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  • breatheeasy
    Free Member

    Thought I say Menchovs name on an article linking him with something.

    Cadel is currently denying anything funny happended when he went for a char with Ferrari.

    And I get the impression Indurain retired gracefully and is a nice man so they didn’t poke too much into his activities.

    Does make you wonder…

    Free Member

    So when the TdF organisers come knocking at the door of LA for their (prize) money back will LA be sending the boys around to the rest of his Postal Team to get their percentage of the winnings back that was shared out? Maybe a little payback perhaps?

    Free Member

    4G look fast in the demos. The demo with literally one person on the whole network. Whether its gonna so fast when half the country are downloading stuff is another matter.

    I’d be tempted not to be an early adopter. Maybe a short term contract with your current phone?

    Free Member

    Yes, we all tut at the millionaires avoiding tax, whilst posting on here whether we can avoid paying import duty/VAT if we buy those Bombers from the US, or can I drive to Glentress using the company car and claim it back as ‘expenses’/tax deductable.

    Free Member

    Surely the winter bike is meant to be for long low-intensity rides (that’s what mine is for) so the lower gearing makes sense. Really you want to be pootling along with grannies passing you.

    Free Member

    A tradesman earning £150/day cash is not in any way morally comparable with a millionaire minimising his tax exposure.

    But there’s a fair chance there’s a thousand trademen doing the same against one millionaire – the figures get very close then maybe?. What you’re saying is it’s okay to steal something little, but not something big from the shop.

    Free Member

    different brands , different sizes


    Free Member

    what, so his talent has naff all to do with climbing to the top of his sport then?

    Well, if the lottery funded his training regime, fancy aero bike, the team and managers around him etc. etc. then yes, it probabky did contribute.

    I know plenty of talented people who ended up dropping out of sports because they needed to pay the bills. Protentially better than Wiggins, but never know.

    Free Member

    You refusing someone because of their behaviour in that case, not because of what they are.

    Okay, change drunk to trainer wearing and perfectly sober. Can’t see any H&S issues in that.

    Free Member

    There is no excuse if the rules and penalties for breaking them are clear from the outset.

    To be fair, those rules really do already exist.

    What you are hoping is that every dirty rider will just go “oh, okay I won’t join UCI version 2 ‘cos I was/am doping”. I just can’t see it happening.

    Though I do agree it is time to bite the bullet and do a proper clearout and restart.

    Free Member

    So when that pub bouncer doesn’t let you into the bar because he doesn’t like the look of you (i.e. not black/gay/female etc. etc. but for a random reason because, say, you are wearing trainers) is everyone saying they can’t actually do that?

    Free Member

    Millar has a point. The team runs a systematic doping programme (allegedly), eventually becomes a clean team and then because of a report into doping in the era they doped, the majority owner and title sponsor pulls out. Hypocrites.

    So everyone thinks it’s right that Trek/Oakley/Nike withdraw their association/sponsorship with LA now (presumably as a retired cyclist he doesn’t need to dope…) but Rabobank is a bad idea?

    Free Member

    Surely the hydroforming would remove the reason for ti ni the first place? Remember some review a while back on a ti frame saying the hydroforming has made it as stiff as an alloy one, so what was the point.

    Free Member


    Plenty of fairly high profile XC riders have been caught.

    Free Member

    Technically front chainrings are 9 speed or 10 speed specific. I’ve run both combinations, i.e. 10 speed ‘chainring’ with 9 speed chain and vice versa without much issue.

    Personally I’d not be too bothered, but if push comes to shove get a 10 speed one to ‘future proof’ yourself.

    Free Member

    Think njee20 meant 34t for the front.

    Then a 11-36 will give you a slightly lower gear than you’ve already got. A 11-34 will give you the same as what you’ve got now.

    Obviously either casette will give you the same ‘highest gear as they are both 11t…

    Free Member

    Sorry, not sure what you’re getting at there.

    Free Member

    Well, you currently have lowest gear of 32 front and 32 rear, which would match nicely to a 36t front and 36 rear to keep the same low gear.

    So the 36 front/11 rear would be equivalent to between a 13 and 14t rear on a 44t front chainring, so about what you use now…

    11-36 cassette, 36t front chainring. Simples! 😀

    Free Member

    When you start adding new content in you need to start considering navigation – a menu possibly etc. etc. as a way of getting to your new fresh content.

    Fancy a new winter hobby? WordPress?!

    Free Member

    Yates already arranged a move to another team maybe?

