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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • breatheeasy
    Free Member

    Boost tapered 490mm?
    Or is that still too short for you (are you taking into account sag?)

    Free Member

    Can’t login to either Wiggle or CRC now. Even with password resets.

    Free Member

    Literally knew what this was going to be about just from the title.

    Haven’t watched the clip yet, think I need to be in a better frame of mind first and access to a hanky duster…

    Free Member

    Boils my p p proverbial that the tories can collapse the country to the state it us now, then basically hand over the stinking wreck to (probably) Labour and then blame them for it and no doubt get back in for another 13 years afterwards.

    Free Member

    Thats what happens when you don’t pay them for their services

    Free Member

    Trumps legal team in the Carroll civil case have called no defending witnesses, including Trump.

    Loved the way Trump stormed back from Ireland to ‘confront her’ when he knew fine well that is was too late to do such a thing. Then the judge trolled him by extending the hearing so he could have his say. And Trump promptly bottled it conveniently didn’t turn up.

    TBH, much as I’d like to see it, I don’t think he’ll be found to be guilty in this one, despite the fairly low bar in the civil case. The other cases seem to be getting juicy though, especiually as they seem to have an insider who is spilling the beans (and has photo eveidence by all accounts) on the secret documents case.

    Free Member

    what do you think of the local elections results?

    Everyone seems to be mentioning the 1000 seat losses for the Tories without mentioning that the 2019 baseline was one of the worst results for them in many many years, so this is awful for them. Which is great. I look forward to a number of fairly high profile/smug Tories getting their P45s handed to them (if they haven’t decided to, ahem, pursue other directions in their careers by then).

    Definite tactical voting (a la ‘anyone but tories’) going on and certainly a whiff of orchestrated lab/libdem coordination in certain seats too.

    Interesting to see how the Libdem vote holds up in a GE, they’ve always benefitted from the protest vote at locals. Can see them being viable candidate for certain Tory marginals though.

    Hopefully Reform UK also throw their boat in to water down the Tory vote even more.

    Free Member

    And Rapha have a 20% discount (‘SAVE20’) on shorts at the moment…

    Free Member

    If you want to make it even more expensive, my pal has just informed me his son (and the rest of his house) are paying a company a small fortune to pay their utility bills for them on top of the cost of the bills!

    Free Member

    Lawyer: Trump would like to miss a few days of his trial because, you know, all the fuss and that and they had to block roads off and it made the traffic really bad in NY when he turned up, so he’s thinking of the people.

    Judge: This wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact Trump has a rally in a different city in a couple of days, would it?

    Honestly, can’t make it up.

    Free Member

    Do not underestimate how bad SF is in the lower part of Market St and Tenderloin district and plan your route with care.

    Yeah, basically go uphill in direction of the harbour!!! Visited a pal who lived over there a while ago. Some of the alternative sights he took us to were eye opening.

    To be honest, if central-ish – I’d walk the trolley car route (or jump on if you’re lazy/tired) down to harbour, maybe do Alkatraz, do windy street thingy and go to Chinatown for fud.

    Free Member

    Watched an interesting article about why they’ve likely taken the settlement and run. Apparently if they settle now, Fox basically have to stump up the cash here and now. Get a settlement after trial and it’s good luck trying to get the money, could take years, and they wouldn’t have got anywhere near what they were asking for in the first place. Good ol’ US law. Also, nothing new and juicy would likely come out, what we’ve already heard is just rerun in the trial, obviously we’ve lost the opportunity to watch Murdock(s), Carlson etc. squirm on the witness stand though.

    Plus on a personal level, there would still be a lot of pain for dominion witnesses, certainly in terms of death threats and abuse should it have gone to trial so its no wonder they’ve taken the cash.

    Interesting to see what Smartmatic do, despite their retoric of taking it to trial.

    Mr Pillow Man, and Rudy are basically screwed though.

    Free Member

    Love that he actually said “well, the inquiry only found me guilty of two of the claims” as if that was okay!!!

    Free Member

    Rish! might be vulnerable if the local elections are terrible. If he can manage the fallout from them he’s probably safe until the election, though he doesn’t appear to be the most astute politician and seems to walk into traps laid for him (see the ‘have you anything to declare’ one from Labour about the child care) or some of his own making (like he thinks nobody has a camera or phone when he says he’s divierted funds to his area etc.).

    Inflation coming down to 5% this year will be touted as a victory for him and the Tories and somehow most voters will accept that and forget the 10%+ they’ve been struggling with for the previous 12+ months.

