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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • BristolPablo
    Free Member

    theres something a bit amiss with my right knee but two physios couldnt really find anything wrong and one had the cheek to say “cant find anything but make repeat appointments as it would be useful for my research” at £50 per session, i bet it would be useful…..

    anyway, doesnt really affect me on the bike or running, just throbs a bit if my posture is bad at work, i work in a typical office, sat down at a desk so have “posture” and “go for a walk” written on post its to remind me…

    Free Member

    running is the simplest and a fairly quick way to lose belly fat.

    You wont see or feel your abs until you have stripped the fat away from the stomach so dont bother with any “get ripped abs in 30 minutes” etc nonsense routines.

    Free Member

    I’ve raced XC on a BFe with Pikes and super tacky minions, I didn’t win.

    Yeah but it was fun right?!?!

    Free Member

    WWJD?* just do the 140km, if you dont you will kick yourself for a whole year….

    * Jens not Jesus

    Free Member

    I like riding on the road because I can cover long distances fairly easily and feel like I have achieved something, 80kms in 3 hours of a morning is a nice feeling when the same distance off road is an epic and requires swmbo approval.

    Also, aside from Ashton Court and Leigh Woods, I have to ride 10 miles out and back on roads from home to get to some good bridleways and rupps so its a bit of a pain….. and cleaning, even with a hardtail its just an utter ball ache at this time of year….

    I still love it though, when you are riding hard on a road bike, you are invariably just trying to maintain a high speed or climbing a steep hill which are staisfying in their own way but do get a bit boring. Riding hard on an mtb has far more variables to manage combining rapid direction change, technical obstacles (jumps, berms etc), loose surfaces and varying grip as well as the danger element of trees and things in the close vicinity so there is lots more “to do” for the rider so to speak which is why, given the chance, I’d ride mtb more than I currently do.

    Free Member

    Bunker bikes hit by arsonists

    Bunker bikes was attacked twice over the New year period, assume it was just drunken scumbags…

    Free Member

    1780 to 1805, fighting the French pretty much throughout and generally giving them a good biffing!!

    I think I read too many Alexander Kent novels….

    Free Member

    I quite like the idea if its just for cafe stops rather than leaving the bike unattended for any period of time but….

    hides inside of your frame

    I’m unhappy with their poor grammar, so ahm oot.

    Free Member

    my old man builds tons of models and says that Tamiya paint is the best and well worth the money

    Free Member

    I have a topeak pocket rocker master blaster which is good enough to put 100 psi into road wheels and small enough for a jacket pocket (though mine lives on the bottle cage mount)

    Free Member

    bought two jerseys yesterday and am really impressed. good quality, nice fit, good stitching and fairly smooth seams.
    Bought one of these as well which is small enough to fit in a jersey pocket as an emergency and a reasonable cut for cycling

    Free Member

    what if we all promised to come with a “H” on our forehead?
    (yeah I know he was Lister but I’m bald so dreads are out of the question!)

    Free Member

    really? one is accused of sexual behaviour with underage girls and the other took drugs to win a bicycle race! its not really the same thing is it?!….

    Free Member

    Pure One. Mine is about 18 months old and the other day the power adaptor stopped working but they have a 2 year warranty. Tried the adaptor on another Pure radio, nothing. Tried the good power adaptor on the original radio, all good. Called Pure and they said a new one would be in the post foc. I also said the aerial was a bit bent, no dramas they would stick one in the post too… 3 days later, new adaptor and aerial… Stuff like that makes me stay loyal to a company.

    Free Member

    I have one from which was pricey (£21) but i like it and its well made. It ahs space for 6 lines so a few phone numbers, name etc. I put my blood type on there too, and whilst i appreciate that the paramedic/hospital would do a test first to confirm before anything serious, putting infomration like allergies etc on it is important as the first on the scene will check for ICE tags now they are becoming more popular.

    Free Member

    McRae was a good driver but can never be classed as a great. Unfortunately, he had the same failings as Villeneuve in that he just couldnt slow down and contain himself. He had to drive at ten tenths all the time even if the situation didnt require it. To tame this might have taken everything he offered as a driver away but i soon got bored of McRae throwing the car at the scenery. He could have won a dozen more rallies and been champion at least three times had he learnt to drive to finish. The likes of Sainz and Vatenen were just more intelligent.

    His death and that of those also in the helicopter is very sad and not really worth arguing about given it solves nothing.

    Free Member

    taking the jump on every lap of both Bikefests….

