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  • Issue 153: Peaks of the Balkans
  • bren2709
    Full Member

    Try this
    Have used them before €70 return

    Full Member

    Standard 26mm socket is no good.
    You need a 6 point which has been modified to stop damaging the top caps.

    I can provide a new modified 26mm 6 point socket for £15 posted.

    Full Member

    Strip clubs (pubic triangle) not open during the day, sorry cannot help you! 😉

    Full Member

    Keswick is good crack and great local brew!
    Locals very friendly.
    Defo visit Dog and Gun.

    Full Member

    Don’t know where you get that idea from?
    What’s hers is hers and what’s yours is hers! 😉

    Full Member

    Stagecoach bus drivers, total wan*ers!
    So called professional drivers, NOT!!

    Full Member

    Don’t do it 😉

    Full Member

    Those who cannot play or are sh*t at it hate it and complain its a waste of a good walk!!!!!!

    Full Member

    Typical quote from a non golfer!

    Full Member

    Defo not the latter! 😉

    Full Member

    The offer is still there mate.
    All parts are made from quality material and to a high standard.

    Would only surgest moving away from aluminium top hat hardware and purchasing the heavy duty solid pin version.


    Full Member

    See your other post mate.

    Full Member

    £25 from Mojo is a good price.

    Can make you some for £32 if you are not in big hurry.
    Would be the heavy duty type rather than top hat type.
    Postage, PayPal fees and DU bushes also.
    Would just need a few dimensions, frame and shock details.


    Full Member

    Sponging lazy *****rs who think the country owes them, when they haven’t struck a bat or done a hard days graft in there scummy lives!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry….. 😉

    Full Member

    According to figures it is as low as 1 in 10 survive when CPR is used for a long period of time, then the problem is the after effects such as oxygen starvation to the brain..

    Have had to deal with such an incident twice, one at work and one after 5 a side. Both heart related and both are with the big man!

    The one at work was a foreign driver who had a heart attack worked on him in total for 20 mins initially then further 30 mins with paramedic. Was defibed twice then ambulance took him to hospital when he had started to show better signs..

    He held out for a further 4 days until his family arrived, then passed away.

    St John’s first aid served its purpose.

    Tell your wife she done good and it’s normal to feel crap after such an incident..

    Full Member

    Vito’s are prone to rust.
    Transporters command top $$$
    Caddy’s are work horses but get the 1.9Tdi engine. Only problem is 2 seats unless you get the Maxi version.
    Peugeot Partner gets good write ups with good spec’s and good mpg.

    Full Member

    Short slip leads are great for training, used one for years.

    Initially when we got our Lakeland Terrier we used a Leather rolled type collar and a light weight lead, then moved onto the slip lead when pup was older.

    As for sleeping arrangements he has lived outside in a purpose built run and kennel which is heated.
    His bed is raised ad has no direct contact with the ground. The bedding is just old towels and other old clothing.

    If I were to get another pup I would do the same again, dog has never had any health problems.

    All I would say if you are gonna keep indoors use a cage from day one, know loads who use and their dogs love it!

    Pooh bags for the muck.

    Good luck and enjoy your puppy fun!

    Full Member

    Kona TC – Member
    As every the police get it wrong yet again, it’s the fare dodging scumbag that should be prosecuted.

    Isn’t it great people passing comment when they don’t know how the system works!

    Full Member

    You will shift that no problem.
    Just sold a Caddy 1.9sdi on a 06 plate for £4k
    Tdi’s are far better and sort after.

    What reg, mileage and condition?

    Full Member

    You cannot put VAT on your price if not registered.
    You could however advertise it at higher price and hope to claw some of it back.
    This is the joy of being a private buyer/seller losing a good wedge of cash!
    Dealers charge VAT on some commercial sales, that money then goes to HMR&C.

    Well this is how i see it?

    Full Member

    Attitude test spring to mind.

    Full Member

    Yes I go along with that it costs nothing to be polite!

    From past experience I have learned that if you are polite from the start they are polite also.

    Was wondering when salarys and pensions would rear its head, and do you not think they contribute to there pensions?

    Take it from me frontline police are worth every penny they get!

    Full Member

    Willard – so basically what you are saying is, that drink driving is totally acceptable?

    If a member of my family was injured through the actions of a driver over the prescribed limit, I myself would be doing time at HMP Hilton, and I don’t think I stand alone with this.

    Full Member

    No wax mate.
    Pref long and baggy, shorts that is! 😀

    Full Member

    Yes still here and no i don’t shave my legs.
    But have a tendancy to wear some Lycra and no I won’t post pics. 😉

    Full Member

    Been arrested for D&D, held on football related matters and breathalyser a number of times.
    Big deal!
    Then went on to marry my wife who is in the job!
    Top and bottom of things is that if I was not in the wrong for the first two matters I would not have been lifted.
    If I did not raise suspicion I would not have been stopped and breathalysed, which have always been a negative sample.
    The police are there to to a job and believe me it’s a shitty one, I could not and would not want to do it.
    Having to deal with the scum of society putting there live potentially at risk.

    Basically what number do you call if you house is burgled, car is stolen or whatever else warrants there help?
    Yes 999…..

    There are idiots in all jobs I know I work with some!!!

    Big deal you’ve been breathalysed…..get over it!!!!!!

    Full Member

    Have you put this post on because you think it will help somebody else who may have the same problem , because you want to look clever or to give your buddies a plug ?

    Ramsey Neil – Do you want me to make you one?

    Oh and the answer to your question no “Love Tubs” was not a buddy, but i would class him as one now!!!

    If i can in anyway help other with Custom parts please get in contact. 😉

    Full Member

    Hey guys if its Offset bushings or standard bushings you require drop me a line with you specifications. These can be made out of Brass, EN24T or Aluminium for standard top hat versions.
    Basically if you require custom parts give me a shout!
    Have done work for STW forum member “Love Tubs” so he can tell you how good i am!!!

    Full Member

    Full Pds lift system don’t open up til 29th June so wait til then.
    I’ve just booked for 15th July – 20th July flights cost £145 (Liverpool-Geneva) and been quoted £225 DBB in the Nantegue or £325 in Le Sherpa BDD + wine with evening meal (gets my vote).

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