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    Free Member

    That video is surreal. Like some sort of hallucination induced by illness, or severe dehydration or something. All sorts of strange sounds and weird phrases. I particularly liked ‘Sunday laws are the mark of the Beast’. Seems we are in some kind of ‘Truth War’. Be good to see Keunssberg get the same treatment though. :D

    *For the record, I think those demonstrators are a bunch of **** loons. This is what happens when you don’t educate your populace sufficiently.

    Free Member

    Well, that’s a fiver won. Easy money. Thanks Binners. :D

    Free Member

    If you keep saying the same thing on a public forum, then it would seem fairly obvious that you are trying to convince others of your point of view.

    So, what exactly are you doing, returning to this then? Trying to prove something?

    As for the rest of it, you are presenting your opinion as fact. It isn’t.

    It is, and I’ve already explained why, several times now, with evidence. You’ve either not seen it, or deliberately ignored it. Either way, the facts are there. I have challenged anyone to prove otherwise, and unsurprisingly, no one has. I wonder why? Oh; that’s right; because it was only ever imagined by yourself and others.

    In my opinion, you are wrong for the reasons already set out, so it’s a pity that you continue to be so “bone-headed”, as you put it.

    You’ve actually unwittingly shown just how such slurs and insinuations can be weaponised against those with differing points of view. You’ve got caught up in the false narrative, as peddled by those with an agenda against the left, and fallen into the trap of needing to appear righteous. Except that that righteousness is false; what you’re actually doing, is perpetuating the very division that those who wish to defame the left, and ultimately to undermine democracy, wish to see happening. Cancel culture, writ large. But the damage caused by this is tremendous; as we’ve seen with the Brexit debate, such divisions sow hate and create such a toxic environment, that we all lose sight of what’s really happening. And whilst Labour destroys itself from within, so the tories just gain more power. So yes; focussing on how the elite of the party is courting the interests of the wealthy, rather than listening to the electorate, is definitely something that Starmer etc want to stamp down on. Trouble is, the genie is out of the bottle now.

    Free Member

    YOU keep bringing it up. And not just in this thread. Just leave me alone! You managed to shoehorn it into a Pride thread. I mean… what the…!?!

    YOU keep persisting with the insinuation. All you have to do, is accept your mistake, apologise to me, and we can all move on. Very simple. And you’d gain more respect in the process. What’s not to like?

    Your repeated attempts at playing the victim aren’t very convincing.

    I’m not a victim. If people are too bone-headed to admit they were wrong, then what can I do? And please explain why I need to ‘convince’ you of anything? If you can’t see the facts in front of you, again, what can I do? Maybe it’s easier to hide inside an imagined scenario, than admit the truth.

    I had requested that the moderators of this forum deal with posts I found personally offensive. As no action seems to have been taken, I’ll deal with it on here. I have every right to answer false accusations and insinuations against me. More than happy to discuss the nuances involved in how people can have differing perceptions of things, but so far, no-one has done so. So I’ll just consider this the usual ‘smear those you disagree with’ bullshit, and file it under ‘cowardice’. Because that’s what it is.

    Anyone who does what to discuss this further, can PM me. Happy to do that as well. Anyway; git Shabbos und gei gezunt.

    Free Member

    My recollection is that you used a term that is used by some people to invoke an anti-semitic trope. Which isn’t quite the same thing.

    Well, someone imagined that I did, yet when it was clarified that I didn’t, persisted with the insinuations. So I’ll just see that as an ‘accusation’, because that’s what it is.

    Just leave it.

    I did try, but well, you just couldn’t let it lie, could you? I have no problem with you arguing against my point of view; I won’t have you or anyone insinuating or accusing me of something so abhorrent. As for ‘digging deeper’ the only people doing that is you and Kerley. When all you had to do was acknowledge your mistake, apologise, and move on. And we’d all live happily ever after. But hey. We are where we are.

    Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party in 2015. He received a total of £512,417 in donations from that point up to the time of writing.Starmer received few significant political donations prior to this year. However, it is notable that Starmer received a greater amount in donations in 2020 (£708,605) than Corbyn received in five years at the forefront of Labour.Lord Waheed Alli and Robert Latham donated £100,000 to Starmer.Martin Taylor donated £95,000. Lord Clive Hollick and Sir Trevor Chinn donated £50,000.The majority of Starmer’s funding is accounted for by personal donations of this type.In contrast, the majority of the funding Corbyn received since 2015 came from trade unions.Corbyn’s three largest donors were: Unite (£141,618); National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (£50,000); and the Communication Workers Union (£50,249).The largest donation Corbyn received from an individual was £7,000.

