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    Free Member

    Regarding comments about the driver of the 4×4;I’ve done a quick skim of what I consider to be sexist, misogynist, body-shaming etc type comments on this thread, that really have absolutely no place on a forum that claims inclusivity and clearly states:

    No posts, including links to other sites that are deemed to be of a sexual or distasteful nature, incite racial or sexist behaviour or are in any way discriminatory and/or offensive towards individuals or minority groups.

    Yet, we have:

    silly cow

    Fat cow

    ‘slag antlers’. Love ’em

    self entitled bint

    obnoxious cow

    The creature (typical Chafford Hundred mum)

    cuprinol-tanned, fat-arsed harpies with fake nails, tits and Range Rovers – who would rather burn every hydrocarbon on earth than give up their hair straighteners / facial saunas / patio heaters

    Fat cow

    Bet shes even got ‘Blessed’ written across her arse crack . bit stretched now as she has developed big bone syndrome

    To be fair she was well insulated, in a let’s rethink stretch clothing sort of way.

    chubby chav

    I’m sure there were others that have either been edited or removed, or perhaps I’ve missed some. Any need for any of that? I don’t think so. Such comments, judgment and attitudes simply diminish a person’s own arguments, and add nothing to the debate. Sure; the individual in the video doesn’t appear to be a particularly nice person in that instance, but that doesn’t excuse the abuse levelled at her on here or anywhere. Can we continue without shit like this, please? The forum might be a slightly nicer place if we did.

    Free Member

    Hook, line and sinker. You’ve swallowed all the narrative. If you were talking about the Tory party and their lobby group mates you might have a point.

    What ‘narrative’? It was a valid question. I am 100% sympathetic to the reasons why IB are protesting, just not supportive of their actions. And regarding the right to protest; we have an increasingly nasty government who really don’t want anyone protesting at all, and will try to push all sorts of new legislation to prevent this; oh look, they are.

    All they need, is for public opinion to swing against such protests, and they’ll have their ‘support’. Should we allow such a tiny minority to wilfully cause damage to what rights we have left? That’s a question.

    I believe this to be a load of wheelbarrow content, if you’re moving bull manure from one place to another, in a wheelbarrow.

    Many people were adversely economically affected by XR protests, people who are already on low incomes and cannot afford to lose money or even their jobs. This is a fact. I personally know several people who were affected in such a manner; multiply that across a city the size of London, and you have an awful lot of people affected. So; you might chose to ignore this fact, but that’s your privilege. And that’s the key thing here; privilege. If you can afford to take time off work/give up your job to protest what is truly a vital issue, then more power to you. But if your actions are negatively impacting on people who enjoy less privilege than yourself, then you have to stop and reconsider what you are doing. Because ignoring them just sends the message that they don’t matter, that them losing money/work is inconsequential. Trouble is; who then does all those jobs YOU rely on? Yes. That.

    Even XR themselves thought such tactics were counter-productive:

    Free Member

    In this case supporters of environmental issues are being duped into objecting to protesters because of the inconvenience they cause

    I don’t think anyone is being ‘duped’. Insulate Britain’s actions are just pissing loads of people off, not actually highlighting their cause very effectively. Same as how some XR protests ended up being counter-productive, as I’ve mentioned earlier. Some people will have lost jobs as a result of XR protestors actions; it’s all well and good supporting a ’cause’ from a position of privilege or where you aren’t personally affected, but if you’ve lost your job etc, you aren’t going to be very sympathetic. As before; people have bills to pay, appointments they need to get to. Hindering them in their progress isn’t going to win hearts and minds. So they need to come up with a better solution. I think all such actions will achieve, will be even more clamping down on the right to protest. So we’ll all lose. Should we allow a tiny minority to be allowed to damage all our rights?

    Free Member

    £399 for a £29 AirTag wrapped in a bit of leather?ès-luggage-tag-gold

    I wonder if you get a discount for four…?

    Free Member

    That video isn’t very good; it’s full of waffle and doesn’t cover anything found in much shorter, better videos.

