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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • bridges
    Free Member

    Not famous, but see ‘Man Down’. :D

    Free Member

    For lols?

    Free Member

    By taking political action. It’s literally the only option if our elected representatives fail to do what is in their constituents interests. But you’ve already declared yourself opposed to that.

    I haven’t. You’ve just decided that I have, based on an imagined narrative. I’m all for proper effective action; I’ve been involved in a bit myself. But the action needs to be proportionate and relevant to the issues. Glueing yourself to a road because insulation, is just utterly **** stupid.

    Re hemp – stoners like to go on about it

    Yes, only ‘stoners’. Enlightened.

    Free Member

    Doesn’t matter.
    Doesn’t matter.

    What a fantastic argument.

    “The government is exploring plans to link mortgages to green home improvements by imposing targets for lenders, to help decarbonise the UK’s ageing and leaky housing stock.”

    The problem with not reading an article properly, before posting it to support your own argument, is that you miss really important points such as:

    “The government is exploring plans”

    Which even an idiot would concede, is a very, very long way from ‘the government is acting on demands by a bunch of people who glued their hands to roads’. And contains problems such as:

    “However, there are concerns that discouraging banks from having less energy efficient homes on their mortgage books would risk disadvantaging poorer customers, who could struggle to improve their property’s rating”

    Still; if IB ‘protestors’ did the labour for free, that could help a bit, I suppose.

    Free Member

    It does. That’s live edge done properly. Creates just the right contrast between the ‘industrial’ and the organic. The man-made and nature. Nice.

    But for Christ’s sake; fix that **** wonky switch!!! Jesus **** wept…

    Hand plane it 😆 Get that real feel for working timber to the correct dimension and finish.

    Heh! Thing is; if you’re experienced with a plane, you could achieve just as good a finish as a planer/thicknesser, without needing a planer/thicknesser. Perhaps 5-10 years practice hand-planing wood, should see you right. ;)

    Free Member

    I think the benefits of effective home insulation were known long before IB came along. And I doubt most folk have given IB more thought than ‘what a bunch of selfish idiots’ really. The government isn’t talking about their issues or announcing some nationwide scheme to fit insulation to all homes. The only real debate is about how much disruption they’ve caused.

    Free Member

    Actually; IB’ve got a much better idea than jail; why not get all IB ‘protestors’, and make them do a ‘Community Service’ type thing where they fit insulation to people’s houses? That would be a fantastic solution! People with plenty of time on their hands = free labour! That way, their efforts would actually be meaningful.

    Free Member

    Like IB are, I agree.

    Please; do explain just how ‘effective’ IB are? Once they’re all in jail, then what?

    Free Member

    Remember “There’s no need to make this personal, not at all”?

    Perhaps shutting down your computer would save a bit more energy too. And save you from embarrassing hypocrisy.

    Free Member

    Bridges you are coming across the angry one here and I think you really are killing the debate and dragging the thread into obscurity, so I think you should sit down for a bit.


    Shall I glue my hands to a road?

    I think we can agree that a lot needs to be done, and the consensus seems to be that individual action isn’t enough – it needs government or international action, which is affected by public opinion. And that in turn is influenced by individuals like Thunberg, Attenborough and possibly even Monbiot.

    Far too simplistic. The key to power resides with massive corporations and big business, who will only do what is in their own selfish interests (so, much like the rest of humanity, really). Such organisations operate beyond the effective reach of governmental control, and have the power to effectively lobby in their own interests. To solve the problem, you have to get to the root of it, which means restricting and removing such powers. Yes, this needs to come from governments, but only if they all work together; no good having laws in one country which don’t exist in another; that just shifts the problem elsewhere, it doesn’t deal with it. And the problem with governments, is that they are elected by society. So it’s pointless imagining governments as some independent power that will solve everything; WE need to work together to solve problems. And if our governments are ineffectual, then we as a society need to take action to rectify that problem. The real question is; how can we achieve that?

    Free Member

    How about you just tell us

    How about you just chill out and stop making up fictitious narratives in your own head, in order to try and ‘win’? Then, I might be better disposed towards entering into sensible discussion with you.

    And yet you say you’re a fan of Thunberg, who by any description probably fits your idea of someone who is exactly like the people you seem to despise.

    And there you go again with that fictitious narrative.

    Free Member

    It really isn’t. Because there’s no-one going round looking for someone to take the bicycle.

    Another one missing the point entirely…

    Yes, but what I’m saying is that is absolutely 100% pie in the sky, and that’s never ever going to happen. You can’t convince everyone. That’s why it needs government action – you have to convince far fewer people to get the same result.

