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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • bravohotel9er
    Free Member

    They’re actually on side with it, but Chlamydia and Terminator-X are furious.

    Free Member

    *Waves coquettishly*


    Free Member

    I would just like to express my general disgust at this sort of thing, as would my brother Keanu, my sister Destiny-Marie and everyone who has ever bought Le Coq Sportif nylon leisurewear from JJB Sport.

    Free Member

    QUOTE:Useless/pointless degrees – why does media studies always come up? The UK has a huge creative industries sector worth billions. UNQUOTE.

    It tends to come up because it’s generally considered to be the very epitome of a Mickey Mouse degree. It’s even, perhaps especially, derided by many within the media.

    Contemporaries of mine, now working for Future Publishing, Euro Money, the FT, the Daily Telegraph, BBC, Guardian Media, Current TV and Rock Sound share one thing in common, none of them have degrees in media studies.

    Anecdotal evidence is pretty flawed, hey? Well, yes, but I’ll wager that a decent degree in English, a foreign language, history, law or politics will stand the aspiring media worker in infintely better stead, it certainly seemed to work in the aforementioned examples.

    If you want to expand it to the creative industries as a whole, there are a raft of specific and technical degrees in art, graphic design, CAD etc that people require.

    Free Member

    She’s got Tory tendencies, so perhaps a few jokes about free school milk and invent an anecdote about kicking a fox in the face.

    Perversions? Too many to mention!

    Free Member

    TSY, you’re bang on the money.

    Right, you have to meet her at Bournemouth railway station, take her for tapas, go and watch Leftfield together, more drinks and then straight down to the hardcore super sex, is that clear?

    Woah….wait a minute!

    Free Member

    I’m almost at the pink short stage now. 48 hours of feeling the burn and that sort of thing, I could still make it, yeah?

    Free Member

    November has been alright for me…

    Finally fitted coil 454 U-Turn Pikes to my HT, it’s better than ever.

    Surfing the (not all that bad, honest) artificial surf reef in Boscombe a fair bit.

    Have passed the point where running was hurting, after a long period of laziness.

    Have been to watch Les Savy Fav, The Wedding Present and Atari Teenage Riot and will be going to see Leftfield on Friday.

    Potential new relationship with my sixth form college crush coming along nicely.

    If I can quit smoking and secure a decent new house share, that’ll be the icing on the cake.

    Free Member

    I’d consider it a day wasted.

    Free Member

    Please refrain from using terms like ‘Yanks’ please, Junkyard is already on the verge of tears.

    Free Member

    Junkyard, WTF?

    If delicate little flowers like you want to take offence at everything, all of the time, that’s just fine with me.

    Everyone needs a hobby.

    Free Member

    QUOTE: Surf-Mat – Member
    Apart from unmarked cop cars, if you get nabbed for speeding, you aren’t being observant enough.

    Listen, I’m great at the whole observation lark, it’s just that I was at a really important point in the book I was reading.
    The real blame lies with my navigator/speed camera early warning detection system who was asleep at the time, utter dereliction of duty!

    Free Member

    JEngledow – Member

    You’ve done it now.

    Somewhere in a poxy East London bedsit, Elfin’s bat phone is going off, he’ll be along shortly to accuse you of wanting to send ‘them’ back to where they came from.

    In this case America, but y’know…tomorrow you might be referring to a Bangladeshi or something.

    Free Member

    QUOTE: Zedsdead – Member
    Who’s been caught at the highest speed then?….

    105 in a NSL.

    For anyone familiar with Dorset, it was the stretch of dual carriageway between Dorchester and Wool, literally the only stretch of fast road anywhere in this motorway-free county.

    It was stupid of me, I forgot my golden rule of slowing down as I pass flyovers, in case there’s a patrol vehicle on the slip road…and there was!

    The copper was really nice though, by rights he should have sent me to the magistrates court, but because I was polite and didn’t try and argue with him (not that I had much of an argument to offer), he just gave me the points.

    I think I’m points free again now, which is nice.

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member

    I’m still wondering what relevance his GFs colour has…
    Posted 14 minutes ago # Report-Post

    By way of contrast, I’m not surprised in the slightest that you picked up on one little detail and are clinging to it like a deranged doberman :twisted:

    Free Member

    Attended a Speed Awareness Course years ago on this god awful industrial estate by the Dorset Police HQ. It was pretty decent to be honest, most of us seemed to have been doing about 35 in a 30, but it was preferable to points.