    Either Sky are
    a) trying to force him out (hence the announcement to force his hand)
    b) know he’s already got another job so win/win (maybe with a chat with Yates beforehand to warn him to consider a change in job career)
    c) a bit naive and created a bit of a publicity nightmare for themselves
    d) doing it on purpose to sack him and ride on the wave of publicity about how clean they are

    Free Member

    Depends what they’ve written it in.

    You paid them so they should hand over the assets and the rights to host anywhere you want.

    But don’t expect it to be a cut and paste job into a new host and suddenly you’re editing copy at will. It probably won’t. Could well not be a wordpress site, so it won’t automagically turn into one.

    And if it’s like companies we use, it’ll done in a way to make your life as hard as possible to drag it out of their hands.

    Free Member

    Thus is USDA wish to stand on the moral high ground then all Pro’s in the tours in question would need to be reviewed in the same light by the UCI PRIOR to removing Lance’s victorys and handing them to ANY Cyclist that is confirmed as 100% clean beyond all question otherwise all they have achieved is to victimise one individual.
    Their will be no winners in any of this other than the laywers, as all that can be argued is “to what rigour must the USDA demonstrate guilt” not is / was LA clean.

    Kinda agree with this in some respects. If you’re gonna say Lance didn’t win any tours then we’re going to have to apply the same criteria to other riders. And then do you get down to Cofidis being not exactly the cleanest team and Wiggins used to ride for them? etc. etc. BMC are the phoenix risen out of an old team (I can’t remember their name) that IIRC folded due to drug issues so is that Cadel implicated?

    I suspect a fudge by the UCI – results null and voided, no winners. A statement of intent to be clean blah blah blah, then hiding for a while until the pressure dies down and back to business as usual. And hopefully the sport come cleaner by it’s own volition.

    And to paraphrase a comment in another thread, if, say, LA was clean but his entire team was doped to the eyeballs like they admit, then does that really make him a true winner. Do you apply that logic to, say, Cadal Evans and his BMC team, or anyone else. It would just descend to a farce so quickly as to make it just comical to the rest of the sporting world.

    Free Member

    Mortgages are not very efficient if you use it to, say, buy a car with some of it. But very efficient otherwise, as peolpe say, it’s just how you pay it back that causes the grief 😆

    If the ISA money you have means you can drop into a lower band for interest then I’d say go for that option.

    Out of interest have you done the sums for the new repayment mortgage based on the larger figure you need to borrow? I think ultimately that’ll decide for you. Going from interest only to repayment is a fairly big shock before the fact you’re actually getting a larger loan.

    My curent mortgage is just ending but it allowed me to overpay every month, this reduced the interest but also it built up as a little ‘fund’ I could actually take out again (or use for a payment holiday etc.) if required, which was nice to know if things went wrong.

    Keep enough in the ISA for rainy day money, get the mortgage as low as possible with the rest – that’s what I’d do.

    Free Member

    Does Bruyneel still have to defend himself in court now? Or can he just ‘fess up? Presumably he can’t just decide to not contend the facts against him (a la Armstrong). Just wondering if resignation from RadioShack, despite being inevitable, positions him to just cough up.

    Presumably all the ‘little’ people Armstrong stamped on can’t take him to court (sadly) unless they can do a class action, but assuming that large Insurance agency involved in that previous court case for non-payment of bonuses must be licking its lips awaiting payback?

    Free Member

    Yes, I suspect all the proper liability insurance etc. would negate and ‘profits’ you would make from a couple of trips with some drunken lads/lasses in the back.

    Free Member

    See who can suck a sweet for the longest….

    Free Member

    Are you after knobblies, or slick tyres for use on the road?

    Schwalbe Marathons (or one of their variations) are normally the go to commute tyre.

    Pretty much anything will fit your E540s. If you want speed then fit some thinner slicker tyres (1.5″ maybe). They won’t be much cop off road, but most ‘road’ ish tyres won’t be.

    Free Member

    this is what it’s about.. an advert for his services. you supply the taste, he supplies the skills.

    Yep, he/she looks pretty nifty with the spray gun but I suspect he might have got more interest with just spraying the frame and not building up into a bike. No doubt spend many hours on it and has done a simple calculation – 40 hours @ £50 of his time and the cost of the bits = £3500.

    I do quite orange but thats just a bit too much, even for me.

    Free Member

    IMO this is where Wiggo needs to step up. As the current patron of the peleton he has tremedous power to condem Lance and change cycling for the better, His relctance to do this is frustrating and does call his integrity into question.