    All of mine are currently in storage including a couple of dozen Ashley Iles, my favourites. I’m dreading discovering the rust has got to them

    A bit of wire wool and some oil/WD40 etc, and they’ll be fine. I’ve seen chisels that haven’t been used in over 100 years, brought back to perfect working condition.

    OP – I think you might need to open a new thread with a sharper title.

    One might say; they need to hone their titling skills.

    Free Member

    when you start doing something that pisses pepole off and gets into the news, and other people read it and sympathise with the motorists instead of the protesters, you’re just wasting your time and possibly even setting your cause back, which is the opposite of what we need.

    Exactly. And this discussion is mainly about the nature of the protests, not the reasons for them, which kind of highlights their failure to communicate their message as effectively as possible.

    I have zero sympathy whatsoever for the daft prick sitting in front of the car.

    But ‘daft pricks’ like that are kind of the reason why you enjoy many rights within our society. Such as free speech…

    Free Member

    Genuine question – how else are they meant to get heard? Polite protest outside downing street (300m away) will not even be reported.

    Sure, but the current tactics are only angering the kind of people you’d need to be winning over, and turning public opinion against you. So that’s not working very well, is it?

    Free Member

    Seems to have become very much a class thing, this enviro-protesting. The more ‘hardcore’ activists seem to be mostly white, middle class people who obviously don’t have to be at work etc. The XR mob who disrupted Tube services just enraged everyone who was just trying to get to work to pay the bills to survive. As just one example; a friend was en route to a court hearing for a very vulnerable kid, which then had to be delayed as he couldn’t attend, which affected not only that child, but several others involved, and cost many thousands of pounds of largely taxpayers’ money. Multiply such things by hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands etc, and it has a very negative impact on all of society. And does nothing to win people over. Previously sympathetic people have now been turned off by XR etc, so it’s been a largely negative campaign. Lose-lose. It’s only those in a position of some privilege, who can ‘protest’ in such a manner. Not that many can afford to take such an amount of time ff work, or the expensive lawyers needed. And didn’t one of the XR founders fly to Mexico for a yoga retreat or something? Right.

    That doesn’t excuse the assaults that we’re seeing by irate people who’ve been delayed. I love how the aggressive actions of the bloke pulling protestors out of the road, are utterly futile, as they keep shuffling back into position. :D As for the Range Rover woman; proof if it were even needed, that many shouldn’t be driving cars anyway. 2 types of self-entitlement going on their, but she’s by far the worst.

    Somewhere in the middle, there is a better solution. But this type of shit just ain’t working.

    Free Member

    Takes a horror of a time to hand sharpen.

    How many different grit stones are you using? I go for about 400 for the rough grind, then 1000 and 6000 dual-sided whetstone. Mirror polished edge, easily sharp enough to shave with. I know some people like to go up in much smaller increments, but I’ve never had an issue with my system. I use the excellent Veritas Mk2 honing guide (much better than the traditional Stanley pattern guide, in my experience), which has the adjustment wheel to put a secondary bevel on the edge, but I only give that a few strokes, just enough to barely be able to see it. Sharpen after each session, so only requires a few minutes per blade. Plus stones don’t get too hollowed out; a quick rub with a lapping stone under running water, and they’re perfectly flat again. Little, but often.

    Free Member

    Almost as bad as the £5.5k monitor which, as far as I can tell, comes with neither a stand nor a mount 😀

    :D Seen the quality of that thing though? Amazing. Probably about £2000 more than it should be mind, compared to similar type products. And yes; the stand is a joke. As are the little wheels for the Mac Pro. £699 for a set of castors.

    yeah they are funky. But the old colours have been available with decent discounts for a while – paid £69 each for the last few I got!

    Mind if I ask from where? I do think £89 is still a good price for such a quality product though; no similarly sized speaker comes close for sound quality in my opinion. Apple may make some insanely expensive products, but most stuff really is that bit better than the competition. The original HomePod is way better than anything Sonos etc make. Be interesting to see the performance of the new M1 Pro and Max MacBook Pro machines.

