+ miles.
    Slowing down is no way to live life! At 40 I’m fitter and faster than I’ve ever been

    Free Member

    28 degrees in Surrey Hills today. Sweltering. Getting home and having a shower was great.
    Road ride tomorrow. I anticipate several cafe stops so we don’t melt
    Great riding weather, make the best of it 🙂

    Free Member

    I tend to worry about dog walkers at the top of YP

    I suspect it’ll be used less as a walking path now – the new berm isn’t really very easy to walk…

    Free Member

    The early flat corner with the little root by the tree?

    That got replaced by a mahoosive berm last weekend. The next two are the flat ones. Except now you’re carrying a load more speed into them 🙂

    saucy little off-camber wot-no-dabbing-allowed jaunt down to the Glade.

    I’m waging a secret campaign to try and get that one re-named from Secret Squirrel to ‘Keep The Faith’ on the basis that’s how you need to ride it 🙂

    Free Member

    Since when has the electorate being mis-informed been news?

    Seeing the number of people reading the Metro in the morning tells me people are quite complicit in being mis-informed as well…

    Free Member

    YP is superfast now it’s been fully bermified. Some of the flat corners at the beginning need to be taken carefully but after that, with the trail so dry as it is, you don’t half rattle down 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve not ridden up there, just climbing but it’s one of the most visually amazing places I’ve been too. When I posted the photos on Facebook, a friend asked me where in the world it was 🙂

    Free Member

    Cycling gear being ‘different’ is all part of the identity… it’s half the point

    Free Member

    rab IME is cheap at whatever price cos you’ll likely not need to replace it

    Free Member

    People are amazingly tribal aren’t they?

    Free Member

    The speed and pace of growth in road cycling since 2009 means there’s a hell of a lot of inexperienced riders – making up the bulk of the growth.

    I see it on club runs – no idea how to ride in a group – no signals or shouts, 3 abreast, not heeding calls to single out, pacing poorly up hills etc etc.

    Same with commuting – some very poor riding out there.

    The difficulty is the new riders don’t know what they don’t know, although one of my clubs (Dulwich Paragon) have begun to give briefs about the basics on Saturday social rides now.

    I think the core of the problem is that a lot of the new riders are cycling like they drive – poor risk assessment, poor ability to anticipate, don’t look, rag around at speed without consideration of the needs of others…

    Free Member

    I’d say it’s way too early to be making a judgement.
    When I’ve been a manager I’ve made a point of trying to give a good impression to new starters and doing as much as I can to get them started. But I recognise that a lot of bosses and corporate cultures don’t work like that. Don’t forget there’s plenty of people in corporate environments who aren’t that worried about doing a good job so long as the boss is happy, so by wanting to be busy you may be the odd one out!

    IMHO it’s not a great sign – I’ve been there and I felt very unwelcome which isn’t nice when you want to get on with the job as well as create a good impression.

    On the other hand it frees you up to find your way around the culture, the people, how the company works etc – all the time in the world do to a recce, which will stand you in good stead when you get busy…

    I worked long hours with a lot of stress for a long time and craved the work/life balance I now have, and absolutely loving it. Enjoy having the time whilst you have it!

    Free Member



    Free Member

    as Lennon said before Elvis there was nothing so unless you want to listen to early blues i would not bother tbh

    That’s the kind of stuff I’m thinking of

    Free Member

    There’s a study been made (I think it was in Freakonomics) where identical CVs were given ‘white’ names and ‘black’ names. And the black named-CV’s were offered fewer interviews.

    Of course we judge on names, just like we do on looks and body language – how else do you assess someone you’ve not met before? Basic risk assessment from the days we lived in caves.

    Free Member

    Hogtrough is another ‘fun’ one.
    My dad used to ride it in the 50s and said only one of his riding buddies made it up

    Free Member

    Is it worse than Chalk Pit Lane?

    I think so. Probably as steep but longer.
    And as it’s straight you can see the pain laid out neatly ahead of you which is mentally tough when you first see it.

    Shows you who’s proper strong and who’s all mouth and no trouser

    Free Member

    Take them up Toys Hill – you’ll soon find out their true mettle 🙂

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear of your situation OP – doesn’t feel right that one person can make the whole group suffer…

    I met a few people like this and generally found the only effective long term solution is to remove them from your life entirely – any contact at all gives them an opportunity to manipulate. (I posted a thread earlier this week on the same topic and the advice overall was to walk away…)

    Either way, I find it much easier these days to deal with such people after reading In Sheep’s Clothing

    It’s very good at helping you spot their games/attacks and how to respond to them in a way which keeps you clear of their influence. It also points out that your own behaviour can make you a target (as your husband seems to be) – and therefore you can avoid being the target in the first place…

    So good luck, you’re not going mad and you’ll find plenty of people are unhappy with his behaviour too, just less willing to get involved (these people are generally pretty intimidating) but when you fight back you’ll probably find you have more support than you expect…

    Free Member

    The electorate have a responsibility in governance too IMO. We need to understand that what we say we want isn’t always in the best interests of the country…

    The expenses scandal came about because public opinion was expected to resist a pay rise… but MPs pay was falling behind.

