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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • bridges
    Free Member

    I rarely agree with bridges but, this time, I do

    I agree with IHN.

    Free Member

    I’d be in the shop with a video camera running accusing them of threatening my children making false accusations, intimidation etc. (all that they’d done put in legal jargon) And make sure that they sold nothing for at least half and hour. I’d be along to the school suggesting they inform kids they are likely to be wrongly acccused of shop lifting and that they advise children from the school not to go into the shop.

    In short I’d be their worst nightmare, and a good dad.


    Free Member

    That video is great, but bear in mind it is 5 years old, and the cameras used have been superseded by newer equipment. But it does illustrate the point that you don’t need anything fancy. Also; he states how lenses are more important than camera bodies; this is very true; for general photography, a ‘kit’ lens like the 18-55mm may be perfectly adequate, but for stop motion work, something like a 50mm prime lens may be better in some instances, as it allows for a larger aperture, which influences depth of field more, and will be sharper, with less distortion etc. And with a Nikon or Canon mount camera, such lenses will be relatively very cheap. Then there’s alaays macro/close up lens options, which again for those lens mounts, will be relatively inexpensive depending on what you choose. They can enable much closer work, for very small subjects.

    Free Member

    Yep, fair enough, I made the link to the voters for dramatic effect.

    But that’s disingenuous and misleading. I have no problem with you challenging my argument, or quoting in context, but please don’t make out I’ve said something I haven’t.

    Free Member

    The notion that every Tory voter is somehow a “selfish, self-serving greedy ammoral ****” is clearly nonsense.

    To be clear; I said:

    the tory party …. are selfish, self-serving greedy ammoral ****

    Take the time to listen, rather than lecture

    Quite… ;)

    Free Member

    Someone who didn’t vote for or support those illegal wars.

    Free Member

    This ridiculous notion that Tories are immoral

    It’s not a ‘ridiculous notion’, it’s fact. The fact you cannot see this, proves just how blinkered you actually are. Our society is collapsing, and this is largely due to tory policy. Far right ideologies are once again on the rise, and this is largely down to tory policy; see tory immigration policies. Deprivation and inequality are massively increasing; this is due largely to tory policy. The fact is that the tory party do not have the same ‘morals and principles’ most decent people do; they are selfish, self-serving greedy ammoral ****. Take your blinkers off.

    Free Member

    Age and low cunning, trumps youth and exuberance every time.

    Hmm. Assuming yourself to be cleverer than youth, is truly folly. NEVER underestimate your opponent. That is why you also will be eaten. :D

    Free Member

    Oh I do. I’m pissing myself laughing at you.

    That’s, AT you, not WITH you… ;)

    Free Member

    IHN is already engaging Bridges in a structured, reasoned debate.

    Correct. Whereas you…? Let’s be honest; your comment was never intended as a way of engaging in any form of meaningful debate, was it? It was only ever intended as an attempt at an insult. So; I gave it the amount of respect it deserved. IE; **** all.

    So you’re absolutely confident that you’re absolutely right?

    Are you? This is politics, after all… ;)

    Free Member

    No. 3 is (usually) prompted by first choosing No.1.

    More like; ‘this person isn’t going to want to learn something anyway, as they’ve already made their mind up, so there really isn’t much point in wasting time to try to hear what they’ve got to say, as this is an internet forum and I have better things to do with my time, quite frankly’. As you say, any ‘conversation’ was ‘wrecked at the gate’ by the initial comment, so there really wasn’t much point in continuing. Fun to answer back in a condescending manner, though. :D See also the follow up comment by a 3rd party.

    I’m not ‘offended’ by very much at all, these days. Because to be actually offended, might imply some form of weakness in my own stance/view/argument, and as I’m confident there isn’t, I’m actually more pitiful for the other person. Like; if someone is racist, I just feel sorry for them, that life hasn’t afforded them such enlightenment to realise such a position is nonsensical and socially disabling.

    Free Member

    Very helpful, thanks. I’ve not considered the contour lines thing so much, as I’ll have had a good look at a paper map beforehand, so will have some idea of how rugged the terrain might be. And I’m talking about more ‘gentle’ exploring rather than full on wilderness type stuff. But that’s definitely something to consider. So far I’ve done ok with simple google maps and a paper map, but I’ll consider a more in-depth electronic version for future trips, for sure.

    Free Member

    You’ve just responded with the exact same thing

    I didn’t, but I’ll forgive your ignorance too.

