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  • DT Swiss launch underbar wunderbar L2 and L3 remotes
  • breatheeasy
    Free Member

    You won’t notice the difference. And even if they are just for training, a ‘draggy’ wheel will just mean you train harder….

    There’ll be people along who’ll say never touched a cup and cone in 125 years of riding at 32mph+, others who’ll have broken one in 20 feet. Same for sealed bearings.

    If you’re a person who rides and doesn’t faff with bikes think about cartridge bearings. Maybe Harry Rowland – Ambrosio hubs/rims if you want handbuilts.

    Free Member

    Scan the first 20 or so and then see how sick you get of getting them scanned properly…

    Go for a ruthless cull and keep the best/fondest ones.

    Free Member

    Assume you’ve not got a carbon seatpost. IIRC they shouldn’t be used in conjunction with the ibeam.

    Free Member

    just after the expenses scandal there wouldve been a huge turnout for the av vote and a resounding yes

    Do you reckon? I think people would realise either way of voting would result in 95% of the current MPs being voted in thus would make no difference to their dodgy claims.

    Free Member

    Cheers guys, that saves me about a gazillion quid

    Get an XT and not XTR crank and save two gazzion quid….. 😀

    Free Member

    I read somewhere it was destroyed by the seals themselves.

    Probably was, but you’d like to think a crack team of commandos, presumably with explosives training with a top secret chopper that was probably laced with explosives for such a situation could have been destroyed a touch better than that. I’d have expected a million little bits of carbon.

    Not as if they didn’t have the time, they did have a rake around and gte documents, hard drives etc. etc.

    Free Member

    Turnout is what could save the yes vote

    Low turnout would be the get out clause for either loser I imagine. Local elections never get a big turnout anyway. Not sure if the AV vote would pull in any more voters that weren’t going anyway. Bound to get apathy unfortunately in Lab/Con safe seats as it wouldn’t make a difference. Would be interesting to see the stats in more marginal regions.

    Free Member

    He lives in a safe Tory council ward. I bet he’d have had more information if council elections were AV…

    I very much doubt it. A safe seat is a safe seat regardless of AV or FPTP.

    In closer run constituencies I imagine all parties are out regardless of voting system.

    Free Member

    So the mainstream have to broaden their appeal to everyone from the BNP to the Greens.

    Why is that a bad thing.

    It starts to be a bad thing if you take the example of the current coalition. You may have voted LibDem because of their stance on student fees, then too late realised in the backroom horsetrading they’ve given that ‘policy’ away.

    This coalition could well be brought down (good or bad in your opinion) because one party (most likely LibDems looking at the polls) is going to throw a strop after losing the AV vote. Ironic given their ‘lets be adults’ political approach…

    Free Member

    But the point is Zulu, to get across the 50% line they don’t just need the few BNP votes, they would need to maintain a massive number of 1st preference votes

    Not really, as long as they weren’t knocked out of the first round then Cons/Lab/Lib could in theory run with 10% of the first vote and hoover up the round 2 votes.

    Alas, politicians got involved in both sides of the AV argument so I have to say equal spin and bull from both camps.

    Only way I can see the BNP etc. benefiting is getting AV then getting PR after that – that way they’ll get seats.

    Free Member

    To be fair, AV and FPTP gets the same candidate in a huge majority of the seats anyway I think I read.

    Well, they would have to be the people who have trouble understanding the most basic concepts!

    I used to work on elections. Some of the things I saw were scary in terms of how people voted.

    Free Member

    It’s so unfair that the person with the most votes wins

    No its unfair that you go into a coffee shop and ask for espresso even though you hate espresso just to stop the latte winning. And you end up with peppermint tea.

    Or something like that, if I’m following the theory.

    No biscuits, more importantly….

    Free Member

    2×10 spread more or less covers 3×9 spread

    Not with a 27t at the front! You’d need a 41t rear cog to match 22t granny and a standard 34t cassette.

    Thankfully Boardman haven’t popped in a BB30 chainset by the looks of it so should be able to find a more appropriate chainset fairly easily if required.

    Free Member

    Surely 36/36 is just the same as 32/32?! So much for the new world!

    Yes, yes, I know you don’t get the 36/11 gearing – thats what outer rings are for!

    Free Member

    Yeah, I’d ask them if your ‘notice period’ would be the same as their period of sacking/making you redundant.

    If another company offered you a job with twice the pay, all the perks you can carry etc. would you really think they’d wait two years for you to become available.

    3 months notice tops. Maybe 6 months for some big managers.

    Free Member

    I have an Uncle who used to make WW2 planes (protected industry!) to do my “black ops” work – he’s got a Milford lathe thats a work of art. One day before he gets to 100 I must learn how to do stuff on it. Beats stripping and cleaning bikes for a garage hobby…

    Free Member

    Like Messiah says – are you running this for XC with the granny and middle? just buy some short chainring bolts. The f/mech will keep things on.

    Free Member

    FC does my head in. “We’ve got a huge archive of Live Lounges stretching back 15 years, so here’s something from, erm, three weeks ago….”

    yes I know, off button, blah blah blah. Switch over to R2 and that equally annoying bint Jo Whiney is there now. No escape….

    Free Member

    My MP (ToryBoy aka Michael Gove) was wheeled in from god knows where to get a safe seat so he could be one of Dave’s cabinet chums. He knows nothing of the area, had probably never been here before and will probably be gone as soon as he falls from grace for whatever dodgy reason the tabloids uncover. How is that any different to mogrim’s PR situation?

    It is different. Mr Gove can only stand your seat. If everyone hates him so much in your town (not taking your own prejudices aside) then he won’t get elected, full stop.