    Surely even the raving loons in the party must realise Cruella isn’t going to win them more seats come an election.

    Free Member

    so will they accept they’ve been rumbled and **** off to the next mark

    They’ve got some very juicy verified data there even without credit card number, so it could be that it gets sold to whoever wants it so just be careful for a little while yet when the next set of punters have a go at something.

    Keep an eye out if you get some odd emails or post.

    It may die down once the inital test of your accesses fail…

    Free Member

    Makes you wonder how crooked they all are if a fairly nobody MP reckons he can waltz in and get some fairly hush hush information off presumably someone in the cabinet, or fairly high up.

    Surprised, to be honest, that he hasn’t gone for the ‘I knew it was a sting all along and was just stringing them along to, erm, proove a point’ excuse.

    Free Member

    So why is he being pursued over minor stuff which could possibly play into his tiny hands?

    Rumours are that there are almost 30 counts in the idictment. At most there could be about 8 of them related to the Stormy Daniels case so I think they’ve got a lot more on him than a simple ‘avoided tax on a dodgy payment’.

    Free Member

    Cheers grumpyrs, good to hear they are a wide fit too.

    Free Member

    So the ‘I’m an idiot’ defence was the only one he could really run with. Probably with enough realisation (probably from his lawyers) that he’s going to be found guilty and as long as he just gets a telling off or less than 10 days recommended suspension then he won’t actually care and can convince himself he’s just been hard done by.

    Maybe the ego thinks even if he’s gets the book thrown at him from the inquiry then all his jolly MP mates will just vote against anything anyway.

    I did hear something that I couldn’t really understand with my limited brainpower that potentially his defence may rest on definitiions of ‘guidance’ against ‘law’ etc. so guessing he’ll be going for some kind of technical issue in the wording of the inquiry rather than the fact theres a boatload of photos of him quaffing wine at gatherings.

    Free Member

    so for the first time in a very long time when it comes to Brexit, the country isn’t being held to ransom by a small coterie of absolute headbangers in the DUP/ERG.

    Not for this vote maybe, but Rish! might be in for a rough ride on the next vote where he doesn’t have support from the opposition…

    Free Member

    So, if you want to add to a list of ‘probable’ scams to warn your parents about- the mobile phone company ringing up to say you’ve a tasty discount on the monthly cost of your sim card and they just need you to tell them the four/six digit number they are just about to send to you. (That code obviously being the validation code to get into your account when ‘you’ (ie them) forget your password etc.)

    Free Member

    Seven to one ratio of RU vs UKR killed in Bahkmut apparently.

    Gruesome tactics – send out a group of conscripts armed with a sharp stick and a woolly hat for protection. Make a note of where the gunfire that mows them down comes from. Shoot at said position. Repeat.

    Free Member

    Rishi is never going to really push this bill into law. Its basically jam tomorrow for the frothing loons and undecided (red wall?) voters to vote for them at the election. Then, as usual, the mugs will found out too late that they’ve been lied to again and it’ll fail because of some reason. This is the Tory playbook. Chuck in a cheeky tax cut just prior to the election too.

    Free Member

    If you want something on the cheap end to try I’ve got a Regatta Hillpack that’ll pack down fairly small and is light too. Sits in my golf bag so not exactly life or death but I’ve worn it in sub zero temps and holds up fairly well.

    Free Member

    Isn’t the ‘this war is fake’ straight out of the republican/trumpist playbook that could be used to argue for no more US funds to ukraine if/when the GOP get back into enough power to help out their old pal Puuts?

    Free Member

    So apparently we have a local distillery in Durham!

    Durham Cask Aged gin

    More of a plain bottle though, not sure if the cask aging puts it more in the ‘flavoured’ category.

    Free Member

    Any love for Ruku gin? He also likes whiskey (but has enough bottles) so a Japanese single malt whiskey maker doing their own gin would be a good tie in.

    Or I could just buy him a small bottle of Fevertree tonic water!

    Free Member

    Looking at the specs of the soundbar it looks like it transmits and receives bluetooth. Could it connect to the headphones at same time as outputing via its speakers maybe?

    Free Member

    Surely if the ERG and the other mentalists in the party try to muck up this NI vote Sunak must surely have no choice but to go ‘I give up, lets have an election’.

    They need to back down on this one, or play a canny game with it as they won’t get their bonfire of EU Laws otherwise which is really the endgame so they can either profit from that, or take us back to Victorian times, or whatever the cunning plan is.