    So; the government are independent of society then?

    There’s no need to make this personal, not at all, which is why I won’t even respond with what I plan to do about it.

    Wasn’t intended as such. I suspect similar criticism could apply to pretty much anyone really, including myself. We make choices based on what suits our own needs best. Such is human nature.

    And I’d point out that by dragging this into a personal slanging match, you risk ruining the thread and having everyone walk away from what should be a positive discussion on an important topic

    Lol! You can’t even see your own hypocrisy here!

    No, she’s great, it’d be much better if we didn’t hear shitty comments from you. The difference between you and her is that she’s campaigning to make the world a better place and you’re just posting nasty shit on the internet.

    Free Member

    Oh look; they’ve changed their tactics because they realised how **** stupid they were.

    Seems I underestimated their stupidity:

    Question I have to ask, is; what do they do when they need the loo? Soil themselves?

    Free Member

    Well it is a bit awkward yes given all the class war nonsense you post on here

    What ‘class war nonsense’? The rubbish that’s in your own imagination?

    So just to clarify, you don’t think governments can fix this, you don’t think anyone should protest or take direct action, you think the people already cutting their emissions are middle class virtue signallers, and it’s all pointless unless everyone in the world all does the same things at the same time without any action by governments? Is that it?

    Nope. But keep trying. The great thing about that, is that eventually you’ll learn something.

    Might take a while, mind…

    Free Member

    Don’t be stupid, that’s a ludicrous comparison.

    No it’s not. Nobody is forcing you to do that particular job, are they?

    Walking out of any job that has negative environmental implications might be a great way for me to signal virtue but it’s not really feasible, especially as they’d just give it to someone else who wouldn’t complain.

    Which is why we need to work together as a society in order to affect change. If nobody took the job, then the employers would have to rethink. You could take a different job that doesn’t involve flying; I suspect you won’t because you like the level of income your current job provides, and the lifestyle that goes with it. But these are decisions based on choice. Most people on Earth don’t have such choice.

    it needs government societal action.

    especially as they’d just give it to someone else who wouldn’t complain.

    That’s a bit like saying; ‘if I don’t take this unattended bicycle, someone else will, so I might as well take it’.

    Free Member

    It’s all well and good telling us to travel less (for example) but when our boss makes us travel to work or fly somewhere under thread of disciplinary action what the hell are we going to do?

    ‘I was only following orders…’

    Choice. Yours to make.

    Free Member

    There are people out there doing just what you suggest

    They’re not, they’re just

    getting in the way of innocent working people who are just going about their everyday business

    You can’t build consensus on change without pushing the boundaries, and that’s exactly what IB are doing.

    They’re not. They’re just pissing everybody off, and turning most people off their cause. Oh look; they’ve changed their tactics because they realised how **** stupid they were.

    Of course, I think we all know the real problem you have with IB. It’s that they’re middle class types who are probably well enough off that they don’t have to work or in a position where they don’t have to fear losing their jobs. You really need to snap out of your 1970s class war mentality. Climate change is a much bigger issue than class justice, and the solution to it is also the solution to inequality. You just don’t seem to like the fact that it’s not the working class leading the fight to fix it.

    The problem with that imagined scenario is…

    …I’m actually middle class myself.


    Free Member

    No you win; shopping for food or dropping a relative off at a hospital (presumably for medical treatment, to visit a sick/injured person, or for work) truly is a privilege.

    Didn’t you cover critical thinking, or just being critical and dismissed the thinking part

    You know that moment when you thought that would make you seem really clever? That moment has passed.

    Free Member

    Like visiting a supermarket ? or perhaps dropping a relative off at the hospital 😕

    Because they’re exactly the same! Of course! :D

    Free Member

    We can’t? We really can’t? Oh well no point trying then.

    Free Member

    I don’t know why you want to audit my life, as I’ve said the big changes can’t be made by any of us as individuals. As it happens, I haven’t flown for 15 years, and have cut meat down to once a fortnight, despite loving it (and personally liking livestock farming).

    I really couldn’t give a toss whatever virtue signalling you might claim on an internet forum. YOU are the one trying to prove your green credentials. But it’s really not about YOU. It’s about US. So try to stop talking about yourself.

    It takes the action of governments.

    It takes the action of society. WE are society. WE have to change collectively. Why are you still sitting around waiting for governments to do anything? My ice has melted…

    Free Member

    There’s a metro tram that goes yards from my house directly to the airport. I cannot however take my bike on the tram, so while I’d love to be able to use the tram, for the one time I use airplanes a year, I can’t.