    I have no idea of the cultures/religious beliefs those who donated such large sums to Labour under Starmer. But the fact they donated significantly more in just one year alone, than Corbyn got in 5, suggests Starmer has a vested interest in courting those with wealth. I’m going out a limb here, but I’d hazard a guess that Lord Waheed Ali possibly isn’t Jewish…

    Free Member

    I’ve always been suspicious of Brewdog, ever since the ‘plucky little guys against the evil corporate giants’ thing, which didn’t turn out to be quite what Brewdog were claiming, if I remember. But basically, it’s all about greed, isn’t it? Like everywhere else. The owners want loads of wealth and comfort, and aren’t too bothered about those they exploit in order to get it. As for the beer itself; style over substance. So many better options.

    Free Member

    The bar isn’t set very high for nazi comparison in this place. Not that I like to go on about it ( 😂 ) but it wasn’t long ago I was called a nazi appeaser/sympathiser for saying we should probably respect the brexit referendum result.

    And I was accused as being ‘anti-Semitic’ for daring to suggest that Starmer ceded to his (corporate, non-culturally specific) ‘puppeteers’. People will throw slurs around when there is a counter-argument to their own, that they cannot effectively reply to. Paucity of argument leads to such behaviour. Which is why the Labour right could only throw such smears and slander at Corbyn; they had no real effective argument against any of his actual policies, this much is painfully apparent.

    “Tory”, in what way? Can we not get to the point where Labour people we don’t align with aren’t branded “tories”? What is that lazy shorthand for in this case? Pushing for more private company involvement in providing public services?

    Well, basically pushing for pretty much the same kind of policies and political ideologies as held by many in the Conservative party, at a guess. So yes, that would be stuff like privatising public services, making education only accessible to those with money, not paying attention to worker’s unions, not heeding the needs of working people, especially the more vulnerable members of society, and voting for wars with nations that aren’t threatening us at all, under a pretext of lies and deceit, in order to secure oil and weapons sales revenues.

    Free Member

    Surely, Labour need to rebrand ‘patriotism’ (call it something like ‘nationhood’ instead, for a start), and concentrate on all those aspects of what makes modern Britain ‘great’, such as our arts, music, sports, top class engineering, architecture, science, medicine etc. And quietly just have loads of examples of PoC/’immigrants’ etc there, without mentioning them in regard to their race and culture. Normalise difference, don’t highlight it. Don’t keep pandering to the lowest common denominator. Understand what people’s fears are really about, and address those, rather than using the Margaret Hodge approach of prioritising housing for ‘indigenous’ people. Actually, just get rid of Margaret Hodge, would be a good start. But really, what Labour needs to do is cut out the rancid core of neoliberals at the top of the pile, because they’re just tory lites, and you won’t achieve anything different with them. Because they don’t actually believe in change, nor do they really want it. Because the status quo suits them. Change has to happen from the membership uniting and dismantling the current power structures, before any positive progress can be made at all. So; a programme of mass unionisation (cos if there’s one thing the elite are really scared of, it’s workers unions), use the current laws regarding unions to their full extent, before the tories take even those away. The only way the UK will be able to reverse the slide towards total elite rule, will be if workers gain solidarity. Bring back the 70s!

    Free Member

    Isn’t it just better to get on with your own life, rather than obsessing over someone who might be someone else or whatever it is you think I’ve done/not done? IE; get a life? Just an idea, like…

    Jesus! This got derailed in a strange way. I’m getting the feeling bridges was once beaten up by a working class housewife or possibly forced to work in a mine.

    Actually, my mum was a home help for a good few years when I was growing up, which involved lots of cleaning of elderly and vulnerable people’s houses. I’ve done cleaning jobs. Cleaning work is often seen as ‘lowly’, and menial, not least because it’s mainly done by women. How many of the men on here would be happy working for £10/12 an hour, for example? Exactly. It’s not work that is valued nearly as highly enough in our society, when it’s importance is much greater than a vast number of other types of work. Cleaners have been hit so hard by CV, and many are already on very tight margins as it is. And many, especially in London at least, are migrants, so often aren’t entitled to any income support or other benefits. So even if you aren’t posh, employing someone to do some professional cleaning right now, would be showing working class solidarity.

