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  • 7mesh Women’s Northwoods Windshell Review
  • breatheeasy
    Free Member

    Was talking to rocket jr’s mate at the weekend his motor needed £700 MOT repairs so he bought a new car

    Pah, missus has just told me we should be buying a new £20k car because the car tax would be only £20 a year as opposed to £160 for the current one…

    Free Member

    Changing Mothering Sunday to Monday would solve a lot of these delivery issues.

    Though it would enormously narrow down the choice of eating establishment I could take my mother out to on my lunchtime. Don’t think she’d be too impressed with our canteen.

    Free Member

    Generation-Y has more maturity than that – and understands that they can only change the world by woring for think tanks and becoming opinion makers/trend setters. Hence their obsession with social media.

    Nah, once they win X-Factor they can make their voice heard about underlying social issues of the day. Certainly whilst appearing on Celebrity Big Brother.

    Free Member

    Yet another “pay cut”

    My NI contributions going up by 1.4%

    Lucky you. My company have used a loophole in that NI contribution issue and I’m now paying ‘their’ 3.4% NI as well as the additional 1.4%…

    Free Member

    Check out the Jimmy Kimmel (US chatshow host) piece “whats your password”. Now that is scary…

    Free Member

    Ha, that first line sums it up for me:

    Millennials are currently aged 20-35, or born between 1980 and the end of 1994 (with some more generous definitions taking in those born up to 2000).

    having to explain to the reader how to work out the year people had to have been born in to be between 20 and 35!

    Free Member

    So not happy n ball like melons to go with it .

    Ah, I remember that feeling well, literally having to carry the fellas to the loo with me!

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t you have to lose one of the downstairs rooms as space for the new stairs that you’ll need?

    Free Member

    We had one teacher when I was at school nicknamed ‘Peanut’ for a reason no-one knew. Over the years the nickname must have fallen out of favour.

    He’s still at the school and is apparently gutted because he’s now getting pupils in whose parents went to the same school – so the parents are all saying “Ah yes, thats peanuts” when they talk about him, so it’s come back into fashion.

    Still, better than “Jel”, which stood for “Jelly Neck” that another teacher used to be called.

    Free Member

    Could you fix a single bed in the boxroom now? If so, then I’d say don’t bother.

    Free Member

    Our school have done a proper middle class take on the first world ‘world book day’ issue – come as your favourite Shakespeare character. 😯

    Quite a few of the four year olds are struggling with that concept…

    Free Member

    Er… no. Tackling the opposing player in a controlled manner. Dangerous tackling will result in the player being penalised and removed from the field of play if it continues. You have a seriously skewed view of the game obviously based on your bad experiences at school.

    But you’re happy the England coach says its okay to target certain players? Ireland’s Johnny Sexton a fair target – Eddie Jones

    Free Member

    ^^^^ what Ghostly says…

    Free Member

    Small bikes get 26 inch wheels.
    Medium get 650 and large sizes gets 700/29.
    With tubing, cranks and geometry designed to suit, obviously.
    Small frames that take 26/650 and large ones that take 650/29.
    Joined up thinking.

    Never going to happen, too much time and effort, the only ones to benefit would be the customer.

    I don’t think even the customer would potentially benefit from this. The ‘time and effort’ equal costs which would be passed on to the customer.

    Free Member

    I’m really shocked by these tales of people driving less than a mile.

    Whilst not defending some of the school run, don’t forget a lot of parents work now and (rightly or wrongly) they drive to work, so dropping little Johnny off at school on the way might only be a mile away from home but they might have a 20 mile drive after that, especially if it’s on the way (and they like making ‘progress’.

    Of course, many are absolute lazy gits.

    Free Member

    Up here,different coloured braces meant different schemes. I remember red laces being significant in having NF links when worn with black dm boots.

    Ah, wasn’t sure if red was a left-wing thing or not and the white was ‘white power’/right wing.

    Free Member

    I’ve been reliably informed my RM parcel has been delivered today to my ‘safe place’.

