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  • bristolbiker
    Free Member

    ******** ATTENTION ALL LATECOMERS ********

    Read the OP; he doesn’t have any pictures!


    That is all.


    Free Member

    personally I do not think this is the right thing to do. He is innocent until proven guilty, and excessive reporting by the press about what an “oddball” he is limits his chances of a fair trial (if there ever is a trial)

    There is a wiff of this in the (limited) coverage I have seen – true. However, I obviously didn’t know him well, and therefore any comments I have made have been minimal, factual and limited to what I would be prepared to say again under oath.

    EDIT: I don’t really want to get into the merits of the case itself here – I largely agree with Convert and Alfabus – I obviously have opinions on the case and its coverage, none of which will be judged here (other than in traditional pitch-fork style which will, IMHO, serve no useful purpose).

    Free Member

    Alfabus – you seem to have captured my thoughts/feelings on this much better than I have been able to so far…… thanks.

    Free Member

    You feel disgusted by the Press but would consider helping them and profiting from it?

    Hmmm.. not quite – I accept they are doing a job, although I often don’t agree with their methods or motives. I have no problem with talking to them to ‘build up a picture’ of the landlord…. the addition of the photos just seemed too ghoulish for me, and as I have no previous experience of this kind of thing, I thought I’d have a straw poll of what the others of the hive mind might do.

    Some interesting responses so far….

    Free Member

    Without I would wind the journalists up and have a pretend bidding war for the pictures!!

    Whilst rummaging, I did find sme pics of my (then) brand new Mt Vision parked up against the wall outside the flat, which brought back some happy memories…..

    Free Member

    some would say that you would be profiting from the death of someone

    My thoughts precisely….

    All depends on whether or not you need the money and if it’s enough to make it worthwhile

    No to the first point, and I think that was my question really – how much would be enough (I accept this is a ‘how long is a peice of string’ question)?

    Free Member

    How do you reckon they traced you?

    That is a damn fine question – must be tenancy agreements or some such. I’m still in the same address and job after I moved out of the flat so they have house addy, home and work phone numbers….. time to move/change jobs 😉

    Free Member

    Got the Humax FreeviewHD+ box a couple of months ago. Been rock solid and a doddle to use….. much like it’s non-HD Humax predecessor.

    Free Member

    There’s two formats (207 and 214 IIRC) – I’ve never found that it makes a difference (Solidworks here) but Catia might be sensitive.

    Try downloading a free STEP viewer and see if that thinks there’s anything in the file?

    Free Member

    IIRC, if he does it himself he SHOULD get it signed off by building inspector. If done by a HETAS man their certificate is good enough. I have been told that some insurers will want to see some form of (valid!) certification, but mine doesn’t/didn’t….

    Free Member

    Another vote for Humax being parent proof – have yet to recieve a ‘support call’ from them, unlike their previous one where they’ dbe on the phone with a ‘quick question’ seemeingly every other week.

    Just got the Humax Freeview HD+ box and that has proved to be similarly impressive so far….

    Free Member

    Tails – It freezes because it’s ‘Eco’. The condensate temp is low because it’s not vented in/as an exhaust gas as in older boilers, therefore capturing more heat from the source fuel. You can call higher thermal efficency a design flaw if you like……

    Internal routing is permitted IIRC and, as MLC says, the condensate is corrosive, which is the reason from the continuous routing from the boiler to drain.

    Free Member

    It is the condensate pipe that’s causing the problem. I’ve also heard of it being cut short, however, as a short term fix, surely replacing the cut section in the summer just causes the same problem next year?

    Correct, though knowing where the icing problem is means you can then modify the condensate pipe routing to help make it less of an issue (maybe), or move the icing point to somewhere lower down so you can de-ice yourself/not at high level (maybe).

    No idea about the heater, though obviously the longer/more convoluted/lack of gradient will mean the potential for icing is greater.

    Free Member

    I assume you’re talking about the condensate pipe? If so I know people who have cut the pipe as close to the boiler once the pipe it outside the building so the condensate has less time in the pipe to freeze. Only a temp fix mind, and the pipe will need replacing once the cold weather is over. Ours sometimes freezes right as it goes into the drain, which is a doddle to thaw out just by running a kettle of hot water over the outside of the pipe and then tapping the slug of ice into the drain.