    Why would I be an MP on £65k if I can earn twice that in industry/set up my own company etc etc? As said above, you’ll end up only with those who are independently wealthy…

    If you want intelligent, articulate, well-educated MPs you have to pay them at least parity against the other employment options they have… I wouldn’t work for low pay, why should an MP?

    So go ahead and sign the petition if you want another expenses scandal or low-quality MPs…

    Free Member

    1. Help (sounds like it is needed) or,

    Absolutely. I know I’ve given a very brief precis and not the full details but help and general ‘putting up with x sulking again’ have been very forthcoming for the last 20 years – from everyone in the group – all of whom are nice people who get on with each other very well… and have probably done more to help than most would have done.

    It’s the abuse she’s begun to dish out in the last couple of years that’s leading to people walking away… I don’t think people are willing to help if that’s what they get in return…

    She fell out with her therapist too btw 😯

    Free Member

    Sky here I’m afraid. Excellent quality, excellent customer service. Possibly a case of nose face?

    Possibly. Just trying to avoid giving my money to such a nasty organisation…

    The irony of the Murdoch’s getting my money cos they’re the only ones who offer decent customer service!

    Free Member

    So what are you all doing for her imminent 40th birthday?

    There’s a party, which I won’t be at, despite having an invitation. I want to send a clear message without having to actually communicate with her…

    Other friends will go I think, but as much out of a sense of duty/pity/longevity of friendship as much as anything else

    Free Member

    tell her she’s looking for a reaction and you’re not going to react,she’ll strop,and end up looking like a spoilt 5 yearold.

    that’s pretty much what did happen – it would’ve been funny if it wasn’t so tragic – a 39 year old woman stropping out of a tent in the rain after I refused to be drawn into an argument, going a short distance away and bawling her eyes out… <close enough for maximum attention of course>

    I’m wondering what the next move will be – there was an abusive text which followed this incident (Thursday) and another text yesterday trying to blame me for the abusive text which she sent 😯

    Free Member

    Although it would be fascinating, no more details I’m afraid…

    I’m minded to think like Cougar, and I most other people who know her are too… life’s too short. Too many good friends I’d rather spend my efforts on…

    Free Member

    She needs pet cats. Lots of them.

    That’s hilarious. 20 years ago someone predicted she’d end up being a cat lady!

    Free Member

    I love it when I tell people I’ve been 4 times and it’s never rained. Cos all they’ve seen us the news stories when it’s muddy they think every year’s a quagmire 😯

    Forecast to be 25 degrees this year 8)

    And I get The Smiths full house this year – seen Morrissey a few times, seen Mike Joyce and Andy Rourke in the back room of a pub and now I get to see Johnny Marr…

    Free Member

    double post

    Free Member

    Missing the point somewhat. It’s a rationally argued video.
    Anti-cycling sentiment is emotional, persecution, entitled, vindictive, childish, sometimes psychopathic, predjudice, ill-informed.
    We all know the points made in the video are fair and reasonable but if you believe that cyclists are some kind of second-class citizen who shouldn’t ‘be in your way’ you’ll still carry on driving like a dick.
    And sadly it seems even if you kill a cyclist, our judiciary will let you carry on driving like a dick.
    tbh, outside of commuting, which is London, so the traffic is usually slower than me, I only want to ride with my club these days – the group size gives me a lot more protection and visibility…

    Free Member

    I was at a friend’s birthday yesterday and all one guy could go on about was how much under the thumb he was and how much bollocking he got from his wife all the time. Struck me as utterly miserable… poor bugger. Assuming his take was an accurate reflection he sounded like he’d be better off out

    Free Member

    any bike thieves on this site now know there’s a P7 and a Cotic Rocket at Sherwood Pines to go hunting for 😯

    Free Member

    Jack Straw on the tube last week. Reading a copy of The Times 😯 Must be getting confused in his old age 😉

    Free Member


    I find this helpful when I get feelings of what I call ‘the jitters’. A feeling I’m going to screw something up and get publically ridiculed for it. I think it’s just a follow-on from way too much job stress over the last 10 years.

    With Moodscope, over time, you start to link your routine and behaviour with the ups and downs you experience.
    I’ve found lack of sleep, eating poorly and alcohol to have a clear correlation with low mood.
    Not an alternative to the suggestions above, but maybe something complementary which will help

    Free Member

    Agree with lots of the advice ^^ and the observation that London traffic is generally better than suburban these days, and that a lot of people ride like they drive ie: the law is considered optional!

    Would also say don’t forget the ‘lifesaver’ look over the shoulder.
    Saw a guy on a bike nearly die when he nipped in front of a 10 tonne truck without looking. Not sure he even knew what he’d done. Felt v sorry for the truck driver who was standing on the brakes and hoping he wasn’t about to crush an idiot…

    Free Member

    Epic! Noticed a few signs up on bike racks saying “bike thieves..we are watching you” around town today.

    That was tested at Newcastle Uni campus and bike theft by the signs dropped 65%. Just the feeling of being watched is reckoned to have an impact, although the idea’s still going through further testing

    Free Member


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