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  • Fresh Goods Friday 704 – The Nadir E Me Edition
  • bravohotel8er
    Free Member

    Purely out of interest, what’s the position on ownership of gas powered/combat shotguns in this country? Would it be permitted to own say, a Bennelli M4 if you limited the magazine capacity to 3 shells?

    Free Member

    Has anyone bought these now that they’re available in the UK?

    Just ordered the jacket.

    Free Member

    Cougar – Member
    WTF are you going to do with three socks? Audition for the Red Hot Chilli Peppers?

    Sleeping bag for my ferret

    Free Member

    Got some great Finisterre socks a while ago, stupendously expensive, but they were on a 3 for 2.

    Free Member

    The only thing that they have going for them is that they’re marginally better than the abysmal Interserve.

    Free Member

    Well, you don’t seem to like this country very much so why would you want to bring her here?

    I appreciate the frustration, but we’re only going down the same path as Australia, Canada and pretty much everywhere else that people actually want to move to.

    I think we could free up a fair bit of room by permanently exiling the entire readership of the Guardian and the Daily Mail. Imagine how much less bitching and whining there would be.

    Free Member

    Never got to see the original line-up…have seen Newfits a few times (I know, I know…), but I quite enjoy some of the stuff off American Psycho/Famous Monsters too. Not the same as the old proper stuff though.

    Last time I saw them they had Marky Ramone on drums and Dez Cadena of Black Flag fame on guitar.

    Free Member

    Catholics? Personal attack alarm then

    Free Member

    Threads on this forum should self-destruct and auto-lock after the first 25 comments or when two or more ‘Big Hitters’ have contributed, whichever happens first.

    Free Member

    You wouldn’t think it was alarmist if your son still had it in his teens. The ‘just ignore it’ advice was all the rage in the 80’s, I wish it hadn’t been.

    Seriously, this isn’t typical STW generalist advice, I have a stammer and I wouldn’t want anyone else to go through what I have experienced. Seeking a meeting with a speech therapist won’t do any harm.

    Free Member

    With all due respect to FunkyDunc, please ignore his advice!

    The sooner a stammer (whatever the level of severity) is dealth with the better. My parents took the sort-of laid back approach advocated above and it was the worst thing that they could have done.

    Depending upon which set of statistics you believe, up to 25% of children will experience some for of speech difficulty during childhood, but I would implore you to err on the side of caution.

    I’m 32 and am only now beginning to pull my life back together, stammering can destroy self-confidence and ruin or seriously restrict your enjoyment of life. You won’t do any harm by seeking help now, but could do a world of good.

    Free Member

    No, I usually just drink too much. Maybe I’ll try speed next time though.

    Free Member

    I quite enjoyed it, but my friends didn’t. Someone described it as ‘like The Thing making a cameo in a Tool video’.

    One part that I didn’t get was this…why did David deliberately contaminate Dr.Holloway? Was he acting under orders from Weyland?

    Free Member

    Preferred Saving Private Lion

    Free Member

    Textbook example of underestimating the enemy.

    Free Member

    Anyone remember ‘Dime Bar’ said in a voice that hinted at possible mental handicap?

    Maybe it was a Surrey thing, I recall all mention of Dime Bars (in whatever context) being banned at school as a result of this. Well, drugs and knives hadn’t been invented in Cobham in 1990 so they had to worry about something.

    Free Member

    £12 quid for jeans? Whilst I admire your single-handed attempt to get retail spending back on an upward trajectory, you’ll win no friends here flaunting your luxury lifestyle. I thought we were all in this together!


    Free Member

    Or Rochdale or somewhere North of Oxford anyway 😉

    Free Member

    Yes, I understand the theory…but, we have to deal with the realpolitik and that is that it does nothing to reduce racism. Indeed, I would argue that it stirs up significant resentment amongst people who arent racist and sows disharmony between races. As an academic theory it’s both valid and interesting, but does immense damage in practice. See the recent Rotherham pedophile ring case, I can well understand how that happened. If I was a local social worker I’d be worried about speaking out too, I’ve seen careers end over less.