    Free Member

    Did mine with a broken elbow, a consequential plaster cast from wrist to shoulder and was not entirely lucid due to the cocktail of pain killers inside me.

    Really enjoyed it though, as Zokes said, it was a chance to have a chat about 3 (and a half) years of work with people who understood it and, for those 4 hours at least, cared about it enough to ask detailed questions that, for the most part, I could answer.

    Free Member

    No worries – happy to help. I came across him a couple of years ago when we needed a heating system replaced. He did a top job on that and I still see him socially now as we got on so well. If you need any other work done, he’s worth a call as most of his mates cover the other trades as well and they’ve also turned out to excellent to-a-man.

    he owes you a pint or two

    Yes, yes he does 😉

    Free Member

    You can have the letter if you like – the interesting bit to me/us is the cheque which is a) made out to her name and b) is already in the bank. HTH 🙂

    Free Member

    Don’t think I have ever bough ‘handed’ vented discs before, so I’d say not a problem*.

    * – all the usual caveats apply 😉

    Free Member

    Could be worse, you could get one of ‘those’ letters

    On the flipside, the wife got one of ‘those’ letters… that turned out to be a £2500 cheque for overpayment over the last two years…… beers are on her this w/e 😉

    Free Member

    The thread that’s back from the dead…..

    Was finally bored enough to investigate ‘the rattle’ at the w/e. Turns out the inboard brake pad has an anti-vibration spring on the top of it to stop the pad wadering around. Whoever fitted the last set of pads put them in the wrong way round, forcing the sprung pad into the wrong half of the caliper which meant the un-sprung one was rattling freely in the wrong place. New set of pads and 45 mins later and the rattle is gone. Bliss 🙂

    Free Member

    Stuart Cleave at Cleave Plumbing. Top bloke, works like a horse.

    Free Member

    Dr BB – Engineering/Composite materials analysis

    Free Member

    Defo not the element – it is not open circuit/there is 18ohms resistance (about right), and I’ve just done as funkynick suggested and checked the voltage to the element when it’s switched on…. and there isn’t any. The main oven grill element is on the same switch and this doesn’t work either, so I am leaning towards the switch being the problem.

    Switch is about £50 and have just phoned a Smeg approved local chap who’s call out is £40 plus parts which seems a good deal, given he’ll know the best way into it and I would be learning all the way!

    Free Member

    Check the door switch, element/heating is usually switched off when door opens, the switch might have failed

    Will check this, but don’t think it has one.

    Is it not fused?

    Googling the problem last night suggests no internal fusing

    Think I’m going to get a man in – parts are relatively expensive to just have a go and taking it apart will be a faff for me in the confined space of our kitchen, but probably an easy job for someone who knows what they are doing.

    Free Member

    Nick – good idea RE: voltage check to the element with the switch on.

    Thinking about it a bit more, I think it might be the thermostat – the red ‘heating’ light doesn’t come on for the main oven which may suggest it doesn’t think there is any demand for heat. Could check this by manually closing the thermostat circuit at the switch…. If it’s the stat, or the switch, either way, looks like I need to take it apart. Ar$e

    Free Member

    A4 is actually a reasonable shout right now. Bridge Valley road is closed (Hmmm, but the A4 was shut last w/e so it may be open again now – best check if you plan this) which meant you could sail right through to the flyover traffic lights, park at @Bristol and ferry to Broadmead.

    Free Member

    Yeah, get the train if you can and walk over from TM. If you must drive, down M32 and park in Cabot Circus car park and walk through CS and BM. Navigating the M32 is generally not too bad, but can be extremely hit-and-miss. Not much help, eh 😉

    Free Member

    It’d be interesting to see ANYTHING happening there at the moment!!! 😉

    Free Member

    remember the industry has a built in bias in favour of large capital intensive projects. Insulation houses does not do their profits any good

    Insulating houses has minimal impact – our demand, esp in industry is increasing faster than we can save from domestic reductions alone.

    OIf course wwe can meet our energy needs without nukes – its quicker to opena caol mine and build a coal powered station than a nuke FFS. WE could have a huge pelarmis fleet in action in a few years.

