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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • bristolbiker
    Free Member

    I found that stackoverflow link and was hoping to do something a bit simpler, as I only require one line, rather than a selection either side of the target string…..

    Free Member

    I think the Q is, how do I echo the content of a line when all I know is the line number as an integer? That method would be ideal/simple if I knew the syntax to echo the content of a line number, rather than just a string.


    <insert code to return your value>

    this is the bit I’m struggling with ;-)

    Maybe, having identified the line numbers I have to do another for loop to search the file again but only at that line…..actually, that might work…..

    Free Member

    Each file is ~50mb is size, containing ~100 lines of interest. Initially there are 10 files to process this may rise to a very large number. I’ve tried manual data extraction on a couple and have been bored to tears……

    Free Member

    SJ – probably not: ideally the solution needs to be self contained in DOS

    Free Member

    edlin died after XP – this will be used on Win7 machines. No, the irony is not lost on me…….

    Free Member

    How about an Alex XD-Lite 700c (might still be a bit wide)…… if you can find one retail, let me know!

    Free Member

    Having searched for basically the same thing, English grown Empires are about as close as I’ve got, with perhaps a bit less crunch, but a little bit more flavour…

    Free Member

    I’ve ended up with several sets of 7dayshop 2900mAh and the BL-700 charger SC links to keep my pair of Vision 1’s going. They need recharging about once a week, so I can live without the Eneloops clever internals for the higher capacity and lower cost. All IMHO, obv!

    Free Member

    It’ll either quote the resistance on it, or from the rated power you can work out what you would expect the resistance to be – much deviation from that and it’s probably worth replacing.

    Free Member

    Check the resistance of the element, just to be sure?

    Had a similar thing with ours – turned out there a dodgy connection in the main terminal block from the switches to the elements and one of the cables burnt out. Repair was a five min job….. plus the 1hr+ to figure out how to into the thing!

    Free Member

    Two other things to think about:

    – Are you in a smokeless zone (that may limit stove choice)
    – Where are you going to get your wood from/you do know how much it costs to buy/be realistic about how much you will use a year/do you have room to store this much under cover.

    Free Member

    Ger-off – I’ve got a feeling a metal polishing wheel may be ‘needed’ for it….. for all those things that, er, absolutely need polishing to a mirror shine….. hmmm…

    Food for thought all – thanks as ever!

    Free Member

    I think know if I DIY’ed it, I’d lay it out, think it was perfect…. and then want to change it again a few weeks later. My tool collection seems to evolve fairly rapidly, benefiting from a Father with a Snap-On and Beta tool account, and an eye for a ‘bargain’ (I didn’t need a second vice, or a bench grinder, but they appeared last weekend… ;-) ) Having the option to unclip and move the hangers appeals.

    Wall space is little limited – could probably usefully panel 4′ x 3′ and hopefully a little less than that. It’s also got to fit around the existing shelving and the bench itself, which is bespoke from 2″ SHS to fit in the (bloody awkward) space.

    Point taken about the mag-strips though – that could be the best option for the everyday stuff, combined with a a small cabinet for the rest, as you suggest.

    Free Member

    Also, you may not be at this point in your life just yet ;-) , but the rear seat belts in the MkII (at least) are particularly short and aren’t long enough to accept a lot of Group 0 child seats.

    As the others have said, had 2 1.6 petrols (hatch and estate) and while it won;t set the world on fire they have both been reliable and cost little to fix when things do go wrong.

    Free Member

    +1 for both End of the Road and IoW – both good in their own distinctive ways

    Free Member

    Action packed weekend @ the BSB

    Aye, it was a beautiful day at Silverstone – I shall say no more than commenting on the weather, other than defo watch the highlights!!

    Free Member

    Interesting – I’d never really thought about this before, but when I took out a mortgage ~8 years ago I was told that loan was basically contingent on taking out critical illness cover, specifically to cover the mortgage repayments, at the same time from the bank. Does that constitute a form of PPI on the mortgage?

    Free Member

    I *think* you can get a ferry from Temple Meads into the centre for a bit more fun too

    I *think* I read that at least one of the ferry services went bust…

    Can someone tell me what @bristol is apart from a series of restaurants

    Eh? :?: Have you been inside?

    Free Member

    All ‘good books’ aren’t available solely from cellars…….

    Free Member

    Potentially more condensates in the chimney – tis better to run a smaller stove flat out than a bigger one throttled back.

