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  • Bontrager Rally SPD Shoe Review
  • brooess
    Free Member

    Nothing controlling about it. Didn't tell him what to do. Just pointed out what he did was illegal. Left the choice to him. Was just hoping he might think twice about it in future

    Free Member

    Cool. Now write us a good one :-)

    Free Member

    Write us a poem then? :-)

    Free Member

    I thought I knew all the good stuff round there but Mangrove Alley looks like something else :-) Well up for giving that a go

    Free Member

    IMHO from general observation 90+% of London cyclists haven't thought much about how best to ride in a manner which is safe for them, sensible and courteous to other road users.

    You know what it might be: loads of people who live and work in London don't own a car (no need you see). So it could be that through lack of driving experience or lack of driving experience with cyclists around, then when they're on bikes they simply don't fully understand the rules of the road/how it feels as a driver to have cyclists coming at you from all directions.

    Free Member

    Looks like justice. And AFAIK law often depends on precedences, so this conviction has only got to help

    Free Member

    Sh*t. Hope they all recover fully – that's whole careers there…

    Free Member

    Do you not have a contact number from the hosp? Call them and tell them to tell the anaethetist so they can prepare appropriately?
    Hope op goes well. And don't forget that afterwards comes the morphine :-)

    Free Member

    I know lots on all three hills so happy to join in the reasoned debate/bunfight on the 'best way to go'
    But also keen to find stuff I didn't know about before :-)

    Free Member

    On a Monday morning you realise you got more of a buzz out of the 35mph+ club sprint on the road bike on Saturday than you did in a 3 hour singleteack fest on Sunday. What's gone wrong :-(

    Free Member

    ooohh faces to names :-)
    I'd be up for it.
    Officially the Hurtwood ask for riding in groups of six or less. We may have to ignore that!

    Free Member

    Regularly. I love mine but you do need to keep an eye on them. I tend to only do it about twice a year tho, without any major issues.
    When they wear out, the pedal just comes off the spindle – usually when you're in the middle of nowhere!
    Easy to check tho: grab the cage and pull it away from the crank. If there's any play, get a bearing replacement kit (£13 from CRC) and replace. Quite easy to do – a satisfying way to while away and hour on a wet Saturday afternoon :-)

    Free Member

    I believe most cycling deaths in London last year were people getting crushed by left-turning lorries.
    I cycle in London a lot and have pretty much stopped filtering on the left after finding that out, as well as my own observations as a driver.
    Either staying in the line of traffic or filtering on the right for me. Drivers can't see you and you're putting yourself at risk IMO

    Free Member

    Other than the fact it's on the wrong forum…

    Free Member

    I rag around Surrey Hills with Panaracer Rampage 2.35. They never break away, maybe a bit draggy but I ride them all year round without probs

    Free Member

    Ride HT & FS if you have the ££ and storage space. I have a Five and Soul. Both are ace depending on my mood and the terrain. Also means if one's knacked, you can still go out and ride (or take bits off one to keep the other one running). I reckon my riding's better cos I ride both regularly – HT keeps you involved in the trail, looking for best lines, FS gets you used to just ragging through stuff and holding on. Often I only want to ride the Soul. But then when I ride the Five again I know why I've kept it for 4 years :-)

    Free Member

    Makes it easier to get round uphill switchbacks as above. Otherwise, no real issues tbh

    Free Member

    Throw yourself at it with abandon. You can't do owt about age so just have a party!
    If the weather can be relied on I can heartily recommend Pembrokeshire for beautiful scenery. Lots of activity type stuff to do for all sorts of people. Go and speak to TYF in St Davids – sea kayaking, coasteering etc. Stunning beaches, unspoilt, great pubs. Great place away for a weekend

    Free Member

    If the armies of the western countries are spending their time doing stuff like that then we'll all be speaking Russian/Chinese/Korean/Iranian etc soon :-)

    Free Member

    That's ace. A song for driving fast twisty roads too. Or background track for a biking movie (not ignoring the seriousness of the content of course)
    saw them at Glasto a few years back. Ace, one of the best bands I've seen, if slightly intimidating. One of them is doing a slot at Glasto this year :-)

    Free Member

    Warranty. I just looked thru distance selling regs and couldn't find anything re cost of carriage for warranty returns.
    What I don't get is they say they pay postage if return is within 6 months, which is totally arbitrary

    Free Member

    try a layback post?