    Free Member

    Here’s a website that shows rolling coverage of gun violence in Chicago – year to date 267 gun murders & so far in June 17 people shot & killed

    Wow, that’s really shocking. Chicago has a population of around 2.7 million, so only about 400,000 more than Birmingham. I don’t know what the statistics for deaths resulting from shootings are in Birmingham, but I’m willing to guess the numbers are somewhat lower than Chicago. Which right now, for June alone, stands at 2 per day. That is truly disturbing.

    Free Member

    But what if I’ve got too much working class pride?

    Free Member

    It’s ok; I’ll let you have the last word, if it makes you feel any better.

    Oh, bugger…

    Free Member

    I’ve not classified myself as anything.

    Irony meter? Anyone seen it? :D

    Enough already. So you don’t feel you need a cleaner. No need whatsoever to bring class into it though, was there? No.

    Free Member

    I don’t ‘wear it as a badge of pride’

    Now, where’s that irony meter…

    Free Member

    …nickc feels left out…

    Free Member

    I’m not sure you fully understand the concept of ‘irony’, my friend…

    Free Member

    Because I come from a working class, socialist background

    So do I. But I don’t bang on about having some kind of ‘working class pride’. Because that’s just bollocks. Nobody aspires to be ‘working class’; wearing it as a badge of honour is merely marking your position in the social stratification as created by the ruling classes.

    And despite the efforts of various governments I’m proud of the fact that my parent’s generation fought hard for social justice whilst refusing to conform to the stereotypes of those who would denegrate them as a feral, ignorant underclass.

    Which generation was that? How old are you??

    I’m assuming you live in some tied cottage, 2 up 2 down, and only eat raw gravel (on a Sunday, and then only if you’re lucky), as would befit a ‘proper working class’ person. Because anything else would be frightfully bourgeois, non? ;)

    Free Member

    There’s nothing romantic about being proud of a job well done.

    No. Nobody is saying that. But then why mention your ‘class’? Nobody talks of ‘middle class pride’, do they? This ‘working class pride’ thing is a myth propagated and perpetuated by ruling classes, who would very much like the proles to stay in their place, and not get ideas above their station. Forget ‘working class’; you’re a nurse, so immediately of far greater social importance than any **** banker or ‘project manager’ or whatever bullshit job you can think of. Don’t pigeonhole yourself according to someone else’s made up values. Have pride in yourself.

    But I do take pride in the fact that I keep my own car, shoes, house etc clean and get a certain amount of satisfaction in doing so.

    Our bathroom is sparkling, because I put a lot of effort into keeping it that way. It’s the envy of all our friends. I’ll jet wash the bins (we share with 2 other households) not because it’s my ‘job’, but because I know I’ll do a much better job than any other bugger. But **** painting and decorating; more than happy to let someone else do that. And as for cleaning; we live in a modest flat, not some sprawling pile full of children and animals, and getting someone in to clean it would just be downright lazy. But cleaning, like collecting the bins, unblocking drains etc, are vital jobs that need doing, and should not be relegated to their ‘lowly’ status. Sure, most people don’t like doing them, but hey, they have to be done, and not everyone can ponce around being graphic designers or **** ‘project managers’, can they? :D

    Free Member

    I’m not romanticising anything.


    working class pride

    That’s ‘romanticising’ being working class, in my book. What’s wrong with not having someone else do manual tasks for you? Are you not ‘good enough’? Don’t you ‘deserve’ that? Or is such only for ‘better’ people?

    Free Member

    I’d feel I was abandoning my roots somehow, that working class pride in having worn out, but immaculately shined shoes, the satisfaction in perfectly streak free windows.

    You want a medal? Nobody’s going to give you a medal. Most wouldn’t give you the steam off their piss. Let alone decent wages, recognition and respect.

    You can stick the overly romanticised ‘good old’ working class days into the dustbin of history. I think most people who lived in the old working class days would take life today in a heartbeat.

    Too **** right. The romanticisation of the ‘working classes’ is a middle class affectation, to assuage their privileged guilt. ‘Oh look at the honest, hardworking salt of the earth working classes’, they coo, as they ignore poverty and hardship they never have to face themselves. What’s worse, in many ways, are people who claim to be ‘working class’, then you discover they actually come from a lower middle class background where parents were academics or middle managers, went to a selective grammar type school, lived in some nice suburb, owned a car or two and holidayed abroad 2 or 3 times a year. IE, just not ‘posh’, but quite a way off having to actually graft hard in some menial job, to survive. Like being ‘working class’ is somehow glamourous. **** that.

    Free Member

    I missed this bit:

    But once in a blue moon I like to play one of our old CDs. And I haven’t got room for a player as I built my rather super cupboard specifically around the single unit idea.