    Free Member

    How about replacing the skirting, but spacing it out from the wall with a 20mm strip of carcassing timber top and bottom so it creates a pipework conduit behind the skirt? Or chopping out a channel at skirt height

    I did this when we completely rebuilt downstairs and had plastic microbore pipe put in – now you just see the tails coming out of top of the skirting board to the rads. The effect is (as expected) to clean up the walls nicely….. but the dust collects on the ‘ledge’ pretty quickly.

    First world problem anyone? :D

    Free Member

    Oooo – very tidy – I like that.

    (EDIT: I see that’s what you were trying to get me to do int he first place….. :oops:)

    Free Member

    Thanks all – have done it (almost neatly) with a combination of INDEX to find the row reference for max/min and INDIRECT to make up the cell reference and output the values as needed generally across all columns.

    R_B – point taken, and I will have to be careful of that, but as it is test data with something like 7 significant figures, duplication in ~100 rows is pretty small.

    Free Member

    Bless you Stoner….. I shall give it a try….

    Free Member

    There’s clearly two strands to this thread developing…. :lol:

    Free Member

    As in understand it (i.e. – I am regurgitating what a talking-head said on the TV this morning while I was watching half asleep) it’s been in the water too long to be re-commissioned. Basically it’s going for scrap/spares/recycling.

    Free Member

    Good stuff – thanks people!

    Free Member

    My commuter is on its second frame (no name alu thing, swapped for a s/h Ti job), third groupset and all contacts points are on a rolling replacement program. The winter wheels still use the same rims, but have been through 3 sets of hubs, though these are looking a bit tired now as well….

    Free Member

    While we’re on the subject, I’ve just had a Back boiler removed do you think I could use the Back boiler Flue on a wood burning stove?

    No you can’t – way too thin.

    Free Member

    Sad news – that site is kinda like some my colleagues awful to work with, but actually full of useful information.

    Free Member

    Where’s that picture of Awang and that dirty great splinter through his leg?? Ask him how he got that out, then decide….;-)

    Free Member

    Hmmmm…. Wunderlist….. that looks interesting – spend ages writing lists and rewriting to re-order them. STW – font of all knowledge!

    Free Member

    Another vote for the Vision 1 – ran one last winter and it was good enough for urban commuting – picked up another one when Wiggle had them on price-drop so will fit both so as the batts run out on one I can just witch tot he other mid-ride, or have both on which will be good enough for unlit roads.

    Free Member

    Not quite, but soon I think – all that wood isn’t going to burn itself I guess! ;-)

    It’s not so much lighting up itself I look forward, it’s that it signals its nearly time to get down the woods and start felling trees again… and so the cycle continues….

    Free Member

    Think I got the 20A version of this:

    It’s as simple as the diagram on the front – the only other thing to know in the (2 page) instructions was to plug in the battery first before the panel. You can get more funky ones, probably for less, direct from China…..

    EDIT: For SLA sizing, you’ll need to work out how long you want to run the lights for, what the power consumption is for that time and balance that against the charge time it’ll have between those cycles and how much power you’ll get from the panel. Think mine is 28Ah as it more sized for charging 4x 2900mAh AA’s fairly regularly (and I got it for a good price).

    Free Member

    Yep – piece of p!$$. connect +/- cables from battery, solar panel and load device (light with an in-line switch in the simplest case) and it just works…. I was put off having a go for ages for fear of having to build a charge controller for the battery, but finding that the streetlight controllers were so cheap meant it was up and running in an afternoon. SLA was the most expensive bit.

    Free Member

    Kind of did a similar thing:

    – 12v Solar panel sized to meet your needs/budget
    – Streetlight charge/load controller from Ebay (low current ones were ~£10 IIRC)
    – 12v SLA sized to meet your needs/budget.

    Using the streetlight controller makes it a doddle as it controls the SLA charging and regulates the voltage to the load device, so 6 cables to connect and off it goes. Have linked this up some lights and to a series of voltage droppers (pennies on Ebay) to charge AA batteries, run a radio, connector to power USB devices etc…

    Free Member

    I got mine from Vision Express in Cribbs – very good service and aftercare, which has kinda made up for the price! As you suggest though, they have survived the toddler years of two children and still work/look perfect (Drillbit frames BTW).

    Free Member

    Ey, 3D scanning is good – had it done a few times to reverse-engineer existing components back into a digital format

    Free Member

    ….It’s not like watching women’s football.

    You were going so well up ’til then… ;-)

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