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  • The First Women’s Red Bull Rampage Is Underway
  • brian2
    Free Member

    I’m disappointed. Thought this was about past willing and enthusiastic partners 🫢

    Free Member

    YABU. For confirmation, post the same question on Mumsnet and gauge the reaction.

    Free Member

    🤣🤣. Draw him in, could be fun👍. He may never leave.

    Free Member

    Both of us 67yrs old here, just moved from a massive rural pile to a temp 2 bed rental flate. We’d been there 23yrs; two sons  then 3 grandkids when they moved out. 2 big attics full of their unwanted stuff; my fishing/bike/camping attic above the triple “garage”. That was a “pub”, with pool table, bar, 1st generation hifi and full of memorabilia and cupboards and drawers full of shite. Then there was a shed for garden furniture and outdoor toys. The 3 shipping containers in the paddock full of lawn tractors, gardening stuff, more grownups outdoor toys. We did 4 piles at different times, keep, sell, charity and tip (after the first skip). There’s no way I was going to leave that for the kids to sort out. What hasn’t gone in the flat is in a 150sqft storage facility. Half of that will go when the next house is ready. I feel like a gorilla has been taken off my back.

    Free Member

    Where are you?? Retel in Carlisle are brilliant, they’ve kept my old Technics gear tip top over the years👍

    Free Member

    I totally second aggs comments above re their maintenance of local roads in times of trouble. We had 3 field entances within about 200m opposite us, all arable, so you can imagine the crap that could end up out there. However  our farmer was super diligent, he was also a contractor with loads of kit. 2″ deep mud would bring out the skidsteer to scrape it up then a road sweeper to clean down. His motivation?

    His lovely wife had a top of the range RR and there was no way she was driving it through that shite🤣🤣

    Free Member


    That partly evergreen hedge could be just down to a mix up at the nursery or wherever. A couple of different varieties mixed in and planted out randomly? Don’t overthink it.

    Free Member

    Depending on the surface you’re cutting over (pavers/tarmac/concrete is easy), maybe lay a tarp down? Makes it easier to clear up the brash.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Privet is resilient. Hedge trimmers should do the job nicely, it will quickly green up with a bit of sunlight👍

    Free Member

    That’s fine mate,  me too. I had a berk ride off the pavement in front of me today and had that “clench everything” experience expecting the van behind me to dunsh in. He didn’t,  but it still got my armpits itching 🤣

    Free Member

    Don’t forget people who ride bikes badly; there’s just as many 👍

    Free Member

    Okey dokey. But you missed the “poor” from your trope. I’ll stop now.

    Free Member

    First they came for our foxes… Sorry  I must stop this trolling. It’s not, but it will appear to be. Cos “cheeky” mtb rides never disturb flora  or fauna do they? There’s honestly plentiful causes to “die on the hill” for. This one isn’t up there for me.

    Free Member

    Sorry all, but I’ve actually ridden on three “hunts”. 50+ years ago mind, but I still vividly remember the occasions; and that’s what they were. An excuse to dress up, ride a borrowed hunter through open farmland and woodland in the company of similarly over awed and excited folk. Never a fox in sight; bugger me most of them would’ve shart themselves if they’d been compelled to break into a proper fox chase gallop. Memories eh?

    Free Member

    On their high horses were they??

    Free Member

    Me too 🤣

    Free Member

    Just about to post the same.                    Same passion for Gaza then? Sorry to be arsey, but lambing’s coming up.

    Free Member

    Coincidence! Just seen this after my pre op assessment; I’ll get back to it when I get home later. TED and hyperactive thyroid burst on the scene 2yrs ago.

    Free Member

    22yrs ago, first one up the chairlift to Pic Negre, Arinsal, I confidently rolled off the lift and parked my arse and the board in a nice little drift to put my gloves and shades on and clip into my board. I did a cool rollover to go goofy down the slope only the board stuck into the snow and my left foot did something it wasn’t designed to. I had that flash of white light and excruciating pain that I still remember vividly today. I sat there for a couple of hours until the pain subsided (until my foot froze) and rode all the way back down. I couldn’t take my boot off until late that evening. I got a cortisone injection in the the arch of my foot the next afternoon. Christ that stung. I boarded the rest of that week. Every now and then, usually coming downstairs, it still reminds me that I should’ve got it sorted. They say you remember the sensation of pleasure but not pain? Bollocks says I.