    Except I don’t have a safe place. So I’m suspecting the top of the recycling bin instead…

    Free Member

    I found her making chain mail underpants from split washers to keep herself busy. Apparently they were all the rage in the goth scene at the time. She did advise that if you wear them you either need to wear something underneath

    Surely anything that requires pants under it cannot be described as underpants? 😀

    Free Member

    it is much cheaper as a monthly expense to have a mortgage than it is to rent around here, forgetting the price of the houses and the deposit cost.

    But thats like saying buying a £100k Porsche with a £99k deposit is cheaper than buying a £15k Fiesta with no deposit.

    You can’t ‘forget’ the deposit bit really. Or the stamp duty. Or the solicitors fees. Or the mortgage fee etc. – people with mortgage have had to ‘pay’ these costs as well.

    Free Member

    The estate agent I’m using seemed very promising at the beginning, but now screams “incompetence” at every turn. They managed to get 4 viewings in the first week, but all the feedback is that the house is “too small” (it’s a 5 bed semi-detached).

    I suspect it’s not ‘small’ per se. Feels to me, that if people are looking for a five bedroom house then they’ve got fairly specific needs (i.e. a lot of family!) so is it possible it might be a bit small for a 5 bedder? Are four bedrooms singles for example, is there any storage space that can handle the number of rooms etc., small garden etc. etc.

    Though, saying that – is the estate agent selling the other 5 bed show house too? If they aren’t then I’d be asking why they are going there, if they are, well, I think you know the answer to that one…

    Free Member

    The plan was ititially to pay off and own, but as the prospect of PCP has settled on me, the idea of changing every 2 or 3 years and remaining within warranty/MOT period has grown on me.

    Just be careful with PCP – I dabbled a while ago and found the ‘value’ of your old car and the final payment weren’t enough to cover the deposit for the next PCP.

    Free Member

    Or just get him an iPod classic and a dock to plug into the stereo….

    Free Member

    Powerline connections could be a saviour. Run the signal over the mains – I didn’t have any issue with my Sonos setting it up like that.

    Though I think Sonos do a wifi booster/repeater box now so that might help if its positioned well.

    Don’t think swapping to another wifi solution is worth it (unless the Sonos stuff can be, ahem, bought off him for a steal).

    But for the sake of £30 worth of powerline plugs I’d try that first, and it’d help him if he ever needs internet connection from a laptop etc. at the far end of the house.

    Free Member

    Get the smallest unit you can get away with – they can get pretty expensive – we moved some rubbish into one temporarily whilst doing some building work – ’twas £250 a month IIRC. Sure there’s some ones a lot cheaper though.

    Do you need 24/7 access? Can’t imagine you do.

    Having some trolleys was useful for us to cart stuff around, and the little ‘un was very excited to go in one of those old style lifts with inner/outer doors and the walls moving past you.

    And buy your own padlock beforehand!

    Free Member

    Apart from the lack of a time machine, I’m sure it’s a simple task.

    Pah, I was there for the launch of the first time machine in 2053. I cloned in onto my nuclear powered hoverboard in seconds and I’m back here in 2016 to launch a new standard that is going to be big I tell you – can’t say much at the moment, but something to do with b/b sizes 😉

    Free Member

    Funny isn’t it – there is a regular stream of people coming on STW for advice about their job, and getting told (rightly, obviously) to write everything down, do this, do that and screw them at the tribunal for unfair dismissal as that’ll show them. No different in this case, though presumably she didn’t consult the STW massive.

    Hope fully no other company will employ the guys who caused the issue, even if they did get some tasty payoffs themselves.

    Free Member

    It’s not being selfish, it’s capitalising on a good oppportunity for myself.

    Isn’t that not the definition of being selfish? 😀

    Free Member

    As more and more young people reach voting age then I’d expect government policy to gradually swing in their favour.

    Got news for you – young people have been reaching voting age for centuries now… only this time more older people are still surviving longer. Older people are more likely to vote, so government policy will always favour the older generation.

