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  • Mintel predicts £1 billion new bike sales this year
  • bravohotel9er
    Free Member

    This thread is fascinating, heartbreaking and horrifying in equal measure.

    I don’t think I ever want to marry now, I’m ‘only’ 30 though so I guess there’s time for a change of heart.

    Sorry to hear what you’re going through momo. I had a medium calibre girlfriend go rogue on me earlier this year, nothing compared to what you’re going through though. Better that you found out now rather than later or (God forbid) after.

    Free Member

    Ahh, the Axis of Evil (Axle of Evil, surely? – Ed)

    I’ve had nothing, but positive experiences with all of them.

    Conversely, I’ve had shoddy service and surliness elevated to an artform from a variety of what the snowboarding community would refer to as ‘core’ or rider owned shops.

    Obviously, I’ve had great LBS experiences too and am lucky enough to live very close to the excellent Primera.

    Free Member

    You won’t be buying the long rumoured Slayer/Saturdays split e.p then!

    Free Member

    Cowering behind a skip, looking furtive and furiously devouring a chicken tikka slice.

    Free Member

    crikey – Member
    I did find out today that I’ve got the Spice Girls on my mp3 tho…

    My housemate was horrified to discover she had Slayer on her Shuffle today. I was somewhat surprised to find that I had The Saturdays, we really shouldn’t leave our his and hers matching Shuffles in the kitchen!

    Free Member

    Will investigate DX further.

    They certainly seem to have a lot of fans on STW.

    Free Member

    I never used to ride with music, but principally through fear of breaking my primary iPod. Since purchasing a cheapo Shuffle I’m more tempted.

    Conversely, I never listen to music when I’m snowboarding. Too much scope for misunderstandings as people overtake/bail from any direction.

    Free Member

    myheadsashed – Member

    ps in London you need a key from staff to go for a Mcshit……even if you are a customer
    Posted 1 minute ago # Report-Post

    and if you claim to be a customer when you’re not, that’s a McShit with Lies.

    Free Member

    I use those ridiculous black/white 661 efforts that DHers use.

    I have matching shin/knee pads too.

    Sure, they’re quite heavy, but if I’m wearing pads, I’m wearing pads.
    DMR V12s with extra long bastard pins hold no fear for me now. Other than when I’m not wearing said pads, obviously.

    Free Member

    Piss poor, time rich.

    Free Member


    Saw someone mention on here the other day.

    Free Member

    In some countries cyclists have no choice, they have to buy Saracen.

    Elfinsafety wishes it was more like that here.


    Free Member

    I’m jolly glad I’m not left-wing.

    It must be absolutely exhausting being wrong about everything, all the time.


    Free Member

    I’m a public sector worker and I earn more than the Prime Minister.

    Unfortunately, the Prime Minister in question was Pitt the Younger.

    Free Member

    Well, that GCHQ type who died in a bizarre auto-erotic asphyxiation incident was a roadie, so it’s not beyond the realms of possibility!

    Free Member

    He was quite unsettled, talking to people as if they were mutual friends from the past, shouting out random abuse to people, making obviously racist comments

    …and he's from Scotland, you say?

    Shouldn't worry to be honest.

    Free Member

    Men are from Mars, Women are from Broadmoor.

    Free Member

    I saw them at the Ben & Jerry's Summer Sundae in 2008. They were really good, they're a three piece once again now that Charlotte has left.

    The Lemonheads (or at least Evan Dando plus some session musicians) played too plus literally all of the Ben & Jerry's you could eat all for about £6 or something stupendous.

    I met 'Ben' too!

    Free Member

    You really should start thinking outside the box and come up with some blue sky suggestions, or this will never roll out. Moving forward, you need to enable organic growth in your business paradigm.

    Free Member

    krag – Member
    Dinner then tea.

    They're dinner ladies not lunch ladies.

    Posted 2 minutes ago # Report-Post

    …and what time do 'ladies who lunch' eat their lunch? That's right, at lunchtime.

    Lunch, the international word for lunch to be used on occasions where you wish to indicate that you are referring to lunch!

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    first breakfast
    second breakfast
    first lunch
    second lunch
    afternoon tea
    Midnight snack

    Ah, the lesser known, but infinitely more satisfying pIeDave diet.

    Free Member


    Let's put it like this, if you were invited to a dinner party and turned up at lunchtime, people would probably consider you to be something of an eccentric!