    As I said:

    using private transport to be dropped off is a privilege people should be paying for.

    Going on holiday with your bike is a luxury, not a necessity. Why would you be against paying for luxuries? Do you think we should all subsidise your holidays?

    Talk about self-entitled…

    Free Member

    And there you go… shifting our energy consumption can’t be achieved personally. As it happens, despite being irrelevant, I use the car once a month, have done the insulation we can in this house, ripped out the gas hobs, and use the gas central heating as little as possible.

    Like I said; token efforts. It requires a much larger commitment than simple changes like that, which probably don’t impact on your actual comfort and convenience much if at all. If we ALL make such changes, then yes, that can make a (small) difference, but it’s all the stuff people, including yourself, aren’t admitting, such as number of holidays per year, or length/type of car journey, what temp you have your thermo set at, etc etc. You could have made all those changes yet still consume more energy/create more pollution than someone else.

    It’s things like not having a car at all, not making those ultimately unnecessary journeys (you really don’t need to go to IKEA for more flat pack furniture or some tealights, you really don’t), having your own energy generation, living in a smaller home, living closer to work, not buying new stuff likebikes on a regular basis, fixing things, etc etc. And:

    it’s over consumption by the wealthy in the developed world that is more of a problem than having more children in the developing world.

    Fact is that most of us are only making these token efforts cos it’s fashionable to say you are. When the reality is that it’s pissing in the wind. Blaming others cos they don’t recycle, or having their heating on one degree higher, or whatever, is just ‘othering’ the issue. WE are the problem, only WE can change US.

    Free Member

    FFS how many times?

    …Will you totally misunderstand something? I don’t know. I really don’t know…

    Well, if I told you what changes I’ve personally made (I have already as it happens, but I’m not going to bang on about it, and it really isn’t the point)


    “I’m burning gas in my boiler right now. I have a diesel car parked outside.”

    Great. Crack on.

    Free Member

    I like @Bridges approach – can’t get much simpler 🤔

    You say that; it’s dependent on the computer having a 3.5mm mic input; my M1 iMac doesn’t. :( I don’t know if there’s an inexpensive solution to that, but then I don’t need any mics beyond the inbuilt ones, which are really good anyway.

    EDIT: It appears there is!!5616!3!426684131033!!!network%7D!1456336037211!&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgMqWl7_58wIVkOJ3Ch2nQgVDEAQYBSABEgICqPD_BwE

    Free Member

    Speak for yourself.

    I am. But I don’t see the vast majority of others being any different in real terms. And I’m just being blunt about the reality of what most of us actually do, in terms of considering the issues. Change can only start if we’re all honest with ourselves. No point saying ‘speak for yourself’ when it’s very likely you’re not much different to anyone else in terms of actively making steps to change your lifestyle.

    Anyway, all the big changes need to be instigated by governments

    And while you’re waiting for that, stick another chunk of polar ice in my drink, would you? Thanks.

    Free Member

    I don’t think many people are virtue signalling here.

    I’d be amazed if anyone on this forum is truly making the necessary efforts to address their own consumption beyond a token effort. Based on real world experience; people just don’t, regardless of what they might say. People are devious. You don’t know what unnecessary journeys someone else has made, or what new things they’ve bought this month; people aren’t going to admit they’re being hypocritical, as a general rule. If you laid out everyones actual behaviour, as opposed to what they might claim, then you’ll see the problem. And even so; everyone expects everyone else to change, they won’t want to give up their own choices readily. Simple human nature. We’re inherently greedy and selfish. That’s the root of the problem.

    Free Member

    I think for multiple mic inputs, you’ll need some kind of audio input hardware device, or possibly you could use something like this for very basic 3.5mm jack mics:

    But then I think something like that might need some sort of amplifier unit as well.

    I’ve used a Røde lapel mic which plugs into a ‘phone, and uses an app to do the audio processing stuff. Sp perhaps some sort of app-based solution, with a simple splitter like the one above, might work. Otherwise, it seems to be fairly expensive ‘professional’ audio type hardware mixer units.

    On a Mac at least, Audio MIDI Setup is the app you need to ‘aggregate’ multiple audio input sources. I have no idea if this would work with Zoom etc.

    Free Member

    How many people on this thread would stop buying new bikes to reduce carbon emissions? How many only ever ride from home to reduce emissions? How many don’t have kids to reduce carbon emissions? The reality is that everyone is good at coming up with suggestions and solutions that don’t affect them.