    Free Member

    I’m sure there was a case maybe a year back where a friend/donor got copped for child support despite having an agreement from the, erm, recipient saying they absolved him of all responsibility.

    Kids can be an expensive business, couple of years down the line when times are hard and you might get a strange letter from a lawyer asking for upkeep of little Johnny. From experience of friends having kids in latter life you get used to a certain level of lifestyle which those pesky kids intrude on.

    Free Member

    I’ve a Goldtouch mouse at work – it’s a kinda halfway house between a standard mouse and those vertical ones (which I couldn’t get away with).

    It’s a lot chunkier width ways so doesn’t feel like I’m holding the mouse between thump and forefinger which has reduced any problems I had.

    Free Member

    We had a ‘man with a ladder’ do ours for a while when we first moved in as he did most of the street. Think it was a fiver front and back. he jacked it on a couple of years ago.

    The proper window cleaner was fairly upfront about costs – he paid insurance to cover accidents, injuries to his workers etc. (and presumably VAT…) so was always going to be more expensive. He charges £7 for the front, £17 front and back (does them alternate visits) if I remember, and usefully accepts paypal.

    Free Member

    Overall Millar’s career hasn’t been enhanced by his doping,

    Really? I’d say his career and earning potential have been greatly enhanced. Without doping he probably might not even have got into one of the lesser pro Tour team, let alone had enough of a profile to have a good many years wiht top paying team, warrant writing a book about his trials and tribulations, tie-ins with Castelli or whatever.

    Now if he’s taken a voluntary role in BC without pay, then possibly that might have been contrition…

    The ‘pressures’ these younger riders are under should be greatly reduced with the BC setup and drug policies anyway.

    Free Member

    Definitely not Vittoria tubes, speaking from an identical problem a while ago…

    Never had an issue with Contis.

    Free Member

    Good/Bad/Ugly is my favourite ever film! Once Upon A Time In The West ain’t bad either.

    Though, whilst we are on the subject, I did see a Spag Western when I was younger but can’t remember the name of it – remember a good scene with people throwing gold bags about in an almost gymnastic/comedy way near the end (was very young at the time), so if any Western affectionados can identify it on that poor description then let me know!

    Free Member

    The two camps need to be careful in this debate.

    The ‘in’ camp need to avoid the usual ‘you’d be an idiot to vote out’ turn of phrase (seen quite a lot on here, by the way..).

    The ‘out’ camp need avoid the Daily Wail ‘immigrants ate my hamster’ headlines.

    Interestingly, as older people tend be more likely to vote, and according to the BBC older people are more inclined to vote ‘out’ does that make it less of an obvious win for the in brigade?

    Free Member

    Borderline in, but only just.

    I’d be interested to see what happens to the migrant issue and how the EU react to it.

    To be honest if we did leave I could see a few others leaving too.

    Don’t know if its related to EU rules, but the news last night (or maybe previous night, its all a blur of coke and hookers at the moment) said we’re looking into Child Benefit changes and apparently if someone is over in the UK they can claim Child Benefit for their children even if they live in, say Poland, Greece etc. – surely that’s not right?

    Free Member

    I remember reading one of his books where he said he’d got so many people complaining about the fact you’d never get polar bears and penguins in the same continent/iceberg! I suspect STWers were probably involved.

    Another fav of mine:

    Free Member

    I wish they’d put a phone mast up on our road, the network coverage is dreadful at the moment.

    Everyone complains of the almost complete lack of coverage around our estate (even though we are ‘apparently’ 4G).

    Then the plans came our to site a mast at the entrance to the estate, guess what happened? Everyone was up in arms and protested against it. 🙄

    Free Member

    If the cheque has bounced surely its still your car?

    Free Member

    Its just a Corsa underneath with a more fancy bodywork so shouldn’t be too bad. Despite the Vauxhall snobs, and those trying to be like Clarkson, they aren’t too bad a car.

    Mechanic I know said they were pretty sound and I never had any problems with the couple of Corsas I had around that time period.

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