    Free Member

    did the verderers loop (blue) yesterday, bar one glooptastic section its all rideable and has held up well despite the constatn rain. the last 3 kms are great. the red loop is quite rooty and i found it very frustrating. its hard to get much of a rhythm going and its a bit boggier than the blue. didnt venture into the skillz area but assume as its man made its ok.

    Free Member

    Quite tempted to do the Ride 24 for Action Medical Research as a solo rider but the idea of lapping Thruxton race track for anything up to 100 times is as off putting as the challenge is appealing…

    Free Member

    I’m sure I read some rumours that Farah will be running longer distances in the coming year or two, 10km, Half marathons and then full marathons. Personally I would love to see him go longer.

    Free Member

    was up there for parkrun this morning and it was messy. its been hammering down for the best part of 24 hours and its very wet. The nova trail in the woods wont be so bad but the besggar bush lane section will be grim.

    Free Member

    I’ll try to make it, 1000 at the cafe? I’ll be the one on the black BFe…

    Free Member

    I have had a pair of Fulcrum 7s for a few years (covering at least 2000 miles) with no issues, they roll very well and have taken a lot of abuse. I am 82 kgs so I liked the fact they are 20/24 spokes front/rear and they havent buckled or broken a spoke. They are pretty heavy though, I think mine are close to 1900gs but for a cheap and reliable, fit and forget wheelset they are unbeatable.

    Free Member

    I feel sorry for Froome, whilst he was slogging his guts out around France on a bike, his partner was back here spewing nonsense on twitter and generally fanning the flames of hatred.

    So most of the cycling community were riled by her comments and directed their anger towards Froome on account of her having a pop at Sir Wiggo and his wife. Froome to his credit, has largely kept quiet about the whole thing.

    Free Member

    Brad will storm it without tactical voting.

    If ever there should be tactical voting or a campaign of sorts it would be to ensure that David Rudisha wins the overseas award.

    Free Member

    Why are people falling over themselves to host 3 stages of the TdF when no one gives a flying wossname about the National Premier Series?
    I’m pleased for Yorkshire and I’ll be there but it seems a bit sad that so much effort and resource will be spent on this rather than developing the UK’s own road racing series….

    Should be good though, by my reckoning Sky will have three leaders for the 2014 TdF…

    Free Member

    Never really like McCartney but really went off him when I heard that he was only in the studio when the Foo Fighters recorded “Band on the Run” to make sure they did it justice…. :roll:

    Free Member

    Schleck’s dodgy collarbone

    Or fractured pelvis as it really was. Still not really recovered neither in form nor physically.

    Ah yes, the collarbone break was Cancellara, but the location of the injury isnt the issue. The rumours are that the injury isnt as bad as they claim and he is on an enforced break to reduce the suspicion caused by Franck’s use of Xipamide and the fact that Andy too may have tested positive for the same thing if he had been competing.

    Free Member

    Get the alu bike and spend the extra on a pair of Shimano RS30 wheels which either Merlin or Planet X had on sale for around £100 last week.
    Not only do you end up with a great alu frame and the better groupset but also a very good wheelset.

    Free Member

    Some people thought last years TDF was boring ,but watching Wiggins lead Cav out on stage 18 and then in Paris ,was shouting at the tellytastic

    How many times have you seen the yellow jersey ditching the safety net for a team mate like that ?

    That was the yellow jersey leading out the Rainbow jersey no less, I cant see that happening again for a long time!

    2012 was a good tour, loads of battles going on through the order and the emergence of some very strong new riders such as Van Gaarderen and Pinot, some great rides from the elder statesmen and Big George leading them on to the Champs Elyesee was great to see. People think it was boring because Wiggo didnt have the strongest of opposition but with Contador out and Schleck’s dodgy collarbone (yeah right!) it was a case of “you can only beat the people in the race”… and even then he had the odd scare.

    Free Member

    Millar’s win last year was pretty special for lots of reasons

    The greatest ever stage is quite an accolade though as there are loads of worthy contenders, the final ITT between Lemond vs Fignon, Pantani vs Armstrong, those big mountain stages where Virenque would sprint away etc but i guess it has to be a big mountain stage.

    The 2010 Contador vs Schelck fight over a misty Tourmaulet was quite enjoyable even if Shcelck was a big girl about it all and blew his chances. Recently, Hushovd on stage 13 of the 2011 TdF was my favourite though. Climbing with the likes of Moncoutie and Roy, then dropping them on the descent!

    All that will change in 2013 however as Voeckler turns himself inside out to win the summit finish on Ventoux on Bastille day, get your money down whilst the odds are long…

    Free Member

    There is a fairly good “guide to” here:—the-basics/496.html

    I had a very basic polar one for years which just had a single zone which would beep if you were above or below it. It was a previous version of this:

    If all you want is one that has an audible warning if you are in a zone, you cant get much better. You can set your own zones which is useful as the age based ones tend to be a bit off for some people. If you dont need nav etc, keep it simple.