    We participate in a leisure activity that does nothing but harm to the planet yet we collectively keep buying more and more stuff. Travel more and more to enjoy it. Read magazines written by people who have traveled to write the story or to help sell more stuff.

    Our leaders will just follow the own self interests just like we do. They aren’t going to fix the problem

    Chrismac actually has a point here though; the truth is, for all the virtue signalling going on, the vast majority of us really don’t do anything beyond mere token efforts, to actively change our lifestyles. People are still going to live in bigger houses than they need, some distance from where they work, and will need to use polluting methods of transport to get to work, shops, leisure activities etc. We’ll still be ‘upgrading’ our bikes, our computers, our ‘phones, our white goods, TVs, etc etc. And we’ll never give up all our comforts and luxuries, let’s face it. We’ll still quietly be going on our holidays wherever we like, because we deserve it.

    Free Member

    Nothing at all. I just don’t see what all the adulation is for. I am suspicious how secretive she is about who is funding all of this travelling and getting her invited speak at these events. Your average teenager wouldn’t get a look in

    So you’re basing your irrational dislike on her on absolutely nothing but your own ‘suspicion’?

    Because that’s scientific…

    Free Member

    Also would recommend oil; Osmo and other brands often use Linseed oil, as well as vegetable/plant oils, which help protect the wood. Many varnishes also use Linseed oil, but with other chemicals to create a harder outer coat, but a much bigger pain to apply and maintain. Tung oil gives a clearer finish, as Linseed based oils tend to yellow over time, although depending on type f wood, this can add more colour and character (it’s lovely on say Sapele or similar reddish-brown and darker woods). I’d prefer Tung oil on Pine flooring, but then I’d be ripping it all out and replacing with something nicer anyway. ;)

    Free Member

    No but it really is. Nothing to do with elitism there. Supermarkets also sometimes sell nice cheese. Waitrose does. ;)

    Free Member

    Greta is **** awesome. See her sick burn of Trump, for one example:

    Free Member

    It doesn’t get more obvious than naming yourself after the place trolls live and yet you lot continue to bite.

    It’s my surname. Feel a bit stupid now?

    By stating that airports are well served by public transport, I wasn’t saying you can’t actually drive there. And I’m happy to pay the extra fiver for the convenience of being able to be dropped off with oversized baggage etc. Really don’t see what the issue is to be honest.

    The Luton free mid-stay drop off is grim


    Doncaster will charge you £4

    There’s an airport in Doncaster? Who knew??

    Free Member

    Roundabout. Anything else is wrong.

    Free Member

    I just wish Britain England the rest of the UK outside London, Scotland and the major cities could’ve remembered learned rule No.1.


    Is the cheese being eaten, ‘cave aged’?

    Free Member

    And so it should be. Airports are served very well by public transport, so using private transport to be dropped off is a privilege people should be paying for.

    How does it affect taxis/minicabs?

    Free Member

    I’m still working on Kayak XP

    I much prefer iKayak OS; it just works. Far better integration, stability and quality.

    As for ‘waney’ edge boards; I’m not a big fan, personally. What iKayak has done looks fantastic, because it’s done right. Perfect blend of the natural edge, and the milled edges and surfaces. But that shelf in the first post; that just looks a bit shit in my opinion. Ugly knobbly bits sticking out that add nothing to the form or function of the piece. Kind of thing you’d see in an Urban Outfitters or similar high st shop.

    Free Member

    It would be great if we didn’t hear from Greta.

    What is it about that amazing young woman, that you feel threatened by? I love Greta Thunberg; I think she’s achieved something incredible in her young life. Not only has she helped raise global awareness of climate change issues, she’s also inspired countless millions of kids around the planet. And; IB protestors take note; she achieved all that simply by staging a quiet protest where she didn’t piss anyone off trying to get to work…


    Free Member

    bridges v grum round 2…

    Grum seems to believe I’m against having high-quality products. I’m not; quite the opposite. What I am against, is the elitism and snobbery that seems to go with certain products, and bullshit pretentious marketing guff. I totally understand that companies need to be able to distinguish their products against the competition, but this thread is about pretentiousness and waffle. Truth is; nobody would be able to tell the difference between cheese matured in an actual cave, or in a controlled environment which replicated the conditions. And any difference resulting in terms of taste etc, is mostly subjective anyway. I’m happy to pay a bit extra for a nice piece of cheese, rather than supermarket bland mediocrity, but I want to pay for the cheese itself, not the marketing guff. I don’t care if it’s matured in a cave, or under a railway arch, as long as it tastes good.

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