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  • breatheeasy
    Free Member

    I reckon they’ll mothball it for a few years then bring it back once Clarkson has had some therapy or somesuch.

    There did seem to be a few comments out there hinting as much.

    Think about what Clarkson is/was like: 70s throwback, out-dated attitudes, dodgy comments about women/foreigners etc, verbal bullying, liable to lash out if frustrated. It’s not Glenister people want, it’s Gene Hunt.

    This – they want the Gene Hunt version, but that’ll be ‘okay’ because it’s scripted rather than for real (even though I suspect most of Clarksons TG apprearances were some big scripted persona anyway).

    Free Member

    I did something similar for a larger range cassette, nothing I really notices in shifting performance

    Free Member

    She just feels like shes letting people down.

    Her responsibility now is to that unborn child. She’s going to be letting that little one down if she becomes ill etc.

    She’s pregnant. If she dropped the sprogg tmrw would she still be letting people down but not rocking up to work?

    Free Member

    Ok maybe not ‘most’ but quite a lot. Certainly enough to put the labour party out of the business of government. Christ, even the UKIP nut-jobs nearly took a seat off them in Middleton-Heywood, so what would the SNP do?

    Problem is with the North East of England is that it’s still in England – so the various bribes of free prescriptions/Greggs pasties/university education etc. etc. wouldn’t be applied to us.

    That said, I do agree that whilst Labour is the default voting choice I suspect it’s more of an anti Tory vote, UKIP may hoover up a sizeable number of Labour numbers.

    Free Member

    Could this be the SNPs ‘libdem’ moment? Promise the world knowing they won’t be the main party then realise they’re getting tarred with the same brush as Labour. Presuming Labour has the competence to know what a brush is in the first place, once in power.

    Or does promising the world to Scotland get them off the hook a bit, as there won’t be an indepence referendum for a while.

    Free Member

    Always remember working in the dole office during uni holidays having to call for a ‘Mr Rocky Balboa’.

    Free Member

    I think that good ole Great Britain has royally **** up Africa in times gone past so we should tke responsibility and look after the folk who now need our help.

    Pushing that logic even further, as we’re all technically from Africa anyway in the very distant past maybe they should take reponsibility for sending Lucy et al to Europe in the first place?

    Free Member

    It is interesting how so much debate had been about how much UKIP would hurt the Tories when the reality is likely to be how much the SNP will hurt Labour. That is going to be one of the key elements of this election.

    I think that UKIP will hurt Labour – by their voters flooding back to the Conservatives when it comes to finally not be a ‘protest’ vote and it’s for real with the thought of Labour being the ‘alternative’.

    Free Member

    Don’t bother with shorter bolts – just get a chainguard – basically a chainring with no teeth (or if you’re bored/tight then just file off the teeth on your outer chainring if they’re already goosed) and you won’t need the shorter versions.

    Free Member

    Said good morning to Jonathan Edwards yesterday morning as he was loading his nice Scott road bike into his car.

    Today, had a nice conversation with a policeman as he waved me through a red light and told me I was on the best form of transport this morning. And he was right, complete gridlock all over town as a burst water main had brought everyone else to a standstill.

    I think they count as positives.

    Free Member

    It’d look great on the mantelpiece….

    Free Member

    Weightwatchers shakes etc are mostly carbs, with whey, fiber and thickener. They’re an expenssive meal replacement for people with no self control.

    Yeah, all the ones I saw seemed to just be stuffed with a fair amount of calories/carbs so I was wondering the actual ‘benefit’.

    I read the article and it seemed to present a fairly good argument if you were short of protein. Then I got sidetracked by something like a shiney bike and it slipped out of my attention span… 😀

    Free Member

    looks exactly as my 10 year old golf did on the arches – i wouldnt be so convinced of an acccident

    Diesel by any chance? I think there’s a known problem with the wheel arches of Golfs circa 10 years old – the inners apparently were badly designed/fitted and rubbed the arches causing rust to get a hold. Wouldn’t be suprised the AUdi is the same.

    Sounds like it might have been ‘fixed’ already.

    Free Member

    There’s a guy I know in my office who says he’s voting UKIP and he’s a classic northern white working class lifelong labour voter,

    Worked on elections for a good few years in a previous job. A lot of the Lab voters wouldn’t ever consider voting Conservative but certainly don’t have what I would describe as sharing the Labour ‘values’ – UKIP is almost a viable alternative for them. Don’t think it’ll affect this years vote but if they do stick around and don’t implode then I can see some potential for damaging the Labour heartlands next time.

    Free Member

    Do you take any notice of reviews?

    I maybe take a quick check on reviews, though I do get suspicious if there are too many goods and not enough average/bad.

    Can’t see anything too wrong with a piccy entitled “And here’s another satisfied customer”. Once you start putting names to nice new (expensive) shiny bikes then you could be asking for trouble.

    Personally, I think its a fine line between getting a bit of promotions out there, and bombarding everyone constantly. If you’re selling some event like BBB then I can see some sense in the big push, just hammering out “X bike for £xxx this week” constanly would get on my goat.

    Free Member

    Yeah, as a rough guess I’d say the UKIP voters will bottle it and vote back to Tory.

    The Green voters migh have a bit more baclbone about themselves and stick with principles.

    If the tories are going to be able to form a government they’ve got to take seats off labour.

    I wonder if it’ll be the UKIPers who’ll do the work for Cons on this one and take voes off Lab, rather than directly swapping from Lab to Con?

    Free Member

    From my experience I would say the best chains are whipperman – the stainless steel ones – as these are durable and strong.

