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  • Cost of living crisis and Singletrack – An appeal
  • breatheeasy
    Free Member

    If your chainset has one of the chainring bolts ‘hidden’ behind the crank arms then it’s what mrmo says. If not then any compact 110bcd ring should fit.

    Free Member

    George, a young boy was shipped out of London during the war, as many were and moved up to the North East of England to live with a family. They had a young daughter called Margaret.

    After the war George returned home but never forgot about Margaret, they kept in touch and finally he moved back up to the North and they got married and lived happily for 50+ years together until they both died a few years ago within month of each other.

    RIP Uncle George and Auntie Margaret….

    Free Member

    You do realise that upping the cost of postage is in line with a reduction of funding from the Tax Payer.

    I’m in only if I can see the funding going back in my pocket from reduced taxation. But I won’t.

    Free Member

    But the OP is talking about actions on two different machines, so unless hes logged into google with the same ID on both then the seemingly specific ad being served to one machine following a search on another has more of an element of chance.

    Could be done on IP address rather than specific machine. Big Brother could easily tie the two devices together as the same ‘person’ if you’d logged into Google etc. on both machines.

    This is the whole reason websites now have to tell you they’re using cookies.

    Free Member

    Strangely “Love Like Blood” by Killing Joke makes me go all “hayfevery”. Just a couple of lines tweak something in me.

    Free Member

    You can get a 33t TA chainring but that’s not going to make a huge amount of difference.

    Assuming you’ve got double specific STi shifters on the bike? Not 100% if a roadie front mech will work with a mtb double chainset.

    Free Member

    Daft question – do DSG cars creep forwards like old automatics when stationary? I’d hate to think I actually had to get the servant to press the brake with his forehead to stop moving – or do those fancy new electronic handbrakes/stop-start engines do something clever too?

    Free Member

    My bikes are insured when in the shed (money I’d rather not be parting with), but what happens if they are stolen? Does the premium not increase? And if they come back and nick them again, as is often the case, will the insurance company just keep paying out?

    Lad a work got his bike (and kids bikes) nicked. Replaced nicely by the insurance company. Plonker then proceeded to leave the bike box out the front to be collected with the rubbish. Funnily enough, with the 5′ x 4′ “I’ve got a new bike” sign outside, his new bike got taken pretty quickly too. Insurance paid out again, but I’d hate to imagine the premiums next time.

    Free Member

    yea but why

    Getting some new cyclocross disk wheels and just wondering if I should order with 9mm adaptors or std qr fittings. Alas no 15mm thru axles on cx forks/frames yet….

    Free Member

    I like to think of myself as reasonably intelligent, played with bikes for many years, built them from scratch etc. etc. and I’ve no idea about the whole host of bb standards. 😥

    The Campag ISO question – this is a square taper bottom bracket, but a different taper to the JIS ones that Shimano use. If you have the correct ISO bb and chainset then they should be able to be fitted to any bike with a standard threaded (i.e. old school, not pressfit) type bb shell on the frame. No problems with drivetrain compatibility after that.

    Free Member

    Kinda moot point though if it hasn’t reached it’s reserve price though…

    Free Member

    IIRC my old Planet X had a sticker with a serial number on it. Wouldn’ take too much effort with a dymo to recreate the same legit serial number on a different frame.

    Free Member

    Surely it’s de rigeur to do electronic invitations/emails these days? Saving rainforests etc.

    Free Member

    And if not, can I just put 10 speed chainrings on my existing cranks?

    Have a look how much replacement chainrings are – it’s probably cheaper to buy a new chainset and flog the older one…

    Free Member

    Not seeing any mudguard eyelets on the front fork of the Hack – am I missing something obvious – the rears got them…

    Free Member

    If its like all ‘replaceable’ bike parts (Shimano included) the parts often end up as expensive as replacing the whole thing. There is almost no point replacing Shimano chainrings seperately for instance.

    I’ve not spotted any replacement axles for the SPDs. I’d probably drop back to the M520s or see if you can pick up a nearly new set of XTs on eBay.

    Free Member

    Spookily I was thinking about this last night (slow day yesterday).

    Wouldn’t it be easier to just machine a cassette and freehub combined and sav even more weight off it? Obviously changing cassette would be a bit more tricky.

    Free Member

    Last year loads of people cleared the roads around my estate. The snow had to go somewhere so it ended up in neat piles beside the road.

    Great you think, but it created basically a one way system around the entire estate, you couldn’t pull over to let cars come past the other way as there was always a big pile of snow/ice. And those piles stayed a long time after most of the rest disappeared.

    This year nobody has really bothered. Cars have driven over a lot more of the road and cleared the problem a lot quicker rather than being forced to trundle down one track.

    Free Member

    Mind you, just how many people are actually taught and learn to drive in the winter.

    I was taught to drive in the winter. I’m fairly sure it’s given me a bit more confidence how to drive in the ice and snow. I’m not ‘awesome’ by any stretch but have a healthy appreciation/respect for the weather. Didn’t get too many bad habits too early in my driving career.

    Free Member

    then some nugget on an internet forum called an A road a motorway

    Sorry, the A1(M) to give it it’s full title…. 😀

    Free Member

    Could be worse. I’ve just had to drive around this weekend with a winter tyre on one frontside and a space saver on the other front. That was fun…

    Free Member

    Had a car following me down the A1 yesterday. Traffic came to a halt as it does now and then on a busy road. So I stopped. And so did he.

    Full roof of snow then proceeded to slip off his roof all over the windscreen. The nugget then had to get out of his car on the motorway to clean it off. Sigh.

    Free Member

    Did it go along the lines of

    “Oh look, these shoes have been reduced down from £200 to £100. If I buy two pairs I’d have saved myself £200 pounds…”

    Free Member

    I thought Ebay only refund once the item has been returned using proof of postage – not so?