    Do what I’m doing; rip all your CDs to AIFF files (the proprietary uncompressed CD file type), which you can then convert to MP3 or whatever, as needed. Airplay will process AIFF files (I think iTunes/Music converts to ALAC, but I’ve done ‘listening tests’, and can’t tell the difference between an AIFF track file played through a Mac connected to an amp, and from a CD). Then you don’t ever need a CD player again.

    Free Member

    The perceived wisdom is to spend most money on the speakers where you will hear the most difference ,then amp.

    I think this is pretty sound (!) advice. The Audiolab will be capable of delivering excellent sound quality, if it’s anything like their classic offerings such as the legendary 8000A. Above that, and you’re paying for some really esoteric equipment, and rapidly diminishing returns on investment. But you’d then really need to upgrade your speakers, if you want the best out of something like that; the MS speakers are ok, but believe me, if you pair that amp with something like Focal Aria 906s, Castle Avon 2s, B+W 707s, and you’ll instantly hear the benefits. Ok, so those are pretty expensive, and you don’t need to spend that much. But they’d be in the area of speakers I’d be getting, with such an amplifier. Their greater sensitivity will deliver greater dynamic range, for starters. And many people think amplifier power output is about how loud it will go; true, but it’s more about having the ability to drive the speakers to deliver that proper ‘ooomph’ when needed, for example for low frequency sounds, and again, to create more dynamic range; the difference in sound levels from the quietest to the loudest sounds. Obviously this is all dependent on how good your acoustics are; no good throwing money at hi-fi is you have poor acoustics, you need to sort that first, and that can cost a LOT more.

    What’s the room like? Have you tried the workshop speakers with it? Moved things around done an A/B comparison etc ? You might not need to buy anything.

    This is also sound (sorry ) advice. Have a play around, see what sounds best. Could be that the ‘workshop’ speakers are better than the MS’s.

    As for streaming; I’ve never been satisfied with things like Chromecast, just not good enough sound quality. Sonos I wouldn’t waste my money on; style over substance. Very overpriced in my opinion. But then I’m an Apple ‘fanboi’, so I use Airplay via an ancient Airport Express, into a ‘proper’ hi-fi, and 2 Homepods (which are astonishing given their small size and relatively low price). That works far better than anything else I’ve tried, but probably no good if you’re not an Apple user.

    Another option, and a bit cheaper than the Audiolab, is a Yamaha WXA50 streaming amplifier; this has wi-fi compatible with Airplay and all sorts of other protocols and services. It also does Bluetooth, but I’m not sure how much Bluetooth audio streaming has improved; last time I looked it wasn’t very good for ‘proper’ hi-fi quality sound.

    Free Member

    She once got shouted at by David Baddiel (who was next door) for turning the stereo up too loud

    If I lived next door to David Baddiel, I’d put on a sample of a football crowd singing ‘he’s’ got a pineapple, on his head’, at full volume, on constant repeat. Then I’d go out for the day. Or on holiday for a couple of weeks.

    Free Member

    Garlic bread. It’s the future.

    Devils on horseback. Who knew??!

    Free Member

    Absolutely they are.

    So why has that tiny elite group got so much power and influence, within the party and beyond?

    I agree.

    As I’ve said before; you’d be an idiot not to.

    Not even close. UK politics, like USA politics, requires a broad coalition within a party (and its supporters and voters) (or in the UK between parties), to get to form a government.

    Erm, the current Labour party has members from the centre-right neoliberals, all the way to the ‘hard’ left Marxists, Trots, even some communists. I’d say that’s the exact definition of a ‘broad church’. The Labour party even has a good number of quite right wing members and voters; many of those ‘red wall’ voters espouse some pretty right-wing and xenophobic views, hence Starmer’s need to appeal to those as well, according to some on here at least. In my view, that’s perhaps too broad a church; isn’t it better to convince people it’s stupid to be racist, rather than pandering to them? Many of those ‘racists’ are just ignorant and scared, yet I don’t see much if any effort from Labour’s elite, to actually address those issues. So; Starmer needs to speak to those type of people, yet some here think he needs to cut away from the ‘left’. What’s it to be?