    Oh god, worst chain I’ve ever used. I bought a couple as a treat thinking they’d be good for winter use. After snapping one regularly I checked and about 50% of the links had micro fractures ready to break the chain.

    Free Member

    Friday I reckon….

    Free Member

    Parents punch headmasters for asking them to park responsibly.

    How do you think they will react to a “dirty peado taking pictures of kids!!”

    Quite happy for them to punch the plain clothed policeman, in my opinion. Then let the full force of the law descend upon them….

    Free Member

    It’ll be a long four weeks or him, let alone four years. By all accounts there are plenty of fellow inmates who want to have an indepth discussion with him…

    Free Member

    The only one thats made me smirk this year is the inner selfie stick, but thats not even bike related…

    Free Member

    Just be careful of deadly embraces.

    Free Member

    It’s pretty lame trying to wriggle out of having branded someone “simple” by subsequently saying you were only basing your understanding on only Glasgow when the original discussion was about the national doubling of foodbanks.

    Oooh, ooh, does that mean we now have the concept of a Glasgow Defence, as well as an Edinburgh Defence?

    Free Member

    Make sure you get paid first, as mentioned above.

    Plus if I remember correctly, you can’t end an auction in the last 24 hours, so be careful with that one.

    Free Member

    Why take 150 people with you? How about to totally destroy the life of the person you’ve broken up with. Whoever that person is I expect right now they wish they were dead. What a way to punish someone and torture them for the rest of their lives.

    Often a classic sign of depression/suicides – you can’t communicate what you feel so often demonstrate it in such ways to show people how you feel/felt.

    Free Member

    It is being reported that the police found a doctors note allowing him to be signed off work, this was ripped up and left at his house. Strikes me this is a “FU I am not being signed off work” kind of response.

    I don’t get this bit unless it’s different in Germany – I would only get a sicknote if I went to the doctor and basically asked for one, with the implication I was going to use it. All I can think of was he thought about calling in sick, but then though f** that, it’s too late for things like that and was in an (obviously with hindsight) darker/deeper place than he realised.

    Free Member

    Well, apart from the Guardian article not seeming to have any hard facts apart from “he’ll be good in Top Gear”, I’m not sure Guy Martin would be a good fit for a programme like TG.

    He’s brilliant in the documentary style stuff, I’m not sure what he would bring if you just put him in a BMW M3 to rag around a track. If he had to build half the M3 first however… so, yes, some of the challenges would be right up his street, but you’d just end up with an identical programme to what he basically is doing now with spitfires, downhill sleds etc. (not that that would be a bad thing per se)

    Free Member

    And Mavics are available front and rear seperately.

    Free Member

    I take the wifes comment to our daughter as a compliment – “you’re as bad as your dad”

    TO be fair, I have trained the little one to give me a high five anytime after that comment, so maybe she has a point.

    Free Member

    Lest us not forget, Clarkson doesn’t appear to have been sacked, just his contract not reviewed.

    I suspect Top Gear to lay fallow for a year or so (maybe a new show to try the waters in the meantime) then a suitably reticent JC and crew miraculously reappear to save the day again with a big relaunch of TG in 2016/7.

    Free Member

    Mavic Aksium Disks? £160 ish from CRC. Mavic freehubs have been 11sp compaitble for ages haven’t they?

    Free Member

    From personal experience you may never notice any symptoms of a work colleague, such as in the case of that poor pilot.

    Unless you know they’re going straight in from work and going to bed/curling up in a ball often peoplle will expend all the energy they can summon to appear normal during work, whiich obviously has a two-fold effect of not telling anyone/managers so they can cater for it, and burns you up even quicker.

    Free Member

    The BBC are actually suggesting Ant and Dec were mooted for the job 🙄

    Free Member

    Count yourself lucky – I’ve just spent a year with Silent Sinus Syndrome – one of my sinuses has collapsed, pulling in the cheekbone with it… queue nose op, potential surgery to stick some new bone in, and extra surgery to move eyeball up a touch.

    Still, all clear now, though having a camera stuck into your sinus whilst you’re watching to check it out was fun last week 😯

    Free Member

    Really world? Probably not.

    Free Member

    I depends how much the company wants to ‘polish’ things. You often get to 80% of the functionality/performance very quickly, that extra 20% can be a very long haul as that is where the accountants or designers or managers like to get their oar in.

    Free Member

    Don’t know if you can get one of these for £200 but the Pilot Myu/Murex is a thing of particular beauty (in my eyes, at least)

    Free Member

    I’ve done the Reivers C2C route – we started in Tynemouth and went via Keswick to the other side – it’s more roads than the proper C2C, a touch longer but I don’t remeber as many nasty climbs as the pukka version – might be worth checking.

    Free Member

    For all those saying it’s stupid to vote UKIP based on their ‘manifesto’, whilst working on elections in a past life I’ve lost count of the following question in the voting stations:

    “Dad, which one do I vote for again?”

    Free Member

    Thats my local High Street he’s talking about!

    I’m guessing the entire bile from his ‘article’ is probably based around the fact he’ll be losing a parking space outside his house.

    It’s also a really misleading article – the main problem is there are two sets of major lights about 25 yards apart offset to avoid a small carpark. The tailbacks are horrendous as there’s no real flow of traffic. The proposal is to cut through the car park and make one simple light controlled crossroads, hence losing some parking space.

    The cyclists are taking the blame because they’re going to put a couple of bike lanes in whilst they are doing the work.

    The planners are mental though – they seemed to think it was okay to have a two-way bike lane going down one of the current lanes of the high street with buses depositing people into said bike lanes, random car parking spaces along it and other particularly special decisions.

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