    Free Member

    Lol! Ridiculous. But at least it’s cheaper than the therapy needed after trying to use Windows… ;)

    I do like the new HomePod Mini colours though. And £10 cheaper now.


    Free Member

    So a couple of months in, and the new iMac is chugging away, no major issues with anything. Fusion 360 has hung a couple of times, but that’s down to the software not being updated for the M1 machines. I expect that will be sorted pretty soon. Adobe etc software running perfectly. Absolutely no issues whatsoever with the amount of RAM; I’m not a ‘power user’, but I can still have plenty of apps open at once, and there doesn’t appear to be any strain on system resources at all. Fans have only kicked in a few times, for heavy 4k video work, and multiple photo processing type stuff. And even then, they are pretty quiet. The machine is almost completely silent the rest of the time; you have to put your ear to the bottom of the machine, to actually hear anything at all. It’s only ever slightly warm, never hot. Having a separate power supply helps massively with this, as it does with size and weight. Plus it removes a potentially failure vulnerable component from the main unit, thus making it even more reliable.

    Video calls conferencing are much improved, for others at least, as many people have commented on how clear my video quality is, and how good the sound is. The built in speakers are actually good enough to enjoy quiet music; I really thought I’d be adding external speakers, but there’s really no point. For any extra volume, I just switch to Homepods and Airplay on the Hi-Fi.

    I specced the Trackpad as well as KB+M; the mouse was basically a waste of money as I’ve only used the Trackpad since I got it. Plus I’ve actually got a new unused Apple mouse that I’d forgotten about anyway! Doh. Trackpad is a revelation; anyone considering one of these machines, just get one, you won’t regret it. Touch ID button is another revelation; purchases with PayPal, Apple Pay etc are just that much quicker and easier; you just click the button rather than typing in login info. My iPhone has facial recognition, but I don’t want that on a desktop computer.

    What else; nothing major really- it’s a Mac, so works well anyway. Much faster than my old machine, which was getting on a fair bit. The display is obviously on another level; I don’t think you can buy any separate display as good as this, without spending a lot of money. So for my needs at least, an iMac is a better value for money option than a MacMini.

    Criticisms: not many, but more ports at the back would be helpful. I’m using a USB-A dock thing to use older USB accessories, but just 4 USB-C/Thunderbolt ports is perhaps a bit stingy; 6 would be much better (the lower spec machine has just two ports, that’s really not great. Display stand is not height adjustable; doesn’t bother me, but might be an issue for others. There is a vesa mount version available to order though. A removable desk stand would aid transportation; it’s such a slim, light unit, that transporting it anywhere is barely more hassle than taking a laptop somewhere, so having a removable stand would make that easier still.

    In short; I’m more than happy with it. The size is just perfect for me, so I’m not at all bothered about the rumoured larger versions coming out next year. Apple have made the perfect desktop computer for me.

    Free Member

    The Apple and B&W ‘phones, despite having a cable facility, don’t work with a cable if the battery goes!

    Do they not? I thought it was just the ANC that was disabled, as the cable provides sufficient signal to drive the actual speaker units?

    Ah; it seems the Apple headphones only have a Lightning connector, not 3.5mm jack. My B+O headphones have a 3.5mm jack, so work fine without using any power.

    Anyway; those are all pretty expensive headphones, not what the OP asked for…

    Free Member

    Same here. Woodworking tools are far more interesting than bicycles…

    I’ve always sharpened mine on a bench grinder (the horror).

    Anything better and quick to sharpen them?

    A bench grinder is probably fine for ‘rough’ work, as long as you have a good sharpening technique and use the right angle. The speed of a motorised grinder can create too much heat for the edge of the blade though, causing bluing of the steel, which makes it brittle. So not very good for fine woodworking, where as already mentioned, a whetstone or diamond stone system is far better to get a proper even razor sharp edge. Especially important on hard woods, and for accuracy of cut. I’d only ever use a grinder to reshape a completely wrecked chisel edge, say on an old neglected tool. My own chisels never require such brutal treatment though, because I look after them. Coarse diamond stone to take out any little nicks and burrs, then onto a 1000/6000 grit whetstone, for that razor sharp, mirror polished edge. Strop on a bit of old thick leather hide, to remove any ‘hair’ burrs form the edge. And sharpened little, but often. Keep your stones flat with a coarser lapping stone. I just spray water with a bit of washing up liquid in it, on the stone, as I work. Yes, takes longer, but gives a much, much better cutting edge.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    There’s none so blind…

    Free Member

    Claiming she was singing with Gove when in fact she was at a sone kind party with load of other journos is intended to mislead to the point where it’s a lie.