    Free Member

    Lol! I almost choked on my Cous Cous…

    Free Member

    Bridges. You’re talking complete nonsense.

    And there we have it. ‘I don’t agree with you therefore you are wrong’.

    What an utterly ignorant and blinkered opinion…

    Free Member

    I think the design by cb200 achieves what you are hoping for, but in a much more elegant and aesthetically pleasing manner. Because the form is much more simplified, and all unnecessary aspects have been removed. And it’s one cohesive unit, not two things stuck together.

    Free Member

    You know that being unwilling to engage in understanding why people might vote the way they do, and instead just lecturing to them that they’re wrong, could be considered blinkered too, right?

    So why are you doing it then?

    And, interestingly, this seems to be a trait amongst those who define themselves to the left of the political spectrum.

    Oh does it now? Ok then. Says the person trying to explain how voting for anyone but the main two parties is ‘wrong’…:D

    Free Member

    Speaking of navigating; I tend to use Google Maps satellite view when exploring*; obviously this isn’t fool proof, as reception can be very patchy especially in more rural areas, but does that work for you, or do you really need to learn stuff as you go along? I’ve had quite a bit of success (luck, perhaps) using this method, but maybe it’s not such a good idea where you are?

    * I will always have paper maps of the local area with me too, if available. Electronics aren’t always reliable…

    Free Member

    Which makes me think that come the apocalypse us over 40s are going to be the only ones that can remember how to actually do anything

    Making ignorant assumptions about just how capable younger people actually are, is why you’d end up as their food….

    Free Member

    If you consider it to be a more pragmatic choice about who will represent you/run the country, then you’ve got to weigh up which candidates stand a chance of winning, and pick the one you like best (or, probably, dislike least).

    Currently, there is no real difference between voting Labour or Tory, as you just get the same wealthy elites ruling you. If you’re ok with that, keep doing the same thing. If you genuinely want something different, then you’ll need to act differently, won’t you?

    I’m in the latter camp, you sound like you’re in the former.

    You sound like you’re blinkered; I’m not.

    Free Member

    Blindly voting for a coloured rosette is the problem which needs fixing.


    Free Member

    However, if you’re a card-carrying-communist living in, say, Macclesfield, a vote for the Communist Party is ‘wasted’.

    It’s only ‘wasted’ in YOUR eyes, not those of the voter. You don’t get to dictate who other people vote for. That’s the point.

    Free Member

    You absolutely have the right to vote for whomever you think most aligns to your personal political views, but a practical view would be that all these votes were wasted, as those parties were never going to return an MP.

    The Greens have an MP in Brighton, the Respect Party had an MP in Tower Hamlets (yes, it was Galloway, and yes, he’s a ****, but Respect still beat the corrupt Blairite incumbent Labour MP), other constituencies have had independent MPs; Islington North currently does. So voting for someone to represent you in Parliament is never a ‘wasted’ vote. Democracy relies on people having freedom to choose to vote for whomever they want. Which is why we need PR, because FPTP is a joke.

    Free Member

    “I could never vote Labour because of the Iraq War”

    I didn’t vote Labour from 2005 to 2017, because of the Iraq + Afghanistan wars, as too many people in the Labour leadership were those who voted for it. I will not vote for a party led by those who think the murder of innocent people is in any way justified. I don’t think that’s unreasonable really.

    Free Member

    I like this. It really helps understand just how language is used, and by whom, to disseminate ‘information’.

    A good read, on how information is used to create a particular narrative, is ‘The Gulf War Did Not Take Place’ by Jean Baudrillard:

    Free Member

    The thing is, If you think that’s true of Blair

    I don’t ‘think’ it; it is true. But you’re right; it’s really just a tiny blip when it comes to Blair’s greater crimes.

    Free Member

    Oops how will lots of insecure people cope?

    Says an insecure person on Social Media…. :D

    Free Member

    I was brought up in a left-leaning, Labour voting home, and voted Labour (in general elections) in ’97 and 2001, but then not again until 2017 and 2019. Mainly because Tony Blair dragged UK politics way over towards the Right, and Labour weren’t a party that represented what I feel would be the best option for the UK, until Corbyn in 2017. I will not now be voting Labour again until there is at least some semblance of a leadership that represents the real needs of the people, rather than greed and exploitation. I have alternatively voted for various left-leaning parties, including Greens, Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist/Leninist), Women’s Party, and others. I feel that people should be able to vote for a party that represents what they feel would be the best option in terms of representation, and am a strong supporter of Proportional Representation, as I feel that’s a lot more genuinely democratic than the shit sandwich we currently have on offer.