    Free Member

    As others have said, its hard to buy a bad bike over £1500 but you need to do some more research as to what you want.

    The Look 576 is a TT/Tri bike? do you mean the 566? the 566 (lke the Scott CR1) has quite relaxed geo and is going to be very comfy on century rides and sportives but it wont feel as fast as the Supersix Evo or the Pianrello Quattro are, you only need to see the difference in the top tube angle to see this.
    If you did mean the 576, I’d go for the 675 instead, which is pretty much the best of both.

    Too much is made of a test rid epersonally, you dont need a test ride if you do a lot of research, especially if the test ride is around the shop carpark or up and down the street three times. I bought a Cervelo RS frame without sitting one, well I sat on a 54cm bike, realised that was too small and knew the 56 would fit even if I did have to try one or two stem lengths. There is enough geo data onlne for all the models to work out what you want and what will fit based on finding a bike in a shop similar to what you want, sitting on it and comapring the geo. Its what I did and some people might think its not fair to sit on a bike you know you arent going to buy but some brands like Cervelo and Ghost are pretty hard to find on the high street…

    Given your measurements, I’d be surprised if you are going to be comfy on anything bigger than a 56 though I appreciate that depends on the geo, a more aggressive frame might pitch you a bit further forwards.

    Are you totally fixed on Carbon or can i through something like Lynskey into the thought process?!?!

    Free Member

    I found “Rocket Boys” by Homer Hickman in a charity shop and really enjoyed it, a light hearted and amusing true story. In short, its 1957, mid west US, Hickman is a teenager is obssessed with space and rockets, set up a rocket club at school, sets of rockets with varying success. Hickamn goes on to work at NASA. I think its been reissued as “October Sky”

    When I need some comedy, I normally read Tom Sharpe, PG Wodehouse or Joseph Connolly. All much the same to be honest, British farce sort of thing but Connolly does have darker bits. Try “SOS”, “Summer Things” and “Winter Breaks” for starters

    Free Member

    Langster? even new they are cheap enough to upgrade the wheelset and stay within the budget and the geometry is quite comfy. If that doesnt appeal I’d get a Genesis Day One….

    Free Member

    Have a look on – the ARmy Rumour Service – but also home to many serving in other branches. its very honest and full of good advice. There will be dozens of similar threads so its worth doing a search but they are a good bunch and willing to help. There is a lot of pessimism though as some have been serving for a long time and recent cuts/changes to service are not going down well….

    My advice would depend upon how academic he is, joining at 16 will be really tough. It is an adult environment and he will be expected to endure everything the rest of the troop endure. They will consider it to have been his choice to join up. I have friends who joined up at 16 and didnt last long, others who joined at 18 and were sponsored through Uni who are still there and one or two who joined after Uni and again, are still there.

    I’ve worked in the MoD shuffling paper for 11 years, I’ve worked with a lot of Military, mostly senior NCOs and Officers but also younger squaddies at Deepcut. The important bit to remember is that first and foremost they are professionals then soldiers, be it Engineers, Drivers, Medics etc… you learn your trade hand in hand with regular soldiering.

    The horror stories of abuse and bullying are pretty much in the past, I wouldnt say they are history but its rare and should it occur, its dealt with accordingly. The stories of macho physical abuse and that sort of stuff mentioned above is laughable and usually the sole reservce of fat blokes in certain pubs around Hereford…

    I wouldnt discount the regular Army though or Navy with a view to transferring to the RM at a later point.

    Free Member

    wasnt it Bill Hicks who said “are the Beatles dying in the wrong order?”

    Free Member

    providing £1000 is not a limit imposed by C2W etc and you can justify another £100, i’d look at this…. shiny ultegra bits for instant cafe stop kudos and an unfamiliar name so people think you are in on something that they dont know about….

    Other than that, its the Canyon but Wiggle et al all have sales on at the moment so its worth just looking around seeing what you can find reduced.

    Free Member

    lets play “Anti-cycling rant in the tabloid press” bingo!….

    1 – they jump red lights
    2 – they wear lycra
    3 – they hold up traffic
    4 – they shout at pedestrians
    5 – they ride on the pavement
    6 – they drop litter
    7 – they ride in the countryside

    am I winning?

    Free Member

    I would speak to British Cycling and see how they can help, I can imagine that they would have someone in the local area who would help, have links to various bodies etc. It takes away a bit of the personal element but you may also get a bit more of a professional looking event which may raise the profile of the venue.

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