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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • bridges
    Free Member

    Done with your trolling.

    Hearts and minds, right there. Winning.

    Have a lovely weekend, everyone.

    Free Member

    I loved the darkness of 2000AD; they used to have some cracking themes and ideas of a dystopian future. 21st century reality is far more mundane and boring.


    Anyone know where full stories can be found? Is there an archive available? I’d love to read through some of those.

    Free Member

    Ah yes, successful troll is successful 👏

    Troll? Nah; I’m just amused by how wound up you got by an imagined slight.

    I’ve got nothing against fine quality things; I enjoy hand-made chocolates from a local artisan chocolate place, which are VERY expensive. It’s an occasional treat. I was just responding to the Emperor’s New Clothes marketing guff spouted by some brands. Because that’s what this thread is actually about…

    People trying to prove their supposed salt of-the-earth working-class credentials by pretending they love shite stuff is just another form of snobbery anyway. 😉

    You’re mistaking me with someone else… ;)

    Spam from bridges and that’s probably what he’s happy eating. 😀

    I developed an aversion for that disgusting muck very early in life, in the 1970s. It’s only organic, hand-fed and daily massaged free range pork for me these days…

    Free Member

    Quite possibly the silliest thing you’ve ever said on here.

    No I’m sure I’ve said sillier things.

    You do realise don’t you that GM is probably one of the most vocal anti-capitalist campaigners out there? He’s on your side of whatever class war you think you’re fighting yet you don’t seem to realise it.

    I’m not actually against George Monbiot for what he’s written, I’m simply critical of his involvement with a group which thought it ok to impede ordinary people getting to work etc. That organisation has since rowed back on the use of such actions, so I don’t really have much beef with him. Wind your neck in.

    Free Member

    Most folk won’t have the luxury of voluntarily making positive changes to their lifestyles pretty soon.

    So tell that to the people who mined the raw materials that went into making the electronic device you posted that comment from. See how far you get.

    @bridges – if you can’t see that our intertwined global crises of mass extinction events, global heating and other devastating environmental crises – crises in critical systems we *all* rely on to live – are bigger in scope than votes for women in Blighty in 1903 and the emancipation of black people in a single country then I’m more happy to dismiss you as thick.

    Se; I’d always thought that those two movements had had a huge, global impact, far beyond mere national borders. And have had a lasting legacy with International Women’s Rights movements, and anti-racism movements globally. But what do I know eh; I’m just a bit fick… ;)

    You’re not going to come round. Ever.

    I might have, had you not been nasty to me. :'(

    It’s clear you don’t understand the criticality of the issues in front of the human race.

    No it’s cos I is fick, innit?

    Because, clearly, you are.

    See? You even said so yourself! So it must be true.

    The time for “winning hearts and minds” – is over. It’s time for action.

    How you gonna do that then, big pants? By insulting and abusing people from behind a keyboard? :D

    Free Member

    Definitely a hypocrite then. Let’s not listen to him. Or anyone. Heads down, in the sand, lazily labelling anyone trying to inform us of, and persuade politicians to facilitate, the changes needed, as hypocrites. Let it all burn down.

    Once again (it’s a regular occurrence..) you miss the point…

    Monbiot himself has admitted his own hypocrisy. He enjoys an enviable lifestyle because of the wealth and privilege he was born into. He knows this. Which is why being part of a movement that prevents ordinary people getting to work etc, is an abuse of that privilege. For all his good works, Monbiot, like all of us, has to take a look at himself, and understand the world doesn’t revolve around HIM. That’s the principle failing of XR and IB; they really don’t understand that most folk simply don’t have the luxury of being able to care sufficiently in order to make major changes to their lifestyles. If XR/IB etc want people to insulate their homes better, they need to come up with a better plan than one which may well actually cost people needlessly. Because most people can’t afford to take time off work to indulge a bunch of privileged narcissists.

    Free Member

    George Monbiot has done more than his fair share of flying round the planet…

    Free Member

    But if they start being more law-abiding and less obstructive to ordinary people just going about their lawful business, who will we have to hate now? Will it be immigrants again? I’m bored with hating immigrants. Most of them are very nice. :(

    Free Member

    When I die I want my remains to be spread over the South Downs. I don’t want to be cremated though.


    Free Member

    Ask for a written quote with a specification of what work & materials are included for both contractors. Then compare the two prices. It’s not questioning their integrity and everything is above board.

    This. And get at least one more quote. And even though it might seem that some quotes include work another doesn’t, that might just mean the other firm have missed something that might need doing. The best way is to get up on the roof itself, and have the roofers go through what works need doing, let them show you why.

    Apparently the £3K quotes were for felt when it actually needs zinc.

    Zinc and felt are materials used for very different reasons on a roof. They do different jobs. This is why you need to get up there and have them explain it to you.