    Free Member

    What are you looking for? Maintenance of personal income and status quo? For how long? Nothing is forever. The long standing major client? What about them? Can a major founder there also be looking for an out? After 25yrs, someone will be. Will the new regime have the same loyalties? Are you personally ambitious? Because out of your small team at least half won’t be and are just looking for an easy ride. If you are truly ready to properly go for it; why not do it on your own without saddling yourself with the old company’s liabilities? Take the best of the team with you, with you retaining overall control but giving one or two of them some junior partnership incentives? Is the current set up scale-able where you can build it and exit profitably in a few years? Lots to think about. I’d be cautious.

    Free Member

    Golden rule for water use reduction:

    If it’s brown, flush it down. If it’s yellow, let it mellow.

    Free Member

    Cos eventually…if you fry enough of them, they’ll start sticking. Teflon doesn’t last too long.

    Free Member

    OK. Cheaper than a food mixer, and easier than a change of diet. 2ltr plastic pop bottle; cut the base out and remember to replace the cap😳. You now have a plunger which will shape around the base of the bend and create a watertight seal to force the log around the bend. The sharp edges of the cut plastic also make an effective blade to slice the offender up if necessary. But, remember to replace the cap on the bottle 🙄.

    Free Member

    Dirty, dirty boy!! Downstairs cloaks is not for poos…wees only!! You cannot have that toilet plume wafting about downstairs! Imagine, someone walking into your house through the front door catching a whiff of that??? Just no. And don’t keep cloaks in there either! Dirty boy 🥵

    Free Member

    It’s a bit like sharing fishing marks on the Solway. You do the hard yards, fishing day and night, high tide/low tide then find the sweet spot. Bass/Huss/Tope/Conger/Rays/Plaice/Cod.Then tell everyone on SM. Next thing, it’s fished out. Just no.

    Free Member

    Keep the faith Mark  I love it here, foibles an’ all👍.

    Now, where’s Zoe’s email about my sub…

    Free Member

    @binners Thanks bud; I took a deep breath and checked it out. Cooper was indeed surgical. But  bloody hell, although Starmer had the content, his delivery is like, well, a cardboard box left out in the rain beside the bin.

    Free Member

    All fine here👍. I bought Dracs ole ipad😀

    Free Member

    And the Opposition is where…precisely??

    Free Member

    It’s got to the stage for me that I can’t abide the sound of any of these lying shits in my living space. Any of them.

    Free Member

    They’re ok if you don’t want anything out fast. Personally…I wouldn’t have another, but then we’re not stuck for space?

    Free Member

    @fasthaggis 🤣🤣. I wish I were that dapper😄. Brilliant 🖕

    Free Member

    The Shining Mountain. Joe Tasker and Pete Boardman on Changabang. Awesome.

    Free Member

    I’ve never had one. Never seen the point of a jacket without sleeves. Just wear a tank top???

    Free Member

    I was about to post what @sandwich said. Homophopic bunch of sanctimonious zealots. There are better causes. Anyhoo, Peace n’ love and divine retribution would be good. Failing that  a bottle of Glenfiddich, a pack of Cadbury Flakes and a bottle of Schweppes full fat lemonade 👍

    Free Member

    Sorry, couldn’t edit “give her the tools she needs” 🙄

    Free Member

    Sod the software tracking shite. Find yourself a recently made redundant lady of a certain age with a point to prove. She’ll organise you; give her the tools you need and prepare to be mind-blown. I was lucky enough to find two over my career…absolute game changers for me👍

    Free Member

    Just saying…many years ago I employed a guy who was caught fiddling at my mate’s business. He was a nice lad  but a bit foolish. He knew that I knew. The lad turned into one of the best managers our company ever had. Just saying.

    Free Member

    It’s skool right? Good lesson learned there👍.👋🖖🤟🖕…

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