    Then two years ago, whilst driving back from Latitude Festival, I was busted by a mobile unit in some windy rural Suffolk backwater. Ignorance is no defence, but I’d never driven on that road before and the speed limit was jumping from 30/40/50 and then 50/40/30 plus various other combinations. I was clocked doing 45 in a 40.

    Again, I was offered the chance to attend a Speed Awareness Course, however…this time the course was to span two days. This would necessitate two nights in a hotel, a 12 hour (approx) round trip from Bournemouth and 2 and half/3 days off work. I quickly worked out that this would cost far more than any rise in my insurance premium (as it turned out, there was none) and took the points.

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    ……refused to let his pregnant girlfriend (white Zimbabwean) into the UK.

    ……he was an officer in a British Army infantry battalion.

    Is he white British ?

    Saffa, dual citizenship though.

    Took 3 years to resolve.

    Free Member

    Furthermore, like practically any policy that British governments of whatever flavour attempt to introduce, they’ll delay it, make a hash of it, then shelve it when the next eye-catching initiative comes along.

    Free Member

    That’s a bit of a rant!

    It’s a **** of a lot harder for Brits to get visas or permission to reside in the United States than vice versa.

    You seem to think that this is a new phenomenon, it isn’t.
    A friend of mine experienced similar heartbreak when the Labour government refused to let his pregnant girlfriend (white Zimbabwean) into the UK.

    Their argument was that he had spent too much time outside of the UK over the preceding five years. Fair enough right?

    Well, not really. He had been outside of the UK for extended periods of time due to the fact that he was an officer in a British Army infantry battalion.

    I voted Tory and will do so again. I’m genuinely sorry to hear about your girlfriend and I hope that matters will be resolved, but your rant is way off the mark.

    Free Member

    I’ve smoked on and off for 10 years now.

    There have been periods of up to six months or so where I’ve quit, but I’ve always returned to it in the end.

    For the last two and half years I’ve been working night shifts, my smoking has escalated markedly in that time. I can smoke a dozen or so over a 12 hour night shift with ease, almost all of my night shift colleagues smoke too, which doesn’t help.

    I caned through about 20 last Saturday night (my 31st birthday) and felt bloody awful the next morning. I had promised myself that I’d quite when I turned 30, but my relationship ended at the same time and I just lost all willpower generally. Well, no cigarettes for 72 hours now which isn’t much, but it’s a start.

    What I need is a nice non-smoking girlfriend.

    Free Member

    I used to be in the North Korean army, it was Seoul destroying.

    Free Member

    Hardrocks in Bournemouth.

    Free Member

    We’ve heard the ‘really really poorly paid’ line on here before, you’re wrong.

    The pay is pretty reasonable. No, it doesn’t compare well to Premiership footballers or investment bankers, but then whose pay does?

    A reasonable comparison would be with police officers, teachers and nurses. The pay is on par with or better than those professions.

    If people want to make ‘serious’ money they don’t go into social work, it’s no loss.

    Back on topic, utterly bone article. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. I hope I never end up in a CS department.

    Free Member


    @ The Ferret & Spatula, Union Street.

    £5 On the door / £4 Advance/NUS Card

    Free Member

    IanMunro – Member

    It seems churlish to remind you (but I will, because I am) that a couple of years back you were declaring that Iceland and Ireland were examples of what Scotland could be like once it gained independence and joined the euro

    The Celtic-Nordic ‘Prosperity Arch’ or some such bollocks?

    SNP types have gone VERY quiet about that lately! :twisted:

    Free Member

    I’m sure the Lib leadership are horrified at the thought of it, but they will be more aware than anyone that a significant minority of their support consists of negative votes.

    Some of those people will vote Labour from now on (which will matter little in traditional Lib/Tory marginals) or just won’t bother voting at all, I see little for Labour to get excited about.

    I envisage the Libs splitting into two parties at some point, defections to Labour and possibly the Tories as this parliamentary term grinds on.

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member
    Actually that didn’t happen, ie, Labour supporters didn’t switch to the LibDems last May. That’s why the LibDem vote in 2010 was basically the same as the LibDem vote on 2005.

    You miss the point.

    My argument is not that a load of people who usually vote Labour made a sudden decision to vote Lib Dem, but that a lot of people who ALWAYS vote Lib Dem would actually rather vote Labour, but happen to live in constituencies where Labour are dead in the water. They vote Lib Dem solely to deny the Tories a seat and care little for the Lib Dems in any other respect.