    Free Member

    He's an interesting guy…

    He owned legendary skate label Droors along with sister company Dub which made snowboard outerwear and were rivals to the likes of Four Square and Sessions back in the mid/late 90's. Droors was sold off and has since become defunct, but lives on in the form of DC (Droors Clothing) which he founded in 1994.

    Additionally, he co-founded a snowboarding magazine back around the same sort of time that Droors/Dub were taking off. I can't remember what it was called (Blunt, possibly?), but it was similar to Big Brother skateboarding magazine (now principally remembered for introducing Jackass to the World through the sketches on their branded skate videos).

    Oh, he's got his own mini snowboarding resort in the back garden of his Utah pad too:

    Free Member

    LycraLout – Member

    I'm sure you'll have another witty retort lined up, but I'm off now so it'll be wasted. But you'll need to post something won't you, you just won't be able to contain yourself, even though you know I'm not around to laugh at you.

    You get yourself down to the takeaway for a chip (on both shoulders) supper before they close.

    I'm denying you the last word and you'll be back. :P

    Free Member

    Limited edition Chrome/Gold DMR V12

    Free Member

    LycraLout – Member
    well gollygosh that was a sharp and witty retort – no,seriously, i thought you'd at least make the effort to try something amusing – just a bit too much effort for you?

    Well, you're an angry middle aged football fan from the country with the lowest life expectancy in Europe. You'll probably die before this thread does so what would be the point?

    Why don't you go and have a nice cup of tea instead? Take the High Road is on UK Gold in a minute, it's your favourite.

    Free Member

    LycraLout – Member
    WTF is "wipe clean leisurewear"? Perhaps of value to you as an incontinent schoolchild, but beyond my ken.

    'Beyond your ken', hey?

    Well, you should know. It's practically your national costume since the plaid skirt look went out of vogue.

    Free Member

    I think it would go better with your JJB Sport wipe clean leisurewear.
    Buy a size up for that freeride look and people might not notice your beer belly.

    Free Member

    LycraLout – Member

    I bet you're a wow at parties!

    I can't help feeling that there's a provincial Yates Wine Lodge where they're missing your epic 'bant' right now. Why don't you slip on a polyester replica strip emblazoned with the logo of an obscure Korean dishwasher manufacturer and go join them?

    Failing that, why not try taking it easy? :D

    Free Member

    22 borderline rapists chasing a ball around a field, whilst they daydream about spearing some dizzy proto-WAG in her Argos stockroom proportioned quim, then festooning the hotel ceiling with jizz.

    Jealous, me?

    Yeah, go on then.

    Free Member

    I tried to find out about donating sperm once.
    I was advised to wear a balaclava at all times and NEVER withdraw.

    As it turned out, I'd been put through to the UVF by mistake.

    Free Member

    Tim – Member

    your all too anal

    I think you'll find that's 'you're'.


    Free Member

    How else would I have found out that trail centres were for lameosaurs, the BMW 335d was the only car worth driving and that revolutionary socialism was the right direction for Britain in 2010?

    You won't get that on Mumsnet!

    Free Member

    I'm imagining something with a visor and 'Wild Card' on the side in italics, please tell me I'm right? :P

    Free Member

    To be fair, the Basra branch of the Comedy Store is rubbish.

    It's full of obnoxious stag parties down from Baghdad for the weekend, I got some dirty looks when I asked for a draught Carlsberg too.

    Free Member

    I prefer plucking cattle from the fields and salad from the hedgerows.

    If I'm honest, I don't really consider the preparation of food purchased from shops and markets to be cooking at all.


    Free Member

    You all seem to be showing utter disregard for that urban biking essential, 160mm suspension forks for the gnarly kerbs outside Waitrose.

    Free Member

    white101 – Member
    BH9er, you got that location show in one. If only we all had the troubles of these people….'ahhh the 6th bedroom or the triple garage life really is tough'

    I believe psychologists refer to the phenomena as 'luxury problems'.


    Free Member

    piedi di formaggio – Member
    Did anybody else think that 'bungalow gobbling' could be a euphemism?

    If they were referring to a cottage, I'd find that easier to swallow.


    Free Member

    For those going to Banff, it's well worth taking a day out and getting the bus to Kicking Horse. Incredible stashes of 'champagne powder', at least that's what the marketing types call it.

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