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  • Issue 155 Editorial: Going The Extra Mile
  • bravohotel8er
    Free Member

    Why in the name of Christ himself did you show her this thread?! 😯

    Free Member

    The police are forced to waste so much of their time on this sort-of thing these days. Constant responses to threats on Facebook and other such bollocks, they should just form an Internet Constabulary and be done with it.

    Free Member

    I’ll admit, I don’t get Twitter.

    I especially don’t get why anyone in the public eye, be they sports personality, musician or politician wants to be on it…it’s rammed with utterly inane bollocks, but also holds boundless potential for ruining reputations and wrecking careers. Why would anyone want to volunteer for that?

    That said, this really shouldn’t be an arrestable offence.

    Free Member

    All the people banging on about sponsorship…have you never watched any other sporting events in your lives or something?

    They’re like a bunch of middle aged men with the minds of third formers who’ve just discovered Rage Against The Machine and are going to defy their parents by coming home 15 minutes after their curfew.

    Free Member

    The videos they post tend to make them look REALLY bad…and given that those are the ones that they’ve posted/edited in order to try and make themselves look good you sort-of lose sympathy.

    The ‘police assault’ one from the other day was particularly laughable.

    Standard tactic seems to be massively antagonise everyone to court police attention, police turn up, jostle the police until they attempt to arrest you, jostle them some more along with dozens of your mates, then start wailing about police assault and civil rights violations. All the while a crowd of sycophants film the entire thing in shakeycam before heavily editing the footage and sticking it on their utterly unreadable blogs.

    It’s a shame, because I support some of the broad objectives of CM, but their methods turn near enough everyone against them.

    Free Member

    Sounds like a job for a Mirror.

    Actually forget that, they’re only meant for two.

    Free Member


    Better still, there won’t be any Guardian/Mail readers about wallowing in borrowed outrage.

    Free Member

    He upsets all of the chippy **** on here so he must be doing something right.

    Free Member

    Not cost effective at all.

    Free Member

    Not sure about that, based solely on the Bournemouth – London route

    Coach Train

    £11 £47
    2hr30 2hr10
    Seat No guarantee of seat.

    I don’t think it’s worth paying £36 more to arrive 20 minutes earlier.

    Free Member

    Walt = Walter Mitty.

    Free Member

    True enough. Our loonies are woeful compared to the world class ‘characters’ you encounter on the Greyhound though!

    At least you’re guaranteed a seat.

    Free Member

    ^ His silence speaks volumes

    Free Member

    Not enough ‘big hitters’ to really make it a 10/10, but nice to see the Witchfinder General of the left putting in an appearance.

    Free Member

    Board of directors at Coca-Cola, innit?

    Free Member

    cheekyboy – Member

    It’s odd how it always seems to be the USA have they not evolved yet ? Mass random killing, does anyone know of anywhere else were this happens.


    Other spree killings recently in Germany, Canada, Finland, Australia, Norway, the Philippines etc etc etc

    Free Member

    Motorised scooters are a big deal in the States, even bigger than they are here. you even get them at the entrances to superstores for the benefit of lazy bastards as well as the sick and lame.

    Free Member

    [Edited – please don’t put plot spoilers in – Mod]


    Free Member

    kimbers – Member

    mate who’s a copper is most upset she had her leave cancelled as she was supposed to be going on her hols !

    Ask her how she’d feel if she was just back from Helmand, wouldn’t be staying in a hotel, wouldn’t be getting overtime and wouldn’t be getting £80 per day on top of her usual pay…AND had her leave cancelled and was supposed to be going on holiday.

    Free Member

    Well this is clearly an outrage.

    I think we should take a leaf out of the EU’s book and try and re-try him until we get the result that we wanted in the first place based on whatever prejudice we happened to have about the police.

    Free Member

    TuckerUK – Member

    ARRSE is massive.

    It’s also a propaganda tool.

    I commented in a discussion there many moons ago about some guy that had been shot on a UK range with a 5.56mm weapon in fully auto mode (I forget the weapon, it’s not important). The accident occurred at very close range, and I commented how that would be particularly nasty as the NATO 5.56mm bullet is designed to yaw and break up over a certain velocity.

    I was quickly intercepted by a serving member of the forces telling how that was nonsense, illegal, against the Geneva Convention etc. etc.

    The thread went on with me provided links and evidence, but still this one guy would insist it was all lies.

    No one joined to defend the unequivocal evidence.

