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  • How And When And Why To Watch Red Bull Rampage
  • bravohotel8er
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    Free Member

    big_n_daft – Don’t bother, he’s utterly indoctrinated.

    Free Member

    Cougar – Member

    UKIP is to BNP as Sinn Fein is to IRA, n’est-ce pas?

    The political wing of a proscribed terrorist organisation?

    Back to analogy school!

    Free Member

    alexxx – Member

    Chew he supports UKIP?

    How does that equate to being a racist?

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t term Turkey an Islamic country, rather, it is a country where Islam is the most prevalent religion.

    There’s a key difference.

    Kemal Ataturk deliberately transformed Turkey into a secular state.

    Free Member

    the myth that we as a country had an effective fighting force.

    Except that it wasn’t a myth, we did have ‘an effective fighting force’

    The only thing world class brought to bear in that episode was the rhetoric and the air to air missiles that the Americans gave us.

    So, not the incredible feat of arms involved in fighting many thousands of miles from your country/nearest air/naval bases (but within range of your enemy’s air bases) and triumphing in spite of frequently reversing the commonly held adage that a 3:1 numerical advantage is required in order to ensure victory against a well entrenched opponent?

    Free Member

    This is the website for long defunct Brit Pop also-rans Northern Uproar.

    Seeing is believing, but it’s certainly the worst band website that I have ever seen!

    Free Member

    There’s an absolutely pristine Ford Sierra Cosworth in a garage in Wimborne at the moment. I’d love that car, though I imagine the insurance would be ruinous.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    So it was all done simply to impress the Soviet Union ?

    And you suggest that others “grow up” ?

    Yes, that’s exactly the thrust of my post.

    Selective quotation is awesome.

    You have won the internet.

    Free Member

    project – Member
    thatcher wanted a war to take peoples minds off what she had done to the working classes and british industry, just like this year, with another ………..

    And there was me thinking that we went to war in order to recapture British sovereign territory from a military dictatorship that had precisely no popular mandate amongst the overwhelmingly pro-British population.

    The fact that this also happened at the height of the Cold War was no small factor either. What on earth do you think the Soviet Union would have made of it if the second most powerful country in NATO hadn’t bothered to defend it’s own territory against a third rate Latin American state?

    Grow up FFS!


    Free Member

    I think public sector pay long since eclipsed average private sector pay in many parts of the country.

    The nearest private sector equivalent to my role would be the best part of £10K less than my total salary. I’m clinging on to the gravy train for a while longer!

    Free Member

    To be fair, Wareham is VERY quiet.

    I’m amazed Dorset Police didn’t declare a major incident and draft in reinforcements from Hants, Devon and Wilts.

    Free Member

    Terrible advert.

    The worst part is that the MOD had more than enough money to pay for everything we needed, carriers, JSF, Typhoon, FRES, Nimrod….the **** works. It’s just that they’re incapable of not spunking gargantuam sums of money up the wall and have allowed BAE to run rings around their procurement bods for decades.

    Free Member

    Nah, I’ve never believed in there being just one.

    I’m just ruminating on the possibility that I’ve let at least a couple of the distinctly finite quantity of errr….’full spectrum box tickers’ pass me by over the years, whether through cowardice, foolishness or sheer misfortune.

    Free Member

    On a smaller scale, though a beautiful place Salisbury Plain is orbited by a chain of truly dire one horse towns. I’m thinking Durrington, Larkhill, Bulford, Warminster and Tidworth.

    I had the misfortune of living in Tidworth on two separate occasions. I remember feeling genuinely excited when we moved to Andover!

    The British Army’s fondness for placing garrisons in the middle of nowhere must have no small effect on retention.

    Free Member

    Which bar? The Rez, John McCarthy or errr…the other one?!

    Free Member

    I was a student at Hull University and feel that the city is unfairly maligned!

    Okay, the estates on the periphery are grim and the city centre suffered from a combination of Luftwaffe bombing and 60’s town planning, but there’s Cottingham, the Old Town and various other decent spots.

    Also, home of Spiders…the best rock club in the country and their incredible pint cocktails for £2!

    Free Member

    Have always thought nail scissors worked pretty well.

    Am only 31 though so you may be dealing with heavier vegetation!

    Free Member

    I quite fancy Wonder Woman.

    Free Member

    My mum was pursued by Mr.Biffa in her youth (not sure if that’s his actual name), but I could have been heir to a skip empire!