    Except that the only person making such a claim, is Dominic Penna, who as far as I know, isn’t on this forum. So perhaps it’s better to direct your ire at him, rather than making false accusations against us.

    And maybe just step away and occupy yourself with something more positive instead. Because this is unedifying.

    Free Member

    I wonder if this thread has worked out the way the OP anticipated?

    Free Member

    You’re part of a mob telling lies about her.

    Oh dear. All we’ve done is posted up info from the internet, verifiable facts, and now we’re ‘part of a mob telling lies about her’?

    You should take up long jumping as a sport, Donnie.

    Free Member

    Given that you consistently single out the only political editor with a vagina, I’ll draw my own conclusion.

    YOU’RE the one making an issue of her sex. To me, it’s irrelevant.

    Well she was talking about the parties she attended at the Labour Conference on Newscast. Pretty sure she mentioned the Mirror Party.

    Ok so let’s see the evidence then. Still won’t remove the fact she’s a tory stooge though.

    Oh cool more ad homs and an implication of mental illness. You must have a really strong argument.

    It’s not going well for them, is it? :(

    Free Member

    Are you the chief political editor of the supposedly impartial national broadcaster?

    And that’s the crux of it; if you are supposed to be ‘impartial’, then cavorting with senior tory figures isn’t a very good look, is it? If anyone can provide evidence of her doing similar with other political parties/groups, then it would be good for balance here, surely?

    Mleh, you’re the one who constantly singles her out, not me. Perhaps you need to examine your own motives at bit more closely?

    Classic tactic of attempting to divert attention by making unfounded/false accusations and insinuations. If you have any proof of this ‘sexism’, then again, let’s see it.

    Free Member

    “Two pin DIN plug”


    I’ve got to lie down now. Genius.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Being a private landlord, providing a valuable service which people need does not automatically make someone a ‘bad person’ nor ban them from being allowed to have left wing views. Automatically assuming they are right wing just shows blinkered thinking.

    Er, care to point out where that’s actually happened?

    Can’t recall who it was but someone posted something about “there’s none so blind…” maybe that was what they meant by it?

    Just going to bask in the wonderful, beautiful irony of this… :D

    Free Member

    Wait, what’s this? :D

    Free Member

    Mleh, I couldn’t care less

    Really? :D

    but seems to me there’s other things going on that mark her out to you as deserving as a special target

    In your head. That’s all.

    Free Member

    So if the charge is being blinkered…you’re as guilty as everyone.

    You’d like that. Sadly for you, it’s not true. In your own words:

    actually only one and perhaps two at most show any sort of bias at all

    Even if it were only one or two, any bias is still against BBC guidelines. As a public funded state broadcaster, they have to be impartial, otherwise it’s just a propaganda machine. So you admit that at least one or two charges stick. IE; Keunssberg/BBC are biased. As for Nick Robinson; goes without saying he’s biased, but he’s not the current BBC political Editor. Keunssberg is. She’s biased and you know it.

    Free Member

    Mac Mini.

    Free Member

    Sure that’s a valid example, but you’ve got to weigh it against another story that suggests she shouldn’t meet actual politicians, So of a list of 5/6 “so called” bias, actually only one and perhaps two at most show any sort of bias at all

    To you. As I said earlier; there’s none so blind…

    Free Member

    Brilliant. Currently in first place for me, just above the Don Logan one.

    Someone’s got their panty-girdle in a twist…

    Free Member

    I’d be in the shop and I’d make them wish they’d never been born.