    I’ve not been on since.


    Hold the front page. Are you telling us that a serving soldier knew more about firearms than some bloke off a special interest cycling forum?

    You’re right, this conspiracy must go all the way to the top.

    Free Member

    Nothing other than about £3K of student debt.

    Free Member

    On the upside, you’re going to have sex with Emma Stone soon.

    Free Member

    This whole business with Plod investigating Facebook, Twitter etc etc

    Really? FFS, can’t everyone just grow up.

    The amount of time that public sector professionals are forced to waste on this kind of he said/she said bollocks or people being delicate little flowers over some halfwit’s comments. It’s like STW or something.

    Free Member

    We had a trans teacher.

    She looked a lot more convincing than most of her ‘natural’ female colleagues

    Free Member

    Monkey World could not be described as in the New Forest by any stretch of the imagination!

    It’s great though, closing soon if it hasn’t already.

    Free Member

    1) European Arrest Warrant
    2) Extradition
    3) Daily Mail cause celebre

    Free Member

    emsz – Member

    bwaarp, probably, but you never know, what if she was amazing looking and broke…
    Posted 12 seconds ago # Report-Post

    Then you’d still hold the door open for her…on your way into Spearmint Rhino.

    Free Member

    Typical STW, a thread degenerates into pedantry and snobbery.

    Anyway, back to more serious matters…does it actually bring loads of fit Spanish women to your front door?

    Free Member

    bwaarp – Member

    Jota what age group are you in?….as I’ve met a fair few younger women 20-25 range who are irritated by it.

    I’ve only ever met one woman who was irritated by my holding a door open for her. She was about 30.

    That said, she was even more irritated when taking her at her word, I didn’t hold the subsequent door for her which then clouted her around the face. 😉

    You can’t please everyone, but like many, I hold doors open for all regardless of age or gender.

    Free Member

    I gave up on a girl a while ago who always seemed to have forgotten her purse. To be fair, I don’t think she was trying to get out of paying. She was just a bit of a f&&kwit and forgot everything, all of the time. She’d routinely leave her house keys at home and forget her phone, then wouldn’t be able to call me to tell me that she was running late etc etc.

    I think the final straw came when we were back at her place and she managed to trip over her cat (not a euphemism).


    Free Member

    With this appalling summer we’re having, a lot of tourist attractions are going to have to ‘recognise the real’ (as we say on Bournemouth’s west side) and adjust prices accordingly.

    The combination of constant rain, economic uncertainty and high fuel prices is going to start driving businesses to the wall. Vouchers/Groupon etc seems to be the order of the day now, I went to Thorpe Park a few weeks ago and nobody was paying full price.

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member

    Isn’t £8.50 per hour more than most squaddies get?

    £17.5 k for a private so about the same for 40 hour week for the lowest rank.
    So no almost no squaddie [ training only] gets that

    Full pay scales here and full pension after 22 years

    Doubtless there are soldiers who work a 40 hour week, but many will work far longer than that. On operations 90/100 hours per week will not be in uncommon and often for months and months on end. The military are not paid on the basis of a 9-5, then piss off home. I hope to God that G4S are properly hammered over this.

    Free Member

    Teenagers these days don’t know they’re born. I remember having to forage
    in hedgerows for porn.

    Free Member

    Yes, Finisterre


    Free Member

    The Black and Tans were not ‘the army’, they were auxiliaries, albeit largely demobbed soldiers.

    Peterloo was not ‘the army’, it was local yeomanry and Bloody Sunday comparisons are frankly ludicrous. The armed forces (not solely ‘the army’) are not being deployed in a police role. Just doing the same tasks as bog standard security guards, only in all likelihood far more efficiently. However, they shouldn’t have to and it’s a disgrace that they’ll have holidays, leave, weddings etc disrupted due to this clusterf@@k.

    Free Member

    No. They’ll get their leave cancelled though and the piss poor G4S conglomerate will still get paid in full rather than heavily fined and blacklisted from future government contracts.

    Free Member

    The plumbers appeared to be on 55-95K.

    Doubtless hard work and long hours so not disputing that it is well earned.

    Free Member

    Boss’s son, the cal centre manager seemed to be overpaid by about 80K!

    Fair enough, it’s his dad’s firm, but a call centre with about 7 staff in it, come on. Presumably he’s going to inherit it all one day anyway. Surprised his dad hadn’t encouraged him to qualify as a plumber in order to really understand the business.

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