    Free Member

    But he still has a point, there are those in the Labour movement (or increasingly those that have returned to hectoring from outside it) still wanting to overturn capitalism, rather than accepting that all (real) politics is now differing meldings of capitalism and socialism, never a pure version of either

    But aren’t those people a very small minority, in reality? Reducing the argument to only talk about ‘loony’ lefties’ just drags it down to playground level, and ignores so much more nuance and depth of debate and ideas. Corbyn, for example, was nowhere near the ‘extremist’ position some commentators and media barons etc want to portray him as, the reality is he’s far more ‘centrist’ in terms of economic theory. This is certainly the perspective that many commentators outside the UK had. And ultimately, should Labour only be about the interests of a small elite minority within the party, or represent those for any many members as possible? That the current leadership seems intent on only indulging the former, explains who the party is where it is. Perhaps Labour has become to much of a ‘broad church’; this has happened because of that swing towards the right, with its laissez-faire neoliberal economic ideology, which has led us to the disaster we see now. So maybe it’s for the elite right of the party, to give way to the greater majority of the membership? Because this standoff isn’t helping anyone, not least those who most need protecting from the brutality of the tory regime.

    David Mitchell, whilst not saying anything original at all, is an extremely privileged white male, and as such, clearly has little real understanding or empathy of and with the majority of working people in the UK. That’s not to say his views should be dismissed, but he enjoys the privilege to have his voice heard, when millions don’t. So perhaps he should step aside and let someone else speak; he has had more than his fair share of his 15 minutes.

    Free Member

    Stem riser AND a high-rise adjustable stem! All the options in one attractive package! What’s not to like? :D

    Free Member

    The answer to this is so simple:

    My wife has something very similar. Raises the bars 50-60mm or so, and has a forward reach of about 80mm. Transforms the handling of the bike, much more upright position.

    Free Member

    Could that be because the LGB Alliance seems to only exist to campaign against Trans people, and their rights, perhaps?

    The level of ignorance surrounding the myriad issues that are being thrown up right now, with abuse being hurled (mainly from one direction, it must be said) towards those who have differing opinions, is just depressing. As exemplified in the comment I’ve quoted above. Unsurprising that it was made be a member who has previous for wanting to ‘cancel’ those who they disagree with, by weaponising xenophobia. Personally, as a heterosexual, biological male, who ‘identifies’ as a MAN, and who rejects the label ‘cis’ as applied by others without my consent, I stand with LGB Alliance, Get The L Out, Women’s Place UK, Maya Forstater, Debbie Hayton, JK Rowling and anyone who has been labeled a ‘transphobe’ by people who simply haven’t thought deeply enough about all this. There are dark forces at work which seek to divide people, and I am totally opposed to this.

    Again, a question for everyone, do you think I’m being transphobic for not considering this person to be part of my dating pool. Bruce Wee seems to be implying (with the sex is complication thing) that I (and others like me) am.

    I don’t. But then, I’ll probably be labeled a ‘Terf’ for my views. My wife is an active member of Women’s Place UK, and has attended several events in the last couple of years, and has felt very uncomfortable arriving and leaving such events, because of a small number of hateful, sometimes violent people. Fascists, who demand we are all forced to accept THEIR ideology and who aren’t willing to discuss the issues raised by women, at all.

    I only consent to have sex with someone who is biologically female. End of. That is my choice and right. Rainper also has this same right, and I would defend that against anyone who screams ‘transphobe’ at her, simply for expressing her own choice and right over her own body. That many news outlets, including the BBC, labelled the Get The L Out demonstration at the Pride event a couple of years ago as ‘transphobic’, is disgusting. Womens rights are being eroded, rights which have taken the whole of Human history to gain, and I won’t stand by and let that happen, without speaking out.

    Free Member

    Yep, that is exactly what you did. Turned out the phrase was made in complete ignorance but I don’t think anything was learned from that as defence mode was immediately applied.

    Sorry; is this aimed at me, or Kelvin?

    Free Member

    The Apple connection is because key people in the organisation want to do more than sell things… raising awareness using one of the biggest brands in the world, who have a presence in countries where oppression is not only still ripe, but increasing, isn’t about selling out, it’s about many individuals in a huge company wanting that company to act, speak out, and not just keep quiet in the name of sales.

    I think you misunderstood. There’s nothing wrong with Apple Computer inc, or any other company, caring about society. In fact, that’s what they should be doing, as a default. But I digress. Apple had rainbow colours in its logo for many years (coincidental, nothing to do with Pride). It’s not the use of the rainbow flag in itself that is the issue, it’s how the Pride ‘brand’ has been hijacked as a commercial enhancer. I know people who were involved in organising some of the first Pride rallies in London, decades ago, and they aren’t happy how things have evolved. They are happy that Pride is now such a huge global entity, just not with the increasingly corporate side. Many companies that co-opt the Pride brand have dubious records when it comes to the actual issues, and may still be dealing with regimes where being different is illegal, even punishable by death. Pride is a political movement, despite what some might argue. And it seems politics are fine when it comes to making profits. So, it’s very highly complex. This isn’t to diminish the Pride movement in any way, just to make the point about that very complexity. People shouldn’t lose sight of what it really means; if people are associating Pride with materialism, then some of the original message has become lost.