    I went to school with Tim Henman, mediocre pop type Jamie T, TV’s Ben Shepherd, then to sixth form college with the drummer from Razorlight and missed out on Alexa Chung by errr…two years.

    Housemate at university waited until our final week there to reveal that her uncle was Mike Joyce!

    Dad’s godson’s sister (are you following this?) is married to Jeremy Edwards.

    Uncle was the previous Governor of Jersey.

    Am on first name terms with the bassist from Delays.

    But, best of all…my friend’s former housemate had his girlfriend stolen from him by Star Trek’s Captain Jean-Luc Picard!
    She was 22 at the time, he was mid-sixties…what a lad.

    Free Member


    Thought people were becoming beeeeeeeefcakes, Cartman style!

    Free Member

    That sounds good.

    If I lived anywhere near Brizzle I’d go to that.

    Free Member

    Have you considered a Specialized Crosstrail?

    Robust enough for general semi-rugged bumbling and great around town too.

    Free Member

    You need to be more specific!

    As as aside, I used to live with a girl who ate pasta and chips in a giant bap.

    Bizarrely, she was quite svelte…the carb overload seemed to go directly to her already impressive rack.

    Free Member

    A prediction!

    Free Member

    Thread locked before it hits 69 replies.

    Free Member

    Will wait and see how it stacks up against the Nintendo 3DS.

    I do love Mario, but I worry that Nintendo will go completely OTT with the Ultra Magic Dolphins on Turbo Candy Heaven Island 2 type dross again.

    Free Member

    Wait til’ she qualifies, then move to Oz!

    With a skill like that they’ll snap her up.

    Free Member

    They’ll seem like a mistake come the zombie outbreak.

    Free Member

    Drac – Moderator

    Lemon juice and sugar.

    No need for anything else.

    ^ Rides a rigid Penny Farthing.

    Free Member

    Melted Reese’s Cups and sliced banana…Mmmmm.

    Thank me later!

    As an aside, pre-made batter mix? WTF?

    The logical next step is to buy pancakes predigested and inject them straight into your lower intestine.

    Free Member

    Vancouver must be a good place to quit…

    People would burst into fits of exaggerated coughing as they walked past ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STREET!

    Still, I never smoke near children and never in the house/car either.

    Even as a smoker I hate it when you find huddles of smokers directly outside the door to a building, be it a pub, restaurant, office etc
    I’m always worried that I’ll get a cigarette burn in my clothes.

    Free Member

    I sometimes feel bad about my on/off smoking habit.

    I get through between 5 and 1o per day now, but I was just sat out on the patio with a cup of tea and a plate of Boasters, smoking away in the sunlight and everything seemed great!

    Free Member

    Cougar – Member

    at the moment is a guy who was involved in a sexual relationship with a 15 year old when he was 19.

    Out of interest, where would he have stood if she’d lied about her age and he’d believed her?

    Good question and not one that I can provide a definitive answer to.

    The onus of responsibility tends to lie with the older party. This particular scenario was fairly open and shut though, it concerned a 4th form classmate of his younger sister so he couldn’t plausibly claim to have been mislead.

    Free Member

    Cougar – Member

    Age of consent in Florida is 18.

    Good point, well made. So sex with a 17-yr old would be ‘underage sex,’ it’s hardly pedophillia though,

    Actually, it is!

    One of my cases at the moment is a guy who was involved in a sexual relationship with a 15 year old when he was 19. The ‘But, we’re both teenagers’ line didn’t do him any good…there’s even less justification when there’s a 3/4 decade age gap.

    Free Member

    I’m broadly in favour of monarchy, if for no other reason than because our political class have proven so inadequate in recent years.

    However, Andrew does not appear to have grasped the fact that the pay- off for our continued bank rolling of his lifestyle, is that he represents UK PLC to the best of his inability and avoid causing us any unnecessary embarrassment.

    He’s utterly failed on that count. Like it or not, but we are all judged by the company we keep and much more so if you’re a public figure. He has some nasty friends and this particular individual has engaged in some pretty nefarious activities.

    New revelations concerning the receipt of cash gifts on behalf of the Duchess of York damages him further still. The man is a loose cannon and should be stood down before he does any further damage.

    Free Member

    HR –

    Then: A vital conduit between management and workforce

    Now: Internal affairs at best and virtual secret police at worst

    Free Member

    Why did police arrest the Adobe Acrobat?

    Because he was a pdf file.

    Free Member

    That’s a good thing.

    You’re through to the elimination stages.

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