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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • breatheeasy
    Free Member

    BJ coming back as leader then being forced to resign the following week by the select Committee for lying to parliament is surely the next step in this farce isn’t it?

    Free Member

    Crazy-legs, you underestimate the tories. Sure, they won’t give a stuff about us plebs, climate etc but if they can see the gravy train is ending I’ll bet they bite their lips and put on a united face to save their own skins for the next two years and asset strip as much as they can before they can’t avoid the GE

    I mean, I’d love to see the tories implode with infighting as much as the next one but horrible feeling that experiment is over. Sunk will likely improve the polls slightly and they’ll all fall in line behind him publicly

    Free Member

    Guessing that sunak/mordor/hunt combo was set even before hunt arrived as chancellor, it was fairly obvious especially when Shapps rocked up too.

    As said above, no need for the pesky members to be involved if all but one of the candidates takes a step back nefore the ‘voting’ starts.

    Free Member

    James O’brien last night was speculating we might be just one or two Conservative leaders away from actually admitting brexit is the problem.

    Free Member

    Resigned Kos she was so terrible.

    Free Member

    Now, the endive is near…

    Nah, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

    Free Member

    I’m in a coffee shop with headphones on and judging by the strange looks I’m getting I possibly shouted ‘YES!’ a bit too loudly!

    Free Member

    So not forced out, just that no one else believed her mental policies and ‘mandate’ then?!

    Must be some shenanigans behind the scenes to get this sorted sans the membership surely? That can’t go full Braverman after this surely? Surely?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Iirc if she calls a GE then she’ll stay as PM to fight it. There won’t be a leadership election until after when they get beat and she resigns.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Reports doing the rounds of around 100 letters into the 1922 committee Ernie. 179 needed to compel her out under current rules (either written or un-written like the constitution).

    Thought they couldn’t touch her for a year with a VONC regardless of numbers? Circa 200 MPs against her, I’m guessing the cabinet would have to threaten a revolt and then its presumably a quiet chat and she’d be handed the bottle of whiskey and the revolver rather than any proper channel?

    Hopefully she necks the whole bottle and just says, **** it then, lets have a GE instead.

    Free Member

    I would presume that it is because there is no easy way to replace her.
    They cannot (surely) go through the same process they did to choose her – weeks of debates and going to the party members. Twiddling their thumbs whilst the country burns. With no confidence of getting anyone more suitable.
    There is no consensus amongst Tory MPs who it should be. Most seem to have far more people who loathe them than support them.
    Then there are the crackpots who think it should be them, but just embarrass the party (or should) because they are so inadequate.
    They are in a pickle.

    If there is a ‘sudden’ cabinet reshuffle and some more moderate MPs appear in major roles I’d guess that some large powerful block of power behind the scenes is fully in control, keep Truss as a figurehead (presumably in a fridge somewhere) to avoid the embarrassment of a new leader and the ‘grown ups’ run the place in an effort to stabilise the bleeding and maybe more than 3 Tories keep their seats come two years time.

    Major flaw in that is Truss will have to speak to the public at some point. Or the full on frothy loons spoil the cosy relationship.

    Then drop kick the whole recession and UK implosion onto Labours lap when the inevitably get elected next time (whenever that is), spend four years licking wounds and getting a vaguely sensible leader in and then blame Labour for the whole economic disaster. Get another 12 years back in on that. And rinse and repeat ad infinitum.

    Free Member

    Even the modifications to those old tanks must take a fair bit of time, unless they,re just sticking on some sandbags.

    Free Member

    Another week or 2? Before Ukrainians star making advances again into increasingly undersupplied & demoralised Russian lines

    Could be, but why waste your own troops when you can basically starve them out/let them run out of supplies/ammo/heating over the cold cold winter…

    Free Member

    I know there were a few comments earlier about Russian POWs. I came across this on twitter, a poor sod blindfolded with a tourniquet on his leg being fed and the comment says hunger is common among the POWs

    I did read today that the new conscripts are basically being mugged by the current lot when they arrive for their food and stuff so its fairly obvious the poor sods are just been thrown to the lions. Presumably Putin just thinks they’re not going to live long enough to need to worry about stuff like food and shelter.

    Free Member

    Is the Polish 500 himars, something like 10 launchers, 6 rockets per launcher and then enough refills to total 500?

    Think its gotta be something like that, not even sure US has that many.

    If they are ordering 500 launchers then, wow.

    Free Member

    So whats Mad Lizzies next move…
    U-turn on the lot?
    U-turn on just the benefits stuff?
    Just go all in whith the initial plan and hope the threat of removing the whip works?

    Noe of the options seem brilliant for her.

    And whats the Tory MPs next move…
    Vote against and lose the whip?
    Abstain which potentially loses the vote anyway?
    Hold your nose and vote for it?

    Knowing you’ve probably got this one chance to get rid of her and potentially get someone vaguely sensible in thats not beholden to the ERG to win back voters in the next 2 years. If you’ve gotta wait a full year for a VONC then thats gonna be too late.

    Happy days.

    Free Member

    What I still can’t get my head round is that the Tory membership elected her in the first place, I was convinced that pragmatism would win out

    Boris continuation vote IMHO. Genuienely think they think he was doing okay apart from the party thing. I don’t know if they resented Sunak because he was involved in bringing BJ down (in their minds anyway) or they are all basically racist. I’m guessing the former but not convinced.

    Free Member

    Westminster = the UK parliament rather than Scottish parliament. So basically the general election overall, not just people who live in Westminster

    Free Member

    I mean, this all would be hilarious if they weren’t actually in power and causing such grief for people.