    That survey I referrenced above shows coal has a worse public relations problem than nuclear. 15% would go nuclear, 6% coal IIRC. You appear to be in a minority of wanting Drax-size sites springing up again. Putting some numbers against this, I can go out tommorow and buy the hardware for a gas fired turn-key power station for around £20m to output 60/100MW. A typical sub-sea turbine will generate 1MW (some of the time) for over £1M and the offshore instalation fees are crippling (I know, I’ve spent an evening in a pub with a guy who’s done it crying into his beer how much this costs). The current subsidy on ‘renewable’ tarrifs means they are subsidused to the tune of 50% to make it even worth the while of companies to build these machines, and there won’t be the critical mass for years in these industries for that to go away. We need high energy density installations to take us through that period – and the people would appear to want nuclear before coal.

    Free Member

    I don’t believe we can, certainly not for the next 25 years. This is what I hear from people in the industry. We will simply have to disagree on this.

    Private companiews will not build new nukes without massive subsifdy and without the government taking responsibiluty for waste and decommisioning

    Yes – you are completely correct, and those are framing terms of the next generation of reactor licenses. Such is the political demand for new power.

    Free Member

    Bristol biker – how biased a question is that? Ridiculous

    Let’s put it another way: ‘Put your sensible head on for moment and take you’re head out your arse – do you want to watch X-factor on saturday night or sit in the dark around a camp fire because there’s no leccy?’

    This is actually what the average Joe cares about on the street and when you phrase the question in such terms then the moral case melts like ice cream in a freezer without power. As has been mentioned above several times any politician is committing political suicide to suggest the lights will go out and as there is no plausable alternative that offers the energy density in the short term that the private sector is prepared to invest in then this is direction we will end up goign for the medium term….. and yes, we will have to worry about waste later on.

    Even if the question is phrased in less stark terms, coal is still below nuclear as the prefferred solution.

    Free Member

    Clear majority north of the border – both amongst the public and the politicos

    This intrigued me, but the mearest-waft-at-google suggests the picture is mixed depending on the phrasing of the question….

    “Respondents were also asked if they would support or oppose new nuclear power stations if they helped Scotland to avoid becoming dependent on imported energy.

    The study found 54% were in favour of nuclear and 34% were against.”

    …..and even then there is the (perhaps, not unbiased) statement that

    “The Scottish First Minister, was also warned the lights could go out north of the Border unless electricity generated from nuclear sources is imported from England. “

    Free Member

    That’s fine then – lets clip the grid cables just before the border and see how much acid rain and sulphur dioxide sells for on the open market vs the import cost of coal and/or carbon capture.

    I have a finger on the pulse of a few colleagues and friends in the green energy sector building tidal and wind generation capacity and even they accept the need for the next round of nuclear and then see what happens.

    Free Member

    You believe the future projections. I don’t

    I think you’d better get into politics then and start wining hearts and minds if you don’t want this to happen – the two page straw poll above suggests you’re in a minority, and so probably won’t get too many votes from the STW constituency.

    Free Member

    Arse – you’re right of course…. I only skim read the post first time round 😳

    It’s the length of the threaded section, plus additional info if a length of unthreaded shank is included.


    Free Member

    Usually the complete bolt – the length of the shank and thread should be separate variable on the spec of the bolt.

    Free Member

    dhb – available in different grades of warmth and wind-proofness this year. Last years ‘basic’ version was ideal for all but the coldest days and the sizing and pad were spot on for me.

    Free Member

    Justice – would be because Alonso has an 8 point lead in the championship, 7 of which come from his team mate letting him through into 1st a few races ago. If Alonso finishes 3rd with Vettel letting Webber through for the win, Webber wins the championship with Red Bull having played the same trick Ferrari did.

    And taking that argument further, the likely penalty for the team influencing the result (if it coudl be proved by talk-back recordings etc) would be identical to what Ferrari recieved – if not it would look a bit fishy on the FIA’s part – so it would be money well spent (the fine) by Red Bull to have a drivers and constructors trophy, and a waste of money by Ferrari (though they obviously didn’t know it at the time).

    Free Member

    Calm down, he’s shuffled off now…. 😉

    Free Member

    The car has the allocation, not the driver.

    Damn your editting sir! 😉

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