    Free Member

    You’d be an absolute idiot not to.

    Free Member

    If this is a well educated society

    It isn’t. That’s my point. Many people may be well ‘trained’, but not necessarily well ‘educated’. That’s an important distinction.

    Free Member

    I think it’s more about ‘training’ people rather than helping them become ‘educated’. The monetisation of education, begun under John Major with the introduction of student loans, then continued with the introduction of tuition fees under Blair, has had the (intended) effect of pushing people much more towards course that have a more defined ‘value’ in terms of ‘careers’ and future earning potential. Important, but not the be all and end all. People can have higher degrees in vers specific areas, yet still not be very well ‘educated’ in a broader sense. So much more about creating efficient drones that benefit capitalism, than actually creating a well educated society.

    Free Member

    I went along to a few Pride marches/events in the early 90s, and they were definitely fun, mad, happy times. Then it seemed to get increasingly corporate, and the huge free parties turned into expensive fenced off affairs, thus excluding many people. As with so many things that start out as a celebration of inclusivity, it seems the Pride ‘brand’ has been hijacked by parasitic concerns, wanting to enhance their own corporate image. I thought this just the other day, when I saw you can now get an Apple Watch band in the ‘Pride’ rainbow colours. I think a lot of people have lost sight of what Pride is really meant to be about. I wonder what the likes of messrs. Baker, Milk and Ginsberg would have to say about it all now?

    Free Member

    the earth shattering events of a couple of years ago

    Binners’ imaginary pub rant, or Dazh’s foreign holiday?

    Where did you go, dazh?

    Free Member

    Lordy. You know the expression, ‘when in a hole, stop digging’? That.

    Free Member

    I’ve never called you anti-Semitic, I just questioned your use of an anti-Semitic trope. And would do so again.

    You were wrong. Move on.

    Free Member

    The theory, much loved by Guardian readers, that everyone one can be middle-class is great if you believe that you can have a middle without any ends. The Tories take it a bit further and claim that everyone can be super rich.

    Spot on. The Blairite idea of creating a much larger ‘middle class’, similar to the US definition rather than drawing form traditional British concepts of ‘class’, depends on maintaining an ‘underclass’ who can still be relied upon to do all the shit jobs the ‘milieu nouveau’ don’t want to, because they are above the ‘common herd’. You still need a bottom, for a middle to exist. But Blairism is only really about selling an illusion; the reality is that more people are now closer to the bottom than the top, as it only ever truly benefitted the existing wealthy elites. The boom in homeowners will soon make way for generation after generation of renters, with nothing to fall back on as their parents have had to ‘downsize’ or even sell up completely, to pay for that route out from being the üntermensch. I’m starting to already see the effects of this, with people growing more resentful to older generations for squandering ‘their’ inheritance on things like supplementing their pensions, and paying for their old age care, as the safety net of the welfare state disintegrates. Some will end up with nice houses in Highgate, perhaps. Most won’t.

    Free Member

    It’s interesting that when others play the same game, there’s a reaction.

    Isn’t it, just? I see some of my posts have been censored. I also remember that it was Kelvin who made initial insinuations that I was ‘anti Semitic’, then refused to acknowledge their mistake when it was made clear I most definitely aren’t. So it seems it’s absolutely fine for one ‘side’ in this to hurl abuse, insults and extremely offensive insinuations around, yet the moment others point out their hypocrisy, narrow mindedness and bullshit, get all pissy. Kind of sums up neoliberals really. The arrogance of believing they have a right to speak without challenge or reply. And they wonder why Armrest (yes, we’re back to that, **** it) and his cronies aren’t doing so well…

    It’s almost as if I’m holding onto a theme and won’t let go, isn’t it binners?

    I know you would never do anything like that. Just the one off comment about 6th.formers, or some hilarious comment regarding Monty Python, or maybe the equally hilarious “U OK HUN? X”, never to be repeated.

    You have never banged on endlessly, for literally years, on the same theme.

    :D Fantastic. Crate of Savlon on it’s way to Ramsbottom…

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