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  • Epic Race Rumours With Wyn Masters and Ronan Dunne – Making Up The Numbers Podcast
  • bristolbiker
    Free Member

    I’m currently running a 10 speed mech on a 9 speed cassette (with 9sp shifters) on my wonter road bike, after the old mech packed in. Works perfectly.

    That is true of the last generation 10spd road kit. For the latest stuff, with the shifter cables routed under the bar tape, the pull ratio has changed, so if you use the new shifters with the old mechs the shifter will move more/less (I forget which) than it needs to in order to index…. so you need the latest generation mech with the shifter.

    No idea about the 10spd MTB kit…. 😉

    Free Member

    Hmm…. yes – all the bits are on back order with Wiggle, and they’re running out of September…….

    Free Member


    If you call him, he will come….

    </paraphrasing> 😉

    Free Member

    I’m still not seeing the illegality :-S

    So, you’re offered a compromise agreement (we presume on relatively generous terms) and you either accept or not. If you don’t, a little way down the line you are made redundant on spurious grounds which you can then still take the employer to tribunal an argue the toss. Surely if they chose not to offer a you a compromise agreement, and all other factirs are equal between the two situations, you simply end up at the tribunal a few weeks earlier?

    Free Member

    ‘we want you to sign away your rights to sue us for wrongful dismissal (or worse) and in return we’ll give you more money than you might otherwise expect from either a performance management followed by dismissal or redundancy process’.

    True enough, but you could choose not sign it and then still go to a tribunal for unfair dismissal at a later date?

    Free Member

    Well, it appears the resident grumpies have spoken…… a ban after 1 post for san4os – is that a new record?!?!?

    Free Member

    What epicsteve said…

    Free Member

    Yeah – is that going to appear in every one of his posts??? Some of the advertisers on here have paid good money for their ads (as we are reminded anytime the issue of applying ‘electronic eye bleach’ is raised…. 😉

    Free Member

    handling can get quirky though!

    I tried panniers, and really tried to liek them, but overall didn’t get on with them in terms of how they made the bike feel, esp climbing. I’m not carrying a lot on a day to day basis so went back to a rucsac…..

    Free Member

    ^^^^ <sucks air> – is that crossing the line??

    Free Member

    Several years ago whilst renting, I was woken early one Saturday morning by a call from the landlord to say he was giving my notice months and could I be out ASAP. On pressing, it turned out I’d done nothing wrong – he’d left his wife, needed somewhere to live and mine was the nicest flats of the ones he owned. He was a good bloke, so I’d said I’d do my best to get out inside the month. Chatting a bit more it appeared that life at home was not good and he REALLY wanted to move in the next few…. long story short, he offered me the equivalent of 3 months rent in cash, plus the deposit back no-questions-asked, to get out ASAP and I was gone inside 3 days. Every cloud has a silver lining…. 😉

    Free Member

    My do-it-all aluminium Airborne Carpe Diem is spaced at 132.5mm – 2.5mm either way then to 130mm or 135mm OLN. Been run with discs all its life though….

    Free Member

    A power shower is going to be cheaper than a true ‘electric shower’. Should just run off 13amp socket, rather than dedicated cable for a 10+kW electric job. Will be extremely unlikely that the existing pipework lines up with the shower though, unless you run additional pipes to the power shower from the existing mixer pipes poking out of the wall….. would save having to remove tiles etc, but may or may not look like a bodge? Be warned though, power showers can be quite NOISY!!!!!!!

    Free Member

    Have you got the manual for the shower/can you download it? Does it show that the mixer you have is suitable for your system? I know the Mira manuals show specifically what systems will and won’t work for each shower.

    If it’s not right for your system and all the pipework is already behind the tiles….. well, I won’t go any further, other than to suggest getting a plumber in to see what can be done…. Fingers crossed.

    Free Member

    Some mixers won’t work with gravity feed hot, or specify the max pressure differential across the two supplies for it to work. It is possible to add a separate electirc pump to the supply feed to equalise this…. but if thta’s the case you might be better off with a power shower, rather than a mixer?

    Free Member

    Would we really have needed to design such a small, fast, agile, single seat aeroplane as a Spitfire in the late 1930s if there wasn’t a war looming? I think not

    It’s basically the Supermarine Schneider Cup air race plane/design with 8 Brownings on it….. IIRC RJ Mitchell never got to see it go to war…..

    Free Member

    You might want to consider, getting the BB threads chased and the shell faced if you having issues as well as the threadlock.

    You're gonna have trouble getting all those worms back in the can before you get the flame-proof suit on…..

    Free Member

    I think binners it talking sense on this one…… 😉

    Free Member

    Genius – thanks gents.

    Free Member

    FOB – yeah, sorry – it's Friday PM and I am bored…. and he was a right annoying ass-licking little **** with few technical skills, even less management ability and the personality of a wet tea-towel.

    Good luck with the interview though – the tea shop in the garden centre over the road from the Dyson factory in Malmesbury does good cake, and the acid dipping place next door to that does bike frames for a fiver a go, cash in hand 😉

    Free Member

    I had a colleague who worked there as a matierals scientist before he came to us. He left Dyson after a year or so as he didn't like the technical work and wanted to be a manager. Funnily enough he left here after about a year as he clearly didn't wanted to do was incapable of any technical work, but and saw himself more as a manager. He's now at a place where his boss is a friend of mine and it sounds like he's thinking about leaving…. you get the picture.