    In PR mandelson would just be at the top of NuNuLabours ‘list’ and you’d never get rid of him in any way shape or form.

    And do you not think any Labour MPs are dropped into ‘safe’ seats?

    Free Member

    Try John Lewis – GreenBee I think. They were pretty much the same underwriters as M&S before Marksies swapped to Aviva or whatever they are now.

    Looked pretty comparable in terms of cover for a lot less. Migth bounce over to them next renewal and come back to M&S the year after as a new customer (aka paying a lot less then).

    Free Member

    Tis a bit steep when you consider their installation instructions pretty much say “log onto the website and download the instructions”. 25 quid and they couldn’t even bother to print off a bit of paper to pop inside (yes, saving the planet blah blah).

    Free Member

    Bullet proof man, bullet proof.

    (admittedly in one very small area!!!!)

    Free Member

    Or stick with smaller cassette range and get a microdrive front chainset – 29/40 or something – might give you the low rations you need.

    Free Member

    Surely a market for an equivalent that bolted onto your granny ring mount, then you could use a bash where the outer would fit. And run whatever chainrings you want? Would that make sense or is that too simple an idea? Suppose clearance would be the issue.

    Free Member

    Ah, all that muscle they’ll have to dig though to patch up the hernia!

    Only joking.

    I’ve had one, now have a kevlar patch looking after the weakness. Chicks love the scar too.

    Free Member

    Watched my mate realise he was old last year. Went to Manchester to see a band, he was there at college so we went to a few of his old locals. He soon realised he had become the old fart at the end of the bar he had mocked all those years ago letching at the 20 year olds.

    Don’t feel old. You just get things creeping up on you and realise daft things like you’ve been driving a car for 25 years, or it was 30 years since you fancied someone you bumped into again (and time hasn’t been kind to her). Or a year has flown past and you still haven’t painted that room like you promised to do.

    Free Member

    If you really want to ‘focus’ your exs mind about this, try asking her again, if she says ‘no’ then causally say ‘oh, and by the way, this mortgage I’m paying to keep you and your other children safe and dry at night, well I can’t afford it anymore’.

    Don’t be blackmailed into thinking you have to pay for half the mortgage just for the privilege of seeing your little one.

    Free Member

    Erm, daft question, presume you don’t have the old headset off your old frame you could use – surely if you’ve got that (or a direct replacement) everything will be tickety boo?

    Free Member

    Did Tomlinson get hit again either before or after this push to cause the injury?

    Sancho, I’m not following this too closely but I think they were saying he fell badly after the push with his hands tucked in his pockets so he in effect caused his own abdominal injury.

    Pretty shocking when you can replay that video and the copper is still adamant he didn’t have his back to him…

    Free Member

    Why not take the stuff to a charity shop or put it up on freecycle molgrips?

    Costs money basically. Not their job. Sad but true. Not sure if charity shop would be happy with a vanload of 2×4 offcuts to be honest…

    Free Member

    oldgit – next time you’re in eBay go to your settings any make sure you’ve got all countries apart from UK excluded for shipping – can’t remember the exact way in. You can be quite flexible where you ship to.

    Of course it never stops the occasional idiot messaging you saying “I’ve tried to bid but it won’t let me. I’m in Lithuania.”…

    Oh, and anyone who plays up with me gets put on my blocked list too.

    Free Member

    Suspect it’s the date the money arrived into the ISA, not the date it left your donor account. Pretty sure bank won’t turn a blind eye, it’ll be automated so probably you’ve just dumped a big amount into your 2011/12 isa.

    When you opened the ISA is irrelevant…

    And if you are looking to transfer it out, obviously bear in mind it still counts towards your allowable amount you can pay in for the year, regardless of whether you took it out 10 seconds later.

    Free Member

    Are they to replace current rigids or bouncy forks?

    Free Member

    Check out some Altura stuff. Woolly hat on eBay were selling some decent long sleevers by Altura, certainly in yellow…

    Free Member

    There was a great scene in a spaghetti western (I think) when they were (slightly slapstick) chucking (I think) a bag of gold around inside a compound.

    Could never tell you the film name but stuck with me for 30 odd years.

    Free Member

    Spot on! Lovely jubbly

    Free Member

    So use the money raised from motoring taxation to subsidise public transport

    Erm, TJ, do you know how many billions the taxpayer actually subsidises the rail industry already? Bit harsh to paint cars are the total evil.

    How much ‘subsidy’ does motoring actual have? The large percentage of fuel cost goes to the government already, plus insurances taxes and, of course, car tax.

    So if we want to make this change in a planned and orderly way it has costs. I suggest that raising this money from private motoring will provide impetus and also is fair as personal motoring receives huge subsidy.

    of course it’s chicken and egg. No-one will commit to spending public money on public transport until people use it. People won’t use it until it is viable. How to break out of that vicious circle is the problem. And hopefully will be done by education in some respects, even at school level if we have time for the next greener generation to come along.

    Then again we’re just doing the proverbial into the wind in this country when you realise India and China are just getting to points now where they all want cars to drive….

    Free Member

    Honky Tonk got a good write-up in Cycling Plus a couple of months ago. Think basically its only real downside was a slight weight disadvantage.

    Free Member

    Little one has pencil feet – D width. Chappie in Clarks was sure a F width (in stock…) would be fine if we stuff some insole in rather than trying to locate narrower fitting shoes. He was still trying to convince us as we walked out of the shop…

    Free Member

    Yep, you’re down as joint and severally liable.

    The owner probably hasn’t paid his c/tax and they are now chasing anyone else they can find.

    At worst I’d say you might have to stump up 3 weeks worth of c/tax but certainly argue the toss. They are probably just trying it on, but nip it in the bud quickly before they pass stuff across to ‘debt collectors’.

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