    If those people decide to storm off in a huff, so much the better.

    Free Member

    Yes, although you appear not to!

    The BNP are utterly irrelevant in all of this, introducing them to the debate serves absolutely no purpose, defies all logic (okay…so far, so STW!) is tantamount to comparison with the (neo)Nazis and generally just a hop, skip and a jump away from Reductio ad Hitlerum.

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member

    The Lib Dems are a proper political party

    So are the BNP and UKIP. Still no good reason to vote for them though….

    You’ve invoked Godwin’s Law by proxy.


    Free Member

    There’s nothing funnier than Labour supporters who voted Lib Dem in order to deny the Tories a seat stamping up and down with indignant rage.

    The Lib Dems are a proper political party (no laughing at the back!), they do not exist solely for the purpose of providing auxiliary top-up votes for under-performing Labour administrations.

    To be quite honest, the Lib Dems would be far better off if all of the tribal Labour supporting pseudo-Liberals **** off out of the party for good.

    A Lib/Lab coalition simply wasn’t an issue. Labour didn’t want it and the Liberals did not want to prop up the dreadful and utterly discredited Labour government.

    Free Member

    I started wearing down jackets when I lived in Banff (Alberta, not Banffshire)…when it’s as cold as -41, they’re the best thing to wear and near enough everyone had one or several.

    I wear a Penfield Outback down gilet for much of the year, I also have a Finisterre Etobicoke (Primaloft) which packs down small, repels showers well and is deceptively warm.

    Free Member

    It’s all a little strange. When my parents moved to a village in Wiltshire, their next door neighbour wasn’t exactly welcoming.

    He insisted on being addressed as Lieutenant-Colonel, despite having retired some 20 years previously. My dad never mentioned his own military service until he was accosted by said retired Lieutenant-Colonel on remembrance Sunday one year. He was most put out to discover that he was living next to a Brigadier with an MBE.

    Free Member

    Tomorrow night! Oh yeah.

    Can’t wait to see episode 4…watching Atari Teenage Riot tonight though, then going to see Al Murray tomorrow night so will have to watch it online.

    Free Member

    Because it’s my 31st birthday (as of 00.05)….

    I went to see The Wedding Present tonight, they were fantastic.

    Then following that went into Bournemouth for some drinks. Just got home.

    Free Member

    Christ, first Katy Perry…now this!

    Free Member

    QUOTE: Junkyard – Member
    2.This year we are so skint we have set each other a £10 limit.
    Please tell me you did not believe her when she said this – beginners mistake- that is just so you can surprise her.She is expecting more.

    I was thinking the same!

    Sounds like a classic ambush to me. Buy her an AA road atlas and a bottle of Castrol GTX, the wrap them exquisitely.

    Watch the resulting indoor fireworks for a bit before breaking out the real presents.

    Free Member

    I empathise.

    I had a similar situation this time last year with my now ex-girlfriend. She had a list prepared well in advance so I diligently (though stupidly, as it turned out) procured near enough everything she’d asked for…cashmere lined leather gloves, that movie about Coco Chanel, a book/CD about Trojan Records, Lord of the Rings graphic novel, a swanky make-up bag and a £100 voucher for Office so she could indulge her Imelda Marcos tendencies.

    On December 21st she split with me. It was too late to return what I’d bought for her, so some of it went on eBay and a few things were regifted to friends. I put the voucher towards a new pair of Timberland boots for me, so it wasn’t a total write-off!

    It ruined Christmas for me though and has made me a whole lot more cynical about the whole gift buying thing. Hilariously, she wants to get back together with me now. The look on her face when I informed her that my new (upgraded) girlfriend would probably object was priceless.

    Free Member

    New Model Army – ‘Green and Grey’ – Perfectly sums up the hopelessness of small town life to me.

    Also, pretty much anything on the Afghan Whigs’ ‘Gentlemen’ album.

    Free Member

    Worse than that, I’m watching ‘Don’t tell the bride’…not my choice I must stress.

    I’m at work and women of a certain age seem to love that type of tat.

    Free Member

    IdleJon – Member
    Her grandfather was a coal miner apparently, so I’m curious about where she got the plummiest accent in the world?

    Bone comment.

    What did your grandfather do?

    One of my grandfathers was a Yorkshire agricultural worker, the other was a pilot in the South African Air Force and later a bookseller.

    I don’t sound like either of them.

    Don’t you believe in social mobility?

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