    Free Member

    at least some of them were ‘elite’ VDV paratroopers

    Think I remember reading somewhere a while ago that the ‘elite’ paras where basically a hollowed out unit now with, shall we say, less than elite replacements for the numbers killed and wounded. They’re all just cannon fodder now.

    Free Member

    ‘Tell us which schools could collapse’: Labour will force ministers to reveal data

    Classy move by Sunak to try and hide the report into the perilous state of school buildings too – could be the next ‘scandal’ to the level of Windrush.

    God forbid any of the schools on the danger list actually do fail and cause injury.

    Free Member

    Isn’t Sunak in a spot of bother with this latest revelations? I’ve lost a bit of where things have happened on this but didn’t Sunak say in Parliament that he didn’t know about Zahawis tax affairs/issues? Is there a hasty ‘clarification’ required if so?

    Free Member

    This is the real reason for Brexit. This is what they wanted all along. They get to torch workers rights, food standards, environmental controls and pretty much everything else they don’t like, all literally overnight

    Very much this.

    Cue much leaning on Sunak to get this through parliament sharpish so they can render us as a direct competitor to Bangladesh for standards of working.

    I genuienely can’t believe even the Brexiteers are not even the slight bit concerned, do they think all these ‘bendy banana’ rules won’t affect them in the least? Even if workers rights are taken away, do they not realise its going to make it even harder to trade with the EU and each business is going to have to prove its working to EU standards to send stuff there.

    That EV battery plant not coming means we’re never going to be able to make cars to sell in the EU now as the point of origin rules are going to come into effect and not enough will actually have been built here.

    Free Member

    I took 18 months worth of salary and started my new job the next week! As soon as the consultation period started I just applied for a new role and they were happy to wait until I could pick up my redundancy lumper.

    I think the only caveat (and not sure it’ll really apply to you) was that I agreed not to go back to the role within 2 or three years (can’t remember which) – wasn’t the hardest thing to agree too!!!

    The people on the next (inevitable) round of redundancies got the minimum statutory amount.

    Free Member

    You’d think that a former chancellor and the current chairman of the Tory party (and still a cabinet minister), being done for millions of pounds of tax dodging would be front page news, wouldn’t you? Yet, the BBC haven’t seen fit to even mention it

    And not appearing to be getting any fine either.

    Wonder if that was related in any way as to why he was so desperate to be Chancellor for a couple of weeks just before Boris imploded?

    Free Member

    Do you need all that grunt? Unless you’e a power user then it might be overkill

    Free Member

    The ONLY time we should have an influence on Russia is around nuclear security – they will have massive issues now maintaining not only missiles but ships and subs with nuclear on board. They have struggled for years to maintain and secure them, this now creates the opportunity for someone in Russian state or terrorists to make use of the weapons, and long term a huge environmental issue.

    Think this is going to be a massive issue going forwards. The state of some of the Russian fleet already is worrying when you read articles about the likes of the Admiral Kuznetsvo (though that ain’t a nuke power carrier) even before it went into service, let alone now.

    Free Member

    Sunak is just picking fights to keep the frothing loons in his party at bay. I’m sure if he’d have his own way he’d be hiding in any fridges he could find without BJ already in there.

    Feels like the tension within the Tories is bubbling just under the surface. He’ll be fine until the local elections. The day after? Well, we’ll see.

    Free Member

    I heard it was really easy to cancel to avoid getting billed though.

    That kind of business model they are running rarely goes hand in hand with the above statement!

    Free Member

    So much banding about of ‘illegal’ like these things are dragsters doing 50 in a 30. Most de-restricted are going at 25, though usually less.

    The yoof I see pretty much every day coming in the opposite direction to me on his ebike seems to making fairly good progress down the outside lane of the dual carriageway with no helmet when I see him, I’m pretty sure he’s not doing 15.2mph.

    SO. Cars- of any brand or make can have the ability of breaking the speed limits , which is obviously illegal, but Ebikes must never, ever, how very dare they have the same option, even though we’re nowhere near comparing their speeds. Also illegal yes, but on a logical level, the restrictions are themselves illogical.

    Yes, but we have special things called motorways that you basically have to be on to achieve those kind of speeds you’re talking about, and rules that prevent, say, slow old ladies walking down said motorway at the same time. I’m guessing most of the issue people have with (derestricted) ebikes is they’re still used on paths and pedestrian areas and the speed differential (and heft of the bikes) becomes more of an issue.

    As above, I kinda don’t mind some idiot plowing into an HGV doing 40mph on his ebike, if he wants to wear a balaclava as head protection then so be it. Doing the same on a pavement with other pedestrians is the problem.

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