    I’m not politically ‘blinkered’ in any way. But then; I’m well educated.

    Free Member

    mirrorless is better for stop motion stuff

    The type of camera is irrelevant; for stop motion, all you need is control of the camera settings (shutter speed, aperture, white balance, ISO rating) so that you can replicate the same ‘scene’ exactly with each shot. And as mentioned, a tripod is essential. And it’s crucial not to knock it, or have even the slightest bit of movement, so that bean bag thing above is pretty useless (fine for single snaps though).

    As for brands; Micro 4/3rds is ok but larger formats are better for low-light photography and ultimate image quality. M4/3 lenses aren’t all that cheap, relatively. The Nikon F mount offers the greatest choice of lenses that you can use (loads of 3rd party options too), Canon’s mount will have plenty of choice, Sony doesn’t have such huge choice though, and Fuji even less. Many mirrorless cameras now can use adapters to take other lens mounts, although functionality may be compromised (AF is often disabled, as are electronic aperture controls etc). And Pentax still use the K-mount, so a huge array of lenses to fit that too. Soem of the newer mirrorless cameras from Nikon and Canon use a new mount system (adapters are available) but then they’re more expensive cameras anyway.

    I will say that MPB … are great. …you can trust the descriptions of the quality, they ship promptly with everything well packed and they will buy it back off you next year

    Hmm. I’ve stopped using MPB, as I’ve had too many items arrive that don’t match their description; equipment obviously below the standard they’ve claimed. The last piece I sent back for having a dirty great fingerprint on the rear element of an expensive lens, which was described as ‘near mint’ (it wasn’t anywhere near that regardless, in my view). And so far, I’ve only had one ‘lemon’ off Ebay, but that was pretty cheap, and I fixed it up and sold it on without loss. But it does help if you know what you’re looking at.

    Free Member

    I knew someone would bite! It’s just too easy..

    If only educating people like you, on how politics really works, was…

    Lifes too short?

    Let’s empty all the prisons then? No? Thought not. Clearly, the lives of others don’t matter to you. The irony is of course, for all your adulation and worship, Blair wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.

    Still, Blair…Everyone’s favourite panto villian, right?

    The man’s a genocidal megalomaniac. With the blood of millions on his hands. If he was the leader of some foreign country you don’t like, you’d be screaming for him to be hung from a lamppost.

    Free Member

    They should also mention that Blair won three elections, that’s what the left really can’t forgive him for.

    Rupert Murdoch won Blair three elections. And I think just one thing that many people really can’t ever forgive Blair for, is the fact he involved the UK in an illegal war, lied to the nation, and helped cause massive genocide and trauma to millions. I’d really like to know why a war criminal like Blair should ever be forgiven…

    “Millionaires with the right accountant pay nothing while pensioners pay VAT on fuel.Offshore trusts get tax relief while homeowners pay VAT on insurance premiums. We will create a tax system that is fair which is related to ability to pay.”

    Tony Blair, 1994.


    Free Member

    Older article, but still more than valid right now:

    It’s unreasonable to expect someone to be able to give informed consent if the state is providing support for them to deceive you. Therefore it is state sponsored rape.

    I agree.

    Free Member

    Using a relationship or otherwise personal information to manipulate someone is not the same as rape. Regardless of the violation of trust the consent is given to the act, not the persons back story. As someone said before, that could have serious implications for every adulterer or Walter Mitty type out there.

    Well, the argument given above, relates to the notion of ‘informed consent’. Which I think is very important. I think everyone has a right to know exactly with whom they are having sex. And beyond that; details of such sexual relationships became information recorded by the state. That, in itself, is extremely disturbing.

    Free Member

    I would suggest:


    Very good advice. I’ve used one, and it’s a cracking camera for the money. More than capable of ‘proper’ photography, without breaking the bank.

    If dead set on DSLR, at that budget, then get a second hand (battered condition – that’s fine) 5d ii

    Not that though. The 5D is a very large, heavy camera compared with something like the Sony, and nowhere near as ‘portable’. Plus it’s the larger full frame format, so lenses will be more expensive and generally larger and heavier.

    This would be far better for a’beginner’:

    I’ve a pretty much new Canon A2000D and EF-S 18-55 V3 lens for sale. It’s got less than 100 actuations, strap, battery and charger. All boxed and warranty not registered…£300 posted.

    What’s the goal here? You’ve said he wants to “move on” but, to what? To do what? Why? Does he want to “start taking pictures” or “learn photography”?