    Typically what gets returned is their broken iPhone they’ve just swapped with your working one (or the battery…). And do it by recorded delivery and they can ‘prove’ to eBay they’ve done their side of the bargain.

    Free Member

    If the doctors have signed him/her off sick then they can’t force him back to work.

    Do be there for your mate. It’ll be really important to him. Don’t say much, but make sure he doesn’t get bullied into going back to work.

    And as people above say, don’t commit to anything – that’s the doctors job…

    Free Member

    If he’s put it on ebay for the agreed amount, it’s likely he’ll have no bids.

    If its what I typically see on eBay, he might get one bid, certainly not a bidding frenzy. So subtract the fees he’ll be worse off.

    Buy the bike off eBay. Let him pay the fees. Claim the bike didn’t turn up/was damaged and claim the whole lot back off him via Paypal. Then text his GF a picture of some bombers.

    Free Member

    Got to say pretty disappointed by Armistead’s take on this – naiive at best???

    No, she’s a working cyclist who doesn’t want the limited sponsors of womens cycling to remove their funding for her profession. Not naive at all. Though when it’s her turn to retire maybe she’ll go out guns blazing. It’s going to be pretty meagre pickings in cycling for a while yet especially if LA takes down a lot of UCI with him.

    But I do get Nicoles point that Hamilton (and Millar don’t forget) made a decent littler earner out of writing books about how they doped (and don’t forget kids, doping doesn’t pay…)

    Free Member

    The very reason I no longer go into Starbucks….

    People are very selective about their objections. I wonder how many people slagging off Starbucks/Amazon were doing it on their Macs/iProducts…

    Free Member

    We buy stuff from them because it’s cheaper than elsewhere and we think it’s saving us money.


    And then we complain when shops like HMV et al that pay their taxes to the UK close down.

    Free Member

    I very much doubt that LA gave any evidence under oath to the Grand Jury, but if he did and now has changed his story, a perjury charge will be forthcoming.

    Does he not escape the perjury charge by courtesy of it being outside the US statute of limitations?

    I suspect with LA he’s just taking down the big guys with him. They’ll sink without a trace. LA will have a new book out shortly, presumably he’s been keeping quiet for a bit whilst he jots down a few notes about his’ crimes’. Accountant will have worked out the money he is likely to owe plaintiffs and how much he has at the moment and he’ll have enough to live comfortably for the rest of his life.

    And to be frank, as others have said, if he does have one redeeming benefit then we might get a serious root-and-branch overhaul of the sport (or even sports).

    And them DM might be able to name and shame a few people himself on the way to redemption…

    Free Member

    Can you remortage now without penalty? If you’ve got enough leeway in terms of what you owe the bank and what your house is currently worth then you shouldn’t have a problem.

    Free Member

    Hope do an adaptor too for their HT11 bottom bracket so it works with GXP.

    Free Member

    Just don’t go for a Smeg.

    Can’t fault the Bosch one we’ve got. If you’ve got a specific size space it needs to go into then to be honest you’re really not going to get a huge amount of difference in size.

    Free Member

    And why is that do you reckon? Could it have anything to do with the fact that women’s sports are treated like second class when it comes to marketing and coverage?

    Talking about this at work a few weeks ago. The big sports fans in the office just want to watch the best/fastest/strongest. That normally implies male sportsmen to them. And as men are predominantly the spectators I suppose that decides the marketing and coverage to some extent.

    I’m not sure, I can’t work it out. The womens cycling at the Olympics was epic, but I have to admit there’s not much womens sport I watch (not that I get to watch much anyway…).

    Catch 22 – if no-one is watching then no sponsors will pay good money and nobody will broadcast it, hence no-one gets to see it.

    Free Member

    Could well be that people aren’t getting any interest on their savings so probably have the mentality of they may as well just spend it on something like an extension, new car etc.

    Free Member

    What is involved in moving from double to triple? Is it just a new crankset? Or new front mech as well?
    Presumably road shifters can pull for two or three gears without needing changed?

    Front mech (though sometimes you can get away with it)
    Left hand shifter – SRAM don’t do a triple shifter at all, Shimano come in double or triple flavours IIRC and I think Campag used to be triple compatible but not 100% about their newer shifters.

    Possibly rear mech too…

    So it’s not just a case of dropping a triple chainset on 😀

    Free Member

    Is this the same Millar that is apparently irked by the fact LA is going to tell his ‘version’ of the truth in an interview with Oprah, yet appears to have done quite well out of a book where he narates his ‘version’ of the truth?

    Free Member

    My bet is on something else, like a stick, becoming caught in the mudguard.

    That’s what happened to my mate – flicked up a stick and all the mudguard stays did (despite the breakaways) was to nicely keep it lined up to jam behind the forks as the mudguard collapsed along with it. One broken elbow, ribs and facial injuries later…

    Free Member

    I’ve used it to return stuff to CRC and I think that the concept is pretty good

    Don’t use it for Wiggle though – they charge you something like £2.50 per item returned, even though they were all in the same box…

    Free Member

    As soon as Tesco/big supermarkets decide to do this we are on to a winner. 24 hour parcel collection and dropoff… Cost doing it offset by the single delivery of lots of parcels as opposed to multiple address drops.

    Always assumed the local shops are doing it to get footfall in there. Pick up a parcel and maybe get a Mars bar and a pinta whilst you’re there.

    Big difference having the bloke in his own shop sticking a couple of boxes down behind the counter and Tescos having a full manned 18 hour a day pickup/delivery point taking valuable selling space up in their stores.

    Then you’ll get in the crazy position where Amazon will do a deal with Tesco, Collect+ will sign a pact with Asda…

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