    I have nothing of use to add really, this thread just reminded me of him…… 8)

    Free Member

    +1 for Ulysses – the wife has had a go at it as well, went to stay with some friends recently and she 'accidently' left it there (she is very dogmatic about finishing books she started), but they posted it back….. 😉

    I feel a Ulysses-burning session coming on…. 😉

    Free Member

    they need local councils that are willing to stage the race

    It's not just that – they need cities/regions who are willing to put cold hard cash down to cover costs AND have a receptive police force. IIRC, all but the south-west stages run within a single 'area'.

    Free Member

    Highlights packs on ITV4 7 til 8 IIRC. Dunno about any live coverage.

    Free Member

    Do a search – this comes up fairly frequently. With a bit of luck you'll get the shower of the usual suggestions in a few minutes.

    For what it's worth I'm on my second Deuter Bike1. Might just hit your budget if you shop around. Laptop-eating capability will depend on the size of the laptop I suspect, but that may well be true of most low-profile/bike specific bags at ~25 litre.

    Free Member

    ^^^^ Boss has the Accord Estate – massive boot area, very good engine, well specced….powered tailgate was his 'party piece' until it went wrong 😉

    Friend has the Mazda 6 Estate (Petrol) Big car again, bit thirsty – wanted Sport version but that really does drink fuel…..

    Free Member

    Looks like fruit on the 3rd pic – eat it and find out 😉

    Free Member

    Just got to decide what hearth now. Also do we leave the bricks bear at the back or have it all boarded and plastered? Descisions, descisions.

    Bare brick – plaster is too hard, it'll crack in no time from the heat (unless you're putting a 5kW stove in a Tudor-Mansion-Sized fireplace….)

    Free Member

    (grass doesn't need to be sown just yet)

    Mid Sept is the sowing season (still some heat in the ground for germination and watering will be, er, not a problem!), or agin late April, but may need to water it then. I think your best bet is Roundup now and dig/level, Roundup again early spring, final prep and Sow Late Spring next year.

    Free Member

    Actually, you're right, London as a whole comes, out 3rd bottom in the UK in a quick straw pole on Google….

    In any case, bristolbiker, you can't talk. Bristol has all of the disadvantages of London and absolutely none of the advantages!

    No, I'd disgree with that – my local single track is 50m from the door, and a bus to the centre takes 10 minutes the other way.

    Like I said, I like London for what it is – as Elfin says above, it does have the shows, museums etc etc and that's fine…. which confirms my inital post that it is like a theme park, where all the rides are in one place and when you've had enough you can go home….

    Free Member

    Plus there are plenty of places in London where you can see to the horizon eat the air it's so thick with pollution, and plenty of places in the world's great wildernesses where you can't can smell a daisy a mile a way, the air is so clear


    Free Member

    If you'll ignore the hyperbole…. the 4 less spokes are but pissing in the wind compared to bending each side of the rear triangle in by 12.5mm(!). Spacers and/or a longer axles are surely the way forward here, but even then it's not ideal.

    Free Member

    The ratios are here – really up to you how you use them based on what ring/sprocket you choose. Look at what ratios you use now (and what you don't) for you're typical riding and then work out how best to cover that with the available spread.

    Free Member

    Fair enough – but a decent dose of glyphosate (Roundup) now before you rotovate will mean you're pulling out dead roots for fun off the surface, rather than spreading live ones around. It's gonna save a whole heap of time when the lawn is established, trying to kill established weeds within the lawn.

    (N.B. – I feel you're back pain, having recently spent a week doing the same thing in our garden……)

    Free Member

    If it's really weedy DO NOT ROTIVATE – you'll just help the weeds multiply really quickly in nicely airated soil. Weed killer on the lot, let it die and then rotivate or dig by hand picking out the weed roots as you go.

    Free Member

    It's not really an island…. it's more like a theme park, where the theme is London itself. It's almost like it tries so hard to maintain its brand it's become a self-fulfilling parody.

    Don't get me wrong, I love it to visit (been 6 or 7 times this year), but it can feel quite 'other-worldy'

    Free Member

    The worse cuts ive seen (and had) are from our handsaws, they are razor sharp and its easy to forget how deep they cut!

    The large scar on my left index finger tends to agree with this statement 8) 😳

    Free Member

    The American contraction of '…I couldn't care less…' to '…I COULD care less…' – drives me f'ing mad. Maybe it's the low-rent crop of brain cells in my current clients, but the amount of effort that it takes to not point out that if they could care less about XYZ, then now would be a good time to go ahead and do so, as this is clearly what they are are implying, can get quite extreme…

    Free Member

    Electric is a good call if you're just logging up at home and are near a power source (obviously).

    Got one of these for just that job and it's been a brilliant buy to compliment the petrol saws for out and about in the woods. Keeps the neighbours happy as well, being relatively quiet…. 😉

    Free Member

    Decent quality boots, chaps, jacket, gloves and helmet are going to cost way more than that saw. If it's a one off job, then agree that hiring the saw and all the gear will be both cheaper and safer.

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