    And btw; £3-5k for fixing a roof is small change…

    Well 3 weeks on and all local builders now seem too busy to get a quote, and neighbours builder can fit us in soon, or not for some months thereafter.

    If it’s not urgent, then hold off until the spring. This is not a good time of year to be having works done to your roof…

    Free Member

    But… you are the resurrection?

    Free Member

    Are you up for people being attacked in the street for parking across double yellows while buying their fish and chips?

    Death penalty.

    Free Member

    They can hardly complain about people resorting to direct action against them when they are breaking the law themselves.

    Exactly. At least someone understood my point.

    Thanks for the insight.

    No; thank you.

    Free Member

    We own a small graveyard

    Wait; what?

    How does anyone get to ‘own’ a graveyard? I mean, did you buy it? Was it land attached to a property you bought?


    I want a graveyard… :(

    Free Member

    how many is many?

    Many. Cloud storage would cost me several hundred pounds a year. For that, I can easily buy a few suitably large HDDs and stick them in my NAS. My current solution doesn’t cost me on a monthly basis. A decent NAS and a set of HDDs lasts for years. Cloud storage isn’t yet economical for my needs.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Our combined man-made biodiversity crisis (mass extinction event), global heating and trashing of the natural world – upon which our very lives rely – is *more* urgent than votes for girls or black emancipation in South Africa.

    Wow. ‘Our cause is sooo much more important than your cause and we’re soo much more important than you!’ Way to go. Because that’s going to be a winning strategy…

    Insulate Britain / Extinction Rebellion *know* that they’re going to be unpopular with an idiot public who are so poorly educated they can’t comprehend the consequences of running our society in the way we do.

    ‘We’re so much more intelligent than you thick plebs so listen to us!’

    Another winning strategy. Woohoo!

    Expect direct action to escalate – we’re going to go from peaceful protest – which is what this is – to violent action in the coming years

    That simply validates violent counter-action. sp; it’ll be ok for members of the public to attack IUB protestors then; if I consider that MY need to get to work etc is of greater importance than your protest, then it’s fine for me to use force to get you out of my way. You’ve just validated that.

    Tyranny of the masses.

    So you’re against democracy? Ok then. Expect kickback from ‘pro-democracy’ protestors…

    Thanks to all those who have demonstrated so perfectly here, the sheer brilliance of the tactics of IB/XR in achieving necessary change in society. It’s so good for us to have you help enlighten us all, and lead us out of the darkness…

    *Lights bonfire. Throws some XR placards on for fuel*

    Free Member

    You speak on behalf of the public?

    No, but it’s pretty clear the majority of people now oppose the actions of IB, even if they agree with the sentiments. Ignore the majority at your peril…

    Free Member

    We’ve Christianity (how will you be resurrected if you don’t exist anymore) to thank for burials becoming a thing

    I think the opposition to cremation somewhat predates Christianity…

    Free Member

    Glad I’ve chosen cremation

    +1. Cremation should be mandatory. Or; because cremation would cause more pollution, how about maceration and composting?

    I think I’d quite like my ashes to be mixed into some concrete or something, so that my physical remains could then end up being part of a nice building somewhere. Or perhaps a motorway flyover.

    Free Member

    Jeez what a bunch of Philistines and reactionaries we have on here.

    …And bingo; there’s the snobbery and elitism. ‘If you can’t tell the difference you’re just an ignorant pleb’.

    This is why hipsters ruin everything.

    Free Member

    Plugging a drive into a laptop is a pain

    In what way?

    I use various external drives for backup and file storage, plus a NAS that acts as a media server. I need many terrabytes of storage, so cloud services are currently a little more expensive than I’m willing to pay. I am considering cloud storage for the really important stuff I can’t afford to lose, though.

    Free Member

    The only thing more artisanal that cave aged cheese is artesian cheese.


    Nobody else? Just me?

    Taste is such a subjective thing…

    Free Member

    As the creator of multiple award winning cave aged and clothbound mature cheeses, I can categorically state theres a difference and its not just marketing guff.

    Lol! To me, and I suspect most folk out there, it’s 100% marketing guff. It’s like wine; so much pretentious **** over fermented grape juice. You either like it or you don’t. I’ve had proper expensive wine that’s tasted rank, and a £5 bottle from LiDL, that was fantastic. That’s why I don’t swallow all this artisanal bollocks. It’s all about snobbery and elitism, at the end of the day. Cave aged my arse! :D

    Free Member

    What do we want?

    Viglantes taking out protestors!

    Nope. But if a small group of individuals choose to prevent hundreds, thousands or more from being able to get to work, school, medical appointments etc, then ‘democracy’ means those protestors need to move aside, and reasonable force is justified in making them do so. I don’t condone any violence or abuse against legitimate protestors, or indeed anyone who simply wants to protest an issue, but if the consensus if that these kind of protests just causes unnecessary grief for ordinary people, then those protestors need to listen to the opinions of the majority, and stop being selfish ****, regardless of their cause.