    Free Member

    WWW and BB talk sense. Make sure your database is up to date. No point sending the most persuasive letter ever with the best offer in the market if the person you need to see it doesn't – simply cos it's addressed to someone else (or nobody)

    Free Member

    2nd everything that molgrips says. I was freelance 2007-2008 earning way more than I ever thought I would, even took 3 months off in 2008! Only stopped cos freelance dried up as recession came on.
    It's a great feeling knowing you're in charge of your own life. I was so much more motivated to work hard and have a go at things that i was otherwise scared to do. Will be going back to freelance as soon as it looks like there's enough work out there

    Free Member

    Go road riding with a club. The whole dynamic changes compared to riding on your own. Pack riding, sprints etc
    I had an odd moment last weekend when I got a bigger buzz from my road ride on Saturday than I did on my MTB ride on Sunday. My whole world is falling apart ;-)

    Free Member

    chances are they had a lot more callouts than usual over winter which will have pushed their costs up. My car doesn't get used in the week, brakes seized. I got a quote from the local garage and a quote for an upgrade of my RAC cover to include homestart. RAC was cheaper so I upgraded and called them out. I guess I'm not the only one :-(

    Free Member

    I've done a couple of days with Rich at Cycleactive. General handling skills and jumps and drops. Transformed my riding, I can do stuff I never thought I'd be able to do – been riding for 15 years. Really friendly, patient and wants to see you grow in confidence.
    Personally I find Lakes riding technically way higher up the scale than my local Surrey Hills, so learning up there and coming back home makes home seem so much easier…

    Free Member

    you need to unscrew your lower adjustment screw anticlockwise, marked with an 'L'. it'll move the cage to the left when you're in the granny ring. The cage won't move lower, but further left

    Free Member

    I've found them really friendly, helpful and have no complaints about quality of service at all. Had a frame prepped, forks fitted, hubs fixed, quite a few things over the last few years….

    Free Member

    Will this thread outdo Picolax? Please no-one ask me why I'm crying :-)

    Free Member

    I'm improving my rate of doing no work! Boss won't give me any.
    Am also improving my quantity of STW time :-)

    Free Member

    Well done. A huge effort, SDW hills are a hell of a drag.
    Thinking about doing something similar myself this year. Just need to find someone to do it with, otherwise I reckon I'll chicken out!

    Free Member

    Shorter stem means yr less stretched out and therefore have more space to move your weight around the bike and more capacity to move the bike around underneath you. So, easier to get the front end up for pumping, drops, wheelies etc and also easier to push yourself off the back of the bike for drops and steeps etc etc

    Free Member

    If they're clamping down on illegal cycling manoeuvres then I say good. Way too may London cyclists sailing across zebra crossings, red lights, up pavements etc etc which will do huge damage to all the positive PR being worked on by CTC, Boris, Sustrans and sensible cyclists etc etc
    Girl I work with got knocked off her bike last year by a motorbike, concussed and won damages (so law says not her fault) but she still rides thru red lights. Clearly has learnt nothing about her vulnerability on the road :-(

    Free Member

    slide your saddle forward 5mm – that'll bring your weight forward just a little.

    Free Member

    Quite a few people suggested at the time that because the pay was so good in the City, the cleverest people went to work there. So the FSA (them supposed to be going thru the books) only had the 2nd cleverest people on hand to look at the books. You can see the problem there can't you!
    Plus, the government wanted to spend lots on hospitals and schools, the City was giving them huge amounts of tax. So the government didn't want to tell the City to stop cos then they couldn't have delivered on the things they wanted to deliver on.
    Simples, in it's way.
    And an accountant friend of mine pointed out at the time of the bailout that as and when the banks were profitable again and share prices high enough, they would be sold back to the private sector at a profit to the taxpayer. Which could help put a nice dent in the deficit. Of course, the government can't announce this publicly in case it never happens. And it may not happen for quite some time, this is still uncharted territory

    Free Member

    You may think THAT if you like
    Thankyou. I will. But only because you disagree.

    I'm happy for you to think what you like

    Free Member

    I know. You can't stop me. That's why it's called an opinion.

    You may think THAT if you like

    Free Member

    You may think that if you like

    Free Member

    If you are or are thinking about breaking down in tears, I think that's a signal that you need to take positive action.
    Exercise/writing a list of things you enjoy and making sure you do at least one of them every day of the week can be helpful in getting you through. But it may not necessarily solve the problem.

    If you go to see your GP it's very possible he'll give you time off, which IME can invaluable in giving you a break, time to think things through and make decisions about your future
    You may also want to consider some personal reading – self help stuff or even a counsellor.
    I have a thoroughly manipulative boss at work, and nearly lost it last week. A single session with a counsellor and reading a book on dealing with bullies has helped me understand there's actually a huge amount about the situation that's within my control.
    Hope this helps

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