    What are your choices as a Tory MP at moment? Just admit you’re likely out of a job in two years and keep your head down, or get rid of her now knowing that that must mean a general election and you’re out on your ear within months? This is your only chance I’d guess for a while to really get rid of her, voting against the mini budget (which is effectively a vote of no confidence). If she gets through this (and I can’t see Kwasi staying long) then its likely to wipe out the party cdomletely (thankfully).

    Free Member

    Scorched earth is the Russian way of moving forwards, basically mowing down everything in front of them with artillery. Like johnny says, trickier to do when they are regrouping running for their lives, not that I’m sure they won’t have a go at it but looking at the equipment and ammo supplies they’ve left behind in previous UKR pushes they are certainly travelling light when they go.

    Free Member

    Didn’t she just throw her chancellor under the bus in that BBC interview this morning, can’t remember the exact phrase but it was basically ‘it was his idea’.

    Guessing rewinding her neck on the 45p tax threshold will quell rebels (and the other mental ideas will stay). If it all gets too messy then Kwasi will go for that and she’ll just run the country down enough for eveything to be privatised by her pals just before the election.

    Free Member

    Truss to go.

    BJ to ride back to power.

    Ethics committee find him guilty of lying and he’s forced to resign again.

    Not sure whatll happen after that. I suspect a interdimensional rift and we start going backwards through previous Tory PMs for the next two years.

    I know they can’t hand in the letters and get her out yet but it’ll only take them voting against accepting the mini budget or something and she’d be gone.

    Free Member

    Have the tories not blamed the Labour conference and its announcements as the reason for the demise of the pound yet?

    Free Member

    Yep, this.

    Free Member

    Can there be insider dealing at government level? Some guy on youtube (okay, not completely watertight investigative journalism) was strongly hinting some rich friends of the government shorted on the pound literally just before the mini budget announcement and made a fortune.

    Don’t know if thats believeable or not, but I wouldn’t be surprised with this lot.

    Two years left to get as much money for themselves/their mates until the gravy train all collapses at the next election?

    Free Member

    Why is that? Why are Labour so obsessed with helping the *working* family as opposed to simply the left-behinds?

    Realistically, I’d guess thats the target deomgraphic for getting their vote so they can actually get into power and do something. Like the Tories appealing to pensioners.

    Free Member

    Any reciprocal arrangement sort for British workers…?

    I very much doubt it.

    Now the never-going-to-happen-anyway US trade agreement was kicked into the bushes just about the last reasonably sized market will be India and they will almost 100% certainly want easier access to the UKs jobs market and we are so desperate (and incompetent) we’ll just agree anything to get the headline. So whilst the Tories will triumphantly announce the deal allows us to export Yorkshire Puddings now to India they won’t mention the large numbers of johnny foreigners being allowed to come across to work in the UK.

    We have literally hollowed out the UK and given it to every country that wants a piece without any advantage for us just so we can ‘protect our borders’.

    Oh wait, we’re likely to get more people coming in.

    [And just to clarify, thats sarcasm not me being a frothing brexiteer]

    Free Member

    Yeah I know that is a widely held view but what’s in it for her?

    Well, she’s nailed on for the lucrative speaking gigs after her PM job is over. And a nice cushy number at one of her ‘sponsors’ companies doing a couple of hours a year for miliions no doubt.

    And I’m guessing she’s so full of herself that she p[ossibly believes the country will accept the BS shes spouting and vote her in again next time as long as she chucks in a quick income tax cut just before the election. Tories have had all the luck recently being able to hide their disasters behind covid, Ukraine, Liz etc. so it might not take much to keep her in power, though you’ve gotta think all he spinning plates are going to hit the deck at some point.

    Free Member

    Judging by most of my pals they’ll all be in bed with raging hangovers as they’re all planning massive pub crawls on the Sunday.

    Free Member

    Can’t believe any meeting twixt Truss and energy companies won’t involve energy companies getting bigger profits and the poor energy users getting ripped off still either with still mental prices or some dodgy scheme where we end up paying for massive payrises for the bosses for the next 20 years.

    Free Member

    Don’t suppose some lovely moderator could delete this entire thread now and we can pretend he never existed in our universe as PM?

    Free Member

    If you look at the full clip, he actually was announcing £700M for a new nuclear plant, which sounds like a lot right now but if it reduces your costs and reliance on gas in the longer run

    I’m not even sure that £700m is enough to tempt private firms (or at least the Fresh ones) to come in on the deal. Sounds a lot but actually its just a load of bluster aimed at showing how ‘good’ Boris is but is actually worthless.

    Its like me saying “I’ll chip in £100 for a trip to Hong Kong, lads, whos in with me?’

    Free Member

    And probably likely to have no supplies from their Russian support so will probably have to loot stuff just to survive.

    Free Member

    Imagine being a lawyer for Trump. Knowing you’re not going to get paid (but at least may have a shot at some other well paid MAGA gigs to cover it and then just having to deal with him.

    Lawyer “Okay, Mr Trump, lets just say it was an FBI plant and we can try and argue the case in court if we just stick to this story”

    Trump “Okay”

    Trump to the world “Nah, I admit to having the documents but I gave myself a god like ability to auto-declassify everything I touch”

    Lawyer “Sigh”

    Free Member

    Redshift cruise control

    Free Member

    Sods law, think I’ve found it – REDSHIFT Cruise Control Drop Bar Grips

    Free Member

    And its not that Cinelli gel bar insert stuff, this is more structured.

    Free Member

    Probably not the thread for this, but could the gov not create a publically owned energy company to compete with the current crop. All the current ones that go pop have their customers transferred to this new one automatically. Good rates (no shareholders to pay for), possibly even loss leading prices, no mental prices for prepaid meters etc.

    (And I know thats a retorical question as their pals who run current energy companies won’t be too keen).

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