    Fair question. Although there’s a lot of overlap. Photographers who consistently take good pictures, know how to because they’ve learnt the fundamentals; relationship between shutter speed, aperture, light metering, focal length etc. Which is why a camera with such controls being easily accessible, is very important. Many compacts only have ‘manual’ settings hidden away in menus, rather than having dedicated controls to hand. As for DSLR v ‘mirrorless’; a DLSR will at least offer an optical viewfinder, which is much better for composing and seeing just what’s through the actual lens, or a mirrorless camera with an electronic viewfinder will offer a similar experience. In that regard, I’d personally go for that Canon 2000D, over the Sony A6000.

    Free Member

    ^^bridges thanks for the advice, simple answer is because I want to.

    That’s fine. As long as you’re informed as to the facts, and accept that yours is nothing more than subjective opinion.

    If I want advice on what is best (for a given value of best) I would have asked for it. Typical STW, give the answer to a question that wasn’t asked

    I felt it might be helpful to others, perhaps pondering similar. I think it’s useful for people to be properly informed. The title of the thread mentions ‘hi-fi experts’, so, whilst being a very long way from being an ‘expert’, I do have some experience which could possibly be useful to others.

    Stick with the vinyl… Digital is souless compared to vinyl.

    This is meaningless. Saying one form of electronic sound reproduction has ‘soul’, when another does not, is getting towards…

    More utter horsewhit has never been uttered on this forum in the name of good advice.

    just sounds lovely, moves lots of air

    It’s actually speakers that move air. And they do so regardless of their source.

    After a trip to Sevenoaks Sound and Vision, who told me my budget needed to be £1000 and specified me a system that in no way matched my request

    I’d go further and double that (just for the turntable), if you want anything vaguely approaching ‘high fidelity’. I’ve long wondered why some people are acolytes of vinyl, ever since the early 80s, when it was very quickly obvious that CDs offered superior sound reproduction. I have a theory that the more compressed, less dynamic sound produced by vinyl perhaps provides a less challenging listening experience, as you don’t need such good hearing to be able to hear the sound. IE, it’s ‘squashed’ into a more manageable range. And as people get older, their hearing range diminishes anyway, and many people have some form of hearing loss/damage which makes listening to high dynamic range sound, less comfortable. But I’d love to read the opinions of others on this.

    Some interesting reading:

    Free Member

    The undercover police officers didn’t rape anyone though. The women willingly slept with them albeit under false pretences…a bit like many relationships in other words.

    Hmm, the definition of what constitutes ‘rape’ is quite subjective though, in this case:

    “If you put all these things together, you have a team of officers conspiring to rape,” said Rosa – not her real name – who told BBC Wales Investigates she discovered the man she thought was her long-term partner was a paid police spy.
    “They know there was no informed consent.”

    I think the law needs to be strengthened to involve ‘informed consent’. And regardless, even if it wasn’t ‘rape’ as the law currently stands, the fact remains that multiple officers were effectively sanctioned by the state, to use sex as a means of undermining certain (left wing) political groups. That is not what should happen in a functioning democracy.

    Free Member

    My view is, and has been for some time, that the Police are there solely to protect the state.
    Any “protection” it gives to the state’s citizens is incidental, and provided to stop society descending into anarchy, which would threaten the state.
    That’s why there is heavy handed policing of protests, yet women’s safety is not prioritised.


    So much to find profoundly depressing in this thread.

    Starting with the one concerning the wife. Why would she know? How the **** can she be expected to answer “difficult” questions? Obviously she was covering for him. FFS!

    Secondly is all the comments about that should be done to the perpetrator. Yeah, let’s kill him. Now shall we look at who else we should kill? Maybe some degree of corporal punishment? How about doing it in public as a deterrent? The Taliban can probably provide some consultancy here.

    Lastly, and not from here, I am finding the response from the police absolutely pathetic. If you feel threatened by a lone police officer, call and verify his (and it will be a him) identity. Really? Jump on a bus, run away! As others have said, resist arrest and see what happens to you.

    The problem here is toxic masculinity, end of. No ifs, no buts. Until there is a profound shift in male attitude to females then this will not change. Check out social media, women are still being held responsible.

    And this.

    Add to this, the blind eye turned to undercover sexual predators in the police spies scandal, which not only undermines trust in the police but also validates misogyny, as well as undermining Democracy itself. Massive win for all women, thanks to the tireless efforts of Kate Wilson.

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