    Sky/Brad still need other teams to work with them on tours. They cannot control an entire TdF on their own, especially if other teams are giving them grief every day.

    Sadly, I suspect a hard stance might to go down well with other teams so despite it being a moral stance it might cost him wins.

    Which is a shame.

    Free Member

    All we know is that Lance was the best drug taking tour cyclist between 1999 and 2005.

    All we know is the drugs he took combined with the large amount of investment in team riders, aerodynamics, bikes etc. (and even valid things like training schedules, diet, ‘proper’ vitamin supplements etc. made him the fastest rider on the tour. I don’t think you could say he was the best drug taking cyclist on the tour, many others could have surpassed him but they didn’t have the financial backing to win and hence get the spotlight.

    Free Member

    It’s fine for people like George to say he’s sorry (now he’s retired). Give your money you cheatingly earned to anti doping if you’re that sorry you cheating ****. And for the “i didnt dope since 96” bullshit, your salary was based on your cheats performances. Sorry to pick on george, there’s hundreds of them. who cheated.


    The problem with the UCI is that you’ve gotta feel they were implicit in this somewhere down the line so any admission that this report is accurate is fairly damaging to them.

    Free Member

    Never any questions asked now once I found out how much Mrs Breathes haircuts were costing her 😯

    We each get pocket money to spend as we please. And thankfully the postie seems to be on my side and pretty much anything gets the red card and I go to pick it up so she never sees the steady procession of boxes. When she was out once I managed to pick up a full bike from courier, get it back in the house, assemble it, dump the bike box at the tip and get away with it with a casual “Oh, I’ve had that for ages now”.

    Free Member

    I think he’s as guilty as sin, but the USADA reports really needed a proper smoking gun (it might have, but I’ve not seen it spouted out on the various forums so I’m assuming not).

    Whilst all the circumstantial evidence is pretty much damming it really could have been game set and match with a killer blow of a dodgy blood sample or something in their possession.

    I’m not 100% up to speed – are we still expecting jail terms etc. for this or is it just the ban, stripped of titles and go away to live on his $80m fortune in peace/shame?

    Free Member

    Worth just getting a pair of 29er wheels and fitting some roadie/cx-ish tyres on – they’ll fit on a normal 26er (assuming disk brakes of course!).

    Free Member

    +1 one for the Worcester. Though to be fair I’ve not had any experience of the others. My mate is a fitter and he won’t use any other brand.

    Free Member

    Nationwide are good. The service you get tends to reflect that they’re a mutual, and therefore not run by lower-than-a-snakes-belly scumbags who would bend you over and go in dry, as soon as look at you

    Alas my Nationwide was run by people who thought it was fine to all go out for lunch – you know the time most people only have to visit a bank during their working day. The slowest counter service I’ve ever encountered.

    For purely greed basis Halifax still offering a fiver a month in your account if you use them.

    I’ve never had any problems with my Lloyds branch to be honest and I’m a little annoyed it’s just been announced I’m one of the random people who are being transferred out of Lloyds without any consent or anything.

    Free Member

    I’d put a fairly significant bet (possibly even up to £1) on it being the cassette.

    Free Member

    Think those guides are to pad out a 4mm gear cable to fit into a 5mm brake cable ‘guide’.

    I’m suspecting your Scandal guides are oversize to allow the cables to move freely – if they are 6-7mm as you say probably won’t stay in, but I’m just making the last bit up from conjecture, poor knowledge and a burning sense that I’m correct and no other opinion matters (so perfect for STW then… :D)

    EDIT: The guides might be quite wide to allow brake hose with olive etc. still fitted to pass though.

    Free Member

    Project management is project management, regardless of the technologies involved. Obviously having some web skills is useful when talking about web projects but be careful not to confuse your ‘new’ role with the techies role, it becomes a world of pain managing it and having to do it at the same time.

    If you’ve coordinated some big projects then you’ve clearly got some experience. Was there any man-management (or person-management for the sensitive amongst us…) involved?

    You probably need some skills in management tools – MS Project or the like (check Rally too). If you’ve not dealt with staff then get some experience in that.

    And get used to delegating. You’ll get itchy keyboard fingers for a while thinking ‘oh, I could do that bit of the work’. But that’s not you anymore – you’ll be the one telling customers why it’s not going to plan….

    Free Member

    ‘Techinally’ they have to be plugged into the actual socket but I’ve had no problems sticking them onto an extension socket.

    My Solwise ones were plug and play. Don’t need to worry about security gubbins really unless you’re running thw wireless repeater.

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