    Ah, the internet.

    Free Member

    My 2p (TV camera guy)….

    This is not good advice for someone wanting to start with photography and animation. Quite the opposite in fact. Best ignored.

    At this stage, the most important thing is to learn the basics of photography, and using light. A simple, cheap second hand DSLR will be perfect for this. For learning animation, it really is about doing, trial and error. And watching loads of animation films; so many on YT etc. I would highly recommend Jan Svankmeyer’s ‘Alice’, as an example of just how well simple ideas can work.

    The full film is also available on YT. Svankmeyer is brilliant.


    Free Member

    What is actually wrong with this?

    What about students who need somewhere for a year, or trainee doctors who get rotated around hospitals etc, where do they live if not rented accomodation?

    So; why not have social/keyworker housing, state owned, with revenues going directly into the public purse rather than private pockets? When such existed, housing was far more genuinely affordable. It’s rental properties only being in private hands, that exacerbates the issue.

    A successful economy needs a functioning rental market.

    The UK economy was ‘successful’ when there was plenty of social etc housing.

    Free Member

    It’s really weird to hear people defend LK

    It’s not really; people need to trust in institutions such as the BBC, so whenever there is any suggestion it’s less than impartial, they feel a need to defend it. Overlooking any failings, is common.

    Which means what exactly?

    See above.

    Another tactic is to attempt to discredit/dismiss any ‘dissent’, et voila:

    Sure, but from the question of “if you’ve got evidence, throw it up” and the response it a series of non-stories

    Free Member

    There’s none so blind, as those who won’t see…

    Free Member

    well off successful people are more likely to vote Tory

    Are they?

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure my in-laws are tory voters (at least some of the time). They don’t fit the “mould” I would normally stereotype tories to be. They grew up working class, left school at 15, worked in heavy industry, my FIL was a shop steward for several years, they still live in a former mining town. BUT they’ve done well considering that background – bought their council house and sold it, early retirement on final salary pension as part of job reductions in the 90s, children have both gone to university and now own houses and have good jobs. Tory policies delivered social mobility for them. They believe if you work hard you will be rewarded like they were.

    Se; this is pretty easy to dissect, in terms of why they might think the tories are good for them. First off, and I appreciate this is contentious because it sounds quite demeaning without clear context; leaving school at 15, would not have really given them a particularly good education as young adults, in the way university/adult training would have (there is a clear correlation between voting patterns and educational attainment levels), so perhaps not a particularly well rounded and informed view of the world, including politics. Secondly; they have achieved ‘in spite of’ their backgrounds, quite probably through luck and possibly good judgment, rather than hard work on it’s own. Right to buy was of course originally a Labour policy idea, stolen by the tories then disastrously implemented (here, they’ve enjoyed the ‘luck’ of being able to actually have a council house in the first place, and being able to buy at much lower relative values than today). That they cannot see through all that, and appreciate their own good fortune, shows how ‘blinkered’ they are, if they truly believe voting tory brings such rewards.

    Free Member

    Also registering interest, but specifically for use on an M1 Mac. I haven’t yet looked into it all, but I’m wondering if it’s fully compatible, as some software isn’t optimised for M1 Macs yet.

    Free Member

    I used to shoplift as a kid (mainly for dares). My mother thought butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth. I was the angelic blond-haired kid. Just saying.

    Conversely, my mum always suspected I was ‘up to no good’, so I was up against it from day one. I just got very, very good, at being very, very deceitful. She really didn’t have a clue. She still thinks I’m up to no good even now. I’m always one step ahead of her…

    Free Member

    And the name?

    Liara isn’t too concerned with the truth, so why should we be?

    just posting a picture like that could be considered the same without an explanation of the context in which it was taken.

    Sure, but it’s very ‘informal’, and just looks like they’re having a private chat, which could imply they have a closer relationship than is healthy for an employee of a supposedly ‘impartial’ state broadcaster. You won’t see similar pics of her with other politicians. And what’s that about Turkey’s ‘gold palaces’? Does she not know about this woman, she has a gold carriage ffs:


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