    Those that excuse the government banning legitimate protest are nothing more than apologists throwing rights out with the bath water.

    What utter nonsense. For a start, these aren’t ‘legitimate’ protests anyway; preventing people from exercising freedom to go wherever they want/need to, when your real target for attention is the government, is just **** stupid. Because it has a massively negative impact on all of society. Indeed, it’s ridiculous accusations such as this, which turn me away from the protestors even more. Every day, they are losing mine and the public’s support. So time they stood back and thought about what they’re doing. Cos it’s not working.

    *Turns heating up even more. Opens window to get some fresh air*

    Free Member

    The only thing that’ll happen as a result of their actions is restrictions on the sale of superglue.

    I fully expect new laws to be introduced, which classify ‘obstructing the highway’ as a terrorist offence, thus carrying far more severe penalties. Because currently, even repeat offenders can only get very limited jail time at least. I’m totally against such a thing happening, which is why I feel protestors need to be made aware of the potential consequences of their actions. If such behaviour could lead to even greater restrictions on our freedoms, then it creates a whole new moral argument against such actions. If the egos of those involved don’t allow them to see their social responsibilities clearly, then they makes themselves targets for counter-action, which may well be morally just as justifiable as their own. Without condoning violence and abuse against protestors, there is at least a growing moral argument for action against them by other members of the public, who have exactly the same rights as the protestors.

    Free Member

    A sort of off-white/beige?

    Free Member

    20 is too warm for me as (shock horror) I ride a bike in all weathers most days and I run warm as a result.

    I do the same, yet still want my home to be comfortable, which is around 21.5ºC. Perhaps you have high blood pressure?

    Free Member

    This is supposedly a mostly lef/soft-left/liberal place


    Free Member

    Homemade 6X Gold beer battered fish goujons, baby gem and tartare sauce

    Admittedly it was a good fish ginger sarny, but a fish finger sarny still

    ‘Fish fingers’ is a marketing term for goujons.

    Free Member

    Dreadful bit of jingoistic US propaganda, but as a kid, I loved it. Even read the novels. Craig something or other? Couldn’t watch it now though, as it’s a dreadful bit of jingoistic US propaganda.

    Free Member

    There’s no such thing as a ‘Sea Bass’, it’s a bass.

    How low can you go?…

    Deserves recognition.

    Free Member

    Pertinent to this forum; ‘Aerospace Grade Aluminium’. I’ve seen this on bikes/marketing guff since forever. It’s complete bollocks, as the exact same type of alloys are used for all sorts of purposes. The’Aerospace’ industries use a vast array of materials for the construction of aircraft, including wool, Brass, rubber and wood. Imagine; ‘Aerospace Grade Wool’. For **** sake.

    ‘Designed in the UK/USA’; still made in a factory in China with terrible working conditions though…

    Free Member

    Although ironically he appears to have much sympathy for the hard-right which is currently in control of the Labour Party and is using Stalinist tactics of purges, expulsions, and political intolerance, to consolidate its grip on the party.


    Free Member

    And ignorance, obviously.

    Free Member

    Armrest? That seemed to upset some people.

    Free Member

    Dunno about it ever being sexy but I think I know what you’re getting at. MTB was just a simpler, newer thing back then. It got more nerdy and techy – I think the product interest was always there but you can get deeper into the geekery now.

    By ‘sexy’, I mean it was very popular with younger people, and had a much ‘cooler’ image. A mountain bike was THE thing to have for a while, back then. A Muddy Fox with the MF logo wheel discs was the pinnacle of cool. But MTBing is now seen mainly as a sport enjoyed by middle aged men who like to dress up in ‘rugged’ gear at weekends. It’s definitely no longer ‘cool’. And I think this has a lot to do with that ‘compartmentalisation’ of the sport; back in the day, all you needed was a mountain bike and you could go anywhere. Now, it’s much more about dedicated trail centres, or Alpine resorts, rather than just riding wherever you want. The cool kids are all on fixies, vintage racers, e-bikes and scooters now. MTBs are ‘over’.

    Free Member

    Yep, every single man, woman, child and pet.
    Obviously as I was discussing drugs trafficking I meant Turkish drugs traffickers.

    You said ‘Turks’, you didn’t clarify exactly who you meant.

    I’m actually wondering why you’ve even mentioned all this, on a thread about food. You could have simply said how much you’d enjoyed Turkish food when working in that area, you didn’t need to go into details.

    Free Member

    21.5ºC, in London. Heating hasn’t come on all that much yet, mornings and evenings mainly. Our flat is fairly well insulated despite being old, and a lack of underfloor insulation means we get our neighbour’s heat as well! Saves on bills. :D

    Free Member

    Will Murdoch choose Starmer, or stick with Boris/the tories?

    Because that’s how it really goes.

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