    Free Member

    Power plus discrimination equals racism, therefore only white people can be racist in this society.

    Utter bollocks obviously, but that’s the official Guardian/race relations industry line. It’s rife in social work and has it’s adherents amongst some probation staff and careerist street-dodging coppers.

    I’ve tried explaining to those who believe this that such views turn moderates into borderline racists and convince actual racists that they’ve been right all along, but it’s no use. They’re fully indoctrinated.

    Free Member

    Salisbury Plain would be ideal, make sure there’s a red flag flying though. That means ‘welcome drivers’

    Free Member

    Absolutely not.

    Rectify this at once by sending me your a/c and sort code details so that I can transfer your funds.


    Major-General Professor Goodluck Ombungo
    First Capital Casino Bank of Lagos.

    Free Member

    You’re right. We should cancel the Olympics, allow foreign countries to takeover our overseas territories against the wishes of their inhabitants, replant the magic money tree and declare ourselves a republic immediately.

    Free Member

    Plenty of those in Russia, you should move there.

    Free Member

    100mm is the new 160mm…


    Free Member

    I wouldn’t mind knowing this too, fancy one of their bikes which I’d be running singlespeed.

    Free Member

    Yes. Bournemouth – Day 56

    Free Member

    I worry (well, not too much actually) about those Subway franchisees.

    When I moved to Bournemouth in 2004 there was one branch on the Lansdowne at the top of the Old Christchurch Rd. Fast forward to 2012 and that branch is still there, but it’s been joined by a further 8 in Bournemouth (including 2 others on the same road), 3 in Poole and 6 others in the conurbation with more planned.

    I imagine this is seriously screwing the profit margins for the early franchisees.

    Free Member

    To be fair, I’ve just got it on in the background whilst I film my new kitten snuff movie

    Free Member

    Christ, did one of them just compare herself to a nurse?

    Free Member

    I’m not sure if it’s even that…some of these guys have never actually met them, they just ‘follow’ them on Twitter etc

    It’s utterly nonsensical. I imagine there’s no shortage of real life 3D gold diggers who do put out.

    Free Member

    It’s bizarre, they’re utter dullards too. A right bunch of Vauxhall Conference level jizz receptacles.

    Free Member

    Portugal are our oldest allies in Europe and there’s a long history of Anglo-Portuguese families running the port trade.

    Great surfing too, just steer clear of the Algarve.

    Free Member

    I wish that The Tao of Bergerac would get another outing, that was great!

    Free Member

    *slip it up, surely?

    Free Member

    I’ll finish the punchline for you…a lot of DONG!!! 😛

    Free Member

    Latest reports suggest that police have cornered the culprits and that they have no intention of coming quietly.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I used to walk past ‘Milosevic – Family Butchers’ in Vancouver

    Free Member

    1/6th the personnel does not equate to 1/6th the capability.

    During the Cold War when everyone was expecting the Third Shock Army to roll across Germany, they had massive numerical superiority on paper. The difference was, the vast majority of our armour worked and was ready for action. Their armour was rusting, short on fuel, parts and ammo and crewed by soldiers who generally couldn’t care less.

    As for British defence spending, yes we don’t get very good value for money for several major reasons:

    1) We don’t order anywhere near enough kit to enjoy the sort of economies of scale that the Americans enjoy

    2) Pork barrel politics ensure that we spend way over the odds for Brit produced kit, even when there is a proven foreign made alternative at a fraction of the cost

    3) Governments with short-termist outlooks (so all of them) order delays in projects and/or last minute redesigns that greatly increase the eventual cost in order to balance the books

    4) Too many at the top of the armed forces/MoD have one eye on a job with a defence contractor. In turn defence contractors stuffed to the gills with ex-top brass and MoD mandarins. Effectively, procurement becomes one big backscratching exercise

    5) BAE. Not known as Big and Expensive for nothing

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